Kris Carr

Kris Carr

Emotional Health

How to Make Meditation Super Easy (video)

read all about it

Hiya Gorgeous!

Whenever I feel a little off or anxious, it’s usually a sign that I’ve neglected my inner life. Instead of searching for the next book, blog or trend, I know I just need to sit my tush on the cush and go inside.

The world will always make us feel like the answers are out there. But you and I both know that the opposite is true.

Your ability to realign yourself by turning inward is your superpower, and helping you do that more is the goal of today’s video.

Meditation has been a grounding force in my life for over a decade.

It calms my mind, soothes my nervous system and reduces stress. Meditation will do that for you and more, it will also empower you to follow your dreams, achieve your goals and feel your very best—no matter what life throws at you this glorious year!

Click play and let’s walk you through some easy practices to demystify meditation so that it’s both doable and enjoyable. No need to over think it, be intimidated by it or blow it off, yet again. Meditation is medicine, my friends. So let’s start feeling better, asap!

In this video, you’ll learn:

  • What meditation is really about (it may not be what you think!)
  • Proper posture and position
  • 4 simple techniques to ground and guide you
  • And why a regular practice will transform you

So make sure to watch the video and then talk to me. I want to hear from you and I’ve got a little challenge for ya, to help jump start your progress.

Your turn: In the next 24 hours, I want you to take 10 minutes and give one of these practices a try. Let me know you’re up for the challenge by dropping a comment below and saying, “I’m in!”

I love you and I want the best for you this year—body, mind and spirit. Let the meditation begin. xo!

Peace and deep breaths,

Add a comment
  1. Anne Verstappen says:

    I would like to do this.

  2. Vanmathi Ravikumar says:

    I’m in I’m in I’m innnnnnnn!

  3. Lisa M says:

    I’m in

  4. Hannah Smith says:

    Great video! Can you share some music or frequency noises and tips on how to utilize sounds for meditation?

  5. Machell says:

    I am in on starting a regular mediation practice..Thanks for the encouragement.

  6. Jahnavi Jaanu says:

    Believe if meditation was part of our educational life, we would have definitely seen a more successful life. Thank you for the very thoughtful post to explain the benefits of meditation.

  7. Paula says:

    I’m a newbie when I have meditated for 2 weeks. It is a great method to relax and become more mindful. Thanks for meaningful sharing! Keep it up!

  8. Denise says:

    Am in ,2020 has got to be about me focusing on my health , finger crossed

    • Jennifer says:

      Wahoo, Denise! This is Jennifer from Team Crazy Sexy and we are all rooting for you! 2020 is going to be amazing for you… Xo.

  9. Malou says:

    Thank you making this video. It is very helpful and you explain everything so well, it makes it easy to follow.

  10. LInda Zeidler says:

    I’m in

  11. David says:

    Try adding 1 minute breathing meditations to daily activities as a regular practice – after brushing teeth, going to bathroom, after breakfast, before starting car engine, before opening first emails at work, and so on, including every time we go to the bathroom! It all adds up, reinforces and creates a habit……

  12. Beverly says:

    I am in! Can’t wait to start the guided mediation.

  13. Jo-Ann says:

    I’m in

  14. Hey, First of all I like to thank you for such an amazing video. I want to include meditation in my daily activity but as I am new bee in this field have not much knowledge about how to start meditation and which posture is helpful. This video helps me a lot and I will definitely follow these tips on my routine practice.

  15. Dana Lee says:

    Thank you for this. Since my wife left me and the kid’s. I’ve been struggling. Meditation is starting to help with my anxiety. Your a blessing.

  16. I’m in! You have such a beautiful soothing voice Kris ?

  17. Darlene Ungard says:

    I’m in! Kris, your video is spot on. I took an 8-week TM class and loved so much I took again. The instructor’s mentor was His Holiness Dalai Lama who he met and studied with in the 80’s. I am blessed to have crossed paths and am trying to put into practice what I’ve learned. I use three meditation types: seated, analytical and mantra. My favorite mantra Om Mani Palme Hum is by Imee Ooi. It’s 10 minutes, the perfect length for beginners. You are so right about being gentle and forgiving when your mind wanders to lovingly tell yourself it’s okay and just begin again. You are such an inspiration to your many followers. Getting your emails is like hearing from a good friend. Always positive, cheerful and loving.

