
9 Easy Self Care Ideas for Your Morning Routine

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Hiya Gorgeous,

How do you start your day? Does your first waking thought stress you out? Do you spend mornings feeling frazzled?

How often do you wake up, turn on the TV, and immediately check your phone, send an email, then a text? Maybe you check social media, freak out over something you read, and end up feeling bad about your response?

Between checking your digital feeds, there are the kids to feed and lunches to pack. You pour a third cup of very strong coffee and send another email—all before 7am. Is that really how you want to live your life?

Your Morning Routine Shapes Your Day

Yes, I know we’re busy people, but can you see how a schedule like this could kickstart adrenaline? I sure can. I have my own variation of this story and it’s just as chaotic. When I hit the ground running, I generally feel unstable!

So every morning I have a routine that I use to untangle anxious thoughts and set positive intentions for the day. I think of it as time to connect with myself and charge my batteries.

That’s why I want to pass along a few self care ideas for creating a morning routine you’ll love. That way, you can start your day with activities that feed your energy. It’s not selfish to invest in your wonderful self, my friend. You’re your #1 asset and if you want to live fully, you’ve got to fill your tank! 

1. Start your morning the night before.

The best morning rituals start the night before. So, start your morning by writing down your to-do list before you go to bed. Taking time to jot down your important tasks for the next day helps you wake up and begin your day with focus and intention. Believe me, it will make a big difference in your daily life.

2. Begin your morning routine with a gentle alarm.

If you need to set the alarm clock, make sure it’s soft and sweet. There’s nothing worse for your adrenals than the blaring sound of an obnoxious alarm that immediately leaves you feeling stressed. Instead, choose something like a subtle chime that slowly brings you back into consciousness. Good morning, angel.

3. Kickstart your day with a happy outlook.

You don’t have to be a morning person to kickstart your day with some positive thinking. This is the perfect time to connect with your soul. Our first moments are our most open and sacred. They are the bridge between the subconscious and conscious mind.

If you’re like me, it probably takes a few minutes to feel present and in your body. Rather than tuning into the outside noise, go inside first. Silently give thanks and show yourself some much-deserved love. Begin each morning by blessing your day. How lovely, right?

Here’s an example of what I say upon waking: 

“Thank you for another day on this glorious planet. May I be happy, healthy, grateful, kind, and loving today. May I be of service to myself and others. Thank you. I love you. Have a beautiful day, sweet Kris.”

This simple morning habit truly changes everything because it helps shift our perceptions about ourselves and the world around us. Too often we focus on what we don’t have or what’s missing in our relationships, jobs, or overall well-being. We wake up ready to judge and criticize. Wouldn’t you rather immerse yourself in happiness?

Now that’s what I call a beautiful self care idea for your morning routine!

4. Set positive intentions every morning.

While there are circumstances in our lives that we can’t change, nothing can take away our freedom to choose our own thoughts. Your mind is your sovereign space, and you are the leader of that kingdom. This fundamental truth is one of the most important revelations we can have about our power.

Love, peace, war, forgiveness—it all stems from a thought. I encourage you to allow daily gratitude, prayer, and blessings to guide your morning thoughts. Though it may seem small to begin with thanks, in truth, it’s revolutionary. Setting a positive intention every morning helps you start your day focused on the good that lies ahead.

5. Drink a smoothie, juice, or glass of lemon water before coffee.

People always ask me if I drink coffee in the morning. The answer? Yes! But I always feel better when I put something healthy in my stomach before my tea or coffee.

Drinking a smoothie with good fats and protein, or a green juice loaded with vitamins and minerals, helps me avoid overdoing the caffeine and the crashes that come with it.

And don’t forget to drink a big ol’ glass of water with lemon upon rising. The benefits are insurmountable, and your liver and bowels will thank you. Try this tip, and I swear it will change your day!

6. Schedule a few minutes for a healthy breakfast.

Eating breakfast every morning as part of your daily routine is a great way to energize your day. Try out some of these healthy meals:

Starting your morning with breakfast makes a positive impact on the rest of the day.

7. Write in a gratitude journal.

Another great morning ritual is to write a bit in your journal. Why? One of the best self care ideas for learning about yourself is to write about your thoughts and feelings. Talk to yourself on the page. Ask questions and listen for the answers.

If you have nothing to say, write “I have nothing to say” over and over until you do. Or try something like “If I did have something to share, what would it be?” Just get the conversation going. You’d be surprised how impactful a five-minute journal session can have on your entire day.

8. Incorporate meditation into your morning routine.

Before you dive into your morning routine, take a few moments to take some deep breaths. Sitting in silence is a great way to embrace the healing space between thoughts. I always feel so comforted when I embrace meditation in my morning routine.

