Kris Carr

Kris Carr


16 Plant-Based Foods High in Iron

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In this post:

Iron Definition | Iron-Deficiency Anemia | Do I Need to Eat Meat? | Foods that Increase Iron Absorption | Foods that Decrease Iron Absorption | 16 Plant-Based Iron Sources + Recipes | Sample Day of Eating

Hi Sweet Friends,

I’m often asked if I get enough iron through my plant-based diet. The short answer is heck yeah! But the longer answer breaks down why iron is important, where to get it, and what to do if you’re deficient and that’s a bit more complex.

That’s why I teamed up with Crazy Sexy RD, Jen Reilly for this blog post. We’ve broken things down so that plant-powered readers can feel confident about meeting their iron needs.

Key Takeaways ✔

  • You don’t need to eat meat. You CAN get enough iron from a plant-based diet as long as you’re strategic.
  • Vitamin C rich foods eaten in conjunction with iron-rich foods can increase iron absorption.
  • Tannins and phytates can decrease iron absorption when eaten with foods high in iron.
  • Plant-based iron sources include soybeans, sesame seeds, lentils, spinach, chickpeas, lima beans, kidney beans, nacy beans, swiss chard, quinoa, dried apricots, pumpkin seeds, prune juice, dark chocolate, blackstrap molasses, and sweet potatoes.
  • First, Let’s Cover the Basics: What Is Iron?

    So glad you asked! Iron is an essential mineral whose main job is to produce hemoglobin to carry oxygen from our lungs to the rest of our body. Iron is also key in the creation of myoglobin in muscle cells (which also transports good ole’ O2 to cells). Iron is even important for energy metabolism. It’s also part of the enzymes that are essential for tip-top digestion and overall body health.

    The health benefits of iron make it an important ingredient in healthy eating. Without enough iron, red blood cells are fewer and smaller, which means they’re not transporting sufficient oxygen where it needs to go. When this happens, your organs and tissues can’t work as well as they should (keep reading for more on that!).

    Iron Deficiency Anemia: What Happens When You Have an Iron Deficiency

    Iron deficiency anemia—sometimes spelled as iron deficiency anaemia—is actually the most common nutritional deficiency in the US.

    Iron deficiency anemia develops when you don’t have enough iron in your body (source), sometimes from a lack of iron-rich foods in one’s diet.

    An iron deficiency can lead to delayed motor and mental functioning in infants, small or pre-term babies for pregnant women, fatigue, lightheadedness, headaches, grumpiness, inability to concentrate, and impaired mental clarity in adults and teens (source).

    If you suspect that you may be iron deficient, make an appointment with your doc. He or she will probably look for signs of anemia such as pale skin, irregular heartbeat, and rapid breathing, and do an exam to check for internal bleeding. But, most commonly, iron deficiency is found by doing a blood test that tests for hemoglobin and hematocrit levels.

    What if you’re eating iron-rich foods and you’re still anemic?

    Should You Take an Iron Supplement?

    It’s possible to eat lots of iron-rich foods (plant-based or not) and still be anemic. This may be because of a weakened digestive system due to celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease, or other conditions that cause insufficient stomach acid.

    In these cases, iron supplements may be warranted. A daily dose of 25-50 mg of iron may be helpful (swig that supplement down with some vitamin C-rich green juice!) until iron levels hit the recommended range. But always, always check with your doc for specific recommendations.

    It’s about finding a delicate balance. Excess iron can damage your liver, heart, and pancreas. So you do want to make sure you’re not taking too much iron.

    Need help finding balance? Let me give you a kickstart!


    Do You Need to Eat Meat to Increase Your Iron Intake?

    Nope! There are plenty of iron-rich vegetarian foods. But I like to give you guys the full scoop, so let’s clarify a few things. There are two kinds of iron:

    • Heme Iron: Heme is found in red meat, fish, and poultry. This type of iron is in foods that contain hemoglobin. The body absorbs 7-35 % of heme iron (more readily absorbed than non-heme iron).
    • Non-heme Iron: Non-heme iron is found in numerous plants. The body absorbs 2-20% of non-heme iron. The percentage is lower because this type of iron is more sensitive to other dietary factors that may limit its absorption (more on how to avoid that in the next section).

    It’s worth mentioning that while meat protein nearly doubles the absorption of non-heme iron, vitamin C is also effective to help your body absorb iron and doesn’t have the associated risk of increased heart disease like the iron only found in meat.

    The good news is that iron needs can be met completely with iron from plant sources. It’s just important to pay attention to the factors that may affect absorption—especially if someone is iron deficient. And, it means you’ll have to eat more vitamin c rich foods.

