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The Sticky Truth About Sugars, Sweets and Your Health

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Hiya Gorgeous!

It’s time we talked sugar. White powdered gold. Legal crack. Sugar is one of the most readily available and addictive foods out there—and you don’t have to be a Pixy Stix guzzler to overdo it. I was pretty floored when I began to really understand the abundance of sugars in food—did you know it’s in everything from pancakes to potatoes?

The average American eats an estimated 130 lbs of sugar per year (source). You might think “There’s no way I eat that much sugar!” but this stuff is sneaky. It doesn’t just hang out in the junk food aisle, it’s also in healthy foods (don’t worry, I’m not saying that a sweet potato has as much sugar as a Snickers bar!). Hidden sugar piles up fast, so you may need to budget less sugar in your diet—especially if you’re dealing with a health challenge.

Sugar is inflammatory and consuming too much of it can increase your risk for health challenges like cardiovascular disease, fatty liver, an unhealthy gut and a number of cancers. Excess sugar can also cause tooth decay, contribute to obesity, accelerate the aging process and even impact brain function. Plus, when we consume too many of our calories from sugar, we miss out on essential nutrients from whole foods.

I know how overwhelming this sweet beast can be, but we’re about to change that. Grab your pencils, friends… let’s go to sugar school!

Why do I crave sugar?

Let me tell ya, I get this question all the time so let’s start here! Studies have shown that eating sugar has a powerful impact on the same parts of the brain that are stimulated by addictive drugs, which can lead to increased tolerance and dependence.

One study compared men who were given meals with rapidly digested refined sugars to men given meals with a lower blood sugar impact. The group eating the rapidly digested refined sugars experienced an increase in blood flow to the part of the brain that regulates cravings, rewards and addictive behaviors. When this reward center lights up, it can keep us wanting more (study)!

Sugar can even interfere with our appetite-regulating hormones, which can lead to even more overindulgence. But I have good news! When you eliminate or significantly reduce refined sugars in your diet, you’ll start to notice the cravings subside in as little as a week (though it’s different for everyone, so give your body time to adapt!).

What is sugar?

To understand sugars, you’ve gotta start with the basics. You’re probably familiar with carbohydrates and glucose, but do you really know what these guys are all about? Let’s learn more about them, then we’ll explore our day-to-day food choices.


There’s a lot of gabbing in the news about good carbs versus bad carbs—but what are they, exactly? First and foremost, carbohydrates are the starchy or sugary part of foods. When we think about sugar, naturally we imagine all things yummy and sweet. But in actuality, all carbs (including those that don’t taste sweet, like pasta, bread and potatoes) break down into glucose—the sugar your body uses for fuel. (More on glucose in a sec!) From your body’s point of view, there’s not much difference between a spoonful of sugar and a slice of white bread.

Carbohydrates come in two varieties, complex (“good” or “unrefined”) and simple (“bad” or “refined”). Complex carbs, also referred to as starches, are typically digested and absorbed more slowly than simple carbs. These foods are generally high in fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. I’m talkin’ about whole grains like brown rice, buckwheat and quinoa, along with legumes and starchy vegetables. Just keep in mind that complex carbs can still cause a rise in blood sugar if they’re consumed in excess, so be mindful of both quality and quantity of your healthy carbohydrate choices!

With the exception of fresh fruit, simple carbs (also called “simple sugars”) are digested and absorbed more quickly than complex carbs. They don’t offer much nutritional value, and because of their minimal fiber content, can trigger unhealthy blood sugar spikes (and dips). White sugar, white flour, white bread, some whole wheat breads, cookies, sugary snack foods, candy, cake, muffins, crackers, chips, energy drinks, sodas and concentrated fruit juices are examples of simple carbs.


When glucose enters your bloodstream, your pancreas releases insulin, the master hormone of metabolism. Insulin has lots of jobs, but most importantly it regulates glucose levels by shuttling it to cells to use as fuel. But if a cell has all the fuel it needs for the moment, insulin carries off the extra glucose to be stored as fat. So far, so good—because everyone needs a little cushion for the pushin’. However, a diet high in simple sugar and refined carbs dumps a ton of glucose into your blood very quickly. As a result, your pancreas is forced to barf out additional insulin, which isn’t good for you or your pancreas.

