Kris Carr

Kris Carr


My Top Supplement Recommendations

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Hiya Gorgeous,

People always ask me what supplements are you taking, Kris? And while it’s not exactly the same for everyone, there are certain supplements that can be of tremendous benefit. I call them “the foundationals.” So I’ve pulled together my list of basic supplements for you in this blog.

But before we move on, I want to take a moment to recommend checking with your health care practitioner before adding supplements to your life. He or she may recommend blood tests or other supplement options for unique and beautiful you.

Now, you may be wondering why I take supplements if I eat a plant-based, whole foods, green-juice-and-smoothie-packed diet. Basically, I think of them as a vitamin and nutrient insurance policy and everyday health booster. Plus, I sometimes take extra supplements for specific health challenges.

I also always take whole food vitamins because they have very few (if any) of the unidentifiable additives and synthetic compounds found in the cheaper Centrum-type brands.

Also, I recommend taking supplements with food (unless otherwise directed—as is the case with probiotics). When you have food in your tummy, you’re more likely to prevent stomach upset, plus it can increase absorption of the nutrients in the supplement. Three of my favorite supplement lines are Pure Encapsulations, Garden of Life Vitamin Code and Garden of Life mykind Organics.

Now that we’ve gone over some basics, let’s move on to my list! These are also the supplements I recommend to participants in my Inner Circle Wellness—my total wellness program. Over the past decade, these supplements have helped support my health and they could become a priceless part of your wellness routine, too.


Level I: Every Day (Or Every Other Day) Supplements

These are the basic supplements I’d recommend everyone check out, especially if you eat lots of fruits and veggies, a varied whole foods diet, live a healthy and active life and aren’t overdoing it with alcohol, caffeine or stress.

Get a bang for your buck with a multivitamin.

While you’re likely getting most or all of the recommended vitamins and minerals in your diet, taking a multivitamin every other day can give you nutrient insurance—in case your diet hasn’t been perfectly balanced lately, or the foods weren’t as rich in nutrients (which is pretty common these days).

If you eat a completely plant-based diet, you’re likely lacking in vitamin B12, which is included in a multi, too. The natural and most readily absorbable form of B12 is methylcobalamin. Garden of Life’s mykind Organics has a whole foods multi with methylcobalamin. Most multi’s contain cyanocobalamin, like the ones from DevaNew ChapterOnly One Multivitamin and MegaFood One Daily. If you have your levels tested and realize you need extra B12, I like the B12 spray from mykind Organics and the one from Deva that dissolves under your tongue. They’re not only the more absorbable methyl form, but the spray and under-the-tongue methods skip potentially problematic absorption in your digestive tract.

Try vitamin D3 for disease prevention, energy and healthy bones.

Vitamin D has been touted as the answer to everything from healthy bones and immune system to preventing diabetes and cancer. As a result, more and more people are testing their levels and discovering that they’re deficient despite their latitude and regular sun exposure. It’s a good idea to ask your health practitioner to test your levels if you’re curious. Most people don’t even know they’re deficient until they start supplementing and begin to feel more energetic (I didn’t!).

Twenty-five micrograms (1,000 IUs) daily is a good starting point if your levels are within recommended range. But, more may be needed if your levels are low, so work with your doctor to determine the right supplemental dose. Keep in mind that vitamin D is fat-soluble, which means you can potentially overdo it. However, the tolerable upper limit has been set at 4,000 IUs daily with research showing higher amounts safe for people who are low.

It’s also good to note that there are two types of vitamin D,

D2 and D3. D2 is plant-based and D3 is almost always animal-based. Most research has shown that vitamin D3 is more efficiently absorbed compared with vitamin D2. Recently, Pure Encapsulations, Vitashine and Garden of Life have developed vegan forms of D3. However, I cannot vouch for their effectiveness, so please explore this personally if you choose to go this route.