    To your good health!

  18. Shel says:

    I’m in…I just love you spending time listening to you. You are my inspiration Kris. God bless you!!

  19. Cindy says:

    I’m IN! Thanks for this. Really love the tips….I’ve got monkey brain! 🙂

  20. Lisa says:

    I’m in! I’ve been wanting to develop a meditation practice for a long time now, but struggle with consistency. I’m hoping your tools will help me to achieve the consistency I’m craving! Thank you Kris.

  21. Helen says:

    I took a transcendental meditation course four years ago and have practiced about a dozen times. I’m now faced with melanoma – let this be my year of healing and get practising that meditation. Thanks for the inspiration and happy new year

  22. Helen says:

    Ok I took a transcendental meditation course four years ago and have practiced about a dozen times. I’m now faced with melanoma – let this be my year of healing and get practising that meditation. Thanks for the inspiration and happy new year

  23. Fred O'Hara says:

    I’m in. Meditation has always been a challenge for me. My mind wanders a lot and a simple 10 minute meditation usually turns into 20-30 minutes as I try to stay focused. I have had head and neck cancer on/off for 2 1/2 years. I constantly struggle with negative thoughts and regrets. Why did I do that, why did I say that, how do I say I’m sorry, and so on. Some of these events happened many years ago. I know I cannot change the past and need to focus on the future.
    I enjoyed your summit and hope to find inner peace one day.

    • David says:

      Reduce 10 minutes to shorter periods of say 1 or 2 mins. and build from there as it starts to work and as you gain confidence…..use this process to learn to notice all thoughts (positive or negative) more and more early, use the mind words ‘noting (the thought), accepting (its there) and letting go (of the thought) by actively coming back to the breath rising/falling – to begin with this you may have to repeat three times………..just see all thoughts like bubbles that arise, float and go pop….they have no real substance and are impermanent – just a habit we have learnt – so, no big deal!

  24. William says:

    Excellent lesson!

  25. Ana says:

    I’m in 🙂

  26. Melissa CHEESEMAN says:

    I’m in…never seriously tried this. I’ve done yoga here and there…again, not seriously enough.
    And, with a recurrence of cancer just diagnosed this week…I am trying not to give in to fear, anxiety, and hopelessness.

  27. Sarah says:

    Hi Kris, I am in hospital at moment recovering from operation for breast cancer, along with anxiety and depression this was the icing on the cake. BUT having been recommended and directed to your website has been a godsend inspiration, and this counting meditation is helping me as I lay here.
    Thank you xxx

  28. happy wheels says:

    The video is great and useful, helping me know how to meditate effectively, to reduce stress.

  29. Cathee says:

    I’m in! Thanks for the tips!

  30. Zoe says:

    I’m in 🙂

    Love you Kris…you have given me hope…during my scariest diagnosis… and showed me that like you, I could get thru it… thank you…

  31. minion rush says:

    This is awesome. I love that it looks so nice but is utilitarian also. Wish we had space for it. It would solve all my clutter issues by the me.

  32. Everlee says:

    I’m in! Thank you for explaining the different ways to meditate through breath focus, it helped me A LOT!

  33. Maryfrances J Adams says:

    I’m In

  34. Kim says:

    I’m in!

    Focusing on breathing is challenging to me because I tend to take over. My body knows how to breath, me not so much. I’m able to watch it but it takes a lot of focus and energy to do so. The intermission between in and out feels like holding my breath, there is not much room for long(er) intermissions: I can feel where my energy is stuck and not flowing. To be honest, by now I’m a bit scared for breathing because I tend to take over (controlling) and I screw it up (pardon my French) with some challenging consequences. My body does have a natural breathing, as long as I butt out. It’s not that deep (I can train that), but it’s there in my belly. Despite my interference, it’s a good thing my body still knows what’s it’s doing and very capable of doing so.

