Kris Carr

Kris Carr

Emotional Health

6 Ways to Love Yourself Today: Simple Self-Care

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Hiya Gorgeous!

Does your life ever feel like a treadmill?

You’re running and running—trying to take care of your loved ones, pets, home, career, community (and maybe love on the planet a bit, too).

Plus, you have a never-ending list of self-improvements to apply: Lose weight. Get stronger. Workout. Meditate. Improve gut health. Whiten teeth. Smooth wrinkles. Drink water. Sharpen mind. Learn new skills. Be kinder. And on and on.

That treadmill can sure get tiring, can’t it, sweetheart?

Too often, self-care feels like just one more thing to keep you running. Another task on the to-do list. A response to the constant pressure to improve. But what if there were a better way?

Real self-care should feel nurturing, not nagging.

So if the idea of self-care feels like a burden, recognize that it’s probably because you’re putting pressure on yourself to do “all the things”. Instead, give yourself permission to simplify. Start by focusing on just a few healthy habits to help you love yourself the easy way. That’s what I want to explore with you today.

Now let’s explore a few healthy habits you can try.

6 Simple Self-Care Practices to Love Yourself with Today

1. Start your day with introspection

Here’s how I greet each morning: I wake up, light a candle and meditate for 10 minutes. Then I make tea, write in my Results Journal and maybe read something uplifting. That’s it. When times are stressful, it’s easy to turn on the news or pop open social media and feel the energy seep right out of your body. Instead, make a vow to start your day by filling your well. If you have to get up 15 minutes earlier, do it. That time of sweet self-care will be well worth it.

2. Nourish your body first

What you eat is who you become. By choosing to nourish your body first thing, you’re setting the tone for the rest of the day. Water, green juice and avocado toast (or a hearty smoothie!) will give you a boost of sustainable, nutrient-packed energy. If you love coffee, guess what? You don’t have to give it up. Instead, just try adding in a smoothie or some green juice first. Give your body a healthy burst of nutrients, alkalinity and antioxidants, then sip the joe.

I call that my add-before-you-subtract principle, by the way. So much nutritional guidance hinges on deprivation—on what you give up. But I believe true health is about abundance. It’s about piling on the good, deeply-nourishing stuff. Once you add enough goodness to your plate (or your life!), the mediocre is naturally crowded out.

3. Talk to your cravings

As your day unfolds, notice if you find yourself battling cravings. Maybe it’s cookies, chips, a mindless hour of Facebook scrolling, or a smoke. Those cravings aren’t always about the sugar, caffeine, or whatever it is you’re jonesin’ for. In fact, they rarely are. More often, they’re a plea from your higher self. Instead of mindlessly acquiescing to the urge, ask yourself what desire it really represents.

Do you need more sweetness in your life? A time out from stress? Some love? An apology? A chance to rest? What’s the craving attempting to fill for you? And what could you do to satisfy that itch (and your soul) instead? Remember, you’ll get better results if you add something to serve that deeper desire than if you try to subtract the craving itself.

4. Practice The Daily Ten

You feel better when you move your body. There’s no denying it. But it does feel challenging to fit in a daily workout, doesn’t it? So let’s start with something more attainable: Just move for 10 minutes. Even when you can’t do a full-blown gym workout, you do have 10 minutes to move. Let this be something easy and something that feels good to you. Take a stroll, stretch on your living room floor, or turn up the tunes and shake what your mama gave you!

5. Cultivate what nourishes your soul

Your plate doesn’t contain all the answers when it comes to nourishing your sweet self. We all need soul-nourishment, too. We need to make space for the activities that bring us joy and fulfillment. Without them, we wither.

These go beyond our daily routines, too. You may enjoy your job, but it won’t always satisfy you. I’m sure you love your family, but they can’t always be around (or pleasant!) to encourage you. So what’s one thing you could do that would bring you some smiles this week?

Maybe you should take a few minutes to draw or paint or dance. Perhaps you could call a friend, take a bath, or love on your pet (or foster a new one!). It can be anything that renews your spirit. So what is it for you? What nourishes your soul? What makes you feel more connected, happy, or of service? Whatever it is, do more of it this week.

6. Have compassion for yourself

Unfortunately, suffering is a natural part of life. We can’t avoid it—especially now with the collective challenges we’re all facing. The trick is to acknowledge your struggle and then bear-hug it with compassion. Compassion is the medicine. Once you apply compassion you’ll be able to take the lessons and move through the discomfort. Residual ouchies may remain, but they won’t harden you. We all have scars. They give us character. I have old wounds on my knees from bike crashes and canoe flips. And then there are the cancer scars. All of which are a part of me now, neither pretty or ugly, just there—inviting me to practice some self-compassion.

If you do nothing else to love yourself today, start by offering yourself a bit of kind compassion.

Breathe. Smile. I love you. You love you.

Progress Not Perfection

I’m done with the pressure-packed, “do all the things” definition of self-care. Aren’t you, toots? It’s just not worth staying on that treadmill.

Our new mantra for self-care is progress, not perfection. Often, when we start from an extreme place and seek extreme results, we set ourselves up for extreme disappointment.

Instead, let’s reimagine a new, gentle kind of self-care. One where a few healthy habits make our lives feel more steady. One where we feel nurtured—body, mind and spirit.

As you step forward in self-care this week, remember: Simplicity. Ease. Grace.

Let the turtle be your guide. Slow and steady, my glorious friend. From a spiritual perspective, there is no race, anyway. There’s only growing.

Your turn: What’s one simple thing you’ll do to nurture yourself today?

Growth & grace,

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  1. Anabela Solis says:

    Thanks for this message Kris 🙂 it’s a pleasure to read you, especially during quarantine.
    Xoxo from Argentina

  2. Ann says:

    First I really love, “there is no race, only growing.” It seems like when I forget that, it’s when I start to fall apart mentally. Luckily, I have set up habits over the years to bring me back and centered but it still takes acknowledgment and practice and I have to remind myself not to beat myself up when things don’t go as planned in my world. Before I wrote this, I decided to do one thing to nurture myself before I moved on with my daily stuff. I wrote in my journal and when I write I feel like it always brings me to a place of love. I get to express my deepest thoughts. It is very nurturing for me because I have always enjoyed writing over speaking. In conversations or situations, I just can’t process everything at once, and sometimes I feel things were left open and I want to close it, so later when I reflect, It brings me great joy to write down my thoughts and feelings. When I take the time out to do that for myself, I feel loved.