Add omega-3s (EPA and DHA) for a healthier heart, brain and nervous system,

Most of the omega-3 fatty acids that we get in foods, like flaxseeds or walnuts, take the form of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) (see more in my fats blog here). Our bodies can convert some ALA to DHA and EPA, which is what’s needed for your brain and heart—but not much—so supplementation may be necessary.

DHA/EPA supplements are often derived from fish oil, but there are also plant-based varieties that are made with algae (which is where the fish get their DHA to begin with). Many health professionals now recommend supplementation of both (see my interview with integrative doc, Aviva Romm, here), including 300 milligrams of DHA daily for women who are pregnant, nursing or preparing to conceive. Rejuvenation Science and Deva make high-quality and inexpensive vegan DHA/EPA supplements.

Level II: Basic Supplement Extras

These are supplements that I believe most people benefit from because of the daily pressures and challenges of today’s world. In particular, check out the following list if you have concerns with heart health, feel overstressed, have digestive issues or just don’t feel like your diet is up to snuff.

Use probiotics when anything is “off.”

Whether you’re feeling bloated, run down, have just come off a round of antibiotics or are feeling blue, a daily probiotic to help restore your good bacteria may be just the answer. The good news is, you can’t overdo it with probiotics, so I grab them pretty frequently (like every day!), even in anticipation of a busy work week. My favorites are Dr. Ohhira’s, Renew Life Ultimate Flora and Jarro-Dophilus EPS (Jarro-Dophilus and Dr. Ohhira’s are especially good for travel because they don’t have to be refrigerated). According to health practitioners, they can safely be taken long-term.

Support your heart and energy levels with CoEnzyme Q10 (CoQ10)

CoQ10 is an antioxidant that increases the use of oxygen in the body. It’s anti-aging, can increase energy levels and is especially important for overall heart health and people on statin drugs. Docs typically recommend 90-120 mg CoQ10 daily, taken when eating a meal that includes fat. One of my favorite brands of CoQ10 is by Pure Encapsulations, and the Deva brand makes a great one, too.

Reduce stress with magnesium.

Magnesium is anti-inflammatory, which helps strengthen muscles (including the biggie, your heart!) and increases relaxation in the body—allowing you to respond to stress in a healthier way. It can help alleviate insomnia, and it also helps to lower the worst LDL cholesterol (study). Most health practitioners recommend 300-600 milligrams supplemental magnesium glycinate to be taken before bed (the glycinate version is less likely to cause diarrhea). Pure Encapsulations has one here.

Get extra stress-relieving power with adaptogenic herbs.

Mother Nature has given us a powerful family of herbs that may help your body adapt to stress and prevent the damaging effects stress can have on your adrenal glands. For an extra bit of stress-relieving power, check out Panax Ginseng, Rhodiola rosea, Ashwagandha, Holy Basil and Licorice. I’ve gone into more detail in my blog here.

I hope you find this list handy. I know starting a supplement routine can be overwhelming, so just start by adding a couple of the basics and go from there. And as I mentioned, it’s always smart to work with a knowledgeable and holistic health practitioner.

Now your turn! Tell me what supplements you swear by and your favorite brands.


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  1. Ceci says:

    Which supplements do you recommend for kids? Same as adults?

  2. Tiina says:

    I have been taking vegan Juice Plus whole food concentrate for the past 9 years and will not go without. I love the fact that it is safe for children, pregnant women, elderly etc, I wouldn’t take anything that children can’t take. My kids have the strongest immune system I could hope for. JP is bringing out a vegan Omega Blend as well, I’m looking forward to that.

  3. Jen says:

    Hi Kris,

    Love your blog posts and site! I was wondering what brands if Collagan and Omega 3’s you recommend for someone with a fish allergy?



  4. Jenny says:

    So I love the Garden of Life brand. One supplement I can’t live without is my daily greens. I get the Perfect Food Raw powder, mix it with water and take a double dose every morning when I first wake up. I take my multivitamin and drink my trace minerals by Sun Warrior. It’s called Liquid Light. I also love the brand Organic India. I use their Ashwagandha and stress blends. A newer brand that came out a little over a year ago was Get Real Nutrition from Jordan Rubin. The probiotics are fantastic and don’t need to be refridgerated. They are vegan and they are a blend of fermented foods that are encapsulated. Thank you for sharing!!

