Hiya Starshine,
Odds are, you ended up in my world because you want to feel better. Maybe you were searching for a green juice recipe, a new approach to your health challenge or a way to relieve stress. Those are all amazing reasons to be here (hi!).
But are you also seeking something more fulfilling and meaningful when it comes to your aspirations? I’ve certainly been there.
Once I started to feel better in my body, I wanted that delicious feeling to bleed into all areas of my life, including my work.
Being an entrepreneur is in my bones.
First, I come from a long line of entrepreneurs. My people can’t really work for other people. Even as a 7-year-old I showed a flair for business by selling 5 cent tickets to little dance performances I created in my living room. And ever since, I’ve pretty much worked for myself—as an actress, photographer, author, speaker, you name it!
Maybe you’ve got that entrepreneurial spark, too.
Whatever you dream of—whether it’s an out-of-the-box career or business of your own—I want you to know that your potential is limitless. To get you started, I’ve hand-picked a few of my favorite blogs on topics related to building an abundant, fulfilling life you love. Choose one that speaks to you and see if it sparks something exciting inside.
Because know this: You can do anything you put your mind to. Keep trying. Keep dreaming. Don’t give up. You’re worth it.
5 Ways to Start Living an Abundant Life
Redefine Your Purpose
This is my most popular blog of all time. I re-read it every January, and it reminds me of my true purpose as I begin another year in business and in life. There’s lots of advice out there on how to find your purpose, but most of it creates stress and, in my opinion, totally misses the mark. That’s why I want to share this with you. What if your purpose is very different than what you’ve been taught to believe? If you are struggling with this topic, this blog was written for you. Mwah! Read more here.
Move From Dreaming to Doing (Free Planner Included!)
Remember when you thought anything was possible? Guess what—it still is! When you feel stuck or resistant, don’t forget that life is always providing you with opportunities to learn, grow and step outside of your comfort zone. Sometimes, what seems like a setback actually turns into a step forward. Read this blog to help unstick any stuckness. A bright future awaits. All you need is a pinch of courage, a dash of effort and a cup of faith. Ready? GO! Read more here.
Manifest What You Want
This is one of my favorite blogs, and it shares a real-life example of how manifesting works! While I have many personal experiences with bringing my dreams into reality, this blog showcases someone who is like a sister, mother, daughter to me. I’m so blessed that she manifested her way into my life, and I think her story will give you the inspiration you need to believe you can create the life of your dreams too! Read more here.
Find the Messages in Your Fears
We all get scared sometimes, but it’s possible to work with our fears and use them to our benefit. Fear contains powerful messages, toots. When we’re brave enough to be with what scares us, we can awaken our intuition and create a new path for healing. So how do you get what you need from fear without letting it pull you under? Check out my guide for dancing with the dragon. It will give you the tools you need to get through the difficult times. Read more here.
How to Build Your Confidence
Do you shy away from celebrating your victories because you’re afraid people will think you’re full of yourself? If so, you’re not alone. It can feel awkward to stand out and shine, but I want to encourage you to brag about your breakthroughs, honey. Show your pride for a job well-done. You’re magnificent, and it’s time you recognize your triumphs and give yourself full permission to celebrate your accomplishments (big or small). Check out this blog to find out why healthy bragging is so important and how to do it. Read more here.
Your turn: What other topics do you want me to explore related to career, business and entrepreneurship? I’d LOVE and appreciate your feedback. Anything goes—add to the list!
Peace & fulfillment,
Dear Kris, i love this!!! And i’d Love some advice on how to put some fairy tail Magic in the boring/hard working/endless seaming tasks that are behind every sucess!! You are my role Model Kris. I just finished medschool in wheelchair (i am a doctor now!!!) and am about to start finishing my thesis on tapping/EFT neuroscience, our first ever MRI paper on tapping will be out soon but i need a lot of fairy tell magic for the research which can be So so long and hard.. xo xo Antonia
A nice time of year for reflection. The dark cold days of winter encourage that inner dialogue, of building that dream board for the year ahead. It is amazingly fantastic that I can link to people across this planet with inspiring ideas, keys to opening new doors to experience and perception. And as exciting is finding people and places within my day to day world that also provide those high vibrational opportunities to grow. The challenge: to give back, to find ways to give abundantly and graciously. I am thinking that for a nickel I could give a dance performance that would definitely make anyone smile if not laugh out loud. Thanks. Thanks for the words, for the action templates, the smoothie recipes. Now back to the vision board for 2018. Best wishes for a 2018 beyond all our dreams.
Great stuff! Love your writing
I would also personally love some more new vlogs and YouTube videos from you
love hearing your message when you give it in person via video and kinda miss that element at the mo xx
Hey Kris!
This seriously could not have come at a more perfect time! I recently quit my job to take on my business full time and these articles only motivate me more to give my business the love and care it needs to grow.
My topic I’m interested in exploring more is manifesting, which I love, but also some awesome mediatations that you personally love and use for calling in abundance into your life.
Thank you so much for all you do,
How do you do it Kris? How do you know exactly what I need when I need it? Genius!! Thank you so much….this is brilliant. Sticky note for tomorrow morning…..job #1, read Kris’s create abundance blog. SO grateful for you sweet lady. Sending Love and hugs to you xxx
What about if you don’t know what you want only what you don’t.
Aloha Kris,
Although this is a great message you’re missing the biggest piece and why people don’t manifest real change in their lives. Too bad this is good info.
Dear Kris
So happy you came into our lives…on the web and..saw you speak in London recently. Good to share vibrations and thank you SO much for being you. xxh
Thank you so much…for all of this…I have been reading it all morning! I don’t even know how I found you…but I am so glad that I did
Your words are exactly what I need right now
Sending much love 
Oh, I’d love to know the answer to Andrea’s question also. It’s such a problem (way too expensive) if you’re not getting insurance through a company. I’ve decided that I can’t sacrifice my life to corporate American just to have insurance. Thanks for putting the question out there Andrea!
This may be a sideways sort of question but, as an entrepreneur, how do you handle health insurance?
I love this new section! Thanks for organizing it this way. I have been doing a lot of work around fear and manifesting and look forward to reading these articles <3
I love how cohesive your site is, and the Abundance section is a fitting addition! My biggest struggle right now is motivation to take action and to follow through. I’m looking forward to reading Move From Dreaming To Doing. Thank you for your kind and understanding words!
Oh Kris, I love this so much, and it totally fits in with everything else you offer. You have been a real inspiration to me as I have been creating my blog and starting to grow my business. I love your positive attitude, and love how committed you are to sharing your message with the world. Thanks for all you do!!! xxoo
I love the new section! I believe all things are possible….if you believe. Belief is my problem. I’m doing some research on belief and how to change your beliefs but would love your take on how to believe in yourself.