This is one vicious cycle. Over time you may develop insulin resistance, which makes your body less effective at regulating blood sugar. Insulin resistance also affects your ability to use stored fat as energy. In other words, you can’t lose weight as easily when there’s a bunch of insulin coursing through your body. But it’s not just about weight. Too much glucose and insulin are major culprits in many diseases (for more on the relationship between sugar and cancer, read this).


What foods have the least/most sugar?

The World Health Organization recommends that we get no more than 10 percent of our calories from added sugars (5 percent is even better!). The American Heart Association recommends no more than 6 tsp (24 grams) of sugar daily for women and 9 tsp (36 grams) for men. These are general guidelines, so work with your doc to find a daily amount that fits your unique needs.

Also, remember that not all sugars are created equal! But I’m gonna take a wild guess and say that you don’t have time to memorize all of these sugar stats. Luckily, you don’t have to…

My Sugars Ranking Chart

I’ve done a little of the heavy lifting for you by creating a ranking system for sugars.

Group A: These foods are your best bets. These foods are the total package because they give you fuel, vitamins, minerals and fiber. Beans, whole fruits, whole grains and lentils are great Group A examples that will keep you satiated and your blood sugar levels stable throughout the day. Fruit contains fructose, but nowhere near the concentration as processed candies and sweets. Plus, fruit has vital nutrients, cancer-fighting antioxidants and fiber, all of which promote a healthy you. The key is to enjoy fruit that’s naturally high in fiber, low in sugar and has a low glycemic index (GI—more on that in a sec). Reach for raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, pears, citrus fruits, apples and plums. Limit the higher GI fruits like bananas, watermelon, cantaloupe, raisins, pineapple and mangoes (as well as fruit juices and fruit juice concentrates).

Group B: These sweeteners have a little something to offer beyond just the glucose energy. Dried fruits have a higher GI than whole fruits since they’re highly concentrated, but are a good source of micronutrients. Think of them as an occasional treat! Just make sure to check the labels and avoid added sugars or preservatives. Some other grade Bs include sweeteners such as maple syrup, coconut palm sugar, yacon syrup and lucuma. These sweeties are better options than the C group because they have a lower GI or offer some vitamins and minerals.

Group C: These are your worst options. They are high GI and don’t bring anything but sugar to the party. One trick ponies! While jelly beans, soda, candy, pastries and brownies may give us a boost of energy, they offer no nutritional benefit. Plus, consuming such a high level of simple sugars can cause fat to be produced and accumulate in the liver. Someone who binges on donuts can end up with a liver just as fatty as that of an alcoholic (often called nonalcoholic fatty liver disease).

Glycemic Index

How can you learn to make better choices when eating carbs and sugar? Enter the dazzling glycemic index (GI), a measure of how quickly and how high a particular carbohydrate raises your blood sugar level. GI is a numerical ranking system that compares a given food to a pure sugar, such as white sugar. Because white sugar is all carbohydrate, it’s designated 100 on a scale of 0 to 100. The GI is a measure of carbs only; fats and proteins have no effect on the score.

Foods with a high GI value are almost always refined, simple carbs. Conversely, foods with low GI values tend to be unrefined, complex carbs. The difference between high- and low-GI foods lies mostly in how much fiber they contain. Fiber slows the digestion of sugars and keeps you even and peaceful. That’s why a plant-based, low-GI diet is one of the central tenets of a healthy lifestyle.

As a rule of thumb, any food that has a GI rank below 60 is a good choice, especially if you need to watch your blood sugar. In fact, people who stick to a low-GI diet are less likely to develop diabetes and other medical life lemons. Speaking of lemons, they fall solidly into the low-GI camp, as do berries, apples, pears, citrus fruits and plums.

