Hi Sweet Readers,
My dear friend Nick Ortner visited me a few weeks ago to film a Chat & Chew episode about one of my favorite stress reduction and physical healing techniques — Tapping. Nick and his team have brought the power of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT, aka Tapping) to millions of people, and now they’re bringing it to us.
Get ready for an amazing experience!
Why is it called “Tapping”?
Because with EFT you literally tap on acupressure points (your body’s meridian points) while saying simple affirmations and focusing on a particular negative emotion, trauma, addiction or event (the list of possibilities goes on and on). This powerful combination of ancient Chinese medicine, modern psychology and positive reprogramming is changing lives every day by helping people resolve and finally move past their greatest mental and physical blocks. I invited Nick to my home to share this life-changing practice with you.
In this video, Nick and I introduce you to Tapping basics and teach you how to tap step-by-step.
It’s so easy, anyone can do it anywhere. You can start right now — just watch the video to learn how.
Backstory: A few years ago, I discovered EFT for the first time.
It seemed like I couldn’t speak with a colleague or open a newsletter without hearing about Tapping and its incredible healing power. Tapping was on my mind. I was curious. So, I listened to my gut and packed my bags for an EFT retreat near my home. The experience that followed was nothing short of miraculous.
I’ll never forget the swift transformations that occurred in just a few days as hundreds of people learned to tap and began dealing with emotional, mental and physical issues that had been deeply impacting their well-being for weeks, years, even decades.
Over the course of the weekend, I got to know Nick and his phenomenal team, and we’ve been as close as siblings ever since. Nick is my personal Tapping coach, and he’s even joined me on some of my Crazy Sexy retreats and worked with cancer patients to address the fear, depression and other challenges that come along with diagnosis.

If you’ve never heard of Tapping before, please approach this practice with an open heart and mind. It looks silly. It feels silly. But only at first.
When you begin experiencing the benefits of EFT, I think you’ll come to embrace it as a gift.
Tapping is my touchstone. It’s there to calm my nerves, mend my heart and center my mind. I tap before walking on stage and speaking to a crowd of thousands, I tap when I can’t sleep at night, I tap before a cancer scan, and I tap when I’m just plain old sad, mad and scared. We’re human and we need tools to deal with all the stress that comes along with being human. I hope you’ll add Tapping to your fabulous, sparkly tool belt. I know it’ll help.
Nick was also one of my amazing guests for the first-ever Healing Cancer World Summit. Using information I compiled from this event, I created a modern-day guide to help you in your cancer journey that you can find here.
Lastly, I hope you’ll voice your questions and share your experiences with Tapping in the comments below. See you there!
Peace & meridians,
I’ve tried tapping, and like affirmations, I feel like I’m “putting an accessory on a pile of shit” (such a funny way to phrase it!). But I’m going to keep at it; I’m finding out that my big block is that I’m kind of terrified of being uncool. So embarrassing to admit! So, in a sense, I suppose it has worked. I’m gonna tap on it:)
I’m hoping this will help me. I have a fear of, well, everything, and flying! I Worry about everything and I feel like it is making me miss out on a great life that I could be having!!
Thank you for sharing this technique.
Going through through many article about EFT aka Tapping certainly I found this one is the best I had ever found. Specially Nick and Kris added an extra layer to make it more easy to understand, what is main hidden concept behind the technique.
Definetly a good read!
I’ve been tapping on and off for about 2 years now. I can honestly say that it has helped me shift my perception in a lot of different areas. BUT I want to get into the habit of going to tapping first. Like as soon as something happens, instead of freaking out for days, I need to go straight to tapping.
So I do have the video The Tapping Solution with Nick at home and you two have inspired me to get that DVD back out and watch it again. I watched it a while ago and now it’s time to watch it again.
Thanks so much,
Love that Nick continues to share and share AND share his passion and knowledge on EFT! Tapping has helped me for years and it is helping my clients. The best thing about it is that it’s simple and easy to do…no driving to see a healer/facilitator etc it’s all built into US. EFT is an incredible reminder that we ALL have the power within to tap (no pun intended) into our innate well-being at anytime and it never fails…it’s always there drawing us in. All is well. 🙂
oh – duh! silly me – the summit is over… but I am going to watch what vids I can find, and learn more about this superpower.
