Kris Carr

Kris Carr

Blog Post

11 Life-Changing Tips for Cancer Patients

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Hiya Gorgeous!

The eleven tips you’re about to read have been life-changing for me.

Some of them may seem simple, but I come back to these practices whenever I need to get grounded and remind myself that living with cancer can be healthy—it can even be vibrant, abundant and filled with beauty.

Whether or not you’re living with cancer like me, these tips are universal. I know you’re going to find something (or maybe a few things!) that resonates with you.

So, let’s dive in…

During my teens and twenties, I celebrated (or avoided) Valentine’s Day. Each year had its own flavor. Heartache, romantic plans gone awry and some very sweet moments, too. But, February 14, 2003 changed that day forever. That’s the day I was diagnosed with an incurable, stage IV cancer.

Life stopped… and then transformed.

Valentine’s Day is a very spiritual celebration now. I call it my “cancerversary,” a day of deep self-love, reflection, gratitude and re-birth. It took me over a decade, post-diagnosis, to get to that sacred place. But, I’m here now and if you’re newly diagnosed, trust that you will get there, too.

For many patients, cancer is no longer a death sentence.

Really take that in. The first doctor I spoke to suggested a triple organ transplant, the second gave me 10 years to live. Thankfully, both were wrong and I didn’t listen. If you’ve been given statistical projections or an expiration date, there’s a good chance your well-meaning doctor could be wrong, too.

Once I found a better oncologist for my disease, my entire world opened up. As you may know, I have a weird slow-moving (could get aggressive one day) sarcoma. And though I’m living with cancer, I do it in a healthy, harmonious way. In fact, today I call myself a cancer thriver and I bet that no matter what your personal, medical or emotional pickle is (cancer or something else), you can be a thriver, too.

I would never say that life with cancer is easy, but it can be quite stunning and rich, even in the midst of the pain. These tips have helped me feel better and get stronger along the way. I think they’ll be useful for you or someone you love, too.

11 Tips for Healthy Living with Cancer

1. When the going gets tough, take a really deep breath.

This is the first (and most important) move you can make when the shit hits the fan. There will be endless ideas, advice, theories and even some medical bullying slung your way. Your breath is the gateway to your intuition—it will help you navigate the noise. Breathe and listen. Your breath also has the power to reduce stress (more on that below). When we’re in prolonged fight or flight mode, it’s hard to make decisions and easy to get depressed, anxious and exhausted. Breathe.

2. Find the best oncologist for your disease.

If I had listened to the first doctor, I wouldn’t be here today. Thankfully, I was willing to travel to find the best oncologist for my sarcoma. If you’re newly diagnosed (with any medical issue), I highly suggest you do the same. Your life is in their hands. Do they have experience and access to the latest research? Are they tapped into a network of colleagues who can discuss your case? Your local hospital may not cut it. My oncologist at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute understands all the current traditional treatment options for my disease. I still haven’t had any conventional treatment, but should my disease become aggressive, he’d be my first stop (but not my last).

How to find an oncologist: Start by Googling the top 10 cancer hospitals in the U.S. Also, use the resources below to explore the best oncologist for your specific cancer. In addition to these tips, network! I’ve found the best support by asking my doctor, family and friends.

3. Your oncologist (or other doctor) probably isn’t enough.

Build an integrative team. Integrative and functional medicine practitioners treat your whole body, not just the symptoms. How do they do that? With dietary recommendations, targeted supplements, IVs, stress management tips and other integrative therapies that improve your overall well-being, including boosting your immune system.

How to find an integrative MD: Check out the directories below. Again, network your butt off. Ask around and interview the prospective healing candidates—that’s right, they work for you.

4. Reduce inflammation. Eat plants.

In a nutshell: Embrace gorgeous greens, beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, whole grains, sea veggies, fruits and vegetables galore. Crowd out inflammatory, hormone-filled dairy and other animal products (even organic) by filling your plate with plant-strong, whole foods. And while you’re at it, dump the processed white stuff, especially sugar (it feeds cancer and other bullshit). Speaking of sugar, choose low-glycemic fruits and desserts. If you’re not interested in going full tilt vegan, make plants your main dish and think of everything else as a condiment. If you don’t ditch animal products, reduce your consumption to 2-3 times per week and avoid factory farm products at all costs. For delicious recipes, check out our recipe section at, Crazy Sexy Juice and Crazy Sexy Kitchen.

5. Juice your ass off. Not sugary juices.

Avoid store bought processed juices and choose fresh, green, healing juices that you make yourself. Organic is definitely best if you can afford it. If not, check out the Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen for guidance on avoiding chemical-laden produce. Without a shadow of a doubt, my daily, low-glycemic green juice practice has allowed me to thrive in spite of my obstacles. My basic juicing rule for patients is a 3:1 ratio—three veggies to one low-glycemic fruit. You can also add lemon, as it has very little sugar. Ginger rocks too. Juices are nutrient dense, hydrating, energizing and medicinal. If you only have a blender, that’s great, too. Make green smoothies instead. Cheers!


6. Choose safe personal care and cleaning products.

The average person uses 9 personal care products per day containing about 126 chemical ingredients. But, the FDA doesn’t review or approve the majority of these products before they go to market. In addition, companies aren’t required to test their products and are allowed to leave hazardous chemicals off their labels. So, it’s no surprise that many of the chemicals found in personal care products have been linked to increased risks of cancer, infertility, birth defects, hormone disruption, etc. Babies, children, teens, adults—we’re all exposed to these chemicals on a daily basis and there’s still much we do not know about their long-term health effects. The same holds true for household cleaning products. Is your laundry detergent safe? Find out. Use the EWG’s Skin Deep Database and learn about toxic chemicals and body burden here.

7. Sedentary lifestyles are actually dangerous.

While it’s important to rest, lack of exercise actually speeds up muscle wasting, weakens your endurance and immunity, and creates more fatigue. Your body needs to move and stay strong. You’ll handle cancer treatments and other medical procedures better and recover faster when you have more muscle tone and flexibility. Did I mention proper bowel movements? Yeah… movement helps with that, too (pun intended!). Exercise also reduces inflammation and growth stimulators like estrogen, insulin and IGF-1. Studies have shown that even short bursts of exercise can have impressive results for your health. You don’t need a lot of time or fancy equipment to make a difference. But, you gotta get out of your chair and commit to some form of moderate exercise on a regular (almost daily) basis. Light weights, yoga, dance, martial arts—whatever rings your bell! Start with 10 minutes a day and see if you can work up to 30-60 minutes (do your best and always listen to your body).

8. Sleep like a champ.

A proper night’s sleep, especially between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m., will help you heal—for real. Not only will you be able to respond to treatments better, but restful sleep activates your body’s own regenerative abilities. You don’t have to enter monastic life and stick to perfect sleep hygiene, ya just need to create the conditions for more sleep on a consistent basis. Keep your room cool, block out all light, dump the coffee by noon—or switch to green tea (coffee = 140 milligrams of caffeine per serving, green tea = 25 milligrams)—peel back on the alcohol and drink it earlier with food (alcohol disrupts melatonin and blood sugar), give yourself time to wind down and set a loving intention: May I be peaceful, calm and sleepy!

9. Wrangle your stress.

Stress releases a cascade of hormones in your body. This is all well and good when you need to run or move out of the way quickly. But when the source of your stress is prolonged, like a cancer diagnosis that takes years or even a lifetime to manage, stress can become your number one enemy. Being diagnosed with cancer is one of the most traumatic events that can happen in anyone’s life. But, there are ways to manage the panic so it doesn’t weaken your immune system, disrupt your sleep and create more illness in your body. Meditation, hiking in the woods, pottery, yoga—anything that gets you out of your head and into your heart/body. In addition, you may need some good ole professional support. Yup, a shrink. Figure out what works for sweet you, and don’t forget a good ole massage from time to time. We hold so many issues in our precious tissues.

10. Accept where you are right now.

Unconditional acceptance is the path of the spiritual warrior. It takes courage to embrace your current situation—to be present and loving toward yourself exactly as you are. You are your reality. You are your truth. Can you change? Absolutely! But, even talking about change puts us in the future. And while there’s definitely a time for that, building a strong foundation in the now will allow you to consistently love and care for yourself. Stop for a minute. Give yourself props. Take in your good. If you’re hell bent on strategizing about all that could be better, then you must promise to give equal time to what’s amazing right now.

When I was first diagnosed, my burning goal was remission. Anything else seemed like colossal failure. And, even worse—my fault. Over a decade later, I’m a master at my own advice. I accept wonderful me, cancer and all. Does that mean that I’ve given up on my health? Of course not! It means I love and respect myself no matter what.

Acceptance is different from quitting. It means that no matter what happens, you won’t abandon yourself in your time of need. And, here’s the part that contributes to your overall well-being: Acceptance allows you to rest, renew and replenish.

11. Educate yourself.

Here are three powerful books that have been cancer lifelines for me:

1. Life Over Cancer by Keith Block M.D. (This is a must-read by my integrative oncologist.)
2. Anticancer Living by Lorenzo Cohen, PhD and Alison Jefferies (This book is outstanding!)
3. Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips by Kris Carr (Yours truly—writing that book rescued my life.)

I hope you’ll give these tips a try. Remember, you don’t have to transform your life overnight. Small, manageable changes go a long way when it comes to feeling better.

You are a treasured member of my virtual family, and I love you. Keep taking care of yourself.

Your turn: What tips and tricks have helped you along your health journey? Share in the comments below!

Peace & thriving,

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  1. Hélène says:

    Thank you lovely Kris.. This is exactly what i needed right now to help me and give me the courage and faith to continue on my next journey. I’m glad to know i’m not alone going through these emotions and with a positive and life loving attitude we can concur it all no matter what and as you said so well, with the whole package, because it’s ours. I will definitely read your suggestions and keep on reading you.. ????

  2. Hola buenas y bendecida tarde , he empezado a ver sus comentarios en los enlaces que me compartió , pues yo soy una mujer de 50 años, docente de profesión y desde hace 4 años fui diagnosticada con cáncer de seno metastásico , desde el comienzo la enfermedad ya estaba metastásica porque, desde el inicio me diagnosticaron fibromialgia y artrosis , razón por la cual el cáncer avanzo y me dejo con problemas de movilidad porque afecto seriamente mi columna, en la actualidad uso corset, pero el tratamiento de radioterapia y quimioterapias dio resultados y el cáncer cedió, pero este año por causa de la pandemia perdí tres meses de tratamiento y pues con la ultima gammagrafía me di cuenta que regreso.. he vivido estos 4 años desde mi diagnostico agarrada de la mano de DIOS, enriqueciendo mi vida espiritual y eso me ha ayudado mucho, aparte de que me cuido en mi dieta alimenticia, comprendo su experiencia y me gustaría conocer mucho mas , un abrazo desde la distancia, que DIOS la bendiga.

  3. Sheila Davis says:

    Hello wonderful Kris, thank you for this.

    When I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2012, I saw “crazy, sexy cancer” and immediately began working with the integrative doctor who spoke on the panel after your film. Among other things, she had me checked for mutations to the MTHFR gene, and found that I had two. It’s estimated that about 50% of the white population of the USA has MTHFR gene mutations. I researched and found that I needed to take activated B’s because my body could not process B vitamins from food or from ordinary supplements or even shots. The presence of B vitamins in the blood does not show whether or not your body can actually use them.