  3. Sophie says:

    I agree that self-care is so important, Kris! This is something that I am constantly working on. I think as women we tend to put ourselves on the backburner as we nurture and help others. I no longer neglect my own needs. Your blog post really resonated with me! Thank you for all you do.

  4. Nelson Chuo says:

    Wow! this is awesome Thanks my dear.

  5. Julie says:

    Kris, Your sharing calms my soul and makes me smile. Thank you

  6. Katie M says:

    I was beating myself up today for mildly slipping from my no sugar diet. But then I stopped and reminded myself that I’m doing the best I can, I’m doing a lot, and then generated some compassion for myself.
    Thanks for all your inspirational posts – I’ve got your books too – your positivity is appreciated! 🙂

  7. Rhonda says:

    Amazing! To say you have a way with words doesn’t come close to describing the gift you have. This was beautiful and beautifully timed, I needed this – at this moment. You have truly found your calling; working on finding mine. Thanks for the boost!

  8. Mina says:

    You are so amazing and such an inspiration! I am a 4-times cancer survivor and I feel so grateful to have found your site! I purchased Hay House Writers Course and am enjoying it and working on my book…
    Keep shining Angel-on-Earth…?

  9. Bridget Morris says:

    this is the perfect blog rolling towards the holiday season, thank you!

  10. Kristian says:

    Kris, thanks for the reminders! Always perfect timing! I am going to pass these on to my teenager, who I think can use them now. ❤️

  11. Laura says:

    Dear Kris. Thank you for your message. I really felt the compassion through the lines. I live in Puerto Rico and I’m a animal rescuer myself so I want to publicly thank you for your contribution to the Sato Project, an organization I’ve collaborated with in the past. It is very easy to get carried away in the drama, it has happened to all of us, even the most spiritually engaged. This blog of yours was a reminder to count our blessings, inhale, exhale and be gentle with ourselves. “Gentler” if that’s what it takes. Sincerely grateful … for everything… L

  12. Christina says:

    Thank You, Kris! I love to read Your words! In this moment there is sadness in me and tears came up while reading Your words, especially the nice ones. I look out of the window and feel sad. The inner child needs a big hug and a lot of love! And sometimes I think I can’t give enough… I want the little Christina to be happy, to laugh and sing and dance! And yet I think I’m not good enough in that…
    There are others days,I know, but right now…
    God bless You, Kris!

  13. Reset Key says:

    Right here is the right website for anybody who hopes to understand this topic.
    You know so much its almost tough to argue with you (not
    that I personally would want to…HaHa). You definitely put a brand new spin on a topic that has been discussed for decades.
    Great stuff, just great!

  14. Cait says:

    Always love your posts, Kris! You’re such a beautiful person.

  15. This website definitely has all of the information I wanted about thijs subject and didn’t know
    who to ask.

  16. Desi says:

    I’ll definetely cut my animal consumption by half next year. Good advice!

  17. Claudette Gentle says:

    Thank you so much just the picker upper I needed to jump start a “new me”. Article was empowering. I can now do all things I thought I couldn’t or didn’t want to do.

    Thank you so much.

    Claudette Gentle

  18. andrea says:

    Hi Kriss!I love all your articles they make me smile and to be positive,unfortunately what im going through now its really hard,ive been diagnosed with lupus and it made my pacreas inflamed also joints pain ,terrible headaches,ive been trying to do a juice fast but im failing all the time is there any good advice that you could give me ?it would be fantastic,im looking forward to your replay.
    With lots of love Andrea.

  19. Rita Hale says:

    This is just what I needed to hear in a way that others wanting to shift will understand. The part about the sweets is getting so much easier although they do call me. Thanks for the advice and I am in process of taking a closer look as I practice what I preach–clean nutritious food.

    How much better does it get?

  20. Robin Eadha says:

    Thank you Kris. As usual, insightful gentle and kind, and funny!! I feel better already. My daughter and I enjoy sharing your blogs. You’re a big part of our growth together.

  21. Love this! So well said and much needed. Thanks for the guide. I started sitting quietly at night after I work out. It took a couple of days but the rest of the house to stop banging on the door but they have. It’s been lovely. Peace and quiet. Just the other night I added a candle to my nightly ritual.It adds just the right zen, relaxing atmosphere to the room. Even my husband noticed and it’s a nice setting just before bed. It’s funny, too, because I just started reading a book about how the voice in my head isn’t me – exactly how you said it. I think it’s called The Unteathered Soul. I just started it and it’s an interesting thought. Thanks again! I just found you the other from Marie Forleo and you both have been so fabulous!!!! I aspire to be like the two of you. Successful and happy.

  22. LaQuisha Armstrong says:

    I am so eager to get started. I eat vegetables and drink lemon water all day. Is that healthy? Is there something I can get delivered to my home. I have fibromyalgia with arthritis. I am bipolar and I also have insomnia with disk problems in neck and lower back. I have migraines as well as all over body swelling and female problems. What do you suggest? Do you have a book that I can get by mail also. I’m 38 and I am 7 ft 8 inches and weigh 176 lbs. I don’t get much exercise. Always in pain. I enjoy your recipes.

  23. Janet Stone says:

    Love the Cleanse for 2013 blog … Thanks!

  24. Nestora Germann says:

    Bear witness to the negative self talk. The voice in your noggin isn’t even you. Wow! I think I just had a aha moment. I listen to that voice too much! Thank you so much!

  25. Debby says:

    Thank you – I needed this motivation today!

  26. Thanks for this! I’m a new vegan and am finding your books and resources extremely valuable in my pursuit of clean eating. Awesome tip on the yogaglo website. I’m checking it out now.