    Plant Foods that Increase Iron Absorption

    Drumroll please…You can enhance iron absorption by eating foods—you got it—rich in vitamin C.

    Vitamin C Rich Foods

    No need for iron supplementation! You can improve iron absorption by eating foods high in vitamin C. Combine iron-rich foods in the same meal with these vitamin C-rich foods to improve your body’s ability to absorb iron more efficiently:

    • Papaya
    • Bell peppers
    • Broccoli
    • Brussels sprouts
    • Kiwi
    • Pineapple
    • Citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruit, strawberries)
    • Cauliflower

    Vitamin C is an acid (ascorbic to be exact), and acids increase the bioavailability of iron. Bottom line: Increase iron absorption and add these foods to your plate with foods high in iron every day!

    Foods that Inhibit Iron Absorption

    Absorption of plant-based iron can be decreased when certain foods are part of the meal. But, keep in mind that unless you’re genuinely iron deficient and need to maximize iron absorption at every turn, these foods and supplements in your diet shouldn’t make a big impact on your iron status.


    Tannins found in herbal teas, peppermint tea, red grapes, chocolate, and coffee reduce iron absorption (study here). So you should avoid drinking coffee, red wine, tea etc. while eating foods high in iron. However, consuming these foods an hour before or an hour after the iron-rich meal does not affect iron absorption.


    Phytates are important antioxidants and anti-inflammatory plant compounds found in the highest quantities in whole grains, wheat bran, soybeans, pinto beans, kidney beans, and peanuts. Oddly enough, some of the foods that are high in iron also contain high amounts of phytates.

    Phytates bind to plant-based iron and lower its absorption. But soaking, fermenting, sprouting, and cooking all reduce phytate content by 50-75%. So, the chance of phytates truly affecting iron absorption is pretty slim, especially since most plant foods contain some iron and only a few raw plant-based foods contain notable levels of phytates.

    Here are some foods that impact iron absorption:

    • Egg Protein (both the yolk and the white)
    • Calcium Supplements and Dairy Foods compete with iron for uptake in your intestinal tract
    • Zinc and Manganese supplements
    • Peppermint and Chamomile
    • Antacids decrease iron absorption because they reduce stomach acid

    16 Plant-Based Iron Sources

    Many plant-based foods are iron rich and can provide an adequate iron intake. There are the top 16 plant-based foods you can use to give your diet the iron boost that it needs (and we threw in some delicious iron-rich recipes, too).

    1. Organic Soybeans

    Soybeans pack a powerful punch and should be a staple in any vegetarian or vegan diet. Soybeans contain 4.5 mg of iron per serving (1/2 cup or 86 grams).

    2. Sesame Seeds

    Roasted and toasted sesame seeds contain 4.2 mg of iron in a 1 oz. (28 g) serving. You can eat your sesame seeds in yummy bars like this one, sprinkle some on top of this Broccoli Curry Udon, or make Turmeric Herb Falafel or Raw Carrot Falafel.

    3. Lentils

    Eating a half cup (99 g) of cooked lentils will get you a serving of 3.3 mg of iron. On busy days, I love making simple soups like this 1-Pot Lentil, Potato and Spinach Soup or this Sweet Potato & Lentil Soup.

    4. Spinach

    These dark green leafy vegetables contain 3.2 mg of iron per 1/2 a cup serving (90g). Beet greens pack a similar nutrient punch. You can’t go wrong with ripping and dipping your favorite pita bread in a bowl of vegan Spinach Artichoke Dip!

    5. Chickpeas

    Cooked chickpeas (also called garbanzo beans) contain 3.3mg of iron per a 1/2 cup (82g) serving. My favorite way to eat chickpeas is in a yummy hummus! Here’s a few scrumptious hummus recipes: 

    6. Lima Beans

    These lil’ lima beans contain 2.3 mg of iron 1/2 a cup (94 g) when cooked. 

    7. Kidney Beans

    I’m not kidding when I tell you that a 1/2 cup serving of cooked kidney beans contains 2.2 mg of iron per serving. They’re great in soups, chili, and bean salads! Another fantastic recipe you should try if you want to eat more kidney beans is this one for Chili Quinoa Bean Bites With Chipotle Mashed Sweet Potatoes.

    8. Navy Beans

    These great beans are next, and also contain 2.2 mg of iron per 1/2 cup serving (91 g).

    9. Swiss Chards

    Cooked swiss chard contains 2 mg of iron per cup 1/2 cup serving. This Butternut Squash and Chard Vegan Lasagna is a great one to feed the whole family!

    10. Quinoa

    Quinoa is an ancient grain that contains 1.4 mg of iron per 1/2 cup serving. Try one of these iron rich meals:

    11. Dried Apricots

    Finally, a fruit! Dried fruits like apricots can be good sources of iron. Dried apricots contain 1 mg of iron per 1/3 cup serving (or 40 g).