And guess what? Not only can low GI diets prevent nasty diseases, they can also help to reverse them (source and source). Amen, glitter explosion! If you want to learn more, The GI Handbook by Barbara Ravage and The New Glucose Revolution by Jennie Brand-Miller and Kaye Foster-Powell are both great books for self-study.

How to Stop Sugar Cravings

If kicking sugary treats to the curb is on your to-do list, here are a few ways to get the job done without going bonkers:

  • Cold turkey—sometimes, tough love does the job! But, please keep one of my favorite mantras in mind: Progress, not perfection. No need to be hard on yourself if you slip up. And if this approach doesn’t work for you, try the other tips in this list!
  • Brush your teeth, floss, close up shop.
  • Incorporate sweet veggies, like yams.
  • Have a snack that’s high in protein and some fat, such as nuts, seeds and avocado.
  • Find some natural, healthy sugar substitutes you can count on (we’ll cover some of my go-to options in the next section!).
  • Juice up a green drink or smoothie with some good fat in it, like coconut or avocado.
  • Enjoy sliced apples with almond butter, cucumbers with hummus, or a baked sweet potato.
  • Go for a small piece (about 1-in square) of good-quality dark chocolate (70 percent or higher cacao).
  • Change your environment until the crisis passes. Go for a walk, call a friend, take a bubble bath, do some sun salutations, cuddle your pet, have hot sex!

Keep in mind that as your body gets used to less sugar, you may experience detox symptoms such as headaches, skin breakouts, insomnia, low energy, etc. Staying hydrated, resting, eating nourishing foods, gentle exercise and making yourself a priority can all help manage these symptoms as you transition to a healthier lifestyle.

Healthy Sugar Substitutes

Add some natural sweetness to your life with these healthy sugar substitutes! Here’s some more info about the options so you can determine which one is the best choice for you:

  • Dates are relatively high in calories but they make a great natural sweetener. They have a low glycemic index and are great blended into smoothies and used in baking. Here’s a recipe for date purée, which you can use in place of sugar in many recipes!
  • Maple syrup is rich in antioxidants, unlike sugar which contains little to no antioxidants. And while maple syrup is high in natural sugars, it still has a lower GI than sugar. It also contains minerals such as manganese and zinc. To get the most beneficial antioxidants from your maple syrup, be sure to choose the darker Grade B type.
  • Stevia extract comes from the stevia plant and is 250–300 times sweeter than sugar. Because it’s so sweet, a little bit goes a long way (making it a nearly calorie-free natural sweetener). Too much stevia can cause indigestion and because it is a vasodilator, it’s not recommended for people with low blood pressure. To ensure you’re using the most natural and minimally processed product possible, look for 100 percent pure organic stevia that doesn’t contain other ingredients.
  • Erythritol is a sugar alcohol made by fermenting the sugar found in corn. It looks and tastes like sugar but contains 0 calories. Erythritol contains some antioxidants to fight free radicals. Plus, it’s about 60 percent as sweet as sugar and does not impact blood sugar. Erythritol is absorbed in the small intestine, whereas other sugar alcohols aren’t absorbed well by the intestines. This makes it less likely to cause digestive stress than other sugar alcohols—however, overdoing it can cause diarrhea, gas, bloating or nausea. It is important to be sure you are purchasing GMO-free erythritol since it is made from corn, a commonly genetically modified crop. Look for erythritol that is USDA organic and has the non-GMO certified label on the packaging. Keep in mind, it can be pricey.
  • Lakanto is a non-GMO calorie-free sweetener made and used in Japan for more than 15 years. It’s a combination of erythritol and the sweetener from monk fruit. It can be substituted one-to-one for sugar and many people say that it works well in baking. Because lakanto is made of erythritol and monk fruit, too much can cause GI upset and it may have an aftertaste.
  • Yacon syrup, made from the yacon root, has about 20 calories per tablespoon (sugar has 48 calories per tablespoon). It’s rich in fructooligosaccharides (FOS), which act as prebiotics in the body. Yacon syrup may encourage weight loss as it tends to increase satiety and insulin sensitivity (research study). However, consuming more than a tablespoon a day may cause diarrhea, bloating, gas and/or nausea.
  • Monk fruit sweetener is about 150–200 times sweeter than sugar and is made from extracts of the monk fruit. It contains mogrosides, which are antioxidants that don’t raise your blood sugar when metabolized, making monk fruit sweeteners calorie-free. Some people do complain that these sweeteners have an aftertaste.

