Kris Carr

Kris Carr


How to Sleep Better and Get the Rest You Need to Thrive

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Hiya Gorgeous!

Good morning, sunshine!

Or… is it?

When was the last time you got a good night’s sleep? Got to bed when you actually wanted to or had time to wind down mindfully in the evening? Woke up feeling rested and didn’t hit snooze seven (or seventy?) times?

This post is the fourth in my 5 Pillars of Wellness series, which means we’re focusing on optimizing how you’re resting (the fourth pillar).

If you’re an Inner Circle Wellness Member, then you know how passionate I am about sleep. It’s integral to how we think/feel/focus/move/live, yet it’s a major challenge for many of us. That’s why I’m excited to share my top 10 tips for how to sleep better.

I know from personal experience how frustrating it can be to toss and turn, try everything under the sun (or moon?!) to get better sleep and STILL feel exhausted. You might even start to think something is wrong with you or that you’ll never get a good night’s rest again.

Of course, if you think there’s something medical going on, please consult with your doctor. But keep in mind that sleep troubles are common and not always your fault. Don’t make things harder by beating yourself up. That just breeds stress and you guessed it—more lost sleep.

Resting isn’t just about sleep.

While we’re focusing on sleep, please remember that there’s more to rest than snoozing. Rest should happen during our waking ours, too. What do I mean by that?

In today’s 24/7 go-go-go world, it can be tough to slow down. Many of us spend our precious waking hours feeling stressed, overwhelmed, etc. But the thing is, we can’t count on sleep for 100 percent of our rest. That simply leaves us with too many crazy, non-stop minutes per day.

Whether it’s meditation, breathwork, mindful breaks or something else entirely, find a simple practice that helps you rest when you’re awake. Doing so will help boost productivity, mood, energy, focus and can even help set you up for better sleep at night.

Why is sleep so important?

Many major restorative functions occur while we sleep. For adults, the biggies are muscle growth, protein synthesis, and tissue and cell repair. For infants and children, hormone production and brain development are key (which is why they need so much more sleep than adults).

But perhaps the most restorative function of sleep has to do with a neurotransmitter called adenosine. While we’re awake, our neurons fire and cells power us through the day, this process produces adenosine. It builds up all day long, leading to a decrease in dopamine—the neurotransmitter that keeps us alert and focused. So as adenosine goes up, dopamine goes down, resulting in that sleepy feeling you get at night.

While we sleep, we clear adenosine from the body and start fresh in the morning feeling alert (study). The more sleep you get, the lower the level of adenosine and the more alert you’ll feel in the morning.

If you want to learn more about what goes on in your brain and body at night, check out this article (fascinating stuff!). But for now, know this: If you’re cutting yourself short in the sleep department, you’re also cutting your overall well-being short. Inadequate sleep can increase your chances of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, respiratory disorders and health challenges. It can also negatively impact your mental health, fueling problems with substance abuse, memory, stress response and more.

How much sleep do you need?

The number of hours you should sleep depends on your age, sex, lifestyle, current health and simply how you feel. So it’s different for everyone, but usually between 7.5-8 hours does the job.

When it comes to sleep timing, the most restorative window is typically between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m. because your circadian rhythm is likely at its lowest point. Your circadian rhythm is influenced by your environment—namely light. It controls many of the physical, mental and behavioral changes you experience in a 24-hour cycle, including your sleep pattern. Paying attention to your circadian rhythm and going to sleep when you feel drowsy means you’ll hit deep, restorative sleep more rapidly (National Sleep Foundation).

If these numbers make you feel a little panicked, don’t worry. Many of us have trouble getting sufficient Zzzs. That’s why I’m sharing these tips for how to sleep better—because you have more power to set yourself up for sleepy success than you might think.

How to Sleep Better: 10 Must-Have Tips for Healthy, Restorative Sleep

1. Rest in cozy comfort.

A quality mattress, soft blankets and cool temperature will reduce annoying distractions (too hot! achy back!) and help you relax. If you need help finding the perfect mattress for you, check out my guide on the comfiest, most sustainable options.

2. Turn on some soothing sounds.

Use a sound machine or a fan to drown out what may be preventing you from falling asleep within 15 minutes of laying down. Certain types of music, such as binaural beats, may also help you relax and let go of racing thoughts.