    12. Prune Juice

    This one might surprise you, but prune juice contains 2.9 mg of iron per cup! Prune juice is also well-known for helping you poop!

    13. Pumpkin Seeds

    Pumpkin seeds are another great source to help you get more iron in your diet, containing 1 mg of iron per 1 oz. serving. These are a yummy snack on their own when baked with a little oil and salt or great addition to a salad for some added crunch. You can even use them in vegan mac & cheese. Hemp seeds and sunflower seeds are other great seeds to eat.

    14. Dark Chocolate

    Dark chocolate is a special treat that contains 7 mg of iron in a 3 oz serving. Win-win!

    15. Blackstrap Molasses

    You didn’t expect this one, did you? Blackstrap molasses contains around 1.9 mg of iron per two tablespoons (you’ll just want to limit how often you incorporate it into your diet because of the high sugar content).

    16. Baked Sweet Potatoes (and Regular Potatoes)

    Sweet potatoes contain around 2.2 mg of iron in a single serving (a potato). Baked Potatoes with the skin have around 2 mg of iron. This versatile veggie can be served as a falafel, hummus, soup, added to a quinoa bowl, cut into french fries, turned into a burger, stuffed with other yummy goodness, and so much more! 

    Honorable mentions include things like fortified breakfast cereal, coconut milk, amaranth, and cannellini beans.

    As you can see, many plant foods are rich in iron content and there’s an endless amount of delectable ways to eat them. To help you get started, here’s a sample of what you can eat in a day to increase your iron intake!

    Sample Day of Iron for a 40-Year-Old Woman

    How much iron does a women of reproductive age need to eat? Most adults need at least 8mg of dietary iron intake per day. Women should shoot for more, specifically 15-18 mg per day. Here’s what it could look like!

    • Breakfast: ⅓ cup rolled oats (1.2 mg) cooked with 1.5 oz raisins (1 small box, 0.8 mg iron) = 2 mg iron
    • Snack: 8 ounces of green juice (pack in those leafy greens)
    • Lunch: Lentil Spinach Soup (1 cup lentils [6.6 mg ] + ½ cup cooked spinach [3.2 mg]) with bell pepper salad = 9.8 mg iron
    • Snack: Veggies and rice crackers with tahini dip (made with 1 oz sesame seeds) = 4.2 mg iron
    • Dinner: 1 cup sautéed Swiss Chard (2 mg) over 1 cup cooked quinoa (2.8 mg) with lemon = 4.8 mg iron

    TOTAL: 20.8 mg of iron

    I hope we’ve demonstrated that iron is one of the proteins essential to a vegetarian diet and that there are plenty of plant-based food groups that can provide the iron you need without turning to animal products.

    Iron comes up a lot when you’re talking about a plant-based diet, but I know there are a lot of other questions flying around out there. What curiosities pop up in your conversations about eating a plant-empowered diet (even if you’re not 100% vegan)?

    Peace & Popeye,

    Add a comment
    1. Maria says:

      Great infographic! When volunteering for donating blood, they told me during the screening that millet is a good source of iron as well! I looked it up and 100 grams cooked contains abut 1.5 mg of iron <3 I love it as it is a more affordable option than quinoa, so I alternate between the two. Love! M

    2. Eileen says:

      I eat a lot of these foods and I’m still low on iron. Kris, you often mention some of your favorite supplements to take while eating a plant based diet. I’d like to add supplements and I’ve been advised to by my endocrinologist- but she didn’t have any suggestions!!! I trust you recommendations. Are there any brands that you trust for iron supplements?

    3. Cindy caporale says:

      Thanks Kris. I don’t know if u remember me, Cindy Caporale. UCSPCA. I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer last September. Underwent surgery and now tough chemo at Sloan. I have all your books. My daughter forwarded me your post.

    4. Kara says:

      As an anemic vegan, I can tell you firsthand that the Lucky Iron Fish has gone a looooooong way toward making my life sane and healthy. And they are a company helping many on the planet to have access to iron needed. and over on their FB page they tell the best #FishPunFriday jokes 🙂

    5. Nicola Corcoran says:

      What advice would you give about supplementing with iron if you’ve had cancer?

    6. Bec says:

      Great article Kris. I’m a little low on iron levels since becoming vegetarian. Can you clarify the bit about calcium supplements being a blocker, but not calcium itself? I’ve read in several places that calcium in general is an iron blocker, so I’m wondering how something that contains both calcium and iron (eg. Spinach) goes when it comes to absorption…

    7. Sally Molloy says:


      Do you think we can get all the nutrition we need from a vegan diet? Or shoul we be taking some supplements?