A note on agave: Agave was a popular sugar substitute for a while because it’s low on the GI scale, but we now know that it’s highly processed, contains a concentrated amount of fructose and lacks any beneficial nutrients. If you choose to use it at all, I encourage you to do so sparingly and consider trying some of the other alternatives we discussed above instead. You may spot agave in some of my old recipes, but it doesn’t make the cut for my list of healthy sugar substitutes today. This is a good reminder to stay on top of the latest research and consult with the experts (like my incredible nutrition team!)—I’m always learning and love sharing with you!

Natural, calorie-free sweeteners can be super helpful as you transition away from processed sweets. But keep in mind that a little goes a long way because they often taste sweeter. Plus, the less you use sugar and sugar substitutes, the more you’ll start to notice the incredible natural sweetness available in plant foods. Eventually, you may find that you don’t need added “sugar” at all—good for you (and your body!).

Treat your perfectly sweet body with respect for the work it does to power you through the day. Shocking your system by dumping a ton of glucose into your bloodstream doesn’t a good self-care strategy make. Powering your cells with glucose, vitamins, minerals and fiber, however, is solid sunshine gold.

Your turn: Have you struggled with sugar? Any great tips for how to get off the dragon? Share your experiences in the comments below!

Peace & peaches,

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  1. Laura says:

    This is great information. I keep a mostly vegan diet and am very cautious about the quality of my produce, buying organic when I can. Despite all of this, I know I consume far more sugar than I should. I will definitely be replaceing some of my food with more grade A foods!

  2. Nathalie says:

    Hi Kris, this is probably the best article I’ve read about sugar in a long time. I will read it again when I feel like polishing off a bag (or three) of gummy bears for no reason. I’ve been struggling to eat less sugar for a long time, but most people don’t see this as a problem as long as you’re slim.
    Thank you!

  3. Friderike Hirsch-Wright says:

    Dear Kris,

    As always, it’s so nice to get your newsletter. Thank you.

    Can you write some more about enzymes, please? I am an anglomaniac vegan nerd from Germany who would appreciate some help. I don’t understand why enzymes are always mentioned separately from proteins when nutrition gurus and health cookbooks talk about the food we eat (or have to eat or shouldn’t eat). Because all health nuts keep mentioning enzymes, I read stuff about the function of enzymes in an organism. I now know that enzymes are vital catalysts. No enzymes, no life. But I also learned that almost all of them are proteins. That means that our bodies have to take enzymes apart, just as they take all proteins apart, and then use the amino acids and other whatsits that make up these creatures to make whatever substances they need. Right?
    Here are some direct questions: Do our bodies always make enzymes from enzymes or do they also make other proteins from them? And if they do make enzymes from enzymes, do they always make the same kind? (Why are we sold specific digestive enzymes, for instance, since our bodies have to take those apart as well? If the selling of digestive enzymes is not just a scam, then that must mean that our bodies can make their own digestive enzymes from the digestive enzymes they ingest.)
    Why are people more concerned about cooking and thereby “killing” enzymes than they are about cooking and killing other proteins or other nutrients? Does the cooking process modify the amino acids contained in a particular enzyme (or other protein) at the atomic level in such a way that it then becomes unfit for use as a building block inside the body?
    I guess I sometimes worry too much about nutrition and obsess too much. 🙂 And at those times, the general guidelines you offer are extremely valuable. What I extracted as good for myself: Always vegan, as much green stuff as possible, keep junk food to a minimum.
    Thank you so much for all you do.