  27. George Gallagher says:

    Great Article. I love hearing these things, I am a dietician for the US Army and my life has revolved around educating healthy living. Thank you for letting your voice be heard and do know your hard work saves lives! XOXOX

  28. Bethy says:

    All about the green juice! My favorite one is Kale, Cucumber, Green Pepper, and Apple. So freaking delicious! I just got into coffee for the first time and it’s not bad! Not quite as refreshing as my juice, but then… what is? Thanks Kris!

  29. Justyna says:

    Great Post, I always have more clarity when I read your posts. Thank you!!

  30. debbie says:

    I feel motivated!

  31. Joe says:

    I just wanted to say that I have recently lost 200lbs, took me a year to do it and I am working on losing more, I watched Food Inc the other day and saw you on the show. The point you make about one of the important roles for being healthy is spiritual health, that is so true. People forget about this part and fail to fix the reason why we over eat. I believe obesity is a symptom of something missing in our lives.

  32. Love this Kris, I am ready to do my cleanse next week, green juice love here i come! ps- Love the pic with the baby dear!

  33. Azure says:

    I must say that you always help me with the “bad” self talk and self forgiveness. Just when the little voice starts saying “my butt is too big” or I eat a piece of chocolate. You remind me that I am good and lovely. That eating chocolate is ok. That being human is ok. And tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it……yet!!!

  34. Susan Schiller says:

    Hi Kris, Just heard about you from the Prevention Magazine this month so I logged on to your website. I like your excitement and passion for life. I do can be impulsively passionate so I like the excitement I sense from your writing. I’m looking forward to your newsletter and trying your recipes, etc. My husband and I just started a daily green drink about 3 months ago and we love it!!! Thanks for sharing your life and your passions!!!

  35. Sarah says:

    Kris, I was so excited to see your intention to do more with animals! I love it as that is also my main intention this year – to figure out how I can turn my love of rescuing/working with animals into my everyday life instead of just a hobby. I wanted to share an absolutely beautiful sanctuary in Thailand that I know about and donate to. Gemma, the founder, is such an inspiration and just goes to show how much light you can bring to the world when you just decide to do something. If you or any other Crazy Sexy Lifers get the opportunity, please check out the Thai Animal Sanctuary ( Here’s a little video they made about their 2012 accomplishments.
    PS – Is there anything cuter than your pic with the little doe! 🙂

  36. Meliss says:

    It’s funny how things and people show up in your life just when you need them. I can hardly believe that I’d never heard of you before a week ago. You’re fantastic and this article is just what I needed this morning : ) Thank you!

  37. Jujoo says:

    Crazy Sexy Kris,
    I have been a fan since you appeared on Oprah years ago and your spirit has fueled my own journey in wellness and quality of life. Your incessantly positive words always serve to remind me of staying focused on what really matters. Your nutritional advise keeps me inspired in the kitchen. I love love love what you are doing for humanity with your crazy sexy self and soul! Just wanted to say thanks – Be well, Be whole, Be happy!
    Crazy Sexy Jujoo

  38. Jill says:

    Hi Kris!
    I want to first thank you! Your words are so full of truth. They are exactly what my mind needed to see and my heart needed to hear. Approaching the end of my first year of plant based living, your post has been full of inspiration. With the stress of everyday life, I tend to neglect my own needs, specifically spiritual. I am going to try to take your advice with 15 minutes in the morning to try and reconnect. You were an inspiration in “Hungry for Change” and I am so glad I found your web site! Thank you!!

  39. Thanks I needed that! I have a minimum of five books on weight and exercise I’m reading all with different takes on what to eat. I’m very confused. I’m also very overweight. I like your idea of slowing down and that’s gotta be better than what I’ve been doing.

  40. Nereida Rodriguez says:

    Thanks to Kris Carr my husband and I are green smoothie fans. Growing up in a Puerto Rican family, our meals never consisted of greens except for iceberg lettuce. My taste buds are exploding with the fabulous smoothies I am making. I am a true follower and want to learn more about eating healthy and making a difference in my body, mind and soul.



  41. Hi Kris,

    I really appreciated the practical advice about slow and steady. I have been on this path for four years now and the results speak for themselves. I am really looking forward to finding a way to incorporate green drinks on a regular basis!!

    You are so right, how we speak to ourselves can make a tremendous difference. I constantly coach myself back to a balanced internal voice. Best wishes for the day!

  42. KALVINDER says:

    Hi, I love your book crazy sexy diet. I have recently been diagnosed with osteoarthritus in knee , would a totally raw diet help with pain etc.

  43. Rebecca says:

    Ah, this is awesome! Firstly, I love the idea of reading by candlelight first thing in the morning. I’m fascinated by people’s morning routines, and this one sounds so scrumptious! I imagine I’d want to sit there all day 🙂

    Second, your note about wanting to work with animals reminded me of my boyfriend. Animals and conservation are his BIG passions. He’s in a job that’s far from lighting him up right now, and he’s also marinating on exactly how he can move into working more with animals. I hope the dream comes true for both of you 🙂

  44. Arlene says:

    Kris, I have sent so many your way….I think I first heard of you during an Oprah interview. Thanks for being the cheerleading Wellness Warrior we all need. Many many hugs & much love! (:

  45. Jami says:

    Thank you for my inspiration! God bless you Kris.

  46. Denise Dare says:


    Thank you for shining your light for all of us! I appreciate your kind and thoughtful insight and inspiration…your words are balm for the soul.

    Gratitude & Blessings,

    Denise 🙂

    p.s. “The Myth of Finding Your Purpose” was BRILLIANT! And, such a powerful reminder for me. Merci! 🙂

  47. Rachel says:

    Dear Kris, I am so grateful for your all the inspiration, encouragement, wisdom and love you share…
    you are priceless. Thank you………love and light, Rachel

  48. Amanda says:

    This blog came at the right time!! What a treat for my email box. I have been in a “beat-myself-up” mode since attempting to eat a high-fruit, low fat diet over the past few months. I’ll make it a day or two and then binge on awful vegan junk food. Your reminder to go easier on myself has been a godsend. Thanks!!

  49. Ren says:

    Hi Kris! Love how you start your mornings! Thanks for passing on the wisdom! xxoo

  50. Ana says:

    You are an angel Kris, thank you for being such an amazing inspiration to all of us!
    Lots of love from Canada!