  5. Janine says:

    I have a question about taking pre and probiotics. My gastroenterologist said it can be dangerous to take these if you have a suppressed immune system. New bugs may be introduced that your body can’t supress if it needs to. Any thoughts ?

    • Jenny says:

      What I have read on this topic is that you can start with small doses and work your way up. That should allow your system to adjust slowly. look for foods that are prebiotics like onions, garlic, bananas and leeks. Then try a low dose probiotic. You can also get probiotics from foods like kombucha and fermented veggies like homemade sauerkraut, homemade pickles, kim chi. So those are ways to get the probiotics your body needs. Kefir is also recommended, but I personally don’t do dairy . So I don’t drink kefir. However, their is also water kefir and coconut kefir

      • Janine says:

        Thanks for that. I was wondering if it is safe to eat sauerkraut, kim chi, pickles, kombucha when immuno-suppressed. I have stayed away from anything fermented. So I should start with a little of these and build up ? What amount/frequency would you suggest to start with ? Does it have to be homemade ?
        One last question ! would you know, do these things do any good in body that is immune suppessed ? thanks

  6. Ann says:

    Hi All: one component in many multivit preparations is copper. Copper has a very narrow window of toxicity in the human body. You definitely don’t want to take more than 50-100 mcgs/day. Also, being deficient in zinc can cause copper toxicity, as well as drinking water from old copper water pipes.
    I mention this because copper may increase your risk of Alzheimer’s disease. I used to take a multivit everyday, but
    after my father died of Alzheimer’s, I did some research and stopped the multivit. I now take C, D3, and B12 and omegas.
    I’m still not sure what to do about zinc, many older people are deficient in zinc, but you can also get in trouble by taking too much zinc via a supplement. Some research says many people can’t get enough zinc with their food.
    I’d appreciate any insights you have into this Kris. Thanks, Ann

  7. Dawn says:

    Vegan D3 is available from Pure Encapsulations too:

  8. Laura says:


    Thank you for this blog. It has been eye opener for me.

    I take New chapter Every Woman’s One Daily Multi and it has worked for me.
    But, since I’m vegan, I definitely need to add Omega and didn’t know of the CoQ10.

    Blessings and love,

  9. Kathy says:

    Thank you so much, Kris! May I ask that you update your comments on supplements once a year? This is always an area where I get confused. I trust your judgment!

  10. I really need to add a probiotic to my daily routine thanks for the reminder and recommendations.

  11. Rose-Anne says:

    Hi Kris, I am wondering if you eat fermented foods? If so, why do you feel it necessary to take probiotic supplements?…From what I’ve read a serving of home made sauerkraut can have even more active bacteria than a whole bottle of probiotic supplements. What are your thoughts?

  12. Wendy Fast says:

    Hey Kris-
    I love your blog and your message!! I have been following you for years! I have an issue with one of your recommendations in this blog post. The Deva brand supplements contain carrageenan, a possible carcinogens. Needless to say, I am surprised that you would recommend this brand. In fact, most of their products contain a ton of additional inactive ingredients that I tend to stear clear of! I love Garden Of Life Vitamin Code for most of my supplements.

    • Jen Reilly says:

      Hi Wendy! Thanks so much for your note! I’m a dietitian and the Nutrition Director here at Crazy Sexy Wellness, so I’ll chime in for Kris. You’re right that some of the Deva supplements contain carrageenan and include some additives. However, their supplements are high quality, affordable, and free of any preservatives. Each Deva supplement varies, so I would definitely check labels with that brand and any other brand as well to make sure it’s a good fit. When it comes to carrageenan, the food grade type found in supplements and foods appears to only be an issue for people with very sensitive digestive systems or inflammatory bowel disease. But, if it upsets your system, I would certainly steer clear. Thanks for reminding us about Garden of Life. My kids love their chewables! xo -Jen

  13. Pam M. says:

    Hi Kris –

    I have been seeing a nutritionist since I was diagnosed with BC 5 years ago and seems you and her are on the same page. She also likes Pure Encapsulation, Metagenics for the fish oils and Claire Labs for magnesium. I will certainly look into your brand recommendations too. I had the pleasure of seeing you speak at Brookdale Community College before my diagnosis – so glad you are doing well!