If you’re new to this practice, just sit in a comfortable position for 10 minutes and focus on your breath. When a thought comes (and it will), acknowledge it by saying something like “thinking” to yourself and then try to let it go (that may not be possible right away—don’t worry if that’s the case).

You can also use counting or a mantra to anchor your attention. Try counting from 1–10. Again, if a thought comes, pause, say “thinking” and resume where you left off. An example of a mantra I like to use is “I am love.” The most important thing is to do whatever works for you and don’t be hard on yourself.

I recently took a workshop with one of my favorite teachers, Pema Chodron. Pema is a Buddhist nun who has been meditating for more than 40 years. Even though I know she has a great sense of humor, I nearly fell off my cushion when she joked about being terrible at meditating! But she shared this with us out of kindness, so we would stop beating ourselves up for being sucky meditators. So, if Pema can have compassion for her practice, so can we.

9. Wake up your body with mindful movement.

In the summer I spend a lot of time hiking and swimming. I like to get up early, take a walk or jump in my pool and do some laps. On the days I start my morning routine with movement, I feel amazing.

Not just my physical health, my mental health too! My mood is perky, my attention and focus are strong, and I feel more vibrant.

It’s no wonder that some of the most successful people in the world say that exercising before work is the secret to their success. And you don’t have to incorporate heavy exercise into your morning routine for it to help.

Forget the gym if it’s not your thing. Take a quick walk in nature or a bike ride to get some fresh air instead. Do a sun salutation or gentle stretching in the living room. If that’s too much, dance to uplifting music as you blow dry your hair.

Just try to move your body a little more than you did yesterday. Even if you only have five minutes, do some squats. Brush your teeth and strengthen your thighs! Exercise is a great way to reduce stress, get your blood flowing, and kickstart a productive day.

Use these self care ideas to make morning rituals a part of your healthy routine.

When you spend time focusing on healthy habits that leave you feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and grateful, it makes a big difference in your life. I hope this blog post helped you brainstorm ways to incorporate mindful practices into your day.

Your Turn: What morning rituals help you start your day in a healthy way? I wanna know what works for you and I know our community will, too!

Peace & roosters,


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  1. Water FIRST. Movement with SWEAT. Seeing kiddies off to school. FOOD! Quiet time with my husband, Steve. Prayer. Meditation. Gratitude. Reading. In that order, on a good day:)

  2. Aline says:

    I used to start my day with a simple thank you like the first line of your blessing, but I LOVE your expanded version. Just reading it makes me feel calm and almost teary. Thank you, thank you for sharing. Can hardly wait ’til tomorrow to start using it, although I may not wait. Thinking about printing it to a slip of paper to keep on my nightstand as a note to my physical self; maybe even a bookmark to serve as a reminder throughout the day. Hmm.

  3. Couldn’t agree more about the alarm. I have mine set to a chimes type of sound. It doesn’t scare me when it goes off or more importantly, my fur babies! 🙂

  4. I have some fundamentals every day… and add more on days when I can. I rise, notice I have been given another day and say thank you many times. I light a candle to honour the day. As i put on the kettle I drink a warm glass of water with lemon (I am a yogi 🙂 and then I go and use the neti pot to clear my head. I sit for 10 minutes…often write, then exercise if I have time. I will make more time for movement as the summer comes.
    Then, I am ready to face kids, work and our hectic schedule. Without this grounding in myself, I’m not sure where I would be!

  5. Léonie says:

    For me, hot water with lemon, green smoothie, meditation and yoga/brisk walk are all part of my morning routine! No excuse! And when I skip one step or even a few of them (never skip them all…), I feel less centered and energized! 🙂

  6. alexandra says:

    I am a morning-workout person because I just don’t feel as awake if I don’t move right away. That is my best ritual, but I can see how it can be strenuous since I wake up at my first alarm (no snooze) and head right to class. I’m looking into changing my ritual very soon to bring more relaxation into the morning. love these tips!

  7. Ikuko says:

    Thank you Kris for a lovely post. I’ve been reading your blog and watching your videos for a few months now. I find you very uplifting and inspiring. When people comment on how strange my dietary habits are, I can sometimes be discouraged, but then I remember that people don’t know what I know from inspirational people like you, Kris. I continue on my path of clean, mostly plant-based diet because ultimately I feel good and my body has been the healthiest ever since changing my diet 🙂

    My morning routine is valuable to me and I notice the difference when I miss the routine.
    I use a gentle alarm to wake myself up at 6:00am. While still lying in bed, I visualise my day going smoothly, then say a few affirmations. I then sit up and drink a big glass of water, and meditate for 10 minutes. Then I do some sun salutations to wake my body up. Then I go downstairs to write and read for 10 minutes each. I usually tend to make breakfast and lunches for the children after that. When they have left for school, I meditate using a guided meditation (usually Deepak Chopra’s) which is 10-20 minutes and then move my body using the 7-minute exercise app. That is my hour-long morning routine and feel fantastic most days!