  51. Erin says:

    Looking to start green juicing and my question is what is the best juicer to purchase? Best = most nutrients + ease of use + ease to clean?

  52. Kris,

    This is great. Thank you! Remembering these words kept me from going into an all out ‘binge’ on sugar when I slipped in my new year’s aspirations of cutting down on the sugar in my diets. Also, how amazing is the green smoothie/juice for breakfast?! Knowing I am having that in the morning is such a grounding action of self-love.

    Thank you for your inspiration,

  53. myisha priest says:

    Kris + fawn = priceless. But somehow totally unsurprising– of course you have a fawn in your backseat…

  54. Dorothy Lepinsky Lane says:

    You are so inspirational…reading what you wrote here made me feel so much better about myself!! I try so hard to to everything right, and I am so imperfect…you give me hope that I’m ok, I’m not a failure….Thank you Kriss from the bottom of my heart!!! <3

  55. Thanks Kris again for your great sharing.
    Today I received my “Crazy sexy kitchen” book and I´m so agog to start with the recipes.



  56. Dana says:

    Thank you for offering some alternatives to the traditional “resolutions” that pressure us to revamp our whole lives in one month. Now I see that has been the reason I always feel like a failure…because it’s totally unrealistic! Duh!

    SImple small steps. Now I can handle that.

    Namaste! 🙂

  57. Britt says:

    You make me…happy! I love reading your thoughts!! They are funny, inspirational, endearing, uplifting, truthful and full of love. Thank you for taking the time to share all your wonderful goodness with us, you help us heal and become stronger everyday!! Hugs!!

  58. You are so inspiring and fantastic to follow! Namaste!

  59. kat says:

    Hi Kris, Wow! That really hit the spot. I’m so inspired by what I just read. Thank you for continuing to share your journey with us in the form of these very moving blog posts. They are truly words to live by – and compassionate to-do’s. Santa bought me Crazy Sexy Diet and Crazy Sexy Kitchen for Christmas and I haven’t been able to put them down. Between your books, these posts, and your Tweets on a daily basis – it’s shaping up to be an excellent year. Thank you for ALL you are doing!

  60. Cj says:

    Kris, you are inspirational! Thank you for shaping minds of this world in a possitive, loving and healthy way! Love you back! 🙂

  61. Dave Saylor says:

    You are a very bright light in my life. Your book I’ve gotten for several people because I know you are on the right path. My wife, Nancy, and I became vegan in March ’09 after reading “The Face on Your Plate”. Discovery of Truth especially about how we have all been taught (wrongly) how to live by our parents and the “authorities disinformation” is priceless. Keep up the great work. I love you.

  62. Karen says:

    Your are contagious. I feel better and I feel motivated to be better just reading your words. Thanks!

  63. Jan says:

    Kris Carr! You are such a cool chick. What you said about compassion really struck a chord with me. Thank you for that!

  64. Nelly says:

    Really inspiring post! I will keep many of these tips in mind for the upcoming months, especially the morning kiss idea and the daily ten objective. Your writing and books are amazing!

  65. Helio says:

    You are my hero for just being you and doing what you do. Everytime I read one of your notes, I can feel the energy in it. I also thank you for giving me the advice I just needed to kick start this year on my right foot.

  66. Paola says:

    Are you planning to work on a spanish version of Crazy Sexy Kitchen? I hope you do! I would looove to share it with my mom and aunties, but non of them speak a word of english!

  67. Natalie says:

    Fascinating info about the addictive properties of dairy. Thanks for sharing this information which was totally new to me!

  68. Elly says:

    A great post in its entirity Kris, thank you for sharing. No.6 is beautiful, for me it epitimises what makes you so satisfying and whole to read – your wholistic approach and loving realistic energy. Happy New YEar lovely lady! xxx

  69. Orsy says:

    We can´t be grateful enough. Thank you, thank you! Your book Crazy Sexy Kitchen is awesome too ! We love You! <3 Greetings from Slovakia ! 😉

  70. Juliana says:

    I love everything you write, you give me goose bumps every time!

    Thank you for your beautiful words.


  71. cristina says:

    I LOVED this. especially number one, and, it makes so much sense dairy is addicting!

  72. Liz says:

    Thank god this seems to be the current theme for this year’s resolutions!! All my sources of inspiration are telling me to slow down, and make subtle changes each day that make you feel good and bring you back to loving yourself, not shoulding all over yourself.

    Loving that we’re finally letting ourselves be, rather than pushing to be someone ‘better’!

    Thanks Kris, your posts make my week 🙂

  73. Nik says:

    Thank you for being you, Kris. LOVE.

  74. Joy says:

    Inspiring ideas! My favorite headline ‘I know you love sugar but you are sweet enough’. 🙂

  75. Erin says:

    You’re the best 🙂

  76. Tanya says:

    Fantastic!! Brilliant. Thanks for the words I needed to hear:)

  77. Tammy says:

    I bought Crazy Sexy Kitchen in November. Since then I have cut out all meat and dairy. Meat wasn’t too hard because I have never really liked it. I juice every morning and it has become a time I look forward to each morning. Almost meditativI have given CSK as a gift to at least 2 people.

    I still struggle with sweets and alcohol but the change you inspired is phenomenal. I still have some detox symptoms. Cant wait until I get more past that stage.

    I work 2 jobs so it has been a challenge to committ to changes like these but I am so happy I did.
    I have also signed up for local Vegan cooking classes. I am so excited!

    Thank You

  78. Toni says:

    Kris – whenever you have a low moment yourself – just go back and read all your incoming emails/responses, and remember how many souls your little sexy angel wings are touching. There’s always one angel in every crowd that outshines, and leads the others. Girl! – you’re that one – you’re the one!!!