    As the B’s are your anti-stress vitamins, I’ve surmised that these mutations could explain the high levels of stress in my family growing up. Our household always seemed “on edge” with super-sensitive individuals needing hospitalization and medication. My older sister had a baby with severe spina bifida, my older brother committed suicide, another brother suffers mood disorders, my father was alcoholic, we were all self-medicating one way or another. AND the MTHFR gene mutations are key to estrogen processes which also affect breast cancer.

    How much of this could have been avoided if we had known to take activated B’s? I now take them twice a day. How many of us know whether or not we have these MTHFR gene mutations?

    Kris, have you got any further info re this? Would appreciate your experience.

  4. Constanze says:

    Dear Kris,

    you keep me going!! Thanks so much, Constanze

  5. Anika says:

    Thanks for providing such a helpful and informative blog.

  6. Zoe Campos says:

    Thank you for telling your readers that they need to be brave in order to embrace their current situation. My mother had been diagnosed with breast cancer and although it is treatable, she had seemed to have given up on her condition. My brother and I are having difficulties cheering her up and providing comfort words so she’ll have hope for her future, and I think it will be easier if she will accept it on her own. Also, we might look for a possible cancer support network online to see if there are other cancer survivors who are willing to talk to her.

    • Jennifer says:

      Hi Zoe, this is Jennifer from Team Crazy Sexy. We’re so sorry to hear about your mom, she is very lucky to have you and your brother. Support is so important and you’re a kind soul to help her find a group that will help her. We’re sending you so much love and lots of healing energy to your mom.

  7. Diane DiVita says:

    You are an inspiration and I try to practice something of yours daily.
    God Bless You!

  8. Lisa Roman says:

    I don’t have cancer, but it runs in my family. I am very aware of this. After coming across your book, Crazy Sexy Diet, in 2011 and reading it three times I have completely changed the way I eat and live. Because of you I came up with my own personal motto: prevention is the best cure. Thanks for all you do!

    • Jennifer says:

      Hi Lisa! This is Jennifer from Team Crazy Sexy. What a huge compliment! I’m forwarding to Kris right this minute because this will totally make her day. What a beautiful thing to say! I can already see her huge smile when she reads this. Thank you from Kris and the whole team! We love having you here with us.

  9. Linda says:

    Dear Kris,
    You are an inspiration.
    Congratulations on your good news!
    Thank you and blessings.

  10. Hitesh says:

    Thank for the information. The blog is really informative. I am learning a lot about ayurvedic treatment from you and healthreactive

  11. Laura Bush says:

    This information is meaningful and magnificent, Which you have shared here about the Tips for Cancer Patients. I am impressed by the details that you have shared in this post and It reveals how nicely you understand this subject. If anyone looking for the Best Oncologist in Bangalore then Dr Sandeep Nayak is good for Cancer Specialist.

  12. Life always change if someone has the cancer. My uncle was suffering from the Cervical Cancer. In fact we find The cure for Cervical Cancer but their life changes and also there is a life effect on the life of closed once. the points in your blog are really good for the them while learning the new things for the life.

  13. Christine Davis says:

    I love your seminar and you talk from the heart. I have made you my mentor and included you in my support team and hope l can be as strong as you as your story is incedable!! You give others hope knowledge and courage.

    I am also a follower of Chris Wark as he had simalar cancer but my bowel has been removed which had its challenges. Having dealt with it after 12 months it had moved to my lungs and having worked so hard raw plant diet 90days changed my whole life l didnt undetstand why this had happened. I was told if l dont do kemo l would have less than 12months. I never had any symtoms and still dont. Taking lots of supplements and V C shots and my last scan showed little growth in 2 of the bigger tumors. Any suggestions as most of yr recommendations for doctors etc are in the US im in the UK.

    I sadly missed you last month in London l found out to late.
    Can you recommend anyone in the Uk

    You are my insperation and l hope one day we can meet and l too can contribute and share my success storey to help others
    Living on my own no children or partner also makes it very hard.

    I lost my parents, my mum to cancer which i took extreamly bad and it took over 8years of greeving to comes to tetms wirh the loss the result being my sister and my dad not speeking to me and l think this is where my cancer came from as my diet has always been healthy and

    Love Light and Peace

  14. Lisa David says:

    Thanks for sharing this tips with us. I would share this post with my bother because my cousin has cancer

  15. Jeanne says:

    Love the Summit! Plan to visit Dr Block and crew in Skokie! I’m a nine year brain tumor “thriver”- love your words- and needed validation and inspiration- THANK YOU!!

  16. kris says:

    Gershon, sorry to hear you’re having trouble accessing the Summit! Please reach out to Hay House’s customer service ( They’ll be able to help get this sorted out. xo!

  17. Jeffery Williams says:

    Hi Chris, I lost a brother to cancer @53,my cousin who is around that age is fighting it now! I have another older cousin that is also fighting cancer! I have recently had a hernia operation and colonoscopy-all ok. However am never confident of not becoming a cancer transporter? I am 56, try not to drink a lot of alcohol, eat quite well exercise regularly.
    I try to encourage my cousin, with his treatment he is doing ok.
    I have nothing more than admiration for you! and would love to experience a cancer free world for everyone! Bless you! Kris Carr.

  18. asha says:

    I’m 26 and was diagnosed with endometrial adenocarcinoma (stage 1) 5 months back. I have undergone surgery, done with radiation therapy and presently undergoing chemotherapy(2 more cycles remaining☺). I recently got scanned and it came clear(cancer free), my family is so relieved now so am I. It’s been a really tough journey. My mother makes sure that I eat healthy and get all nutrients. There are days I feel restless and in pain due to medications, this usually lasts for 3-4 days post chemo. I’m so lucky to have such strong willed family who have my back all the time, it would have been impossible for me to go through this without them. To all those people going through this, remember that you are a warrior and you will survive this just have faith and courage, eat well, smile more even if it is hard to, because your smile gives strength to people around you.

  19. christa says:

    This is such an important post! I am floored by how similar it is to my paper I wrote and share online in Hawai’i. It’s like once we are diagnosed all of the tools are there for us, we just have to pay attention.
    I would love for you to read my Cancer Plan of Attack when you have 10 minutes. I promise it’s very concise and to the point!
    Hope to meet you soon, cw

  20. Jessica says:

    My son was diagnosed with ALL this March and when he was diagnosed the first thought my husband and I had was we will help him heal. The one thing I noticed and find a little upsetting through all this is how people, with very kind intentions, tell him to “fight” the cancer. It makes it seem so negative and honestly I believe it scares my 6 year old a bit. Cancer has become a part of his and our life but we always tell him everything is just to heal his body. It is so nice to hear you talk about healing your body not fighting your body. Thank you!

    • kris says:

      I couldn’t agree more, Jessica. I’ve never thought the “battle” or “fight” perspective was all that helpful. So glad your son has you to lean on. My heart goes out to your family! xo

  21. Susan Arnott says:

    Kris… are truly an angel. Your words will help so many people to be accepting and loving within themselves, regardless of any illness or disability they may have. Nothing could be more healing to them. I admire you and pray for your health and happiness. Thank you.

  22. Leah Hammerman says:

    In addition to all of your tips which I will work on integrating the ones I don’t practice, I would say socializing. There are days or nights when I meet up with friends or they come visit me. Yet, I am not always up to spending time with others ecspecially on heavy loaded appointment day or at times when iwas going through chemo infusions. Also, many of my friends have children and where there are kids there are germs. Even though I worked in school for two academic years while I was diagnosed wirh cancer I didn’t get any more sick from the kids than I had in the past. Yet, all of my friends and family are hyper sensitive. So if I’m not socializing with anyone in person my daily goal includes 3-6 people i need to reach out to using different forms of communication. Sometimes after morning meditation/prayer i would call, text, email or FB msg even before breakfast or coffee. And i continue to reach out to people throughout the day into night. I find this daily practice to be helpful in not lettinf me drop into isolation as i live alone. Even when I’m sad and don’t want to talk to anyone, thays the time i know is more importsnt to reach out. Another tip is to become involved in the world outside of cancer. This notion may be taken care if one is still able to work or volunteer. Otherwise read,watch or listen to news, favorite or funny , scary or something recommended to you or is on a Top 10, etc Playlist. I try hard some harder on difficult days to have ready conversation pieces other than cancer. If religion and or spirituality were importsnt or not importsnt before becoming sick it’s a community who needs and wants to take care of you. Think about whst you’re comfortable wirh sharing and accepting help wirh. When I didn’t make decisions or set boundaries I was dealing wirh a lot of food I didn’t like and didn’t want to waste as well ad too many walk-Imeaning visitors who I ended up feeling like I had to entertain and would use a lot of my limited energy. Findimg ways to make onself laufh and smile each day. Along wirh conventional and integrative medicines and treatments laughter and entertainment help a person’s psyche, mood, and overall quality of life.

    • kris says:

      These are such wonderful tips, Leah! Connection, laughter, entertainment, etc. are all so important. Thank you for the reminder :-). xo!

  23. Patricia says:

    Filing for divorce after 37 years of marriage to a narcissist. He made the decision to have a 3 year emotional affair after my cancer diagnosis. Quite frankly, I think he was hoping I would die. 5.5 years post- diagnosis, I’m still here., alive and kicking…proud I did not give him the satisfaction he craved!

  24. Sieglinde Luskin says:

    In your recipes you still use soy products, which are bad for our health- especially for men-
    also cashews are not nuts and are difficult to digest.
    pl. check the science of these products. thanks

    • Jen Reilly, RD says:

      Hi Sieglinde! I’m the nutrition director here, so I’ll chime in for Kris. Although soy foods have gotten some negative press over the years, countless statistically significant research studies point to minimally processed, non-GMO, and organic soy foods (edamame, miso, tempeh, tofu, soymilk) as being helpful in preventing and surviving breast cancer and prostate cancer, improving heart health and lowering bad LDL cholesterol levels, promoting bone health, kidney function, and mental health, and improving overall wellness in several other ways. Not to mention the fact that soy foods often displace meat and dairy products which have been shown to increase the risk for developing various cancers and other chronic diseases. People with soy protein allergies must avoid soy, but researchers feel very confident that soy foods can have countless health benefits. However, it’s also important to mention that a plant-based diet doesn’t have to include soy to be nutritionally complete if you do choose to avoid soy. Here is a recent review and explanation of several of the soy and health research studies which you may be interested in reading. Men’s health is specifically discussed:

      Hope this helps! xo – Jen

  25. jack says:

    Thanks, Kris. You’re the best. Love you.

  26. Lorran Wild says:

    Kris, in my ‘world’, it’s not a cancer ‘shit’, it’s a bipolar ‘card’ that has been dealt to my family. I’m going to share all of these tips because it is the same truth “living with _________________ (whatever) can be healthy” It can be it can even be A, B and C (which is my way of saying fill that in folks…what you love about life is still there). Thank you for your unicorn heart and fierce commitment!

    • kris says:

      I’m so glad you found this post helpful, Lorran! Your family is so lucky to have you looking out for them. I hope these tips resonate with them , too. Sending you all lots of love!

