Emotional Health

How to Find Your Purpose: Mythbusting Edition

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Hiya Gorgeous,

There’s lots of advice out there on how to find your purpose, but most of it creates stress and, in my opinion, totally misses the mark.

That’s why I want to share this with you today.

Lately, I’ve been working on being softer towards myself. Kinder. Slower.

Why? Because it just feels so darn good, but also because I often feel anxious about the constant pressure to “improve”.

You might be feeling the same way. Every single day we receive messages telling us to eat better, work out more, lose weight, or be more productive.

And don’t get me wrong—there’s plenty of value in self-improvement. But is that constant pushing really the way to create a meaningful life? I’m talking here about the ultimate spiritual crisis: How to find your purpose.

We think our purpose is outside of ourselves.

Just thinking about how to find your life purpose can literally make folks sweat. We tie ourselves up in knots searching for answers to questions like: What’s my higher calling? How do I stop spinning my wheels and get down to business? And to be even more blunt: What the hell am I supposed to be doing with my life?!

I struggled with this too, until I finally found my purpose (spoiler alert: or so I thought) with Crazy Sexy Cancer and then Crazy Sexy everything else. At first, I felt very strong and proud. My feathers were fluffed. I had finally arrived spiritually.

My purpose was to help people live a healthy life, teach prevention and raise awareness about animal welfare. I used to tell myself, “Well, that’s one good thing that came from cancer…”

But here’s the rub: When our purpose is external, we may never find it. If we tie our purpose or meaning to our vocation, a goal or an activity, we’re likely setting ourselves up for discomfort and even failure down the line.

Mythbuster! Your purpose has nothing to do with what you do.

There, I said it.

Your purpose is actually quite simple, it’s to awaken. To discover and nurture who you truly are, to know and love yourself at the deepest level and to guide yourself back home when you lose your way.

The more you do this, the more aware and present you become, which creates more harmony in your life. Everything else is your burning passion, your inspired mission, your job, your love-fueled hobby, etc. Those things are powerful and very worthy, but they’re not your purpose. Your purpose is much, much bigger than that.

My deeper understanding of purpose feels right in the soul of my bones. It diffuses the ache of separateness I experience when my work isn’t appreciated or when my efforts are overlooked or criticized. Sometimes folks will treasure your work, sometimes they won’t.

In fact, sometimes you’ll get the gig, sometimes you won’t. You’ll be on the marquee, and you’ll be passé. You’ll be thanked and you’ll be taken for granted. You’ll give and you’ll get nothing in return. You’ll be “Liked” and you’ll be unfriended. That’s life.

But, does that mean your life has no purpose or meaning?

Absolutely, positively not. What it does mean is that tying your worth to that yo-yo circus will only make you feel depleted, depressed and resentful. Instead of looking for outer approval, anchor your sense of purpose within, sweet friend. Otherwise, you’ll find yourself drifting out at sea again and again.

What if your purpose is very different than what you’ve been taught to believe?

  • What if your purpose is to build an everlasting relationship with yourself? To fall deeply in love with precious you? This isn’t self-centered or selfish, it’s self-expansive. Interconnected. Conscious.
  • What if your purpose is to forgive yourself and others? And by doing so, to allow warm waves of compassion to wash over the entire planet (yourself included).
  • What if your purpose is to gently heal all self-injury? And by doing so, to become a mentor and role model for others to do the same.
  • What if your purpose is to release all shame and feelings of unworthiness? Guess what you’ll find behind those feelings? Vulnerability—where your true strength and courage reside.
  • Shall we talk about perfection? Yes, I think we must. What if your purpose is to teach yourself that there is no such thing as perfection and that your never-ending pursuit of it is destroying your life and your relationships? Let it go.
  • What if your purpose is to speak kindly to yourself so that you elevate your energy and the world around you?
  • What if your purpose is to develop an everlasting faith in yourself? To remember your holiness and treat yourself accordingly. The deeper your faith gets, the stronger your connection to a higher power.
  • What if your purpose is to take impeccable care of yourself so that you have the energy and joy to serve others?
  • What if your purpose is to sit still and listen to the wise voice within? We all have a choice about whether or not to attach ourselves to the crazy swirling around in our heads, hearts and universe. Stay open to your inner guidance and choose another way when needed.