  8. Jess says:

    Yas! Such a great routine!
    Stay groovy 🙂

  9. Elizabeth says:

    Love this Kris! It’s all so true, and our morning routines are similar. I refuse to look at email, FB, etc first thing. I drink lemon water then coffee, do some quick exercises, and start my quiet time which includes prayer, breathing, affirmations, visualization, reading and journaling. Just a few minutes of each but it keeps my head straight. Then off for a walk with my pup KO. I am a huge believer in getting your morning off to a positive start. It is truly life changing. I recently did a blog post on my morning routine too! If anyone wants to check it out, it was called “Happy, healthy and hot morning” over at http://elizres.com Love everything you do Kris! Thanks for all the positive inspiration!

  10. Kevin Peterson says:

    I guess my problem is is that I like my bad habits too much. I love coffee, sugar, fatty foods. But I also love the way I feel after having a green drink. I’m supposing it’s all a matter of repetition until it become natural.

  11. mo says:

    also have slices or oranges and apples pre-cut in the morning, so that you will
    have good sugar in your bloodstream upon waking up!
    Sprouts first thing in the morning are great too!

  12. Mel says:

    Hi Kris,

    I start the day with a green juice loaded with goodness and feel amazing afterwards. I am attempting to rise earlier in order to do some sort of exercise, but am normally tired and can’t drag myself out of bed. My goal for the next month is to wake up and do something at least 3 times a week to start.

    Wish me luck!

    Mel ❤️ xxx

  13. Antoinette says:

    I begin my awakening with a thank you for being alive! I then flow into an attitude of gratitude for all the wonderful things in my life……and there are lots of wonderful things. I continue with a 5 minute energy routine including jump starting my energy flow and tracing meridians and then enjoy a lovely healthy juice drink…..mmmm! I focus on being grateful for different things throughout my day even challenges because they help my growth. As much as I can I purposely focus on loving life.

  14. Bernard says:

    I do tenpin bowling it’s awsome I walk I swim

  15. Tamara says:

    My gorgeous boyfriend wakes me every morning with a cup of orange and lemon tea, a wide smile and a hearty ‘Beunos Dias mi amor’ (he’s learning Spanish!). We then do an hour of Kundalini Yoga which beautifully awakens the mind and body and then we’re ready for anything 🙂

  16. Hilary says:

    Also, my fiance and I just bought a gentle wake up alarm by Phillips. It simulates natural light to wake us up and has bird chirping and gentle chime options. Other than that and cuddling with fiance for a long time, mornings are pretty slugglish in our household. I am excited to explore the possibilities for experiencing my mornings in a new way. I’ll start adding a dose of curiosity to my routine :).

  17. Hilary says:

    You are gifted at describing the bridge between meditation and life. I often struggle with getting to the cushion because my life is so out of control and busy. However, I am creating so much of the speed in my life. Thank you for sharing your personal experience of slowing things down and taking care of yourself. I have done lots of wonderful Shambhala courses that have helped me understand myself better, but it is also helpful to see someone like you who gives very practical examples of how awareness manifests in daily life. Thank you for being brave and leading the way. I’ll look to your website, books and other offerings to encourage me as I try to be braver in my own life. :).

  18. Dan Neamtu says:

    Hey Kris,
    Your morning rituals are so nice. Starting the day in the healthy way can take some practice. I found that find each morning 3 new informational resources, read and say hello can make life better. Thanks for the inspiration!

  19. Joanna Silvestri says:

    Hi Kris , I’ve been following you for a few years now and have all of your books ! I admire you and you inspire me ! I was diagnosed with hashimotos disease a few years back but the symptoms didn’t hit until peri menopause came along . So it’s been a double whammie and I’m feeling really crappy . Do you have any thoughts on the autoimmune disease ? Thx so much in advance ! Sincerely Joanna Silvestri

  20. Debbie R says:

    I wake in the morning to a gentle alarm, turn on the light on my nightstand to help my body wake. Then, I’ve been using Louise Hay’s meditation app every morning (and evening) while in bed for about 10 minutes and continue to listen while I’m leisurely taking a shower. Funny how a morning shower that used to feel like a sprint, now is a relaxing spa-like experience without adding any extra time! I then do my own affirmations / gratitudes and start my day.
    In the few weeks since I started this, my attitude is completely different! I’m calmer, yet more energized and very present in the moment. It’s rubbing off on my hubby and the kids…I’ve even got our 10 year old using positive affirmation thoughout the day!

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