    8. mike says:

      Just wondering – why none of the sites (suggesting iron rich foods) mention anything about parsley?? Apparently 100g of it has 6.2mg of iron!!!! That’s more than I’ve seen on any single item these sites suggest

    9. Victoria Alexander says:

      Great article! I like to use and recommend Floradix iron by Flora for people who need supplementation. It’s a whole food fermented plant based iron with no preservatives that comes from Germany and that is non constipating. I thought you might want to check it out. : ) Thanks again for the breakdown on what foods to eat for iron intake. Very helpful!

    10. Charlotte says:

      Hi Kris, this is perfect timing… I’m vegan, gluten- and sugar-free and eat super healthily, but the past 3 blood tests I’ve had (over about 1 year and a half) show that I’m anaemic. HOWEVER, this is ONLY based on my ferritin levels, which is what the GP (here in the UK) says is the measure of anaemia.
      You write: “iron deficiency is found by doing a blood test that tests for hemoglobin and hematocrit levels.” Like you, I’ve read that those are better measures of iron, and that measuring ferritin only is not an accurate measure of how efficiently the body carries oxygen to the cells, and that actually low ferritin levels may be beneficial! But my father-in-law (a doctor in Spain) also confirmed the same as my GP, that ferritin is the standard measure of anaemia.
      I’m so confused!! Can anyone comment please? I’m doing all the right combinations (eating iron with vitamin C) so if I am deficient then I must have more complex absorption issues, plus I didn’t feel any better when I was taking iron supplements…

    11. Kathleen says:

      Thanks for the info. Where do post-menopausal women fall on the infographic?

    12. Stephanie says:

      I follow a plant based diet and I eat a LOT of those foods suggested and I’m STILL anemic 🙁 As far as I know I don’t have any other diseases (like celiac or other) and I feel great, health wise, with good energy and no iron deficiency symptoms of any kind. Is it possible some people just have lower natural iron level than others?

    13. Christine says:

      Kris, thank you so much for the article!

      I have been anemic for the majority of my life, but have also tried to stay away from unnatural health supplements as much as possible – which means plant-based iron is super important for me!

      I was wondering, how do you feel about liquid nutrition supplements?

      I ask because I found this “Iron Liquid” supplement ( that is supposed to absorb very easily into the body. Of course, I know nothing is better than real food sources, but something like this would certainly cut down my meal planning time!

    14. Emily says:

      love this info! thanks for your help! after trawling the internet i have found that these two sites have really good iron rich recipe collections that seem to be updated seasonally, which is awesome! and

      being a vego, it’s a bit harder to get the iron in, but these recipes have really helped!

    15. I love your posting and would add that the more colorful plants the better.

    16. Thalia says:

      I’ve had a pretty severe flair up of IBS and ulcers, was using antacids every day. I didn’t know how awful that was for nutrition, and my digestive system. I stopped using all antacids, and only use baking soda once a month or so instead. I began consuming an ounce of olive oil per day (incorporate into diet, or eat after drinking the olive oil). It took about a month being off antacids (and avoiding acidic and fried food) before something interesting happened. My stomach seems to have FIXED itself. My bowel problems are a little better, but still there. But my stomach is almost NEVER acidic anymore. I stopped the antacids and just eat vegetables, pita bread, olive oil, lean meat (an ounce a day), and almost no processed food. Feeling better, but still looking into the IBS. It’s SUCH a relief to be rid of all the acid problems.

    17. Damayanthi says:

      Hi Kris,
      I recently became a vegetarian & everyone in the household is worried about my iron levels.
      I actually got a blood test last week – that was fine.
      Anyway your PDF will help a lot.
      Thanks for sharing.

    18. Marie says:

      I know this is an older article, but wanted to share. Your hemoglobin isn’t always an indicator of low iron. My hemoglobin is normal, but my ferritin level is very low. If you don’t feel great, have both checked…..

    19. Katariina says:

      Very good information, thanks for this!!

      There seems to be an error in the picture. The females need 15-18 mg, but lactating women (in parenthesis under the pregnant women), only 9-10 mg. Why is that or should it be additional 9-10 mg??


      • Kris Carr says:

        Hi Katariina,

        Since lactating women are typically not menstruating, their iron needs are less. But, as soon as a nursing mom’s monthly cycle returns, she needs about 15 mg iron daily. Very little iron is contained in breast milk which is also why breastfed babies need supplemental iron at 6-9 months old. Up until then, they have enough iron from being in the womb. Here’s the NIH link on recommended intakes:

    20. Ann says:

      What about for those of us who have hemochromatosis? I discovered that I have iron overload!

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