  14. Jessa says:

    Thanks so much for this info Kris! 🙂
    Has anyone heard of the brand Standard Process? My mother has been talking about it and I just wanted to see if anyone else had tried it.
    Also, this is probably an odd question, but does anyone have any advice on how to suppress gagging when taking pills? I have a horrible gag reflex and it makes taking some pills quite the chore.

    • Cadie says:

      Standard Process has been around for a long time and all of their supplements are whole-food based. I’ve heard wonderful things about them, although I have not tried the products myself.

  15. Christina says:

    Great information, thank you.
    Both of the Omega 3 brands you mentioned contain Carrageenan, which I understand to be controversial – What are you thoughts on this?

    • Jen Reilly says:

      Hi Christina! I’m a dietitian and the Nutrition Director here at Crazy Sexy Wellness, so I’ll jump in for Kris. Carrageenan may be problematic for folks with inflammatory bowel disease or very sensitive digestive systems. But, so far, it has not been found to be troublesome for others — especially if you’re consuming an otherwise healthy food that just happens to contain it (vs. a more unhealthy items like ice cream or coffee creamer). Dr. Ohhira’s company has an informative write-up on their carrageenan which you might find useful here: . Hope that helps! xo – Jen

      • Kimberly says:

        I agree with Cadie. Carrageenan is not something you want to ingest especially on a daily basis. I have even found it in my pet’s food! It’s a binder that we can live without.

    • Cadie says:

      It’s so easy to find omega-3 supplements that do NOT contain carrageenan. It’s an unnecessary additive…I personally wouldn’t bother with brands that put it in their supplements.

      • kris says:

        Check out the other brands we also recommended above. Dr. Ohhira’s works best for me (personally) and I’ve tried them all. So I take the good with the could be better. 🙂

    • Jaye says:

      I would be avoiding at all cost. Vimergy is the best brand out there for top range products. No fillers. Check out Anthony William’s supplement page fir his recommended brands.

  16. Elizabeth says:

    Thanks for the great info Kris! Like you, I eat a super clean, nutrient dense diet. I was vegetarian/vegan for decades but now feel better consuming some ethically raised animal protein. I really like your approach to supplements. I don’t currently take a multi, but have taken some from New Chapter before that I love. I take magnesium at night (Natural Calm). It helps me sleep and helped with some PMS issues years ago. I also supplement with collagen (not vegetarian) as it has done wonders for my skin, hair and nails. The biggest problem I see with supplements is when people think that they are a substitute for a healthy diet. To me, a fresh green drink is better than any pill:)

    • kris says:

      I agree with you Elizabeth, definitely not a substitute for real, good food. 🙂 Love Natural Calm as well.

  17. Zita says:

    Just in time 😉 You are the best!!
    Immense love,

  18. Mary EO says:

    re: D2 and D3 – what companies do you suggest that you know are effective? The post shows two companies with their vegan options yet not know effectiveness. THANKS.

  19. Mirav Ozeri says:

    Hi Kris
    You may want to check
    I take his 3 extract (chag a and lion’s den are especially beneficial). I found them to be the best supplements. I’ve used them for a year + and recently had my yearly check up and everything, all my numbers were PERFECT. not to mention I never got sick in the winter, when everyone around me was. Worth looking into.

  20. Claudia says:

    Hi Kris, thanks so much for your post. I prefer to take my vitamins in soluble or liquid form asI have difficulties swallowing pills. Do you have any reccomendations? Many thanks and rock on!

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