Hi Sweet Friends,
I love you. I do.
And one of my absolute favorite things is tending to the people I care about. Making a scrumptious plant-happy dinner for family and friends, problem-solving with my team or colleagues and spending quality time caring for my disabled dog (#gobuddygo!) are just a few of the ways I show my love.
But sometimes, when I don’t take care of myself, doing for others can be too much.
Having a solid self-care base is the only way I can maintain my health, my business, my relationships and my sanity. And I bet I’m not alone, which is why I created a self-care planner for you. Download it for free below (I think it’ll help you as much as it helps me).
So what does self-care mean?
It’s simple—it’s about supporting yourself. Listening and tending to your needs, creating boundaries so that you don’t get exhausted, fueling your body instead of draining it and practicing the art of loving yourself. Scars, wounds, age spots and all. And in case you were wondering, self-care is not selfish—it’s responsible. You don’t serve yourself or anyone else (your dreams included!) if you’re too pooped.
Now, I know we all have a lot on our plates. But did you also know that you’ll be more effective if you start your day with energy-creating practices rather than diving in and pushing till you drop? That’s why it’s so important to carve out sacred, non-negotiable self-care time. So how can we do that?
Find what works for you and be gentle. Perhaps begin with 10-15 minutes of centering meditation—or even just words of kindness. I like to start my day by saying “Good morning, sweet Kris! I love you,” that always puts a smile on my face. Explore whatever makes you feel loved, centered and cared for.
What self-care looks like for me:
- Honoring the real Kris, not the Kris I think I should be one day
- Hiking at least 3 times per week (stretching too)
- Journaling
- Listening to guided meditations & uplifting spiritual talks while snuggling with my favorite blanket
- Nourishing my body with green juice, green smoothies and greens
- Lights out at 10pm, eyes open at 6am—sleep rocks
- Accepting help from others
- Releasing resentment, anger and frustration—the mental blocks that make me cranky
- Connecting with my close circle of friends and family, and not feeling guilty if I can’t connect with everyone else
- Watching movies that inspire me, while cuddling with my dogs and my man
- Taking an Epsom salt bath with a few drops of essential oils
What self-care is not:
- Forcing myself to stay awake to answer every single email
- Saying yes to obligations I dread
- Hanging out with people who drain me
- Grudgingly slogging to the gym because women’s magazines tell me that my ass should be 3 inches higher
- Demolishing all of the cake when I’m sad (all of it)
- Having a harsher set of standards for myself than I have for others
- Drinking too much, too often
- Smoking. Period. Ever. End of story. I quit that over a decade ago and will never go back
- Helping and serving others more than I help or serve myself
Plan, Act, Repeat
When it comes to long-term solutions, creating new habits is key. Guess what? I wasn’t born drinking green juice, but after years of practice it’s a daily do. When you’re embarking on something new, especially something as important as self-care, set yourself up for success by making a short, do-able plan (not an epic to-do list!). Having a clear picture of what you’re going to do before you actually do it will make the changes much easier.
Planning my success is how I run my health and my business—and I’m the Chief Unicorn of both. So whether you’re committing to a brisk walk in the mornings, juicing before work or getting a massage on the weekend—mapping out your goals and when you’ll fit them into your schedule is how you’ll make them happen, captain!
To get you started, I created this downloadable Self-Care Planner. Get yours below.
In the planner, you’ll get a snapshot of what a week of nourishing your mind, body and spirit can look like, along with a few suggestions to get you started. You’ll also get an affirmation from me each day, and space to plan your self-care for the morning, afternoon and/or evening (the timing and frequency is up to you). Plus, at the end of each day, you can write about how taking care of your glorious self feels. (Hint: Awesome!)
Your turn: Share one self-care action you’ll take this week in the comments below.
Peace & planning,
Do you recommend any guided meditations or uplifting spiritual talks specifically?
hey nikki,
here’s a great spiritual talk on vulnerability by brene brown.
it’s amazing!
Hola Kris! Right now i am focusing on my skin, and my self care treat is making a pumpkin mask.
I laos want to share with you that while I am doing this my father is fighting a pancreatic cancer. Thanks to god a friend gave him a book about the Gerson Therapy and we are hoping for him to go there! I am going to Florida to see him and I am bringing your books with me, I have recipes from your book already mark to cook for him!
Thank you so much! I am so grateful for having come across you, and your wonderful work!
Yoga. Japanese Sencha tea. Lifting my face to the sun outside every possible day. Letting my dog teach me about happiness. Letting my cat teach me “no regrets”. Letting my family laugh and be silly. Being ok with being human. And, eating (spooning up, slurping) my husbands amazing salsa!