    Sometimes I listen to binaural beats: I will try the Deep Meditation track. I have a whole folder with guided meditations, including some of yours. Maybe I need to experiment a bit to discover what works for me. I often turn to Eckhart Tolle and just listen to him. It resonates with me on a deep level and I use this resonating and his voice as an anchor to keep bringing my attention back to the present. Sometimes I snap my fingers to bring me back out of thinking, in some situations this works.

    I’m going to spend some time with you. I find you inspiring and genuine. Thank you.

  35. Laura says:

    I’m in!

  36. Kerrie says:

    I’m in

  37. Lisa says:

    You are amazing Kris! I have both your meditation albums and LOVE them. I use them pretty much every day. I am grateful for you. Thank you Kris

  38. Vickie LaChance says:

    I’m in

  39. Daphne Wells says:

    I’m in xx

  40. Connie says:

    I’m in! I’m trying to learn meditation, but I’m not very good at it yet. Any more than 5 or 10 minutes, and I get antsy. I guess I need more practice. Thanks so much for all your words of wisdom, Kris! I absolutely love listening to you!!

  41. Allison Donner says:

    I’m in! I’ve tried meditation before but it hasn’t stuck. You make it seem so easy and much less complicated then I have made it in the past. I’m looking forward to adding meditation to my days and seeing what positive changes come from it. Thank you so much!

  42. Sue says:

    I’m in 🙂

  43. Desiree says:

    I’m in!! Love these helpful reminders.

  44. Mirela says:

    I’m in, thank you!

  45. Hi Kris, I’ve followed you for years and I love you and everything you do for the world. As a four-time cancer thriver, I appreciate the role meditation plays in my health and well-being. I do various types of meditation and I’m sharing this awesome video with others that struggle with how to get started. Thank you!

  46. Mary Lou says:

    I’m in.

  47. I’m in. I don’t want to keep looking for the answer “out there, somewhere.” I’m hoping this will also aid me in getting more focused for my prayer times.

    • kris says:

      Right on, Cheryl. “In there” is where the answers are, and yes, meditation can certainly be a good warm up for prayer. x

  48. Helga says:

    I’m in ?

  49. Victoria says:

    I’ve been IN for a while. I use and LOVE both your meditation albums every day. I have given them as gifts to my daughters as well. The image of my mind as a crazy wild jungle is soooo right on! Although I am starting to find a few hidden garden spots too! Thank you thank you thank you! Great video BTW!

    • kris says:

      Cheers to the hidden garden spots! And I’m so happy my albums are helping you, Victoria. Thank you for your comment. xo!

  50. Monika says:

    I’m in!

  51. Terry says:

    I’m in. Thank you for mentioning several options. I have been trying to follow my breath and found it a bit challenging!

  52. Robin Gehrs says:

    Yikes, I must have misunderstood what I signed up for. I would like at this time to continue getting the email posts from Kris but can you please help me NOT receive notification when someone comments. Nothing personal, it’s just too many emails for me to manage. Thank you! Blessings to you!

    • Ruthie says:

      Same here! I tried to change my subscription but I still get emails every time someone comments!!

      • Zoey Dent says:

        Hi ladies! Whenever you post a comment, you’ll see options (before you submit) on what notifications you’d like to receive. If you aren’t able to pick a setting before submitting, the emails you receive should have a link in them to manage your notification subscription. If not, please reach out to Thanks!

  53. Ruthie says:

    I’m ALL in! I have followed and admired you for years. However, I have only dabbled here and there. I was recently diagnosed with cancer. As a 43 year old single mom of 3, I am now kicking my self for not jumping all in earlier. It’s now time to “back up and punt” as they say! Thank you for sharing all of your wisdom!!

  54. Christie says:

    I’m in! “Monkey mind” – that’s exactly it! Your emails always come at the perfect time – getting into a regular meditation practice is one of my big goals for this year. Thank you for all you do to inspire so many of us to love and care for ourselves and others!