3. Doze in complete darkness.

If your room isn’t completely dark, consider a sleep mask or room darkening curtains. Darkness stimulates natural melatonin production, which is not only a wonderful sleep inducer but a great cancer fighter as well.

4. Enjoy snooze-inducing smells.

Lavender lotion or using a diffuser with lavender essential oil may help you hit deep sleep sooner. Plus, who doesn’t love the smell of lavender? Ahhh… (For more on how to use essential oils for sleep, stress, etc., check out this helpful post!)

5. Turn off tech.

Plan to put your phone and other devices away at least 1 hour before going to bed. The blue light emitted from your phone, computer, etc. can interfere with sleep by suppressing melatonin production, so consider enabling features like Night Shift (which automatically adjusts your display to a warmer, less blue light) while you’re winding down in the evening. Then, keep lights dim and read or meditate to help get your brain and body ready for sleep.

6. Skip or reduce caffeine.

Caffeine makes it harder to fall asleep, but it doesn’t stop there—it can also interfere with the quality of your rest. If you’re having trouble getting or staying asleep, stick with decaf, herbal tea or one cup of coffee early in the morning. (Have more coffee questions? Check out this post!)

7. Go easy on the alcohol.

Alcohol feels like a sedative at first because it slows down motor and brain function, often leaving us relaxed and worry-free. But as it’s metabolized, acetaldehyde is produced, which acts like a stimulant in our bodies. This is what wakes us up in the wee hours of the morning, unable to get the restorative sleep we need. So for a good night’s sleep, peel back on alcohol and drink it earlier in the evening with food (or not at all).

8. Avoid nicotine.

Nicotine is similar to caffeine in that it’s a stimulant and may cause insomnia. It can also decrease slow wave sleep, which means it’s less restorative (study). Tough love: Stop smoking—for SO many reasons, not just better sleep. (I adore you too much not to say this.)

9. Exercise.

Research shows that exercise can help you fall asleep faster and improve the quality of your rest, so do your best to fit in 30-45 minutes four to five times a week. (Need help making exercise a habit? Check this out!). If you’re doing more vigorous exercise, try to avoid right before bed because it might amp you up. But relaxing stretching or restorative yoga can be great ways to wind down in the evening. Do what works best for you!

10. Clear your mind.

If you’re tossing and turning after switching the lights off, you may need to hit the mental reset button. Here are a few things to try: Before going to bed, journal—get those thoughts on paper and out of your head. Listen to a guided meditation or try Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique tutorial here). If you can’t fall asleep after lying in bed for 15 minutes, get up and do something relaxing for 15-30 minutes before returning to bed. (It’s best not to stay in bed frustrated because doing so can actually train your brain to see bed as an unrestful place.)

Here’s to better rest—day and night!

I hope you’re feeling motivated and empowered to prioritize rest, dear one! You have a busy, beautiful life to lead—and you need rest to squeeze every ounce of joy out of it.

Please be gentle with yourself as you explore the tips for better sleep and rest throughout the day. This is a process and every step you take (even the stuff that doesn’t work for you!) is worth your time. You’re taking care of yourself—nothing is more worthwhile than that.

Your turn: Do you have any helpful tips for how to sleep better? Please share what works for you in the comments below!

Peace & counting (less) sheep,

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  1. John says:

    Exercise and clearing my mind (meditation) have been huge helps. I almost need to tire my body out at the gym or I won’t sleep. I’m a super light sleeper. I’ve followed a few of the things listed here and have been really successful at getting a better sleep – But I definitely need to work on turning off my phone for a while before I go to bed.

  2. Good compilation of tips. #6 and #10 for sure for me. Need to cut down on FB scrolling before sleep or else my brain keeps spinning. I also wear a posture brace at night for spinal adjustment which complicated things

  3. Nick says:

    The number 10 really works on me. But in a different way. Like when if I’m meditating, I suddenly fall asleep without even realizing. I’ll just wake up in the morning feeling refreshed.

  4. Restful says:

    Thanks for sharing!
    My favorite is the soothing sounds. The trouble is reaching out to turn off the sounds after I drift off to sleep.

    I’ve been putting a few drops of lavender oil on my pillow before bed and it has really helped relax and drift to sleep naturally!