Thanks so much for this. I am new to tapping – so new, that I’ve never heard of it before! But I am open to it, and I am grateful to you for posting this. (and I am going to sign up for the tapping summit) Down with the deluge of mental clutter! Yay!
great big hug,
This is fantastic thank you for doing this video. I am a holistic nutritionist, i focus on family and childrens nutrition and i would like to know how to teach this technigue to help children, I also have 3 kids that are 4,7, 9 years old.
Thanks for everything you do, your are fantastic and so inspiring
I think I could do this! I can’t seem to stay calm very long for yoga, but this i might be able to manage. I have been under a great deal of stress this week and even with that quick demonstration I felt it decrease after only one round. Will be trying this…
Question – is it best to do this in the morning? or the evening (a la AM/PM yoga)? Does it calm you, or excite you? Does that depend on the topic?
Thanks for this.
I have used EFT with much success. I did it in a therapist’s office and could not believe the fast results! I used it to take the ’emotional charge’ out of a situation.
EFT provides a new type of relief for trauma or pain and is especially useful for those attending trauma treatment or pain rehab. Although this therapy does not benefit everyone, it may provide a valuable solution to those who have not found relief through other trauma therapy types.
Hi Kris
To be honest, I receive this email related to tapping about two weeks ago, and I thought that it was a bit out “hippie” or out there once I read the description. However, it has been in my mind ever since I open my emails (I did not erase it), and today I finally watched the video and I am very open to the idea now. I am in a very interesting point in my life where I feel very anxious and confuse and this method resonate, as a way to feel better.
Thank you very much, I know that I do not know you personally but you irradiate positive and calming energy. Keep it coming girlfriend!
I found out about EFT a couple of years ago and it has been the most amazing thing ever. Everyone should get a chance to experience this technique it is very powerful. I am totally excited about the 10 day online event. I can’t wait.
Thanks for the extended vid. I watched one of your tapping blogs and was fascinated but wasn’r confident with what I was doing. Really happy to have some insight. Love and smiles, Clare.
Hi there. First of all Kris, I think what you share/spread is so beautiful, and Im so happy I found you! Secondly….as far as tapping….I have done some tapping primarily (faster EFT) which is like the shorter version of EFT and I happen to be someone who is very TYPE A personality, and i have soooo much that I want to tap out, that I feel like I will be doing it all day everyday. My problem is ****The minute I think of one thing, another pops in my mind…(its quite exhausting) and the ANXIETY comes along with each new thought because I then feel overwhelmed. BOTTOM LINE: I need to TAP THE FACT that I have SO MUCH TO TAP. So, Id love some advice for this. Thanks so much!
This video has been on my list to watch since you posted it. But with two critically ill kittens and a car on its last leg, 2013 has been a really bad year. I happened to watch about 60 seconds of the video this morning (I admit I fast forwarded to the part that demonstrates the technique, totally skipping everything else). I tried it with you as you demonstrated and thought….”Okay. I’m not sure that’s going to work.” An hour later I found myself in the vet’s office making that tough decision to let my kitten go. As I waited for them to bring him in so I could say “Good-bye” I remembered Tapping and I tried it. I worked to calm and center me. I was able to have a very touching few minutes to say farewell to my friend without scaring him by sobbing. Tapping kept me from being overwhelmed by the grief and I was able to support both my kitten in his last moments and my partner as he, too let go.
Thank you, Kris. I wish I could fully express what being able to stay grounded during those last moments ment but all I can tell you is, “Thank you”. That and maybe I’ll watch the whole video now! 🙂
Tried signing up but security verification on the site to view the video is not working. I’ve tried to sign up 4 times…no success. Am I doing something incorrectly?
I never heard of tapping till now. It looks like something I will really enjoy and use! Thank you for sharing!!!
I am new to tapping and am trying to use it for a TMJ dysfunction I have. I experience daily tension headaches and severe neck pain, so I am hoping that this technique may help me with that. Thank you for posting this short video, and I look forward to the Tapping Summit.
I tried several times to log in to the tapping world summit and the secret letters don’t show up next to the box.
please help