  27. Cheryl says:

    I love the energy that your blogs have. I do have a tendency to feel like a failure because I do not have a functional medicine doctor near me, and I feel like I don’t have the perfect plan to heal like your blogs say. I appreciate the encouragement. The acceptance is huge, because people will make you feel like you are giving up if you don’t go the traditional route. I pray, read the bible a lot and trust God’s plan for me. As long as I trust Him completely, the battles go away in my head. That is my main source of healing. His son, Jesus, has made me whole. The rest of the care falls into place by doing what gives me peace. So, I work to not kick myself because I don’t have or can’t afford the “perfect” team. But, I know I have the perfect plan because of my faith in Jesus. Thanks for your blog.

    • kris says:

      Sweet Cheryl, thank you so much for your comment. I know how much pressure there can be to have everything planned out and perfect. But in reality, none of us really have it all figured out—we all have our challenges and limitations. Please remember that you are enough just the way you are. Just keep doing the best you can to take care of yourself, and I’ll be thinking of you. xo

  28. Annie says:

    Hello Kris! Thank you for sharing your story and all of these wonderful tips! I had skin CA at a very young age, which required removal and plastic surgery on my face, so there is always that little bit of lingering worry about something else popping up down the road. I first “met” you during my Institute of Integrative Nutrition Health Coach training, and even bought the Sunlighten sauna you recommended (by the way – any new tips on best use of the sauna? or the difference between that and “red light therapy”?). You inspire me to stay on the wellness path as best as possible, and your tips are such valuable reminders of how to do that. I am hoping that more people hop on the prevention wagon vs waiting for the cure. Thank you so much for all that you do! 🙂

    • kris says:

      Hi Annie! I’m so glad you found this post helpful. I can understand that underlying worry. When I get in that space, I try to take some deep breaths and go out for a relaxing walk or do a bit of meditation—it gets me out of my head a bit, even if the thoughts don’t completely go away.

      I’m not sure about red light therapy, but I’ll check it out! xo

  29. Anne Verstappen says:

    I love what you share and the way you write so spontaneously.
    Big hug for you
    (((((((((( Kris ))))))))))

  30. Marie says:

    Thank You Kris, I think I found you to help me get through this bump in the road in which I only found out two months ago that I have stage 1 breast cancer. You are a God send to me!

  31. Thanks for sharing these tips with us. It would really help cancer patients.

  32. Megan Clement says:

    My cancer journey started in January. Discovering you and your blog has been a true blessing. Thank you!!

  33. Javed Kassis says:

    This is really a positive and self-motivating blog. This is a true example of will or inner power of an individual who is willing to live a life with the sky as a limit. Truly amazing, instead all this mentioned stuff can be done before getting infected.

  34. Diana Duro says:

    Dear Kris, thank you for your beautiful example. I have been living with the same diagnosis as you (aren’t we so lucky to be so rare?) for 3 years (at the age of 29). I’ve had surgery but recently I received the news that I have at least two new uninvited guests in my liver. Knowing that I’m not alone in this fight helps me thrive. Best wishes gor the both of us! Xoxo ***

  35. Linda Wood says:

    Really helpful thanks.

  36. Donna Bernaschina says:

    Dear Kris Carr,
    Hello gorgeous, ( I stole that from you). Lol. I’m a little late to the party, but I am enjoying your Instagram and now your newsletter. My sister and I saw you and Gabby Bernstein in NYC in January 2016. You are even more beautiful in person. You also signed my deck of cards and took pictures with us. It was very kind of both of you to wait until every person on line got an autopgraoh and a picture. !
    I was diagnosed with Uterus Cancer in 2009. It was painful, awful and I don’t remember most of it. I was in a fog and just did what the doctors told me too. ? I would do it differently today and I wish I saw your blog then. It’s okay. But my only hope for children with my frozen embryos is a surrogate. Do you know anything about this option? Have you looked into it? Or just have any advice for me? My heart and ears are open. Thank you kindly.
    Donna B.

  37. Great read Kris! I didn’t realize you are a cancer thriver. That certainly boosts your credibility from all the other health nuts …lol
    I too have (had) stage 4 breast Cancer. Incurable, bone mets… everywhere. They had never seen a case so advanced. Gave me the “talk” and said get your affairs in order you have 3 to 5 years. Well I said you can all fuck off on the horse you road in on, and this was not how my story was going to end! I just passed 5 years. You are bang on with all your points. It’s all about self love and getting your head on straight and scraping the negative noise off your plate. It’s no mistake I read your article today. I’ve been slipping and not been taking proper care of myself. So my beautiful Kris, I will step up, because we really are worth it. Cheers to you! Jennifer

  38. Tracy Lee says:

    Thank you for doing what you’ve done. A thriver. I like that. So am I. Five years w/Multiple Myeloma which also does not go away. I’m writing a book now. Take care. All the best.

  39. wiliams richard says:

    My partner was diagnosed with brain cancer and some complicated gastrointestinal tract infections Luckily he had an encounter with Dr wiliams, a renowned Italian doctor that helped him overcome his cancer and other infections in less than two and a half months, just with the use of herbal medicine and spiritual help, i can now boldly say He is cancer free and a proud living testimony,Dr Jose is known to be able to tackle any type of cancer found in the human body, God forbids any one should suffer here on earth, thats why I believe he created all these herbs, if you also want to clear your doubts and fight cancer to the barest minimum, take the bull by the horn and avoid death, you can contact our Doctor, by his email

  40. Amanda Reay young says:

    Hi Kriss , what is your view on frozen veg/ fuits . I do not grow my own , and find it’s more convenient for making smoothies. Would be interested in your reply . Thanks in adavance Mandy Reay – young

  41. Hai Kris, Thank you for sharing this article, Kris!! You are truly amazing and inspiration. We had written a similar content on our site. You are really a role model and encouragement for all.

  42. mollie carter says:

    Thank you for making me normal…… I love all of your books, blogs etc…

  43. Bri A says:

    Do you take Milk Thistle? I have heard it can heal some liver lesions. I’m very interested because, YOU ARE STILL HERE. That is amazing and wonderful.

    • Lori Bauman says:

      Hi, my dad has been doing distilled water and the foot detox thing..his liver enzymes dropped to normal level in 3 weeks. He did the foot detox at holistic 1x per week.

  44. Joy Hudson says:


    You have been an inspiration to me. I’ve been diagnosed with the same cancer you have just a few months ago. When I Googled EHE, your information came up and I’ve been following you since. I’ve started juicing and love it. I’ll continue to follow you. You are a true role model.

  45. Karen Rice says:

    Yes, you’re amazing,as well as all the comments, and I would so love to share my cancer survivor story with you, as well as your readers. I name it;

    “An Awakening”

    When I was diagnosed with Breast cancer a few years back, I reacted like most who receive a cancer diagnose, first thing came to mind was a “death sentence”. I found out later that it was truly “an awakening” for me; even after being diagnosed with colon cancer a few years later. I began questioning God, why would you do this to me? What had I done so bad in life to have this thrown upon me? But instead of bemoaning my fate, I decided to look for the positive side of it. There has to be a reason for it all.

    I also realized that I was about to face a new beginning, new hope, do and see more with a whole new prospective on life. When I think of the “gift of life” that was given to me, I know that I will develop and gain strength from all my experiences. Not saying, and nor would I ever say that cancer was a gift, surviving it, receiving a second change at life, is the gift. Even with the complications I now have to live with, I still feel truly blessed. For a while, I wasn’t happy with the way I looked after my surgery and the pain I had to endure each day, but I decided to snap out of it. I thought about the individuals that are no longer among us. I also realized that there will always be someone worse off than I am. I reminded myself, that I “still have my life” and who am I to complain.

    One day I experienced something of a miracle and felt the compulsion to write it down. I turn that experience into a poem and I called it “Peace”. Writing has become therapy for me. I took that poem, along with many others I had composed during my breast cancer period and placed them into book form. I was blessed enough to have that book published. I’m hoping that anyone who has the opportunity to read my poems, get out of them, what I placed in all of them. I wish to make a positive impact on someone who’s ill or otherwise, where they could develop the strength to embrace life in a whole new way. I never anticipated becoming a writer, I just became one. I truly believe when you survive a horrific tragedy or a horrible disease as cancer, it’s for a reason, “you have a purpose”,” and that’s what I’m all about now, inspiration.

    I would have never become a writer, producing inspirational poems and stories, if I had not gone through all that I did. I’m a true example that you can survive cancer not once, but twice, providing you
    catch it in time, have faith and allow that faith to direct your path. I’m not saying all will be easy, I won’t say everyone will survive it, even while holding on to their faith. But as you embark on such a journey, fight with all your might and believe, that no matter what, God is with you every step of the way!

    Karen Rice
    x2 Cancer Survivor/Author

  46. Colleen says:

    You are such an inspiration to so many Kris! I have shared your book and positive living with friends and family and others who are learning to find their healing journeys. Wishing you the best!

  47. Jenny Riegels says:

    I decided that I just didn’t have time to die ! Too much life to live, and being very spiritual, just assumed that I “was protected” and meant to live in order to help others!

  48. ANGELIE SAMSON says:


  49. Gouthami says:

    Great article, very inspiring words. My oncologist Dr. Vijay Anand Reddy best cancer doctor in India, encourages me by his treatment and by giving many tips to prevent cancer. Your article gave inspiration and encouragement by your words.

  50. Ghiwa says:

    Woow! I have been following you for a while now and it’s the first time I discover this part of your life! I respect even more now and look up to you! You are a real inspiration! I wish you health and love ?

  51. Margaret says:

    I’ve been following you for a while and just read one of your books. You really are amazing and in a world that feels like no hope sometimes (negative doctors etc) you give hope – thank you.

  52. Meagan says:

    Thank you for this amazing website. It helped to safe my friends life and now it is going to help to save mine. <3

  53. Changing Lives says:

    I never knew Cannabis oil was indeed wonderful and very effective in treating cancer and other diseases, From the dept of my heart i must say a word of appreciation to Dr. Rick Simpson for the timely intervention in the life of my Daughter suffering from Kidney Cancer. As I’m writing this testimony on this Blog my Daughter is so strong and healthy in spite she hasn’t completed the total Dosage.

  54. Carla Turley says:

    This is a very informative post. My story goes like this, i had breast cancer stage 3 and i undertook 3 chemo sessions in two years to no avail and the tumor were still there and it even grew bigger and i was so scared which left me with the option of seeking an alternative cure which permanently changed my life for good and saved me from the cold hands of death. I read about Dr Aleta’s herbal medicine treatment which can cure breast cancer permanently without recurring. I got her contact and placed an order for the medicine which i took according to instructions and today i am cancer free. Well do not lose hope of finding a cure because there is a cure, you too can reach the doctor directly on (aletedwin @ gmail. com) for advise, and more information about the medicine. Happy new year.

  55. Linda Zaworski says:

    You are amazing!!! Your story is amazing and you are so inspiring. Merry Christmas!! Here’s to a great 2017!