    • kris carr says:

      Toni, thank you so so so much. Great advice.
      I lean on you all as much as you lean on me. I feel very lucky and grateful. My readers are truly special! You are my spiritual family. Lots of love… kc

  79. Aurora says:

    Omg number 3 is awesome, I feel really calm just from reading it. I never thought that cravings or urges to overeat could be seen as a Spiritual assignment, that’s awesome, ty so much 🙂

  80. Dianne says:

    you are such an inspiration I just love you

  81. Kristina says:

    Am just starting out on the BC journey with first chemo on jan 17 so the tips were very helpful . Starting on the green juice right away and giving my Xmas cookies away!

  82. stacy says:

    wow, it’s pretty cool you have a baby deer in your back seat (not cool that it’s mother got hit by a car–this happens too often–slow down people!!)
    Do you know how it is doing? It looks pretty calm in the picture, was it freaking out?

  83. I agree with you completely! It’s so much nicer to make small changes that come from a place of self-love and kindness toward one’s body. I love your triad: Simplicity, Elegance and Stability…you’re one wise chick, Kris!

  84. Melanie says:

    Love your writing!

  85. Jo says:

    Hi Kris and CS Team,

    First thanks for the inspiration to start juicing. It’s taken a couple of months but I’m up to 1 sml glass of cucumber and asparagus juice. After my next surgery I will be adding a bit of apple and celery. I’ve also been able to tolerate a bit pure coconut milk each morning. I can’t tell you after years of severe food intolerances how big these steps are…little victories! My doctor is very happy.

    One question, I’d really like to give your Juices and Succulent Smoothies book to friends. Will you ever offer it in paperback or hard cover form?

    Thanks and best of success and health to the whole Crazy Sexy team!


    • Jo says:

      FYI…I’ve also been staring my day whenever I’m up to it with inspirational reading, including personal affirmations and quotes, and now my juice. My hubby calls it my quiet time. He knows I don’t allow any news or electronics in my space until after I’ve had this time. Once I’m feeling better I hope to add yoga and a walk.

  86. Satya says:

    I want to THANK YOU for helping me get off the all or nothing wagon. I’ve been trying to do a quick fix this New Year – thinking that it would erase everything that I ate last December. My body knows though and it went on its own imperfect and gentle path. I tried doing the 3-day Hungry for Change Detox but instead of three consistent days of just eating what’s on the diet menu, something inside me was tweaking the recipes according to what I felt I needed. The more I fought myself – you got it right with the self-flagellation – it is a pattern, huh- the tweak became large servings of my sister’s apple cake. One of my key night time dreams lately was the clear echo of loving myself which includes gentleness, self-kindness, forgiveness, real genuine LOVE and there I was doing the opposite thing by attempting to do the usual quick fix. Your article made me see the daily miracles of my life: body brushing when I remember to do it, kind words, giving, joyfully washing the dishes, walking with my son, eating a bit of fruit, enjoying my Biehler broth, brown rice, not enjoying processed meat anymore, eating a bit of chicken when I feel I want to, more raw veg, juice stock in the freezer, lemons in my water, catching the excuses and the blame, more action. The small bits, they do add up don’t they?

    Oh, I also want to heal my broken heart – you mentioned this in your blog and I was wondering if you have any advice. Maybe these little steps will help me release the broken one and grow a new one.

    Thank you so so much Kris for your honesty, it’s like a blanket of warmth when I am running around headless and unsure,

    Satya (Manila)

  87. Lupe says:

    Today’s blog touched my soul to the core. I love, love, love the wonderful messages that you share with all of us. I thank God, the Universe, All that is for your presence in our lives.
    Keep up the wonderful work, it IS appreciated.

  88. angie says:

    Thank you x

  89. Constance says:

    Thank you, Kris. You always seem to say exactly what I need to hear. I wish you love and success in 2013.

  90. Vivian says:

    Thanks for sharing you story. You are immensely inspiring!

  91. Olivia says:

    Hey Kris,
    I am so glad I stumbled over your webpages when looking for inspiring vegetarian recipies. I have been reducing meat from my diet for a couple of years, but after making your acquaintance, I want to try the next step, which has so far felt like more than I could take: halving my dairy. I have a habit of not buying anything the first time I see it, but to wait for several weeks or months so as not to pile on more stuff. Your books have, however, put me in the dilemma of whether to break one good habit in order to adopt a new good habit… Until I get my hands on your books, I will be ticking off the receipies on your webpages…

  92. Ronelle says:

    Wow, your words are exactly what I need today. After a really rough couple of years, am struggling to release and let go, even though I know better! You have just given me some valuable tools to help me do what I know I need to do, but for some reason seem to want to stay licking my wounds and feeling miserable. Your beautiful Crazy Sexy Kitchen recipe book is coming off the shelf and I am going to get back nourishing my soul, my heart, me. Thank you for caring! x

  93. Jenna Joyce says:

    Every time I see your beautiful smiling face and read your heartfelt soulful blog – I always hear myself saying “I just love you, Kris!” So today, felt prompted to express my love and appreciation for all you do, say and be.

    Thanks for your beauty, inspiration and wisdom. You truly are fulfilling your great and sweet mission here in life and bring light into ours What a way to live!

    Much love and gratitude,

  94. Lisa says:

    I love the idea of eating more fruits and veggies, and less sugar. I eat meat but in small portions. I’ve stopped drinking milk but I still have an occasional bit of yogurt, cottage cheese or cheese. The confusing part for me is where we talk about moving away from processed foods. Pastas and most grains are processed foods and not natural for our bodies because of what we have to do to them in order to consume them. I can’t see just eating fruits and vegetables only but it gets harder and harder to find things to eat because it’s either processed and man-made (not natural) or in some way bad for us. I’d love to see healthy options without the grains and processed foods that just turn to sugar in our bodies anyway.

    I’m definitely intrigued by your thoughts and I’m looking forward to reading more and learning more this year about being healthier, cleaner and overall happier.

    Thank you!

  95. Caitlin Bebb says:

    Thank you Kris!

    I’ve been reflecting on this idea a lot lately: it doesn’t have to be all or nothing. Every move towards taking care of yourself counts! Desire over duty, ease over effort. I also loved your shout out to the amazing Erin Stutland! Her class is life changing.

    Thank you for your work + words.