  5. Eleanor says:

    I’m definitely guilty when it comes to using tech before bed, it’s such a bad habit that I need to get out of. I know I’m not doing myself any favours because it takes me ages getting to sleep. Some really helpful and useful tips in this blog that I will definitely give a go starting from tonight! I also found this other article that I found useful to follow and think it’s worth sharing –

  6. Some helpful tips there, thanks – although as a 3am blogger I fear I am doomed! My routine would depress any health expert I’m afraid.

    Nearly all my reading happens on a Kindle – which obviously isn’t ideal. At least with a gold old-fashioned book, if you fall asleep in the bath (who me?) a book is more likely to recover than a Kindle.

    I wasn’t aware of the fact that having a pet may help you sleep better. Now that is one tip I would love to try out, but sadly it’s unlikely to happen. Perhaps the exercise factor of taking your dog for a walk ties in with the improved sleeping.

    In the absence of a dog, it’s going to have to be almonds fish and camomile tea to improve my sleep quality:-)

  7. Many people thinking about good sleep as a “nice to have”, but I think getting a proper night’s sleep should be one of our top priorities. Not having enough affects our health, and also our performance at work as it impairs memory and ability to focus..

  8. Lora says:

    great . thanks for sharing

  9. Amanda Berry says:

    Thank you, These tips are a great reminder of what I already know but it is such a good idea to remind one’s self of all of these 10 tips,

  10. sleep mask says:

    The sleep mask is very comfortable. By using the sleep mask now i can able to sleep anytime/anywhere like dark or bright, noisy or quiet

  11. Andy says:

    I’ve found that stopping smoking has helped me to sleep better. Also feel much better in the mornings so I completely agree with you on that one.

  12. Fritz says:

    Fantastic article, i have recently started tracking my sleep with and found that i am not getting good sleep. (i started tracking because my Dr. said that it was important for my health) i have been searching for suggestions on how to get more then my 3 hours..sigh, thanks for the great suggestions. i’ll start with the cutting back of alcohol, (someone told that it would help). Thanks

  13. I was a terrible sleeper but then I sorted out my pillow and mattress and that really helped. BUT the thing that helped the most was turning off technology 30 minutes before bedtime. It has this instant “slowing down” effect which gets me ready for bed every night. I guess it’s all about routine.

  14. Jane Vu says:

    Very helpful article Kris!! Another tip is avoid showering one hour before bedtime. I find that whenever I need to be stay alert during assignment period, I usually take a shower. May sound weird but it totally helps me resist sleepiness.

  15. Emilia says:

    Sleep is the very first thing that should be addressed when treating depression. Shame that so many doctors or therapists don’t realize it or leave it as one of the further treatment stages. In my case everything I was advised to do failed: medication, talking therapy, trying different activities, etc. etc. etc. I only started feeling better and finally start slowly coming out of darkness when… I addressed my sleeping patterns! Sometimes it feels impossible to actually fall asleep at a certain hour, but I did not let go. I would go to sleep at the exact same hour every day and stay in bed resting whether I fell asleep straight away or I was rolling in bed till 5am. After 3-4 weeks I noticed a significant improvement – I could fall asleep within an hour of the moment I went to bed and I could finally get up in the morning. My life become easier to manage and so my self-esteem lifted a bit. It sounds silly but it really was the beginning of great changes for better in my life.

  16. Blake says:

    Great tips here and great article. I was browsing through the many different ways to fall asleep faster or better etc. I seen that this blog allowed comments so thought i would share another great article (looks new) that I came across here for anyone who was interested. It offers many tips, and no Kris, not saying your article isn’t as good. It is great! Just trying to help is all 🙂
    It is and you may even want to share it in the article if you think it is worthy.

  17. Ted says:

    I have reduced consuming chocolates too before sleeping. How much it really affects sleep?

  18. Scott Heard says:

    Great post! Clearing your mind is very important to get a good nights sleep. Another important factor is to make sure you have a bed that you think is comfortable. It is a lot easier to get a good nights sleep when you aren’t tossing and turning all night!

  19. cher says:

    The BEST sleep potion i’ve ever used is Acetyl Gaba….(don’t bother with regular it doesn’t cross the blood-brain barrier!!). I order it from Powder City….i use it to fall asleep with just…2-3 tiny spoonfuls(incluced) in water…tastes sour but not bad…you can use for several nights then take a break (cycle off & on). I fall asleep within 20 minutes…Love it!!

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