Hi Sweet Readers,
My dear friend Nick Ortner visited me a few weeks ago to film a Chat & Chew episode about one of my favorite stress reduction and physical healing techniques — Tapping. Nick and his team have brought the power of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT, aka Tapping) to millions of people, and now they’re bringing it to us.
Get ready for an amazing experience!
Why is it called “Tapping”?
Because with EFT you literally tap on acupressure points (your body’s meridian points) while saying simple affirmations and focusing on a particular negative emotion, trauma, addiction or event (the list of possibilities goes on and on). This powerful combination of ancient Chinese medicine, modern psychology and positive reprogramming is changing lives every day by helping people resolve and finally move past their greatest mental and physical blocks. I invited Nick to my home to share this life-changing practice with you.
In this video, Nick and I introduce you to Tapping basics and teach you how to tap step-by-step.
It’s so easy, anyone can do it anywhere. You can start right now — just watch the video to learn how.
Backstory: A few years ago, I discovered EFT for the first time.
It seemed like I couldn’t speak with a colleague or open a newsletter without hearing about Tapping and its incredible healing power. Tapping was on my mind. I was curious. So, I listened to my gut and packed my bags for an EFT retreat near my home. The experience that followed was nothing short of miraculous.
I’ll never forget the swift transformations that occurred in just a few days as hundreds of people learned to tap and began dealing with emotional, mental and physical issues that had been deeply impacting their well-being for weeks, years, even decades.
Over the course of the weekend, I got to know Nick and his phenomenal team, and we’ve been as close as siblings ever since. Nick is my personal Tapping coach, and he’s even joined me on some of my Crazy Sexy retreats and worked with cancer patients to address the fear, depression and other challenges that come along with diagnosis.

If you’ve never heard of Tapping before, please approach this practice with an open heart and mind. It looks silly. It feels silly. But only at first.
When you begin experiencing the benefits of EFT, I think you’ll come to embrace it as a gift.
Tapping is my touchstone. It’s there to calm my nerves, mend my heart and center my mind. I tap before walking on stage and speaking to a crowd of thousands, I tap when I can’t sleep at night, I tap before a cancer scan, and I tap when I’m just plain old sad, mad and scared. We’re human and we need tools to deal with all the stress that comes along with being human. I hope you’ll add Tapping to your fabulous, sparkly tool belt. I know it’ll help.
Nick was also one of my amazing guests for the first-ever Healing Cancer World Summit. Using information I compiled from this event, I created a modern-day guide to help you in your cancer journey that you can find here.
Lastly, I hope you’ll voice your questions and share your experiences with Tapping in the comments below. See you there!
Peace & meridians,
I’ve tried tapping a few times but didn’t notice any results.
Tapping is a powerful tool to help shift negative feelings and anxiety.. I was first introduced to it at a seminar workshop with Norm Sheally, and it was profound. I had a deep sense of peace. Since then I have done tapping when needed, however after watching this video I realize how much more I could get out of this tool if I practiced on a regular basis. Gettting specific the the root of what is going on is key, sometimes the clarity is not always there for me, afer watching this video, I realize it can be easy to find clarity to tap, based on past life events, especially back from childhood.
My favorite part about tapping is letting all the crap out!!! LOL, it allows me to release, instead of pretending everything is all right, and you said it best Kris, “like taping an affirmation on a pile of shit! “Ha, yes,I can relate, Affirmations, can only be words and without the feeling sand emotions behind them it is like the Energizer Bunny rearing to go with out any batteries…
I have had anxiety in the past of public speaking, and I had to do presentations and classes in the past and found myself out in my car or in the bathroom tapping before the presentation….It helped tremendously.
Thank you for sharing, and I will look for the tapping summit. You and Nick make it easy to understand and to put into practice…
Please send me info on the Tapping Summit . Thanks much
Thank You,
Even though (lol) I’ve heard of this many times and even bought
a whole tapping program, the visual and you two expressing so authentically
makes all the difference in the world!
Loving myself, Laurie
Sign me up!:) Have heard about this before but your video helped to clarify what it was. Thanks!
Oh, Kris and Nick! Thank you both so much!!! sending love to you! thank you, pure souls, for your help to the Earth!!!
Thank you for sharing. I have heard just a little about this and I am interested in learning more. So thank you for the video and I am going to try it and keep learning more about this.
Just what I needed to see today. Tears in my eyes as I watched the video. Thank you for sharing.
I did not see any information on the tapping summit that you talked about. I was introduced to tapping by a therapist. I started doing it but stopped. I am going to try it again.
I need your help to get my life back on track!
Thank you SO much for this, Kris! I’ve watched videos on EFT and never quite grasped it, till now. Thank you. xx
Interesting!! I just found your site and LOVE that you are sharing with the world how to change their perspectives on defining what cancer can be to anyone who has been told and diagnosed with those words “you have” and these are your odds You are such an inspiration and a breath of fresh air teaching others not to just climb a mountain but how to conquer it. I started tapping a few months ago. I was unemployed and down to my last few hundred dollars. I was in a relationship with a man who would not make any committments with me, had lost everything I had ever worked for (I was a real estate appraiser and didnt have any work) I felt hopeless and scared. Tapping is CHANGING my life quickly. I am now making money doing what I love (I’m an esthetician) and I’m living with my boyfriend in a committed relationship. I am considering incorporating tapping on clients during the massage part of the facial service to reduce tension and facilitate a peaceful state giving them both a skin care treatment AND a little emotional release at the same time. Tap on everything and I mean everything, it really does cause remarkable positive changes in every aspect of your life. It’s amazing!!!!
Thanks for sharing! Very insightful!
I thought it was very ironic when you shared your anxiety around public speaking. This is the first video I’ve seen you in (I’ve only otherwise read your book / blog) and my first impression was… Wow! She’s so composed, and is a great public speaker! 🙂
I love your work – you are truly an inspiration!
Just watched this and will definitely try it. My deep and paralyzing anxiety occurs when I have to leave my house to go almost anywhere. I have tried hypnotherapy and a few drugs. The drugs just made me so tired. I noticed most responses were from January – and I just saw this on your FB. I am looking forward to experiencing the shift. Sign me up. Kris you are such an inspiration. I changed my eating habits and am now a happy vegetarian, thanks a lot to you.
need to link into you & Nick, just about to return to work after cancer issues and the contract has finished and i have been made redundant. Need confidence, loving my juicing x
Loved the video. I actually tapped along with you. I do have a lot of anxiety about going places. Restaurants, visiting people – it is like being in my own prison. I hope this tapping can help me.
Thanks Kris for sharing this technique. I teach the MELT Method which is a simple self technique that rehydrates the connective tissue and helps calm the nervous system. Tapping is a nice compliment to MELTing. I have to get Nick’s book.
Would like to find out more.
Kris could you contact me on my cell. I’m read up on EFT and have view some of your videos and it makes sense to me. However, I’m a practicing catholic and I’m not sure if this type of theraphy is accecptible. I really need to speak with you or Nick Orthner. As for juicing I’m sold on that. I’d like to hear from you or Nick regarding EFT in reference to church practices. Would you be so kind as to send me your email so we can discuss this topic further. I don’t want to put it to rest till I’ve received feedback from you or Nick Orthner. I live in Michigan.
I heard about EFT several years ago but never persued it. Last week I asked my holistic doctor about juicing. She recommended that I research Kris Carr on what she had to say about juicing. So I did and also came upon EFT tapping. Now I would like to speak with Kris or Nick about this technque for melting away emotional problems. Is there a way I may speak to either one of you? I live in Chesterfield, MIchigan.
Lisa Mannino