Hi Sweet Friends,
I love you. I do.
And one of my absolute favorite things is tending to the people I care about. Making a scrumptious plant-happy dinner for family and friends, problem-solving with my team or colleagues and spending quality time caring for my disabled dog (#gobuddygo!) are just a few of the ways I show my love.
But sometimes, when I don’t take care of myself, doing for others can be too much.
Having a solid self-care base is the only way I can maintain my health, my business, my relationships and my sanity. And I bet I’m not alone, which is why I created a self-care planner for you. Download it for free below (I think it’ll help you as much as it helps me).
So what does self-care mean?
It’s simple—it’s about supporting yourself. Listening and tending to your needs, creating boundaries so that you don’t get exhausted, fueling your body instead of draining it and practicing the art of loving yourself. Scars, wounds, age spots and all. And in case you were wondering, self-care is not selfish—it’s responsible. You don’t serve yourself or anyone else (your dreams included!) if you’re too pooped.
Now, I know we all have a lot on our plates. But did you also know that you’ll be more effective if you start your day with energy-creating practices rather than diving in and pushing till you drop? That’s why it’s so important to carve out sacred, non-negotiable self-care time. So how can we do that?
Find what works for you and be gentle. Perhaps begin with 10-15 minutes of centering meditation—or even just words of kindness. I like to start my day by saying “Good morning, sweet Kris! I love you,” that always puts a smile on my face. Explore whatever makes you feel loved, centered and cared for.
What self-care looks like for me:
- Honoring the real Kris, not the Kris I think I should be one day
- Hiking at least 3 times per week (stretching too)
- Journaling
- Listening to guided meditations & uplifting spiritual talks while snuggling with my favorite blanket
- Nourishing my body with green juice, green smoothies and greens
- Lights out at 10pm, eyes open at 6am—sleep rocks
- Accepting help from others
- Releasing resentment, anger and frustration—the mental blocks that make me cranky
- Connecting with my close circle of friends and family, and not feeling guilty if I can’t connect with everyone else
- Watching movies that inspire me, while cuddling with my dogs and my man
- Taking an Epsom salt bath with a few drops of essential oils
What self-care is not:
- Forcing myself to stay awake to answer every single email
- Saying yes to obligations I dread
- Hanging out with people who drain me
- Grudgingly slogging to the gym because women’s magazines tell me that my ass should be 3 inches higher
- Demolishing all of the cake when I’m sad (all of it)
- Having a harsher set of standards for myself than I have for others
- Drinking too much, too often
- Smoking. Period. Ever. End of story. I quit that over a decade ago and will never go back
- Helping and serving others more than I help or serve myself
Plan, Act, Repeat
When it comes to long-term solutions, creating new habits is key. Guess what? I wasn’t born drinking green juice, but after years of practice it’s a daily do. When you’re embarking on something new, especially something as important as self-care, set yourself up for success by making a short, do-able plan (not an epic to-do list!). Having a clear picture of what you’re going to do before you actually do it will make the changes much easier.
Planning my success is how I run my health and my business—and I’m the Chief Unicorn of both. So whether you’re committing to a brisk walk in the mornings, juicing before work or getting a massage on the weekend—mapping out your goals and when you’ll fit them into your schedule is how you’ll make them happen, captain!
To get you started, I created this downloadable Self-Care Planner. Get yours below.
In the planner, you’ll get a snapshot of what a week of nourishing your mind, body and spirit can look like, along with a few suggestions to get you started. You’ll also get an affirmation from me each day, and space to plan your self-care for the morning, afternoon and/or evening (the timing and frequency is up to you). Plus, at the end of each day, you can write about how taking care of your glorious self feels. (Hint: Awesome!)
Your turn: Share one self-care action you’ll take this week in the comments below.
Peace & planning,
Perfect timing! I have just started the cleanse for the 2nd time and find it is so much more than a cleanse. It is becoming conscious of myself and what I Choose to put in my body. I need reminding that me, my schedule, and my passions are most important when dealing with kids, work and an upcoming crowdfunding campaign! I need me to be healthy.