  55. Ruby says:

    I think you’re brilliant. I’m working up the discipline to bring these practices in to my life. I love how simple you make it.
    Thank you.


  56. Susan says:

    Kris is sensational!❤️??

  57. Win Leblanc says:

    I’m in!
    Kris, when I make the time to meditate ,
    I always feel more centred & my day goes more smoothly & purposefully. I love how you manage to share your goodness & shine your light
    your positivity &
    good energy are inspiring.
    Going within & giving it a go. ?

  58. colleen says:

    I’m in

  59. Laura says:

    I’m in! And thanks for the helpful tips! xx

  60. Elizabeth says:

    I’m in?? Liz

  61. Sarah says:

    I’m in!

  62. Katharina says:

    I’m in too! Although already a regular meditator I sometimes fall off the wagon and your video came just at the right time to help me puck up my routine again! Holidays made me slip a little so now off to the tushy-cushy with one of your guided meditations! Thank you for all you do for the world! Love Kat

  63. Beatriz says:

    I am in. I admire you and follow you faithfully. Thank you for your inspiration and for being so kind, loving and authentic. You are a light in the world!

  64. Vera Kerr says:

    I’m in, so glad to hear it’s not just me that doesn’t seem to quiet the mind, but I keep trying thank you for the tips. Love your blogs, you are one great girl

  65. Barb says:

    I’m in!

  66. Nancy says:

    I’m in!

  67. Gloria Miller says:

    I’m in! (again) I have both your meditation albums and LOVE them. I’m happy to let you drive every day!

  68. Christina DeSalvo says:

    I am in.

  69. Ana says:

    Yes in!!!

  70. Blue says:

    im in. Thanks for the tips.

  71. Annette Gilbert says:

    I’m in. Tried the counting technique……one, one, one, one……haha. Doing the the mantra, in and out. Wish there was on off button for this monkey mind. Great work you’re doing Kris. Thank you. x

    • kris says:

      Ha! Well, “one” is a great number. A good one to come back to, lol. It’s all part of the process. Somedays I don’t even get to one! x

  72. mina ariel says:

    You are inspiring , beautiful and a pleasure to learn from . I always look forward to your next amazing tips

    for better life . you are truly cool !!!!

  73. Christina says:

    I’m in! Thanks for the inspiration

  74. Maria says:

    I am in! I was planning to do it anyway. :-), a big big thank you for your newsletters, I love reading them, they are super inspiring. Also love your first meditation album, still haven’t got the second. Warmly, Maria

  75. Lynda Davey Sully says:

    I’m in!

  76. Jill says:

    I’m in! I’ve been doing Centering Prayer daily for a couple years. It has be life changing.

  77. Dawn Engler says:

    I’m in! Love your meditations! Love your monkey mind too! HAHA
    Thank you!

  78. Maureen Hall says:

    I’m in : ) already have both of your fantastic meditation albums, so I have a little edge 😀

  79. Sorn says:

    I’m in! I’m feeling extra anxious today so I can’t wait.
    Thank you!

  80. Jennifer says:

    I’m in !

  81. Karen Laharty says:

    I’m in! Thank you so much for the gentle reminders about how to enhance our lives in such simple yet powerful ways. I am in constant need of the confirmation that it is ok to put myself first and that time spent with myself will not only benefit my own spiritual and emotional self but those around me as well (friends, family, co-workers). Every year I think ‘this is going to be the year!’ to open up to living an authentic life full of self discovery and self awareness. I always fall off the wagon somewhere along the way. Life gets in the way of living so often and your posts are really helping me come back to centre and stay focused. I know we’re only 9 days into 2018 but I’ve been on this journey since last summer when I did the 21 day challenge. And yes, I fell off the wagon. I am happy to report that I have a green drink on my desk this morning and a brilliant orange drink in the fridge for this afternoon’s snack 😉 You are a real inspiration Kris, thank you for all you have to share.