  96. Lillian says:

    I so enjoy reading your writing. I feel like we are soul friends. I would call you “mother earth” if I had to describe you. That is what I told my therapist last week, that I wanted to be an old hippie, mother earth person. Hopefully between you, her, and myself this year will get me where I want to be. At least I now know I am on the road. Peace out Baby.

  97. Mickey says:

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE this! It’s exactly what me and my friend are constantly saying to one another. We must be gentle on our sweet selves! I decided to make this the year of “little victories” too, celebrating them throughout the year. On Jan 1st I stopped drinking coffee and eating gluten and I’m going strong! But it took me a long time to get to that point. I’m not saying i’m not gonna have coffee or gluten anymore, but it’s the little victory of choosing to try and have less in my life. I’m hoping for many more of these on a monthly basis 🙂

    A different friend of mine and I used to try and stop saying SHOULD too. It’s a bad word, so much so that we coined the phrase “should-talkin”. “hey, you talkin should over there?” lol. It’s fun, but it started to make me realize how much pressure that word puts on us, and how we command others on a daily basis by using it. It’s nice to try and say things more gently like ” you might try….” or “i found luck with….” there’s many ways other than YOU SHOULD DO THIS!

    lovely blog as usual Miss Kris, thank you for it! <3

  98. Susana says:

    This is just what I need it! Thank you Kriss! 🙂

  99. Andrea says:

    Beautiful as always Kris! Specially this last part…Thank you!

  100. Ebba Johansson says:

    Thank you Kris! You have made me change my life!
    Tons of love to you from me.

    /Ebba Johansson Sweden

  101. Jenny Thompson says:

    Thank you so much for really being a shining example of how to have compassion for ourselves and others. I do find myself a lot if the time telling myself to try harder, do better, toughen up! When actually a big bear hug of compassion might actually be much more effective. Your radiance, vibrancy, strength and compassion are an inspiration to me. Thank you so much and many blessings to you this new year:)

  102. Lauren says:

    This article is amazingly aligned with both mine and my friend’s goals. It is reassuring to know that it IS always possible to improve oneself, and it works even better if you put a little Love buzz behind it. You rock Kris!

  103. Linda Jennings says:

    OMG ! I am so inspired ! Felt like Kris was talking directly to me. Diet questions answered. No more dairy. No more meat. I am a new subscriber But I am here to stay. Thank you Kris, you are changing lives in such a positive way. Hugs to you !

  104. Sara says:

    So beautiful but my fav: “If you slip, congratulations! You’re HUMAN. ”

    It’s so easy to think we need I get it right all the time. But for Pete’s sake we’re not meant to!

    So needed this reminder, Kris. In fact it’s going on my fridge with my other ‘I love me’ affirmations.

    You rock.

    Much love,

    Ps. Love your glowing pic of you + your deer friend (a pun too!)

  105. Ella says:

    Great stuff, so insightful and practical, and nurturing, love it! X

  106. Valerie says:

    When I open my email your smile on the screen gives out lot of healthy life along with important information to live. Kris keep up the good works to improve the world to a healthy way of living.

  107. Cory says:

    Kris – the love, time, and devotion you put into writing this does not ever go unnoticed. Thank you for doing it. You have changed my life is subtle but profound ways. And by subtle, I guess I mean very dramatic. 🙂

  108. Debbie says:

    How refreshing to read my thoughts! 🙂 as I sit here typing in my sweats, slippers and robe thinking I need to go for a run!

  109. Sharon Rush says:

    Thanks for all the great suggestions. My weight is at an all time high and sometimes I wonder if I’ll ever really turn it all around. Small, daily, consistent steps. Reading Wheat Belly and becoming aware of the workings of gluten intolerance and how it contributes to obesity is a real eye opener. Highly recommend. So happy about your involvement in pet adoptions. That must feel amazing. Sending gratitude and love vibrations your way❤

  110. Michelle says:

    I love what you said about the “shoulds” floating around in your head. I’ve had that same experience. A feeling of “it’s the new year, I “should” be making some big resolution, doing a cleanse, training for a run….”, yet I’ve not felt in-spired to do any of those things….yet. I love that you helped me give myself permission to let go of the shoulds and just do what FEELS right and good, and what I am inspired to do, because that’s what’s perfect for me. thank you for that. love and light to you 🙂

  111. Katie says:

    loved this post. Beautifully intertwined health tips with mindset tips and gave me the perfect reboot to being compassionate and gentle with my monkey mind. xo

  112. Cortney says:

    This only backs up the shift that began to happen inside of me last year. I am feeling the need for a gentle year living in the moment , ,rather than being a slave to lists and ambitions that do no serve me!

    Thank you for this lovey affirmation 🙂

  113. Dave & Linda Buffone says:

    Thanks so much Kris for some wonderful insights, perspectives, and soon to see recipes in Crazy Sexy

  114. vasiliki says:

    i just want to thank you sooo much for your wonderful words.You are an inspiration to me since i am trying to heal myself from a rare autoimmune disease and i feel i need all the inspiration i can get.Thank you!
    The way you express yourself is so beautiful that i feel you are sitting next to me and we are having a cup of tea together!
    love and light from Greece,

  115. Jennifer says:

    I have been decluttering every aspect of my life, including my inbox. Seeing 50+ enewsletters a day just stressed me out because I never had time to sit and read the beautiful words from such inspiring people. Your email is the only one I currently get. I felt compelled to read it this morning and this part stood out the most:

    “Simplicity. Elegance. Stability. Let a turtle be your mentor. Slow and steady my friend. From a spiritual perspective there is no race. There is no “there” when you get there.”

    It’s something that it said a lot, but today it especially made me stop and think and I’m surprised I hadn’t before. Over the past year I have made ginormous changes in my life and oddly fallen in love with turtles (boyfriend’s family is from FL and we go to turtle hospitals and sanctuaries every visit, plus I grew up where they didn’t roam). I have turtle everything and I didn’t even think about how subconsciously I’ve made these beautiful creatures my mascot and spirit guide. I’m a 100% or nothing kind of gal, but I KNOW those small changes are what stick rather than a complete overhaul. Kind of fun to make that realization this morning. 🙂 Thanks!