And lastly…

What if your purpose (or invitation) is to actually bear witness to your suffering?

To honor and acknowledge it in order to move through it? “They” say that “suffering is optional.” But I’m not so sure about that. Plus, I’m not so sure that the people who believe this have truly experienced suffering. I may have agreed with this at one point. But that was before my experience of loss, sickness and cancer.

Today, I know that suffering is inevitable and so is grief. (In fact, my next book is all about navigating grief and still welcoming joy, no matter how messy life gets.) The trick is to have the guts to actually experience that loss, learn its lessons and eventually make peace with the parts of life you can’t change. Note: Residual pain may remain, and that’s OK, but at some point we can begin to thaw it out in order to embrace our one great, brilliant life.

What if finding your purpose is about finding and nurturing yourself?

Not an external to-do or accomplishment, even if that to-do or accomplishment is the most important discovery of all time. Because if you are the one destined to find the most important ah-ha of all time, you will probably find it quicker and easier if you feel good, loved and happy. Start there. It’s that simple.

Now this doesn’t mean that I don’t love my job (or you) or that I’m going to quit in any way. I cherish my work and all of my readers. And it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t start an orphanage or save animals or empower women or teach people how to file taxes. It means that you no longer need to connect your personal self-worth with a plaque on the wall.

Your self-worth has nothing to do with your craft or calling and everything to do with how you treat yourself and others.

I’ve met brilliant and effective activists who I have gallons of respect for who are dirty messes inside. Mean messes. Bitter messes. Sad messes. Jaded, cranky-ass messes.

And guess what? Their reach and impact reflect their attitude. Imagine what they could accomplish if they moved from loathing to love. If they knew that no matter how important their mission, their inner purpose matters even more. Folks are like plants; we all lean towards the light.

You are the light.

Your true purpose is to connect with that light. Everything else will follow in time. If you are struggling with this topic, I hope this blog gives you peace. Love ya!

Your Turn: Does this take on purpose resonate with you? Anything you want to add?

Peace & purpose,

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  1. JOAN BUCKLEY says:

    Thank you for helping me to remember……….to reorient my compass……all of the stories about NDE (near death experiences) seem to convey that very message that just being is good enough

  2. Diana Bayer says:

    Well said and too true. Learning to accept the world around you and love everything you see, is a good challenge to embrace as well. Less fighting more loving. Even cancer can be loved.
    This is where I am at, trying to see everything as lovable and acceptable.

  3. krisen hicks says:

    this is TRUTH!

  4. Oh I got goosebumps. Absolutely beautiful, thank you Kris. xx

  5. Anthea says:

    Thanks for this Kris! You were able to illustrate the essence of this idea. It’s so important for our purpose to be higher than what we do to make money. And the happy idea that you can be living your purpose no matter what the worldly situation is. -Anthea 🙂

  6. Alex Piper says:

    Kris, I really resonated with your beliefs about ‘our purpose’, as on my journey of healing from cancer I have found through meditation and channelling from my guides that our purpose is not external and our healing is not external. Inner self care, love, self acceptance and compassion is our biggest gift we can give to ourselves. Just by listening to our heart, honouring our feelings and accepting the truth of who we really are – good and bad is living our purpose.

  7. Shivani says:

    Reading this 5 months after it was posted after a dear friend in our yoga community posted it for all the women to read.

    Chris, you have written so beautifully and powerfully what I too (and I am sure all agree) is the meaning and purpose of life. To understand that we are light and when we connect with our light love, service, connection with others shines.
    THANK YOU always for sharing your thoughts and experiences.