  56. lamia says:

    Thanks for this email so interesting and can save many life thanks again

  57. Anni says:

    Dear Kris, I read your book Crazy Sexy Diet about a year ago and it had a really huge impression on me. I transformed my eating habits and I try to change a bit other areas of my life too. I have to tell you that I can’t thank you enough for your inspiration and support and really admire you!!! I wish you all the best and happiness from Europe. 🙂
    My father in law has just been diagnosed with an agressive brain tumor and we feel more than horrified. I immediately advised him to change his eating habits and lifestyle.
    I have seen that you are treated at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. I would like to ask your adivice about the hospital. Would you recommend the Institute as a whole (no matter which oncologist) or would you recommend a practitioner in particular that you know?
    I would really really apprieciate your reply – also by e-mail if that’s more convenient for you.
    Thank you in advance for your time and thanks againg for your wonderful book.
    Love, Anni

  58. Eva Mandel says:

    Kris, thank you for your wonderful inspiriation.. I certainly could use it. I was recently diagnosed with endimential (cancer in the uteris). I have undergone 5 chemos, sorry I am not as strong as you are to forgo the chemo. I have purchased 3 of your books, read your emails. I may be asking a lot of you but would it be possible to call me at, 347 525 5748 or 718 236 3091 EST and give me some clarity. Or I could call you at your designated time. The diet and juicing you mention in your books are new to me. I, of course, would pay you for your consulting time. I am also looking for a oncology nutritionist who will not tell me to eat anything I want. Thank you

  59. Caryn says:

    Thanks so much. Your blog helps me on my “cancer” travels.
    I am curious to know more about possible “alternative” ways to monitor “breast cancer” . I am very fortunate to have Stage 0 – but evenso doctors are pushing to have full mastectomy with radiation. No thanks….
    My family doctor agrees but I am insisting on “watch and wait”. She recommends an MRI every 3 months but again this just isn’t sustainable. As I gain more confidence along the way I am wondering if anyone knows anything about blood cell analyis or thermography as a way to monitor.? Thanks all.

  60. James butler says:

    Very nice top tips! I think this tips very important for cancer. I say who cancer Patients they are abide by this 11 tips. Thanks for cancer tips.

  61. Steve says:

    Thank you. My victory over this dis-ease is the Courage to take it on that said. Action is a function of performance, No action,No performance. So there are actions that I Indeed need to take. 3 main areas are Lifestyle, Dietary Intake & a Daily Weekly Monthly Schedule/Routine.

  62. richard panzer says:


  63. Brenda Burchell says:

    Hi Kris, The book Radical Remission by KellyTurner has helped me so much in my present journey of cancer survival. I was diagnosed 1 1/12 years ago with stage 3-4 ? peritoneal cancer. After 4 months of self treatment, including 1 month in Mexico which included Hipec surgery and many alternative treatments, I read the book and knew that I was doing everything in all 9 chapters that she talked about. But that isn’t enough….there are so many more details to everyone’s disease, body type, reactions to treatments, etc. I’m still learning and am sure I always shall be….it’s the “shift” in my life’s journey and it has been wonderful.
    Thank you so much for everything you do to keep people informed….it’s all so helpful and free! You’re a blessing.

  64. Margaret says:

    Kris, you are an inspiration. This mission you are on has helped me through my diagnosis. In fact, I started following you long before I was diagnosed with breast cancer this past summer. I write to you now after a bilateral mastectomy and going through reconstruction while taking tamoxifen. Even though I wasn’t lucky enough to avoid cancer all together, I was lucky to avoid chemo and radiation at this point.

    The one thing I feel is important to mention is that cancer does not discriminate. I spent my life before my diagnosis healthier than most: doing yoga, walking regularly, very active, healthy eater, loved my sleep, etc. You could call me a health nut. I spent my life doing everything “they” told us to do to avoid getting cancer, but it didn’t matter. As healthy as I was, as I am, cancer still found me. And that is what I want to point out.

    It is a aggravating to hear a conversation where the people are insisting that the person with cancer did something to cause the cancer or to read an article to avoid cancer you need to do these things. It’s not possible. Of course, any person can benefit from a healthy lifestyle. I am not saying we are all doomed, but I do wish that when we talk about cancer, that we also confirm and validate that cancer does not discriminate – a cancer cell will grow when it wants to. Be real with it. The odds are that one in eight women will get breast cancer. The statistics are there. Not much can be done about that. We can make healthy choices that battle it, but the reality is cancer is real and it does not harbor in those less healthy than others. Cancer does not discriminate: healthy or not, we are all at risk. Let’s keep it real. (But maybe my new diagnosis is making me a tad cynical?)

  65. Edythe Hughes says:

    My mom just told me last night that she was diagnosed with Leukemia on Friday. I’m very sad but encouraged that this email landed in my inbox this week.

  66. Debra says:

    You are amazing! Thank you for your honesty, sharing, and tips.

  67. I really like your tip to find the best oncologist for your disease. There are so many different types of cancer, and you can often find an oncologist that has more experience with your particular diagnosis. That specialty experience will provide a higher level of care and confidence that is so needed when battling cancer.

  68. Marcia says:

    Kris, you are a dear, dear soul. I have a suggestion. Would you write a book, a blog, or something about your advice, experience or learning about handing love relationships? I have a life partner…we are supposed to be engaged ..for 10 yrs I might add…and I describe us as having a very good relationship with some very bad problems. We are seniors and both of us ARE therapists. I would still like to hear your thoughts in general. I have to say in all honesty I don’t know but maybe one couple in my entire life that has a great relationship! All the others..pts….other therapists pts….friends relatives …even a Quinta cessation are in different stages of not what I would say is a truly close, able to really talk and deeply connected relationship. I really think the major problem is a state of real inequality that still exists between men and women. Part of it I think is at a deep cultural level. What have you learned? I think you are much younger than myself. I think I recall mention of your doing some work around relationships as part of your healing. I hear a great deal of wisdom in one your age. Thank you for your so on target sharing related to healing in general.

  69. Heather says:

    Fabulous reading as ever, thanks Kris. Big hug xx

  70. Diana says:

    I researched when I was diagnosed with BC .. which to this day seems like there must of been a mistake…. but I juiced took supplements (pushed into chemo… ) denied radiation ..(by then I had more confidence from my research) I work out .. drink very little cocktails.. and eat organic food… not to mention installed a RO drinking system in my house. And changed my soap powder,bleach,cleaning products…. and I have stop taking so much crap from people. oh and I have learned how to say NO … Thank you for your books and helpful hints! YOU ROCK! hugs!

  71. Janice Mardell says:

    Hi Chris,
    I to am a cancer thriver as I was diagnosed with stage 3 cervrical cancer in 2010…they could not operate as my large tumour was behind my uterous and next to my bowels. So right in the middle of my body. So lots of pelvic radiation instead for 6 weeks and a cocktail of chemo once a week…then 5 treatments of radiation up inside me! Good news is that the original cancer is just scar tissue now. Bad news is that it did spread into my lymph system….my cancer now sits inside some very small lymph nodes deep in my chest cavity…there are 2 or 3 very tiny..but they do light up when I get my CT scans every 4 month. Still, I l am lucky that for 3 yrs now there have been no changes. I am down to 1 chemo treatment every 5 weeks! I dog walk a few times a week and have so many things that I look forward to every day. I love nature and try to get out into it every day. Have great friends, a wonderful husband that makes me laugh…a grown son that makes me proud and I have learned to really and truly live in the moment! I surround myself with positive people and practice meditation thru out my day…taking that cleansing breath is my salvation. I try to eat well…fresh fruit and veg..very little dairy ( I did have ice cream this summer) and I don’t drink except maybe the odd watered down one or 2 at social gatherings. I do go dancing every Friday night…I do say “Yes” to life and “No” to things I do not want to do and I have learned to not feel guilty about saying No. I take vitamin D and the B’s with folic acid. Oh and lots of Hemp seed! On my porridge and in my smoothies in the morning and on my salads and in soups at lunch! Gives me energy!
    I was not surprised when I was diagnosed all those yrs ago…I was soooooo stressed, working at a job I hated and trying to take care of everyone and everything. Deep down inside I was always thinking ” something has got to give and it wil not be good”. So here I am 6 almost 7 yrs later and I can truly say that I am a very happy person, I really don’t dwell (like you) on my health. I LOVE MY LIFE and I will never let this disease take my moments away from me! If you ever come to Toronto, Canada lets go dancing!

  72. Peter says:

    I am Peter Loveday
    I have stage 4 pancrus cancer -All masses across the Liver & pancrus .
    One mass bigger than a pop can that was on the outside of my rib cage.
    Total of 8 masses.
    They told me I had 2months tops.
    Im 9 months past my expiry date . 🙂
    I can actually see the mass in my stomach shrinking ,
    1side faster than the other.
    I already lost 52 pounds ,down to 160 now.
    I feel great ,woulndt even know I had it.

  73. Bettina says:

    Dear Kris, I am a very grateful follower of yours – and though I know about the above tipps from you, others and my own experience, I love to reread them from time to time. In order to either reassure myself or to remind me to become better in some respect. What helped me most – and still does – are four guidelines from two wise doctors: 1. It is as it is – and it is good (triggering the question ‘what is good in having cancer?’ For me, for example, it made my life richer and happier by boosting my personal development). 2. Everything is possible (empowering myself, opening up to possibilities instead of only seeing the limits!). 3. The healing starts in your brain (the way of seeing things). 4. And it lies in your heart (don’t only think but feel!).
    Love to all the beautiful cancer thrivers!

  74. Victoria says:

    Thank you for this great article. I think this is a great article for anyone dealing with a chronic disease. My husband has been dealing with Meniere’s (an inner ear disorder) for 6 years and these tips are spot on.

  75. Ginny Hicks says:

    I keep hearing conflicting advice regarding eating beans, grains and legumes. Some say to avoid as they turn to sugar. I take supplements, eat lots of greens. What should I do about grains etc? I’m in year two with stage 4 lung cancer. I was not a smoker.

  76. Susan Bensen says:

    Thank you so much for this! I was diagnosed last April and am working on all of this! Such great reminders. Kris, you are a gift to all of us and a model for me!

  77. Laura says:

    Thanks Kris
    I have incorporated a lot of your 11 steps. I was diagnosed in February 2016. With stage IV stomach cancer that metastized. The average time they gave me was 6 months without chemo. 10 months with chemo
    I am 45. Realizing my oncologist was useless i fired him and sought out another one. He is better but not great but at least he is willing to explore things. I also have an integrative naturapath oncologist. Between the 2 I navigate an integrative regime. It imcluded 6 months of chemo. Fishoil liquid (higly potent) l glutamine and a type of mushroom and melatonin as an antioxidant. I am also using a medicinal oil that has 1 part THC and 4 parts CBD. All through chemo I was able to use this regime and did not need there anti nausea pills nor there steroids.
    Last week they got my scan results back. I habe one more to go but they believe I may be in full remission…..meditation amd visualizing the cancer leaving my body is also a tool that I use. Thanks forbthe informative posts:)

  78. Jodie L. Lang says:

    In tears as I read this! Tears of HOPE
    Thank you!