  4. Lisette says:

    Sugar sure is addictive! Whenever I eat some I just want MORE. Lately I’ve managed to reduce my intake right down and I do feel much better. Now just eating fruit or drinking cows milk tastes incredibly sweet. If you don’t over saturate your palate with the refined stuff you can actually taste the yummy natural sugars in fruit, veg, nuts, etc. What’s even better is that once you reduce sugar, you become very aware of what it does to your body when you eat it.
    If you like to sweeten your drinks you could try coconut oil? The extra virgin, cold pressed stuff is actually quite sweet and creamy and goes well in green tea!

  5. Jivan Dios says:

    Wonderful article!
    I have been on a low sugar diet since a cancer diagnosis. Check out my website for alcohol free and low sugar drink options for the holidays.

  6. Sharon says:

    Hi Kris 🙂
    Where do dates fit into this? I love sweet things and have been taking refuge in dates lately because they seem the least offensive, and have even been wanting to make date syrup to sweeten coffee and tea because I think maybe it’s better than agave?
    Love to hear your thoughts!
    XO, Sharon

    • Sharon says:

      Whoops, Just read everyone’s info and dates and looks like they are good to go! Yay! On Saturday at the farmer’s market in SF there was a guy selling 10+ varieties!

  7. NIcki says:

    hi Kris,

    Thanks for another informative blog email. I am seriously struggling daily with my sugar cravings and am really having a hard time. I am going to use this information to make tomorrow the start of a new day and fingers crossed a sugar-craving-free day!


    • Patricia says:

      Hi Nicki
      Try having apple cider vinegar before bed. I have a strong sugar cravings too. I find this helps. Make sure you mix it with warm water first. Then have some clear water after. Good luck.

  8. I love this article – especially your sugar guide! I quit sugar 6 years ago as recommended by my doctor after a steady weight gain of 5-10 pounds per year. Remarkably, the excess weight vanished rather quickly, plus I feel much better! And although I was as addicted as to sugar as you could possibly be and thought giving it up would be impossible, it was much easier than I ever expected (once I got through the first few days)! Once I got past the addiction, being around temptations never bothered me. And it didn’t really take all that long. I’m saying all this because if I could do it, anyone can do it!

  9. Chloé says:

    Hello! Great post and just in time, since I am trying to decrease my intake of sugar….the thing is I read that apples and pears are one the most highest fruit with fructose….and here they are on the A (best) list? Can somebody help me with that?
    Thank you Kris! <3

    • Jennifer says:

      Hey there! This is Jennifer from Team Crazy Sexy. The ability of the body to metabolize naturally occurring sugars, such as those in fruit, differs from how it metabolizes refined sugars added to processed foods. The fiber that encompasses natural sugars in whole fruits will slow digestion, decrease the impact on blood sugar and help you to feel full. I hope that helps!

  10. Treisha says:

    My number one most successful way to beat the sugar cravings is taking it one day at a time… if I look any further than today, I think of all I will miss out on and than I go berserk and indulge, thinking I need one last fix before I cut sweets out! One day at a time and all of a sudden its been weeks since I’ve given in to a sugary sugar coated sugar bomb delight!

  11. LUCIE says:

    Hey guys! I have real issues with sweets and SAD foods… I can more or less say that i am addicted to them and feel like a drug junkie whenever i get out of control, eating wise. Anyways. Do you know how i can ‘detoxify’ myself from that or prevent myself from emptying the foods of others (i have gluten btw, but i dont even care enough about how bad i will feel after – it is real bad) or the fridge??
    Is there a way to treat myself , kind of like a ‘drug withdrawal’?

    And last question: are fresh figs okay to eat? I mean, i know they are super healthy but are they too high in GI or why aren’t they listed?

    • Treisha says:

      I consider myself a sugar addict to for many reasons-
      I joined an addiction recovery program, which has helped. I did do a cleanse, which worked wonders on cutting the sugar cravings for the time, but it did nothing to deal with the “why” of the addiction, so the first stressful event after the cleanse and I was all over the local cupcakery! Good luck!!

      • lucie says:

        thanks treisha for sharing! my addiction is really bad, I would crave for everything carb and sugar loaded. day passes that I don’t chew and eat sth of those things even though I don’t want to!!! the addiction recovery program you did- was that a normal one or exclusively for sugar addicts? I am in Germany and we don’t have sth like that here :((

  12. Loriann says:

    L-glutamine (an amino acid tablet) taken in the morning has cut all cravings for this sugar addict.