  116. Patrizia says:

    Love you Kris:)

  117. Sam says:

    Hey gorgeous you look so happy in that photo with the deer it just makes me want to hug you. I wonder why you are feeling heartbroken? 🙁 I hope everything is ok with you. Thank you for another compassionate and inspirational message. I can never have to many reminders to love myself and give myself a darn break. That negative self talk sure is persistent….xxxxxxxxxx

  118. Jadene Ferreira says:

    Thank you.

    Kris, thank you for making your difference in the world. Because you have stretched yourself and are willing to put it all out there in posts like these, people like me can wake up on a Monday morning and truly sit in self forgiveness, happy rest-of-the-week outlooks, and simple surrender to what is… and how it can be even juicier.

    I truly appreciated reading this post this morning (connected via your newsletter).


    Jadene Ferreira

    Contemporary Choreographer & Performance Coach
    ‘discover your own performance style & win from within’

  119. Brett Gillen says:

    You should do nothing other than what you do.

    That’s to say, (as if you couldn’t already tell), you’re perfect.

    Thank you for being as such, Kris, that is to say, yourself. It allows others to be theirs.

    I don’t know you, even as I know what to type for your name, but that couldn’t make one trick of difference.

    When you write like you do you don’t necessitate being met, you reveal the separation for the chimera it is… You are me, you are us, and you lift the family up one serious fucking notch.

    Thank you.


  120. Brett Gillen says:

    You should do nothing other than what you do.

    That’s to say, (as if you couldn’t already tell), you’re perfect.

    Thank you for being as such, Kriss, that is to say, yourself. It allows others to be theirs.

    I don’t know you, even as I know what to type for your name, but that couldn’t make one trick of difference.

    When you write like you do you don’t necessitate being met, you reveal the separation for the chimera it is… You are me, you are us, and you lift the family up one serious fucking notch.

    Thank you.



  121. HI Kris, Spot on as always <3

    We need to be super kind and gentle with our resolutions. I'm noticing the push this year in so many places to lose weight and get healthy – but the push is so so so unrealistic.

    We need to remember we're spirits in a body and "feeling good" cannot be achieved by tending to the outer appearance only… it's never about what we look like.

    True transformation comes from doing the inner and outer work.

    Thanks for all you do Kris! Hugs and love,

  122. Laura says:

    Your words this am really helped me to put things into perspective. I was having a bad morning with a mild temper tantrum. I read your post and I stopped and breathed a few deep cleansing breaths. Thank you for your beautiful words and thoughts .

  123. Maggie says:

    Feel like you opened up even more permission for this natural urge in my body to slow down and hang out in PJ’s. Still grabbing my morning green juice, still cutting back on animal fat, and watching my negative “talk” while surrounding myself with more positive people and settings. Great enough!!

  124. Mary White says:

    This information is so helpful! I appreciate it!

  125. Jennifer M. says:

    Crazy Sexy Awesome Kris, you ROCK! I totally needed this email this morning. Thanks so much for sharing your Gifts with us. And you can come to my house with your PJs anytime. I love sitting with friends and Just Being. xoxo

    • tffnyhll says:

      Kris, I finished my last treatment in August and I was so excied to come out of this experience called cancer running. I found myself doing just the opposite. I’ve gained weight and became quite sedentary. I then found my mind and spirit spiraling to a place I am not comfortable with. I have perked my head up and began doing something very simiar to your post and this morning your post reinforced what I have been doing. Thank you for suppporting me today! It will be a year of succeful growth, but I’m okay if I trip along the way. The key is getting up after the fall. Thank you for your story!

      • Pat says:

        Congratulations! I also finished my treatments in August . Back then I thought I had it all figured out but in the span of 5 months I’ve also gained weight and become sedentary. In all honesty it’s good to know I’m not alone. I wish you the best of luck.

        Thank you Chris for your inspiring words.

  126. Christine says:

    Thanks for the thoughtful reminders, Kris!

    I especially needed to hear your “The trick is to acknowledge your suffering and then bear-hug it with compassion.” — For the past two weeks, I’ve been sick with that silly-virus-cough-thing that’s going around, but when I read your words about bear-hugging your suffering… it was like there was no cold, no cough, no fatigue. Thank you!

    Perhaps I should skip work today and just re-read this blog all day until it all sinks in and becomes a part of me! 😉

  127. Jackie says:

    Love your post Kris. Had my glass of ‘green’ this morning. As a high protein, high fat metabolic type, I’ll give number 4 a miss! I used to eat less meat and more veg and was in very bad shape.

  128. Sharon says:

    Good thoughts & ideas for the New Year, on the way to a New You! or a better version!

  129. victoria says:

    Of all mornings to check my email and find what felt like a personal message from you, I really needed this.
    Just finished treatment 3 months ago, and well I can’t put into words what this meant to me right at this exact time.
    Thank You Kris
    I am glad I found you.

  130. Suzanne says:

    Very beautiful post today. Perfection is over rated and this post speaks to that. Thank you for your always quirky, fun loving brilliance!

  131. Lu says:

    Nice post. Thank you for sharing.

  132. Jane says:

    Your beautiful spirit is such a gift, thank you for sharing it with us! This is a wonderful newsletter to receive! Thank you so much!

  133. Tracey Davies says:

    Kris, to say that you are inspiring, beautifully spirited and so darn awesome is the largest understatement of the year. I love all the wisdom and love you share. You are living out your soul’s purpose and we are all benefiting. Love you!

  134. Linda Belmont says:

    I feel like this was written especially for me. I’m going to print it out. Thank you so much, Kris.

  135. Yeng says:

    Thank you! God bless!

  136. hi Kris!
    the one think that is really inspiring me this year is that my book will be launched in a few weeks… I decided last year to write a book on how yoga, meditation and a plant base diet have all helped me live a healthy life despite my multiple sclerosis diagnosis years ago…. thanks to you and your healthy plant base diet friends I found THE solution to my health problem… and I can’t wait to talk about it now!!!
    thanks you, thank you, thank you,

  137. Veronica says:

    Thank you Kris for your inspiration today. It’s hard for me to stick to rigid rules, and just hearing from you that a little imperfection is ok made my day. The part about a side of coffee made me especially happy!
    Looking forward to a healthier year!