  79. Jude says:

    Thank you Kris. Check out Dr Robert Morse. He understands the body”s chemistry like no other doc I have heard. He has a very high success rate with terminal cancer patients and has MS patients walking out of their wheelchairs. His top food? Fruit. All raw and high fruit. In particular berries, melons and grapes. Cancer patients are doing themselves a disservice by not eating fruit and the whole fruit fear is unfounded. These fruits help clean out the lymphatic system and get your kidneys filtering. Fruit also has the highest energy of any other food. As Dr Morse says, vegetables will only detox you so far but fruit is what will detox you all the way to wellville.

  80. Megan says:

    My name is is Megan, and I am a crazy, sexy, brain tumor survivor. I want you to know you are such an inspiration to me. After I was diagnosed with my first tumor I found your youtube channel, and It gave me such peace to listen to your story, and know that I could possibly be okay as well. I became a vegan that day, and I changed my attitude on life. When I was free of the first tumor, I started to slip back into bad habits, too much stress, the SAD diet, etc. But after being re diagnosed, I knew exactly what I had to do. It has been an emotional rollar coaster, and it has taken much self love and care, a plant based vegan diet and time, but I am finally in a place where I can reflect and appreciate my existence exactly the way it is, and see how cancer changed me for the better. I celebrated my one year cancerversary for this second tumor the other day, and it filled me with joy knowing that I am a thriver. You are such a big part of that for me, and even though you dont know me you have enriched my life, and helped me to heal. I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart <3 🙂

  81. Tabbin Almond says:

    Great advice. I was diagnosed soon after my husband of 25 years announced that he was gay and left me and our two university-aged children, and left the UK to live in Australia. I strongly believe that it was thanks to the therapist I was seeing about the marriage break-up that my cancer was diagnosed – I just had this incredibly strong intuition that all was not well, despite the fact that I had just had a ‘clear’ mammogram result. The therapist had taught me to listen to my inner self and that has been so helpful. We talked about the ‘gift of cancer’ and if it doesn’t sound completely insane, I am actually glad I had it. It made me re-assess my life and my friendships, and my life is immeasurably richer now.

  82. Terri says:

    Hi Kris,

    Thank you so much for this and all you do – you are truly amazing and inspirational!

    I would like to share one other incredible book: “Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds” by Kelly A. Turner, PhD.

    It’s based on her PhD research in which she interviewed hundreds of cancer survivors who experienced spontaneous remission as well as alternative healers who helped them. While she discovered over 70 factors, she talks about the nine key factors common to all the spontaneous remission cases she investigated, which include the things you mentioned here in this post.

    Stay healthy and wonderful!


    • Terri says:

      I also want to point out that there was no one clear path to spontaneous remission in terms of conventional versus alternative treatment. Some did conventional chemo and/or radiation followed by alternative treatment; some did conventional and alternative treatments at the same time; some did only alternative treatment. All those that she wrote about came upon what worked for for them by doing the same things that you (Kris) advise in terms of assembling their own integrative team, with or without the support of their conventional oncologist or physician.


  83. Ameena Meer says:

    GREAT list, Kris! Thank you! I had a highly aggressive stage-4 choriocarcinoma and I left the world of chemotherapy and surgery to explore alternative healing. I was told I would be dead in 12 weeks. That was 7 years’ ago! I wrote a similar list on my blog – and I would LOVE to quote you in my cancer book! Thank you for all your powerful and energizing work!

  84. Angie says:

    Thank you for this article, Kris!! I am coming up on 3 years with stage IV breast cancer. Your book was a huge help when I was diagnosed – it gave me hope that I could still be my crazy sexy self through chemo and surgery. Now I am back to “normal life” – working full-time, etc – and I have drifted away from a lot of those healthy practices. My meds and treatment make me so tired and some days it is tough to manage. Thanks for this reminder – I need to stay focused on self-care and a healthy diet to keep up my energy. Love you, girl!!

  85. Jeffron says:

    You have been my health guru since 2006, Kris Carr! You are truly an inspiration in my life! Thank you for all YOU do! xo

  86. Isabel says:

    Thank you so much Kris!! You are absolutly amazing and an inspiring strong woman!!

  87. Lisa Scheid says:

    I was thinking and three miles in on a mountain trail and had a tumor, that I didn’t know was there, rupture. I was in pain and was not thinking clearly. I kept insisting on hiking to this beautiful lake. My husband finally said, “No, we are going down.” I leaned on him the whole way down because every step hurt. Rode a pain shooting bumpy dirty road down off the mountain and went to an emergency room. Had the tumor removed and found out I had a rare form of ovarian cancer Drastically altered my diet to pure vegan for several months. Had debunking surgery. Had everything questionable body part removed. It was all cancer free.
    I work to eat healthy but slip up now and then. I need to be more focused. I would like to have a group that would help me stay motivated and focused. Does anyone know of such a group?

    • Lisa Scheid says:

      I was hiking and three miles in on a mountain trail and had a tumor, that I didn’t know was there, rupture. I was in pain and was not thinking clearly. I kept insisting on hiking to this beautiful lake. My husband finally said, “No, we are going down.” I leaned on him the whole way down because every step hurt. Rode a pain shooting bumpy dirty road down off the mountain and went to an emergency room. Had the tumor removed and found out I had a rare form of ovarian cancer Drastically altered my diet to pure vegan for several months. Had debunking surgery. Had everything questionable body part removed. It was all cancer free.
      I work to eat healthy but slip up now and then. I need to be more focused. I would like to have a group that would help me stay motivated and focused. Does anyone know of such a group?

  88. Jann says:

    Awesome and inspiring. I don’t have cancer but pre cancerous polyps with big scare tactics given by my
    MD just out of a
    Colonoscopy not even over the anesthesia.

  89. Connie says:

    Thank you, Kris! God bless!

  90. Maud says:

    I am a Reiki practitioner who attracts clients diagnosed with cancer. Having seen this pattern, I am always on the lookout for resources to recommend. I am delighted to have found YOU, that I may pass your inspiration along to a new client with brain cancer. I love being part of a healing team that respects the gifts we each have to offer. I plan to make you part of my resource list. Thank you and many blessings for continued vitality and joy.

  91. Marianne Steen says:

    I like the way you think, very motivating !!

  92. Shelby S says:

    Kris! I’ve been inspired by you and your message of self-care for years, collected the books, watched the vlogs (rewatching the “Rest” one now) and dabbled in plant-based and juicing. I never thought I would hear the word cancer in a doctor visit, but after two years of a nutty stressful time, I learned I have CIN 3 cervical dysplasia (cervical cancer stage 0). I feel incredibly lucky to have great doctors and YOU on my healing team. I’m so hopeful for the future.

    Know any fantastic healers in Santa Fe?

    Thank you for being the magical unicorn that you are!! <3

  93. Melissa Curit says:

    Years ago, I read an article, I think in Vegetarian Times about Keith Block, MD. I was fascinated even though I have not been diagnosed with cancer. I passed the article on to an acquaintance who had breast cancer. I don’t know if she found it useful, and unfortunately eventually passed away. Even though it’s been years, I remembered the name when I saw your recommendation for his book. I was so impressed with his work, according to the article. I may have to get the book too. Thanks for sharing and for all you do!

  94. Melanie C says:

    Hi Kris, after 9 years of being “free” of cancer, my 10th anniversary was heart breaking. My breast cancer came back on my hip and in my lung. As with my first diagnosis, I couldn’t help but think WTH??? I thought I was living “cleaner” than I did in my twenties. I had no idea 🙁 A friend of mine gifted me with 3 of your books. WOW! You have truly opened my eyes. I now see all the positive changes I can make to take back control over cancer and make it that this is the last time my body is weak and cannot stop tumors from growing. Thank you for sharing your journey. I share the same birth year as you and reading your story has truly inspired me to NEVER give up. Thank you 🙂

  95. Deb says:

    Question: anyone ever use the Angel juicer… Better yet, “own & USE” one?

    I would love feed back on this, as I am considering purchasing either an Angel 5500 or a Green Star Elite 5000

    Thanks for any thoughts/input!

  96. Marlinda says:

    Rainbows, Flowers and Butterflies are part of my cancer cure. Having been through cancer twice is no walk in the park but finding a fellow unicorn makes it tolerable. I have no feeling in the left side of my face as a result of my tumor. Crazy!! And surgery well less just say i dont look the same anymore. I havent found anyone whos survived salivary gland cancer. I hope to be among the long time survivors. Thanks Kris.

  97. I saw you on Oprah and really enjoyed you. My mother died with sarcoma cancer. So, I am glad you have really taking the cancer serious. Keep on educating us about the preventive tips and information for all cancers. You are great!

  98. Sarah Smith says:

    My friend was recently diagnosed with cancer and has been having a hard time. This list is great especially the first suggestion about just taking a breath. I’ll have to talk to her and help her find an appropriate oncologist for her cancer. Thanks for the advice!

  99. mrs susana says:

    Hello my dear friends, I want you to help me thank mrs susana bonita the cannabis oil. My mother was diagnosed of chronic disease 3 years
    ago and we have tried many other medication to cure
    this disease but it was not working at all and it was
    getting worse. I was scared of losing my mother, I
    went online to search for alternative treatment to
    save her and i came across cannabis oil as an
    effective medication for curing chronic disease. I was
    able to source the cannabis oil from Phoenix Tears
    Plus( and i was
    instructed on how to use the cannabis oil. After using
    the oil medication for the stipulated period, it was a
    surprise to us and our doctor that my mother
    chronic disease was cured effectively. The people of
    United States should be aware of this cannabis oil
    and it’s effectiveness for curing many other diseases.
    You can email her on

  100. Debie says:

    Thanks for all you do Kris! I learned about you si. Years ago when my 26 yr old daughter was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma and she went out and bought your book and we both read it! Three years ago I was diagnosed with follicular lymphoma- like your cancer it is slow growing and not considered curable. I myself have had no conventional treatment either but made major life changes, including plant based diet, daily swimming. Juicing etc and I am healthier than I have been in years. Just purchased your juicing book and looking forward to expanding my juicing world! Cancer is just a chronic illness like any other and doesn’t have to be a death sentence

  101. Lisa says:

    Okay, Kris…I’m gonna try. I’ve been curled up in bed since March with an auto-immune disorder that has completely devastated my life as I knew it. 24/7 pain and unbelievable fatigue. So many people say, well, at least it’s not cancer…and they are right! Thank god it’s not cancer! But…I’m still really sick! I’ve been wallowing … I admit it. Started reading your posts again and felt an inkling of…hope, inspiration…motivation? Ordered the juice book….can’t wait!

    Thank you.


  102. Janice Huffman says:

    So glad to know tumors have shrunk. I have often wondered.
    You are doing everything right. Your new book will be here next week! My new protocol requires many ‘juice only’ days.

  103. Marsha Payne says:

    Thank you for sharing.I just finished Ty Bollinger’s 9 episodes of The Truth About Cancer.Great info from both of you.

  104. Jen Jackson says:

    I am a 25 year bone cancer survivor who BELIEVES in the POWER of whole food nutrition.