  82. I’m in. I’m pretty good at meditating, my difficulty is showing up. I don’t understand how creating habbits (routine) can be so difficult for me. Hopefully some day it will stick. I keep trying… specially everytime I see your lovely face. You are the best! Patricia 😉

  83. Susan Stewart says:

    I’m in! You are so sweet and funny! Thanks — I needed this today!

  84. Kristy says:

    I’m in, Kris! _/\_ How often I forget to disconnect from the constant stimulation of life and center back to love and oneness. Thanks for these tips!! Looking forward to this tonight. 😀

  85. Tammy says:

    Love you Kris Carr! I’m in!

  86. Barb Miller says:

    I’m in!

  87. Carol says:

    My only “resolution” for this year is to spend this winter in more times of meditation, thoughts about how I want to live at 75. I tend to busy days, so my life will be under scrutiny and I need time to ponder.

  88. Carol says:

    I’m in. needed the reminder

  89. Carrie says:

    I do guided meditation at bedtime to put myself to sleep. It’s wonderful. But I also want to rely on myself to meditate which I’ve gotten out of the habit of doing. Your simple steps are what I needed to hear to get back at it. I’m in! Thank you so much, Kris! P.S. Love getting your videos! ?

  90. Thank you for sharing this! I’ve always wanted to meditate because of my mind races! but I’ve never really been able to.. your tips really help, thank you!

  91. Jean Snyder says:

    I’m in. Have been struggling with wanting to meditate and not doing it. Your video was an inspiration. I already have the first album -just haven’t listened to it!

  92. Thanks Kris for the extra nudge to get one of my New Years resolutions off the ground!

  93. Karissa says:

    I’m in 🙂 Been trying to meditate at least once a day for a long time now and really need to get in the habit!

  94. Tamara Lysaker says:

    I’M In!

  95. JoAnn says:

    I’m IN!! Thank you Kris. I just purchased your new meditation album yesterday. I love your first album and used it many many times during a difficult time away from my Family last year. xoxo

  96. Lisa says:

    I’m in!! AND I’m redoing the CSY from July!! So excited to feel better! xoxo

  97. Suzannah Bayles says:

    I’m in!!!
    I’m a cancer survivor and your book was one of the first that was suggested to me when I was first diagnosed. It was real… It made me laugh and had great insight and tips. Thank you for the direction and support! You’re an amazing woman!!!

  98. Linda says:

    I’m in

  99. Alex Ree says:

    I have been a meditator for many years but always leave room for learning even at the most basic level. Thank you for sharing this informative introduction for those who may be contemplating the process. I heartily recommend that anyone try your suggestions as a gateway into the world and benefits of meditation. Bravo to you!

  100. I’m in! I have both of your meditation albums and love that they’re super quick and easy to use. Thanks for being awesome, Kris!

  101. S says:

    I’m In!!!
    Thanks Kris for all you do to spread your Crazy, Sexy, Love to us ALL!!!

  102. Val Johannson says:

    I’m in! You have such a beautiful soothing voice Kris 🙂

  103. Deborah says:

    I’m in.

  104. Christina Martin says:

    Thanks Sista!! I’m in. Started my year with an unexpected loss of a job that I just loved…this little practice will definitely help me not dicect the heck outta this thing and maintain calm while I search for my next great adventure!!

  105. Terri says:

    I’m in!

  106. Deb says:

    Absolutely in!

  107. Chrisie Spain says:

    In!! I have both your meditation albums and they have made it easier for me to commit to a daily practice. Thank you for sharing your love and light with the world!

  108. Claudine Flynn says:

    I’m so grateful you choose to share your gifts and so happy there is a HayHouse family . It’s been one of the best , most humbling and challenging ( forgiveness is and inside job ) challenges I’ve faced .
    I’ll take it ! Sending you a gratitude attitude .. best

  109. Janette says:

    I’m in!

  110. Christine says:

    I’m in! Great video- your jungle analogy and noises made me laugh out loud. Thanks for being such a light in the world

  111. Marge says:

    I’m in!!

  112. Gloria Kolp says:

    I’m in thank you for the great and easy ideas.