So right on!! I often compare myself to you Kris! And look at all the amazing things you are creating in the world while you are on your healing path! I think why can’t I do more of my work in the world as I navigate a ass kicking Illness! I think if Kris can do it why can’t I !! I know I have to let that go and just be inspired! The self care piece is so good to hear! And your so wise to honor it the way you do! I remember you said .. That if one part of your life sucks then another must be rocking! So I look into my daughters eyes and see I am doing something well! I plan my June wedding “)
Even though i got some big healing to do before before I put my gown on “)So all I can do now is self care, and pray! So really know you got a lady in New Paltz who thinks of you everyday and how brave you are ! And I am deeply inspired and love your grace! As my 12 year old daughter says… Mom your obsessed with Kris ?!! I just look up to anyone who can look an illness experience in the face and make something so beautiful out if!! That is my dream and desire! I Just have to start where I am and take care of myself! Much love and peace wild beautiful unicorn mama
Thank you for the reminder – and examples – about self care (and what it isn’t). I will have fun with friends on a winery tour as my holidays end, but I will also prepare for work immediately following this mini holiday with clean food, tea, early nights and quiet time, on my own and with my young kids. Thanks again X
Sweetheart! My self care NON-negotiable practice for EVERY-SINGLE-DAY is Juicing. I learned that from you and will be forever grateful. Before Crazy Sexy Diet I didn’t even know that Juicers existed (Yes, I had to admit it). Now, every single morning, me and my hubby make a delicious a Juice (Granny Smith Apple, De-Anjou Pear, Cucumber, Carrot, Kale or Spinach). It makes me feel great from the inside out and reminds me of how healthy tastes like. Thanks for all the wonderful things you give to the world. Love and Sincere Appreciation, Laura!
Thanks for this great resource Kris! My self care, that I am already doing and loving, invovles quiet time every morning. This is non-negotiable. This time includes breathing, prayer, affirmations, visualization and some inspirational reading. It sets the tone for my day and has gotten me through some tough times. Thanks for all you do!
Study in the evenings for more job opportunities, more financial freedom and more opportunities.
Hello Kris, I have recently found your blog and really enjoy your articles! This in particular resonates with me… as a mother caring for my family I sometimes forget about our own health and well being. One of the greatest gifts I give to nourish my body is a natural supplement called Amino Boosters that contains essential amino acids and powerful growth factors that help to balance the body physically, mentally and emotionally. Along with a healthy diet and exercise this really is a game changer! Here is the link if interested to include in your nutritional program. Thankyou. http://www.authenticbeing.com.au
Kris- Thanks for sharing the care planner. Will pass this on as well. We were speaking to Dr Claudia Welch last week about how to fit self-care in the busy day, especially surrounding the Ayurvedic ideas. She had some cool thoughts that we will share in a video later. Two right off the bat that folks can start with-
1- Initially, make self-care in the morning, before you begin your day busy-ness. It is easier.
2-Do something simple and small at first, maybe a little self massage in the shower once a week. (using castor oil) Then add more days as the time permits and you love the routine.
Hope this helps some.
Be well
This whole diet and plan has changed my life, I feel so much better and passed onto a friend who has cancer
So fun! Thank you for sharing
Love unique ideas to goal-setting.
Thank you for the plan , great blog
my frindthe women six very good
I like guided meditations too!
24 hours are just too little for everything!
Perfectly agree with the article above, but cannot correct some things
Hi Kris. Thank you for this. I’ve been feeling sad and overwhelmed lately. I haven’t been carving out the time to care for myself and it’s showing. I’m so glad I decided to catch up on my reading and to find this.
This is amazing Kris! Every word resonated so much with me and I thank you for that! Printing the planner as we speak…
I will make a green smoothie
I will not beat myself up for taking care of me. I will continue to send myself love with each meditation. I might even allow myself to play video games for a few minutes. I usually beat myself up mentally when I want to zone out on something like that. Also, next week I am going to volunteer at a horse rescue. I am very much looking forward to the love that I can give these sweet animals. Horses were my greatest love as a child.
Timeless, important conversation. Thanks for sharing!
Kris, I love your definition of self-care. In my personal and professional life, it is easy to let that go in favor of completing more ‘important’ things or things that need to get done. This is a good reminder that over exerting myself is not self-care. Keep it coming.
I will spend time talking with my best friend over a healthy lunch.