  105. Tim says:

    I was diagnosed with prostate cancer two years ago; my current PSA reading is
    at: 5.24, as 7/10/15…

    I have been researching alt cancer treatments during that entire time and
    discovered news about how diets can effect cancer cell reduction, killing of
    new cells, and even curing cancers, so that is the route I have chosen to
    take. My diet is now basically a whole foods/plant based diet, 100%
    CERTIFIED organic and gluten free. I am also supplementing with herbals such
    as organic Chaga, E-Tea, Pau D’Arco, Ginger Root, all in capsule for for
    convenience for me, as well as looking at a baking soda/lemon juice/Himalayan
    sea salt protocol, which may or may not include black strap molasses/pure
    maple syrup.

    Unfortunately, I cannot afford CBD Cannibis Oils, and my current state health
    plan will not cover things like, nor can I afford independent insurance for
    such coverages.

    I currently reside in Boston and will be here for the next few months, until
    I am ready to move to Duncan Oklahoma, where there is a doctor in general
    medicine who is plant located there: Dr James McGouran…

    I don’t know what else to do att his point, and I still want to have a child
    to carry my bloodline, since I am the last male in my family…I was a
    caregiver for multiple family members and never had the opportunity to settle
    down and raise my own family back then.

    So finding and working with a doctor who is able to understand my fight is
    crucial to me at this time.

    I apollogize for the long email but needed to be sure tyou have as much info
    in order to help me out…

    Thank you for your time.

    Tim Pollard
    71 Westland Ave., Apt. 201
    Boston MA 02115

  106. Iris Miller says:

    Thanks Chris,I need that .♡♡♡

  107. Melissa Litz says:

    First of all, I love your article! I am a massage therapist and work with hospice as well as cancer patients and the only thing I would maybe add to your article is to tell people to please check in case they are allergic to green tea and have horrible side effects such as nausea and vomiting. I am one of the unlucky ones allergic, and have had patients, as well as several of my close friends tell me that they are allergic to green tea as well. I realize if you are not, it can be a wonderful healthy product, but just wanted to make sure to advise that not all people can use a green tea product. Thank you for the article though, as it has wonderful information:)

  108. Marie white says:

    Thanks kris , love reading your posts .this one is spot on. My partner was diagnosed with leukaemia 20years ago and given 6 years to live….I wouldn’t let him give up and followed a very similar diet to this and exercise.he is doing really well we live one day at a time. Even though it’s scary sometimes xx

  109. Zoe Rogerso says:

    Fantastic blog. When I was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer ‘adenoid cystic carcinoma’ my food world as I knew it took an incredibly sharp turn – it turned out to be an amazing journey rich in raw food, juices and the road to recovery continues. I’ve never looked back and I’ve made sure I keep the majority of my diet plant based. Have a read of my story on X

  110. Joan says:

    Thank you- I am newly diagnosed/ this is very helpful!

  111. Bob Cawley says:

    Your tips are great and I think I have gone through everyone of them in the last 4 months
    Not sure what to do!

  112. Monica Cam says:

    Hey! I can’t believe this. A great testimony that i must share to all cancer patient in the world i never believed that their could be any complete cure for lung cancer or any cancer,i saw people’s testimony on blog sites of how Rick Simpson cannabis oil brought them back to life again. i had to try it too and you can,t believe that in just few weeks i started using it all my pains stop gradually and i had to leave without the drugs the doctor gave to me. Right now i can tell you that few months now i have not had any pain, and i have just went for text last week and the doctor confirmed that there is no trace of any cancer system. Glory be to God for leading me to this genuine to Risk Simpson. I am so happy as i am sharing this testimony. My advice to you all who thinks that their is no cure for cancer that is Not true ,just contact him and get cannabis oil from Rick Simpson to your cancer and you will be free and free for ever, Try it and you will not regret it because it truly works. One thing i have come to realize is that you never know how true it is until you try. There is no harm in trying. Remember, delay in treatment leads to death. Here is his email( Contact him and be free from cancer ?????

    • Maria says:

      Hello Monica , Can you please tell me what the doses you were taking ? How many mg of THC per ml in the oil you were taking? My dad is starting to take it and I am very nervous about it . Thank you so much!!

  113. Patricia Donnellan says:

    You are an inspiration. My question to you is this- I was diagnosed with CLL 15 years ago. I have had chemo every 18 months since 2007. Do you believe if I start juicing and smoothing at least once a day and continue my vegetarian diet that I can stop the chemo?

    I hope to hear from you soon.

    Thank you

  114. Cindy Pretty says:

    Hi Kris! Ever since I bought your books several years ago I have referred to you as my sarcoma sister! I have been fighting leiomyosarcoma for 6 years now. Have refused conventional treatments with the exception of surgery.

    Am going thru another flare up, and docs wanting me to do radiation. Am so grateful to know that you are walking in my shoes and have done the legwork for myself and others. You have been a blessing and encouragement to me. Would love to meet you some day!

  115. Marlene Berman says:

    You are such an inspiration Kris! Good for you to be so positive and to. Have made such important changes in your life, especially acceptance an to keep on thriving! I was diagnosed with early stage breast cancer in Dec. 2012 and life is still good, but it will never be the same. I too am trying to enjoy each and every day, juice greens daily (although try ing to eat well all the time is really a challenge), as well as getting the weight down about 20lbs. sometimes when I stop and think about the diagnosis I freak out and then move on to better thoughts, Anyway, life is good and at age 60 I look forward to many more healthy years! Thank you again for your wonderful website, constant information and positive thinking! Stay well and happy. You rock young lady!,
    Marlene B.

  116. Gigi says:

    Bravo well done! That is one of my compliments I received today and I am passing it to you. I am an integrave patient navigator and health coach in CT. I recently launched my resource guide website plus many more techniques for stress and emotional healing. Can I add your link to my website? I think we should also get togethe, we are like minded and if you see my website I think you will agree.

    I also want to share very exciting info: my mentor’s friend was diagnosed with bladder cancer. He drank noni juice for I believe 6 months cured bladder cancer. His bladder was thun and fragil as mesh and the bladder came back to normal minus the scar tissue from radiation. His Oncologist is doing his own trials. I plan on meeting both if them soon. Healing I am assuming and bought for myself the raw unpasteurized organic one.

    Rick Simpson recipe for hemp oil is very interesting as well. I have links ti both of these remedies on my website. Please feel free to share my site as well.

    Gigi Adduci

  117. Susan says:

    Thank you for this insight. You are a living testimony and an inspiration!

  118. Julie Pankey says:

    Very inspiring! I’m going to share this with my followers in hopes that it will help others.

  119. Just want to say thank you. I am reaching my 8th cancerversary. I am a breast cancer survivor, an artist and a lover of life. Thank you for teaching me how to treat my body. I love you too sister!!!!

  120. Robin Chapchuk says:

    I love you Kris!! You are one rockin’, exceptional & talented woman whose advice & humor have helped me through this past year of living with pancreatic cancer. My cancerversary is tomorrow & I am embracing every moment of the journey by integrating all of these tips.

  121. Ginny Abate says:

    Kris, as usual, you make me feel safe. When I was diagnosed just over five years ago, with breast cancer, on my birthday, I thought my life was over. I found your books and found my safe place with you and on your web sites. Every day in the shower I check my chest, and there isn’t one day that I don’t worry about the cancer coming back, but with you right by my side, every step of the way, I still feel safe, and I will fight the fight! I had a bilateral mastectomy done, and no reconstruction, as I was 58 when diagnosed. My husband of over 30 years walked out on my special needs son and I, so I have also been a single mom. We have just lost our home to foreclosure and we lost our car two years ago. Michael is home bound and I am his only care giver. He is such a gift and such a joy. He is also quite a handful! One day at a time, one step at a time. Meditation and exersize are my go to’s every day! I couldn’t get through this journey without you Kris. You are an amazing source of support and comfort! Love you girl!

  122. MAE says:

    Very uplifting article as I approch my 3 yr anniversary

  123. janice oehl says:

    so so true adding flush your body out with fluids seltzer/water /sparkling water whatever you can get down.drink drink drink! breast colon uterine Chronic lympsotic leukemia. 1997 to present .

    • Diana says:

      Janice, thanks for the reminder that those of us living with cancer that we must drink lots of water/healthy fluids. I am going on my 5th year of living with incurable, Stage 4 uterine cancer, done all the treatments available- including a couple of clinical trials- and have to keep reminding myself how important the daily H2O intake is. I am sure there are a few out there that are unaware of this.

  124. Suchismita Bose says:

    Your articles are so great and motivating.. I used it as my daily dose and read once everyday to boost me in the morning. Thanks.. you are a great help.. God Bless you..

  125. Nancy says:

    Kris – I am a 2 year breast cancer survivor and while I was going through surgery and treatment I was numb. I am so grateful that I have found your blog as you have validated everything I have started to do. I will pass along this email to everyone I know who is fighting the fight and to those who can make these simple changes to live a better life.
    I send you healing thoughts and prayers. May you continue down this healing path you have created. You truly are inspirational! Thanks so much for sharing.

  126. nanci says:

    Thank you, I love you too.Happy.

  127. Angie says:

    Great great article. As an integrative oncology advocate I intend to share your insights, experiences and information. Keep up the good work!!!

  128. Joanne says:

    I was diagnosed with breast cancer 5 years ago and you gave me hope, inspiration and the courage to trust my instincts about treatment. You’re an angel on the cancer frontlines. Like Clara Barton! 🙂 Thank you forever.

  129. Adriana Mormocea says:

    Hello, Kris!

    I am writing to you from Romania.

    I have been following your site and posts and started juicing 1 year ago. I find your story inspiring and truly helpful.

    Now, my mother has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and I m doing my best on helping her. We are in between surgical intervention and starting chemo and radio therapy. Where can I find guidance regarding when to start the juicing for her? I am afraid the juicing will harm her, before chemo, or even determine tumor growth.

    All the best to you and your family.

    Looking forward to hearing from you,


    • Lori Bauman says:

      Hi Adriana would you mind sharing what you did? I’m in a similar situation with my dad. its paralyzing the doctors say don’t do it but I just dont know

  130. Mary Beth Norton says:

    Hey Kris, I read your book and love your energy!
    Wondered how I could start a blog or something like it. I have so much to tell and no one to listen I guess….lol ! I have stage 3 Ovarian Cancer…coming up on 2 years now

  131. Diane says:

    Dear Kris,
    You an amazing woman and I am so glad that I found you, your books, and now your website. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in January 2011. I have doing well however I still struggle anxiety and worry. I am looking forward to trying your recipes and have found your wellness blog a comfort and an inspiration.

    Thank you so much!


  132. Regiane says:

    I am so excited, ….today I discovered you and Dr. Lissa Rankin. I recently finished my breast cancer treatment (Chemo 🙁 & radiation) and have started my long journey taking tamoxifin. Now it’s time to heal my mind, body and soul and am so grateful I have found two beautiful, wonderful sources for inspiration and guidance. I love your videos they make me smile and I love your attitude. You ROCK!!!

  133. caroline says:

    you’re an insliration, Thank you Kris….much love!

  134. RoseAnn GILMER says:

    Kris Carr you are an incredibly, remarkable woman. God bless you and your fabulous work!!!!!,xoxoxoxoxoxoxox…

  135. dr somanth says:

    hi this is
    doctor somanth from india i want to suggest u take one drop of homeopathic medicine
    coffea 200 it will balens u r hormony with nature good bless u bye.