  113. monica says:

    Thank you! Your emails always arrive in the right time… THANKS FOR SHARING SO MUCH! YOU ARE A WONDERFUL PERSON!!!

    I’m in!

    • kris says:

      That’s so nice of you to say, Monica. Thank you! xo

    • Leah says:

      Kris, your voice and message is so perfect in the your meditations. I have been YouTubing meditations for a long time… and I have found some great ones for free… but I have to say, I’m glad that I purchased your meditations – it was well worth it. When I was going through a really tough time with adrenals and colitis, your meditations became the missing piece that helped to move me deeper on my journey to healing. I’m a believer in meditation, and practice daily. I’m in!

  114. Sue says:

    I’m in!

  115. Bhavna says:

    I am in!
    Thank you for sharing this video. It is very helpful. One of goal this year is to learn to meditate.
    Looking forward to apply your suggestions and focus on present.

  116. Pamela Cumberland says:

    I’m in!

  117. Margo says:

    I’m in.

  118. Jennifer francis says:

    I’m in

  119. Jo Ann says:

    Live meditating when I take the time.:-)
    Is there a snippet of your meditation I can hear.

  120. Laura says:

    I’m in! Thank you for the support in this thing called life. XOXO

  121. Anne says:

    Ik doe mee !
    Thanks Kris for your crazy sexy vibrant radiation and nice tips.

  122. Ian Carter says:

    Hi Kris,
    Thank you for the video clip on meditation, I have been doing Transandental Meditation for five years now and feel much more at ease with life. I do still have some anxiety as I am looking for a new job.

    Best wishes

    Ian x

  123. Karen Drosnes says:

    Morning Goddess Kris,

    I would love to type in “I’m in” however, I have already completed 40 minutes of meditation before turning on my computer! hahahahahaha… this video is awesome and your jungle cat is too cute! btw/love the sweater anyhow… great info here and I am going to check out your meds on “self-care.” My intention both personally and professionally (I teach yoga and am certified as a life coach) for 2018 is to practice and teach more radical self-care and you my dear one are an inspiration and I learn from you and than “pass it on.”
    Thank you and
    Wahe Guru

    • kris says:

      Wow, Karen, I bow to you! That’s awesome. And I love your intention, the world certainly needs that right now. Also, sweater is from J crew, just sayin’. You may need to scoop it up. x

      • Karen Drosnes says:

        Thank you Goddess… LOVE J Crew! I wanted to share with you that I am 59 years young and just started teaching yoga last year… love new paths! The big share is that I have been following you, Gabby B, Marie F, Danielle L. and Kate N for awhile now and am soooooo pleased to see what you Spirit filled gems are doing for the new generation of New-Thought Provoking Leaders! Your journey of self-care has inspired me to make some serious self-care changes in my life experience… keep on keeping it real gurl as you rock! Mucho love to ya!

  124. Jacqui Meeker says:

    I’m in. ?

  125. Robin Weir says:

    I’m in. … out…. in …. out.

  126. Veta says:

    I’m in! Thanks Kris. This will help me get back on track. I am off to put my tush on the cush.

  127. Kimberly Rose says:

    Love you ….. followed you for many a year
    I have a mental illness as the result of a crime .
    Meditation is tricky for me due to my anxiety and I’ve struggled for years . Going into my body does not feel safe . Years ago I practised transendental meditation and it just as you You describe here.
    I think I’ll try the breathing technique you suggest of saying in and out and start very slowly and see .
    My minds been through a lot and races constantly .
    Be Well
    You are so cool always have been

    • kris says:

      Kimberly, I bet guided meditations would be helpful for you. Give them a try and I love you. My prayer for you for 2018 is that going inside will become the safest place for you. Safe and nourishing. xo

      • Kimberly says:

        You are the best !!!
        Thank you … you have no idea of your timing and what your kindness means to me .
        I will try that .
        I appreciate your time .

  128. Ainslie says:

    I’m in! Thanks for that lovely little video Kris – you really made me laugh out loud a couple of times!! I get really frustrated when I can’t quiet my mind so these tips are a good refresher…I am off now to put my tush on a cush!

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