  8. dee says:

    Thank you so much for this strong, inspiring and defining article. Your love and words have been powerful and encouraging to the core 😀
    Thank you for the breath of fresh air and the light and the grace and the personal wisdom! ♥ ♥ ♥

  9. Rose says:

    Dear Kris,

    this is one of the most helpful, open, loving and expanding messages to be found online. thank you ever so much for sharing.

  10. Laca Tines says:

    Thank you! I really needed this today. Your words helped me calm down and remember what I absolutely believe to be true. You are a light in this world! xo

  11. Sadhana Cook says:

    I like presents all year round and today your present was timely and oh so true. Thank YOU!!!

  12. Young Robert says:

    Hi Kris

    Great re-post! What a gift to give yourself and others. Interestingly enough, today I was asking myself –“What is my passion”? Am I living my passion or just showing up each day? Maybe it’s a little bit of both but I know for sure that I wish it was more passion. What do I do to get that? I’m not sure yet but its one of the things on my front burner of awareness.

    I too went through cancer treatment, at the first of the year. I did not fear it. Interestingly, I found myself somewhat detached from it. I was fortunate enough to have world class treatment and care. It has been almost two (2) months since I finished my treatment. I found myself looking at others with more awareness and with a renewed gratitude for what I have. I am on a journey, that has become a lifestyle change, to do what I can to have better health mentally and physically (through eating and exercise. I started this journey a year ago, this past January, and it’s been an evolution of through knowledge and action.

    I’ve enjoyed your site and the videos. Thank you!

    My gift for you today is this thought — maybe you’ve heard it maybe you haven’t but here it is: “Right NOW is the most abundant moment in your life!” ~ Unknown. Take that and live it like it’s true — because it is!

    In the meantime, Peace be with you and… please continue to enjoy your blessings


  13. Claire says:

    I’m not sure how this post found me today; but I’m so relieved it did. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  14. ange says:

    Amazing!, so many things to chew slowly about this post. I don’t get some of them yet, hope do it trough the years. Thanks Kris ; )

  15. Fay says:

    Beautiful, Kris–thank you for such clear and compelling thoughts. I’m so glad this was forwarded to me!

  16. Alex says:

    As a passionate writer and aspiring blogger with a crazy interest in all things health and wellness and self-help, you are an ABSOLUTE inspiration and I love your site and all that you stand for. You are fabulous. Get it girl. Hope to hear from you soon.

  17. Dianne says:

    Hi Kris
    I’m not sure how I missed this in December but I guess we find what we need when we need it thanks for sharing at this depth. This thing called suffering seems to be my theme right now. Thank you for all you share I truly appreciate it..

  18. Mollie says:

    I just got chills from reading your post. I feel like I “know” these things but I still have not internalized them. I am still “mean” to myself all too often. “From loathing to love”… I love that, thank you.

  19. Marg says:

    Hey Kris,

    This article is so confirming for me. MY purpose is to bring enlightenment about our evolutionary journey through info I’ve been channeling for the past 10 years. And yes we are here to nurture and express our uniqueness. I feel you would be interested in my site especially the article in Resources entitle “Mother And Child Unite”. Enjoy and thank you for all your Crazy, Sexy everything. <3

  20. Mary says:


    Your words, videos, cookbooks and articles touch me on so many levels. I have been sick with GI issues for nine years, for starters. I almost gave up this past year and then my prayers were answered…I learned about healing on a cellular level…something the M.D.’s never mentioned and in fact, advised me to avoid raw fruit and vegetables since they seemed to upset me! Ha! This is actually exactly what my body was begging for. While I still have issues, my health continues to get better and better. It’s been three and a half months nutritional healing and I know I am on my way! I finally feel like God is working in my life and leading me to health. Thank you for being a part of my journey, for being a part of me finding health. You are a constant inspiration!

    I wish you all the HEALTH and HAPPINESS you so deserve! Saying “Thank you” simply doesn’t seem like enough!

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