  136. chidi bedford says:

    Thanks alot…..i really learnt many thing from this

  137. Miranda says:

    I like the article very much, it’s encouraging & informative. These are some natural cancer fighting foods,

  138. Margie says:

    I think you are truly awesome Kris. Sending you so much love and also thanks for exuding exuberance for life – and reminding us that despite what life-challenges we might be meeting at any given time, we have the choice about how we deal with them. Your posts make me smile, your exuberance is contagious. Long live that sort of contagion. Thanks Kris. Love and warmth, M

  139. Carmen Forniss says:

    Good info…,I will be visit again.

  140. Colleen O'Kelly says:

    Thank you for the tips! Two time breast cancer survivor just diagnosed with EHE. Meeting with Dr. Cusack, MGH, on Tuesday.
    Would appreciate any info on Boston doctors.
    Thank you,

  141. Paula Harrison says:

    I have been diagnosed with Lung Cancer again. I had 3/4 of my right lung removed a year ago, and now the cancer is back in the lobe they left me. IT IS SLOW GROWING! I have time, thank god. Your books have become my bible and give me hope. Thank you! I am a 76 year old great-grandmother who up until now have been pretty healthy, and still have things to do and see. thanks again for your words of wisdom.

  142. Hi Kris,
    My sweet niece gave me your name after I was diagnosed with breast cancer in August. You are a complete inspiration to me and I told everyone in radiation about you!!! I love your energy. You are a wonderful human being.
    Thank you for helping me believe in myself and giving me the courage to tackle this nasty disease.
    I adore you sweet friend.
    Barbara Pompea

  143. LINDA BARNEY says:

    Kris, you are truly a gift to so many. Thank you!

  144. Mary says:

    Hi Kris, up until yesterday I didn’t know of your journey. A family member was diagnosed with epithelioid hemangioendothelioma. She contacted me and asked if I could somehow ask you a couple of questions that would hopefully help her. She wanted to know what medicines you took and if you are completely cured or if you were still fighting. She does not speak english but is following all your advice. Thanks for any information. I asked these questions on your FB page as well, hope you dont mind i wasnt sure where you would respond first

  145. Kris, I wanted to say how much you have inspired me to make a difference since my cancer diagnosis in 2010. I watched your DVD which I loved and follow you. I have since created Focus on Living School which is an online program for women with a cancer diagnosis to take charge of their life. I would love you to have a look and see what you think. Last year we ran the first pilot program and had some great results. I also did Bschool which I found really helpful to get an online business up and running. Love Brigette xx

  146. Tara says:

    My Mother was recently diagnosed with a Sarcoma. Will you please share with me which Dr. and clinic you finally found to help you????

  147. Excellent post. You cover a lot of important topics with regard to cancer. My wife is 10 years out from her metastatic breast cancer. I advocate a whole foods, plant-based way of living to all of my patients after I witnessed what it did for my wife’s health and mine. Plants are remarkable medicines and anti-inflammatory and ALL animal products are inflammatory. I have a female patient with a history of lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis. Three years ago she was nearly 100% disabled. She adopted a plant-based way of eating and is healthy today and working at Whole Foods. Plants contain MORE cancer-fighting phytochemicals than what has been discovered and used by oncologists. Eating a wide variety of highly colored plants is the BEST medicine for not only preventing, but fighting cancer.

  148. Steve Andrews says:

    Hi Kris –
    You are such an inspiration to me. I have Stage 4 esphogeal cancer. Diagosed in October 2012 I was given six months to live. 16 months later I’m still here and feeling great. Yes I will probably have cancer the rest of my life, but that is fine with me. I live in Boise, Idaho and plan on attending the Wellness Program in Sun Valley in May. I look forward to your presentation.


  149. Jivan says:

    I’m also a cancer survivor!
    I’ve been through some difficult times, but now I know cancer is the best thing that ever happened to me (no joke!). I have never felt more alive and peaceful. I trust life more than ever before and have learned to manage fear.
    I am now working a s a therapist over Skype and in person in Stockholm, Sweden.
    More about stress relief here:

  150. What a terrific and insightful article, thank you!

    May I suggest #12 – write about it! American psychologist Dr James Pennebaker did the first research in this area as long ago as 1986 and since then hundreds of studies have been carried out. The majority of studies have confirmed that writing about emotional trauma has positive physical health effects. These effects are not only measurable through subjective self-reporting – ‘I feel so much better after that’ – but are objectively measurable through such key markers as fewer visits to the doctor, improved sleep and changes in immune function.

    The Chemo Chic Project is a not-for-profit website that exists to tell YOUR story. If you have been affected by cancer, either your own diagnosis or that of a loved one (and, hey, doesn’t that include just about everybody on the planet?) then this is the place to share your story. Whether it be insight into how you have coped, a recipe, a poem or some tips about wigs, clothes or beauty products, sharing your story will help another person – and will probably help you too.

  151. Karen Ali says:


  152. Jeanette Roman says:

    I want to thank you for sharing your knowledge as well as your crazy sexy experiences. I being a nurse and having a husband who had been diagnosed with the same cancer that you have helped me to help him. For some reason I was lead to believe that you needed a referral for every thing so there fore we were a little late in seeking another specialist. We also traveled to Dana Farber Cancer Institute thanks to you and your help providing us with the information. The sarcoma specialist that my husband was seeing had refused to call Dana Farber Cancer Institute after I had read about you Kris, I think he thought I was crazy. All I knew is that you were alive and well and I wanted for my husband the best possible treatment . When I informed his oncologist {not the sarcoma specialist} that we had called and made arrangements to see a sarcoma specialist at the Dana Farber Cancer institute he was so excited and practically speechless . He couldn’t believe that we had gotten in. It wasn’t hard to do and they were so helpful. He learned from my husband as this is such a rare cancer and It wouldn’t surprise me if he would now recommend Dana Farber to other patients. I wish that I would of known sooner that I could call on my own and not take no for a answer from the sarcoma specialist here. Thanks again Kris you truly are amazing!

  153. Denise Harness says:

    You’re very inspiring to allot of people ,I find some of this advice great if you don’t have colon cancer .We cannot eat whole foods or cleanse our bowels . Especially if you have stage 4 metastatic colon cancer. This is all very confusing to me because I before I was diagnosed with canser .I ate a healthy , high fiber and did regular workouts . Now my life has me eating low fiber and not great nutritional options . The chemo they put most of us on we cannot drink cold smoothies and have to have everything at room temperature . I have been searching for answers to remain healthy while in treatment . Is there anything in anyone’s research that help ?? I feel someone needs to speak out on behalf of the some of us who simply aren’t giving up on living but want a chance to eat healthy , recover and live life !!

    • Kris Carr says:

      The Dietician’s at The Block Center in Chicago would be able to advise you honey. I can imagine that’s difficult. You could also email Jen Reilly RD. Check out her blog, The bitchen dietician.

    • Sandra says:

      Have you considered weed oil? Look up weed the people on YouTube and Rick Simpson RSO.

  154. Tina says:

    Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
    Kris, your positive insight has created a shift in my life and I’m going to pay it forward.
    Peace & Blessings!!

  155. David says:

    Hi Kris,
    When my wife told me about your story (from Marie’s campaign) I thought : “Waouw, this is awsome”. As a Holistic Practitioner I love reading Inspiring Stories like yours. It give so much energy and hope to others!
    On the other hand, I cannot read such awsome energy without sharing my own expertize. I may have some references that you would like to know (not well known in US yet) and I would be more than happy to give them to you. Have a wonderfull day and thank you for your Energy! From Belgium, David.

  156. Thank you Kris. I lost my mom last year and am still so frustrated with all parts of the experience. knowledge like this can SAVE YOUR LIFE.

  157. Stacey says:

    I want to say thank you for everything Kris Carr. You’ve been awesome! I also got diagnosed with epithelioid hemangioendothelioma last year at the age of 23 single mom of a 7 year old. Its been a roller coaster ride but all I could say is with lots of faith and a positive attitude it can make anything happen. This is not the end its only the begining! 🙂

  158. Susie says:

    I am so honored to have met you at I Can Do It 2014, San Jose. You were wicked funny and a great “profiler”, if I might say! lol You rendered me speechless with your kindness. I have benefited so much from your information and positive affirmations. I am happy for you that the steps you have found to guide your life have given you peace and gratitude for this crazy journey we call life. Luckily, we all benefit from your sharing as well. Blessings to everyone in your circle!


  159. rob Kelly says:

    Just found out I have tonsil cancer and my first appointment with oncology team is tomorrow.
    Thanks for these tips…as a Babe in the Woods at 61 years old, these put me at ease a bit.

  160. Caroline says:

    Thank you Kris for being my very own angel today! I woke up today with your email full of positivity and acceptance, just what I needed. I am a young 40 years old living with congenital myasthenia gravis, and spent yesterday at the doctor hearing about all my limitations present and future…and feeling my heart getting smaller and smaller and my stress levels leaving me sick to my stomach – literally;) Today is the day to rest, renew and replenish, tomorrow i can re-strategize and still make my dreams come true.
    Love, Caroline

  161. dominica sweet says:

    Cheers to cancer remission Kris! Thank you for all you do to inspire and educate. In March of 2008 I was diagnosed with stage 3 Hodgkins Lymphoma. A friend gave me a copy of your first book and I was hooked. I went through chemo, a stem cell transplant in 2009, and then more chemo and radiation in 2010 , all the while integrating clean eating, stress reduction, exercise, etc. Unfortunately my lymphoma is recurring and I’m in the process of consultations etc. I’ve learned that I will have to be okay with being a ‘cancer thriver’ like you, as I will likely be able to keep the disease at bay but not be cured. What you say about acceptance really resonates with me. This disease may always be a part of who I am and I have to be okay with that. It’s given me the courage to leave a job that was physically and mentally draining me for years, and start my own business making natural deodorant ‘Dom’s Deodorant’…thank you from the bottom of my heart for being on this journey ‘with me’!

  162. Sonia says:

    YOU, my friend are truly awesome and amazing!

  163. Bridget says:

    You are amazing!

  164. Tracy says:

    Thank you for this. I have been overwhelmed and negative about my own medical news and this shifted things for me!

  165. shala shardil says:

    Kris you are special and I love you too…:-)

  166. Lauren says:

    Woo hoo!! Happy cancerversary gorgeous heart.

    You are a true earth angel.

    Thank you so very much.


  167. Victoria says:

    You are an Angel…you are right on!
    And that’s why you are blessed.
    I love that you are in this world!
    Love and peace to you

  168. Norma H says:

    I am 61 years old and was diagnosed with Stage 3 or 4 (still don’t know) non operable advanced pancreatic cancer 11 months ago and went through 11 rounds of the toughest chemo they give and did (and do) alternative therapies. I am now back to teaching several exercise classes a week and going to Zumba and taking belly dancing. Love your tips!