    • Patty says:

      I was going to suggest the the same thing. I haven’t tried it yet, but I have read it helps with sugar cravings. Happy to know it works!

  13. Cathie says:

    You did not mention pineapple in your sugar guide – I suspect it is loaded with natural sugar!

  14. Absolutely love all your blogs and read and re-read your books! I also had to cut down on sugars (even though I already ate healthily) because my family is riddled with diabetes for 5 generations. I find incorporating cinnamon (a lot!) in either powder form, or chewing on a quill of cinnamon really hitting the sweet spot, as well as adding fennel seeds (whole) to teas to sweeten them or making candy with those in stead of even the coconut sugar I’m using.

  15. Angie says:

    Hi Jenny,

    Thanks for your comment clarifying about Agave. Could you also please give your opinion about organic maple syrup as well as raw honey used for sweetening? Also, what about coconut nectar/sweetener?

    I sadly have been on the agave bandwagon, believing all the health claims, and thinking I was choosing a better sweetener for myself and my children. Unfortunately we really are not fans of stevia, I think the after taste is what gets us! So I would love to know which alternative is the next best.


    (As always, I Love all Kris’s newsletters/blog entries and am so grateful to her for sharing all her wonderful knowledge and tips!!!!)

    • Jenny says:

      sure Angie.

      i think that honey, maple syrup and coconut nectar are all quality sweeteners. i also think coconut sugar is a great substitute for the refined white stuff too.

      i think the same rule of thumb applies to the use of sweeteners as with most things in life – moderation.

      yes it’s difficult raising children with the plethora of sugary childrens food out there. at a birthday party on the weekend my 5yo son was intent on devouring all the fairy bread and chocolates and was less interested in playing with his friends because of the sugar on offer!

      jen x

    • Vicky says:

      Could someone tell me if erythritol is a better option than agave or stevia. I love it for a low Gi sweetener. It doesn’t have the after taste that stevia does

      • Jennifer says:

        Hi there, Vicky! This is Jennifer from Team Crazy Sexy. Erythritol is definitely a better choice than agave. Stevia is a good choice also, but it’s just fine to stick with erythritol if you prefer the taste of it. While agave us lower-GI than some other options, it can really wreak havoc on your system.

  16. Chere friedman says:

    Very interested

  17. Danna says:

    Correction on my note about Stevia chocolate:
    It’s by” Lily’s Sweets” out of Santa Barbara. Also it’s supposed to be good for diabetics too.

  18. Danna says:

    Stevia Chocolate oh Yes!
    I stay away from most forms of sugar, save some berries and pears now and then, but I do love a little bite of chocolate now and then. So I found this dark chocolate by “Lilly’s” at my local Natural Foods Store. I love the coconut version. They have several flavors and it’s stevia sweetened!… and also has Erythritol (I just noticed! much to my chagrin), an alcohol sweetener that is not absorbed very much by the body, but still not great for us. It’s fine in small quantities, as in a small square of chocolate, but I wouldn’t bake with it or anything. This chocolate is not organic, but is Non-gmo. Anyway, if you’re trying to kick the sugar habit but can’t quite let go of the chocolate yet, this is a good little transition treat and it’s the real deal when you just need what you want. They also make milk chocolate, if you’re not avoiding dairy.

  19. Anna W says:

    i’m so glad you are finally posting this. this is one of the biggest problems with america’s diet as far as I’m concerned. one more important point is that eating fats and proteins ALONG WITH your carbohydrates helps to regulate blood sugar much better than just eating the carbs alone. for example, have your banana with almond butter instead of by itself. or your toast with cheese or peanut butter.

  20. Diane says:

    Does anyone know the GI of coconut sugar? Is it a healthy alternative? Many thanks in advance for answers.

    • Stella Coe says:

      Hello, coconut sugar’s ranking is 35. It’s low GI so can be a great substitute if you use it moderately.

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