Wonderful! This is magic, thanks Kris. This is the first time I’ve come across your site and posts – you have such a beautiful, connecting way about you – I love it. We run a retreat in Bali each year and most of the gorgeous women who join us need exactly this right at the start – a little self kindness and nurturing care (and so do we!). It’s the very reason why we run the retreat and love what we do amidst the busyness of our own businesses, companies and families. There’s no direct profit in it but it’s oh so rewarding to see how we flourish with just a bit of time and space to get back to basics. It’s simple stuff that’s all too easy to lose sight of. Thanks so much for sharing. I’d love to share this little planner with our girls at next retreat – if you’re happy with that! It’s simple and they would love it…
Oh, Kris! This is just oh-so-freakin-fabulous! I love it and FREE? We are all such lucky ducks. I too believe that without self-care, self-love and self-worth we can kiss our optimal beauty and health dreams goodbye. It is truly a huge part of living the life of our dreams…as is staying organized with all the amazingness life offers us daily. Thank you! Love, Danielle
Kris, you’ll never know how much you’ve impacted my life. I know you hear this from a lot of women and girls, but truly, you’ve changed my life in so many ways since I first saw you on Oprah. Ever since, you’ve been a guide to me, a light of peace, for bulk of years in my life that were full of darkness, self betrayal, self hatred, and coming out to love myself, honor myself and look for the real me. You’ve also helped me overcome an eating disorder, without even knowing it. Thank you for being a light into my world. I’m going to share this great planner with my readers this week on my blog.
Heather McClees
I love you too. I do! M
What to think of, what to do , or how to prevent demolishing a cake when you are ‘not well’ ?
Sometimes, it is just pure blindness, you don’t think of it a second, it seems just obvious that you NEED that cake or whatever it is, but the worst is when you eat that crap and you keep demanding something else. I mean how can I prevent that to happen again, because the feeling that comes after doing such a heroic act is just pure DEPRESSION.
Thank you !
Usually by the time the strong NEED for demolishing cake has come around it can be pretty hard to stop. For me it feels like a speeding train.
Here’s what i do.
First I ask myself Am I hungry?
if i’m not hungry but just want to “numb out” on something sugary, i physically move myself out of the environment, go for a walk, call a friend, or even curl on the couch and feel whatever it is I’m trying to avoid.
but sometimes you just want the thing or sometimes you actually are hungry.
if I am hungry and I want something, (cake or whatever) then i make sure it’s the best of the best, put it on a gorgeous plate, really allow myself to have it, savor it one bite at a time, and praise myself and my body for knowing how to process food easily (without my stress added to the mix).
i hope that helps.
I know how easy it is to beat up on yourself after eating something you DON’T want to eat. No matter what, don’t expect perfection and give yourself lots of love and appreciation.
Really grateful to have found you….A friend gave my your “crazy sexy cancer tips” recently as i am on a breast cancer journey right now. I love being the CEO of my wellness company as you would say. I feel empowered to ask questions and be an active participant in my treatment plan. At the moment i am at the beach enjoying my good energy days between chemo treatments. A few days of journaling, walking, yoga, Stand-up paddling and anything else I choose to do!! Thank you for your take charge attitude and tools to help keep us on the dis-ease prevention track. I am eager to get back to my work as photographer + yoga teacher, but being quiet and listening to what my body is telling me is my job at the moment. Many thanks for your inspiration:)
This is just what I need right now! I was diagnosed with breast cancer four years ago on my birthday, and had a bilateral mastectomy. My husband of over 30 years left shortly after my diagnosis, and hasn’t been seen or heard from since. So now I am a single mom with the most amazing special needs son in the entire world. We are losing our home, through foreclosure, lost our car, and we are trying to live on only $1420 a month! But..I AM ALIVE TODAY! I HAVE MY SON! Every day is a gift and I will take it! I can get pretty overwhelmed and down in the dumps. Kris gets me to pull myself up and keep on going! She is my inspiration!! Love you Kris!
sending you BIG hugs!
So fantastic! I love the tool of putting someone you love in your situation and doing what you would advise they do. Gold!
Love this! So very true. If we can´t take care of ourselves it´s truly impossible to be the support we wish for the people around us. Love your list and YOU! Keep inspiring. Many hugs from Sweden!
As a health coach I guide my clients to incorporate self-care into their life. Thank you for a great article and planner. Health is wealth and we need to nurture ourselves everyday.
Love this!!
I already said no to some things on my schedule I don’t really want to do. What a relief!!
I am LOVING this! I printed this and added it to my Day Timer
This weekend, I am taking my self on a date to a painting class! Cannot wait!
Thank you so much for everything you do you inspire, help, and support all of us you are so amazingly beautiful inside and out and you are such an inspiration to me! I love you losts! Thanks again for everything beautiful
Sadly, I am horrific at self-care. It always comes last on my very long list of things I’m always working to accomplish. Self-care usually happens by accident, in super small doses, or when I reach a breaking point.
I love the idea of scheduling a little self-love treat in each day, and being mindful about it. Instead of accidentally finding myself relaxing, I should mindfully relax and let go to make it more meaningful.
Kris Carr – you are BRILLIANT! Muah.
I’m dedicating a lot of me-time to EFT right now, which I know you’re a fan of, Kris! There are so many layers to peel back, it can sometimes feel sad, or like I’m going to have to dig so deep to get to the root of an issue I don’t even want to deal with. But as Brene Brown said, if you don’t know how to do vulnerability, then vulnerability is doing you. I’m sick of it. It does hurt to look at the real issues, but I know it will be empowering when I feel the positive effects of clearing the blocks. Now I need to get me some tea, and later on some green juice, to power through it!
Thank you Kris. I needed that today. After a few too many weeks of too many working hours, eating too much cake and junk, stressing myself to the point of tears, and too little time that is meant for myself and not for others, I am ready to either take a hike from the world or hop a jet plane for a life pause. Your article is giving me a boost in the right direction, and i say thank you.
Pausing = healing.
Kris, this is amazing! I love the planner! Thanks so much for putting this together!