  169. Debi Sheffield says:

    Hi Kris,

    I did not know about your cancer diagnosis before I began subscribing to your blog. I don’t know how I found your blog. Maybe my own personal angel led me to it. Like you, I received a life altering cancer diagnosis in March 2010. My cancer, like yours, is incurable. It is multiple myeloma and when i was diagnosed I already had innumerable tumours in my spine and throughout my body. I opted for conventional treatment – a stem cell transplant and a lot of strong chemo. I was prepared for the worst – but I also hoped for the best.. and here I am today, still alive. Many of the tumours I have are under control and I am in a near complete remission. I do have to stay on a constant chemo regimen but I am lucky that I can take it in pill format. I have been committed to finding food that helps me maintain good health and I guess that is how I stumbled onto your blog. I began following a lot of the recommendations, including juicing, which I LOVE. I didn’t think I would like it but I can’t go without it now. I am also a vegetarian. So thanks to you – I really am trying to make strides with keeping my immune system strong and healthy. Even though I have no scientific proof, I think that eating well can stave off cancer. Even if it does not cure cancer, good food, meditation, and living the life you want can improve the quality of life for cancer patients. Blessings to you for sharing your story.. Hope you had a loving Valentine’s Day.
    Debi Sheffield

  170. Trisha says:

    Powerful article Kris! And so timely for me… I spent this past Valentine’s day in an oncologist’s office who recommended removing my thyroid for ‘suspicious’ thyroid cancer…this coming 17 years after being diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in my early 20s. Here we go again?? Thankfully my handsome hubby was there holding my hand throughout all of it, then and now. Your tips are awesome, as is your story – truly an inspiration… thank you!

  171. Sara says:

    Kris Carr is a Super Rock Star! Thank you for being so open and sharing your life with the world.

  172. Stephanie Knaus says:


    You are amazing and Ialthough just “met” you, I already love you – I love your strength and the message you have for anyone who is facing the scary new world of cancer. I had a more simple form of ovarian cancer when I was 19 – that was 22 years ago and boy could I have used your support then. You are so right about acceptance – to make peace with yourself is to make peace with your whole self, cancer and all. Its been many years for me but as I look back on that scary time I can honestly say (and unless you’ve gone through it) it was an experience I wouldn’t give up – it defined who I was, it gave me strength to care formyself when prior to that I had no voice – I still cherish the memory of watching MTV with my sister as she shaved my head with a pink razor and when I finally said goodbye to each strand. I found myself deep within the shell of how the world viewed me and became the me I am now after all was stripped away and rebuilt.

    Thank you so much for being an inspiration to others who need to know that they have a voice within themselves and power to find their own peace in whatever form that may be.

  173. Nicole says:

    Oooh Kris, a huge congratulations on such an amazing milestone. You are an absolute inspiration! I have just returned home this morning from another treatment, I too am on my own cancer journey, and was feeling quite sick and overwhelmed, I just read your post and my tears have stopped and I am feeling empowered again. Thank you once again for being a shining beacon and a vision of hope to many of us that have been given no hope. Here’s to another wellness infused year. ❤️ Nicole

  174. Bill Bond says:

    You are a true inspiration.I am a two and a half year laryngectomy survivor.I
    am going to take your advice on diet starting now.Thank You and God Bless

  175. Great article! I was happy to share it with a relative who is currently battling cancer. Your article gives hope and encourages others (who aren’t sick – YET) to take care NOW! xx

  176. Barbara says:

    I have adenocystic carcinoma – a similar slow grower which can just to decide to take off. you mention to network so here I am networking with you. Can you share the name of your integrative MD? I am in CT and willing to travel. Thank you

  177. Patricia Feher says:

    Dearest Kris…..Your book Crazy Sexy Cancer and the documentary was the first time i actually smiled and KNEW I was on the right track! That was almost five yrs. ago and although a lumpectomy and then a double mastectomy followed…the love and so smart info I have followed from you my dear has made a huge difference in my continuing thriving…….Thank you Thank you You help so many of us and we LOVE you big time!!!!!!!

  178. Carol Stinchcombe says:

    You are such an inspiration to me. I was diagnosed in August 2012 with stage IV colon cancer with metastasis to the liver. I had 2 major surgeries in March 2013. In July of that same year, my cancer returned to my liver and I was devastated. Within a few weeks I started to make major shifts in my life like you have done. I am in chemotherapy but do so much more than that. Dietary changes, juicing, supplements, yoga and mind/body connection etc… Thankyou for putting such valuable information out there for people to read. Cancer can be beaten. We are living proof!

    • Laurel says:

      Carol, keep up all you are doing! I was diagnosed 2-22-16 with stage 3 colon cancer, tumor was removed but it was found in lymph nodes so chemo was started in April. In three wks I will finish chemo. I tried to follow Kris’s dietary advise but I am struggling. Then I had to resort to eating ‘whatever’ I could get down to keep from losing to much weight (nausea). Now I am on a quest to get back on track. Thank you for sharing your story. Keep up the good, positive vibe work.


      • Susan Mazeika says:

        Hi Laurel,
        I was diagnosed this past July also with stage 3 colon cancer with one postive lymph node. I am only,on my 2nd chemo treatment and wonder how I am going to get through this. I too wanted badly to dollow Kris’s healthy way of life but also list weight and now eat whatever I can stomach ti keep up my energy! Just wantes to say Hi and send hugs to you! We can do this!
        Susan xoxo

  179. Debra Leonard says:

    Thank you Kris, just woke and read your email , popping up now to do my meditation a great way to start my day.
    Was only diagnosed 4 months ago with stage 4 lung cancer with secondly tumours in my brain surgery was attempted in my brain but was to risky . My chemo and radio treatment has finished and Iwill have scans in a few weeks then results,
    I have found my way to your story thru my organic grocer,you are so inspiring and I feel scared but good . Thank you again
    Love Debra

  180. Pamela Allen says:

    Kris, Thanks for all your healthy informative avenues. My husband and I have watched your documentary on cancer, and now we have read your book, Sexy Crazy Cancer and most recently ordered your new recipe book. Three years ago I had started to read your book because my brother was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Unfortunetly he passed away 5 months after being diagnosed. I recently picked your book up and have been following your suggestions. We have been making smoothies, eating entirely a plant based diet and even started daily yoga. Previously we were Pescetarians. Bless you for all of your research and success. Thank you for all your love, sharing and caring. Congratulations on your 11 year cancerversary and may there be many more years.

  181. Congratulations on your cancerversary Kris! I love your posts and read every one. These tips are excellent and need to be in every cancer survivor’s toolkit. I’m not a cancer survivor but I lost my younger sister to lung cancer four years ago. I don’t know if knowing about you back then would have saved her, but I know it would have helped her tremendously….she, sadly, did NOT have a good oncologist. By the way, your tips above are sage advice for everyone desiring vibrant health. Those of us without cancer who love your blog can just disregard tips 2 and 3 and breathe in gratitude in their place! xx

  182. Ted Wallof says:

    Thank you Kris for sharing your journey with the world, you’re quite an inspiration. I’ve bought your books for everyone in my family (2 of which are cancer thrivers). Basically, wanted you to know…I’m a fan! Wishing you well.

  183. Dear Kris,

    Thank you so much for your work, books, advices, recipes and for building this fantastic loving virtual family. Every week I am thrilled to read your newsletter. I wish you all the VERY, VERY BEST for EVERYTHING!!!

    I have never let a comment before. I haven’t been inspired or too shy or thinking that I have nothing special to write here. But today, I can not stop myself 😉 I would love that everybody on earth speak English to be able to read you every week as well as watching Marie TV! I am a B-Schooler from last year and have listened and loved the Spotlight Course.

    In fact, I am watching and reading you, Marie Forleo, Marianne Williamson, Danielle Laporte…, working to build a better, greater world, and this is the most inspiring thing I had read/followed so far. You are amazing women and I fully believe in Danielle Laporte when she said that the Dalai Lama said to her that the future of the world is Women 😉 I am not feminist at all, but am convinced that women were not present enough on the Public area so far… Our way of thinking is so different… the world needs it!

    I am living in London and won’t be able to support Marianne Williamson on her way to the Congress but my heart is with her, with you all!!!

    Much love, Fred x.
    PS. Have you read “The Female Brain” by Louann Brizendine? A must read (and great fun) book about women!

  184. Elena says:

    Kris, Thank you! I love you! thank you! Health for you!

  185. Keith Biggs says:

    Kris, thanks for the post. One book I found helpful in my treatment was “Anticancer: A New Way Of Life by David Servan-Schreiber”, seemed to resonate with me somehow. I look forward to your next anniversary post. All the best.

  186. Pamela Allen says:

    Interested in hearing what you have to share about starting up an internet based business.

  187. Tracey Charles says:

    Kris, you are SO inspiring! Thank you for your blogs; it makes my day when I see them pop up in my email. Keep doing what you’re doing….you’re obviously doing it right. Congratulations on your 11 year cancerversary!!!

  188. Sandra says:

    Kriss, Thank-you for giving us the empowerment to make some positive changes in our diet. I do not have cancer, my precious daughter, Arthina age 37 diagnosed at age 33, does. I think when we read these blogs everyone interprets them differently. I embraced the idea of juicing and your delicious smoothies as a way to incorporate vegetables and fruits into my non-existing veggie and fruit eating habits. We too searched out the best oncologists to fight my daughter’s rare form of kidney Cancer called xp11.2 translocation renal cell carcinoma. We were told to take her home and that was not good enough for her, her twin sons, or her family and friends; that was 4 years ago also on Valentines Day! I used the My first advise to others fighting cancer is to do your research. I used U.S. News 2013 Edition to find Arthina’s dr.’s in Arizona at Mayo, who specialize in Kidney Cancers and is 4th on the list of top 50 cancer hospitals. Educating ourselves is not “false hope.” Thank-You. Sandi

  189. Amita says:

    Congrats on truly LIVING with cancer! Love this post–no matter what type of cancer one has or at what stage, it’s so important to take back one’s control. There’s hope in just being able to do loving things for oneself. Look forward to getting your emails every week!

  190. Congratulations on your “anniversary”. Thanks for sharing so many well researched and documented tips. You are truly courageous. Keep up the good work.

  191. SHIRLEY says:

    I have enjoyed reading your posts about the juicing… I had no idea about your diagnosis… BUT as you have proven – JUICING DOES THE TREATMENT JOB!!!… GOD BLESS YOU and may you CONTINUE WITH GOOD HEALTH

  192. Melanie J. says:

    What’s so important also, is how with the exception of #s 2 and 3, people who desire changing their lives for the healthier should be implementing this entire list into their daily lives. It’s a work in progress for me, to be sure, but every time I read stuff like this, it hits home because I know deep in my soul, that I will feel better and live a longer, healthier life by taking an integrative approach. Thank you so much for posting these!

  193. Sarah says:

    Kris, thanks so much for this and everything that you do! I was diagnosed with borderline ovarian cancer two years ago, a week after turning 30. After surgeries and two years of hoping it would go away (it didn’t), I “randomly” came across Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips and read it cover to cover. I can’t express how much you’ve helped me to shift my thinking from passive to proactive. Thanks!

    • Barbara says:

      I have adenocystic carcinoma – a similar slow grower which can just to decide to take off. you mention to network so here I am networking with you. Can you share the name of your integrative MD? I am in CT and willing to travel. Thank you

  194. thanks chris, you are veryinspiring!!!!,

  195. Alisa says:

    You are an amazing woman! Thank you for being so real and for sharing the way you do! 🙂 xo

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