  138. Carol says:

    Thank You for this morning reboot. What a fantastic way to wake up today.
    I’m on my way to my meditation pillow.

  139. Karen rice says:

    I would love to have your cooking classes. You stated they are only available if I bought your book online. My husband (of 43 years) bought me your wonderful book months ago at Costco. Please make your classes available. I am slowly trying to convert our family to healthy eating & need help. (I look forward to your your blog daily!!!!)
    With love & light, a caring wife, mom & ‘MawMav’)

  140. Cathy Lorberbaum says:

    thank you!! love it, love you and all that you share with us!! You da bomb!!

  141. BatSheva says:

    Exhale. Sigh. Breath. Thank you! <3

  142. Susan says:

    One of the best lessons I’ve learned is nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know. Cravings are one of those things because it’s usually about something other than the food.

    Wouldn’t it be great if we could all have a day hanging out in our pjs together??

  143. Beautiful words. Thank you so much. I didn’t make any specific New Year’s resolutions this year (one year I made a list of ten resolutions–I didn’t stick to any of them. No surprise there), but I do have an intention. I just want to have more compassion for myself this year and let go of what does not serve me anymore. I’m cleansing my palate, my mind and my body with some homemade green juices for a few days and after that I will try lots of recipes from Crazy Sexy Kitchen. I’ve bookmarked nearly every page in this book, they all look so good! Thanks again for all you do, Kris, you are a daily inspiration to me.

  144. marijana says:

    Beautiful! And I would like very much to have you in my house in PJs and all. Talking, laughing and crazy-cozy. Thank you. Love you!

  145. lisa says:

    Your post just made my day! I really hear you on the sugar front because I am a cookie decorator and have given up sugar and gluten and feel like a million bucks (my blog is called the enchanted oven – can I say irony?). Just got your cookbook and I am in love with it. Thank you many times over!

  146. Jess DC says:

    You are sexy awesome, Kris! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  147. JJ says:

    I hope you know how inspiring you are! Thank you for common sense tips that give us hope! We love you right back.

  148. Rose Truesdale says:

    You are more than welcome to hang out in your jammies and heal at my house anytime 🙂 Thank you for the morning inspiration!

  149. Tamila says:

    So, so, so beautiful! Beyond words. I love you, Kris! 🙂

  150. Judi says:

    “Right now the only thing I want to do is go to your house, sit around in PJ’s and talk about my feelings!”

    ME TOO!!!

    And all I want to do when I see all those posts & articles about a bigger, better, newer you/lifestyle/business for 2013 is hide my head under a cushion…!

  151. Marvin says:

    Thank You, What a great way to start off 2013. Take small steps to bring myself back in line to my health goals. I got way off track late 2012 and this will help me to get back on track and focus.

  152. Rikki says:

    Great words of wisdom & inspiration. I was diagnosed with stage 1 Breast Cancer this past October. My good friend Dana Brody told me about you and you’re amazing story. I can’t wait to be healthier with your help. Here’s to Happy & Healthy!

  153. Dawn says:

    Hi Kris,

    I want to begin with a big ol’ THANK YOU. This post made me cry. You know why? “You love you.” I’m 34 years old, and while I’ve lived a big, crazy, adventurous life so far…but, I’ve also mistreated my body during much of it. As a kid, I was a little overweight, and that slowly became who I was. Now, at 325 pounds, I’m tired and my body is giving up (though it tries SO hard to support me, bad decisions and all).

    For the past month, I have been doing yoga 3 days a week before work, and I’ve slowly been adopting a vegan diet. I received Crazy Sexy Kitchen for Christmas and your spirit just resonated so deeply with me.

    I’ve been juicing and/or smoothie-ing every day for the past 2 weeks and I feel more amazing than I have in years. It’s just frustrating being in a body that needs so much work. As a caretaker, I prefer to put everyone else’s needs before my own, so putting time aside to work on me is scary.

    This blog post, this permission to be patient, both lifted me up and broke my heart. Because I know it took me years of neglect to reach this place, and it will take years of nurturing to find my way to a healthier me. It’s both freeing and terrifying.

    Keep up the amazing work. Your grace inspires me.

    Much love,


    • Gwen says:

      Hi Dawn! I got choked up reading your comments about “you”…..You are an inspiration….
      It will not take you years of nurturing to find your way to a healthier you…You have already started!!
      And I am very clear (again) after reading this enlightening post that Chris has written…..that our “needs” are sometimes “embedded” in food…..She has such an encouraging way to reach out to anyone who wanting to change their “relationship” with food and LIfe! :))
      Thanks again for sharing your story…..
      The best to you this year and Beyond!

    • Luna says:

      Wow. Not only was I tearing up over this blog but now over your message. I can completely identify. I am pretty much in the same boat and this journey seems terrifying but I know something needs to be done and this is the year to do it. To plant good seeds and uproot the bad.
      I am 31 and weigh 324lbs. High blood pressure, diabetes and cancer runs in my family. I recently buried my sister over the holidays and my mom and dad have both passed.
      The good news is that I am determined to make a better and healthier life for myself. The bad….it’s not going to happen overnight. But I am glad that I read this blog that reminded me to act like a turtle and be kind and patient with myself. I look forward to sharing my success story one day.
      I love you even though I never met you and keep up the great work. YOU CAN DO IT!
      God Bless.

      • sat says:

        I too have many pounds to lose. Think of them in 10 pound increments-that makes them more manageable. The ten minute exercises are really important too. You are every young, do not let your life slip away. ‘Get to steppin’. Let me know how you are doing. I feel with you.

    • c says:

      Love, hugs, and support of all of your journey. Thank you for your example of patience and self-compassion. xoxox

    • Angie Willerton says:

      Love to you, you have started on your wellness journey and though it will be a long road starting is the hardest step. Kris has loads to inspire you on the road and there are so many others that are around when things are tough in a group like this.

  154. Deirdre says:

    Thank you for these wise tidbits to bite off and your cookbook with recipes of actual tidbits- both are delicious and nourishing – I am so grateful.

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