Emotional Health

How to Stay Motivated & Achieve Anything

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Hiya Gorgeous,

Do you get fired up to start a new exercise routine, meditation practice or eating plan only to sputter out within a day or two?

Pretty common (and deflating). If only motivation was something you could bottle! Well, today I want to share how I sidestep this pattern and stay on my game, year after year.

We all want lasting change. We want to start something and victoriously push through the finish line. But motivation rarely comes from force. More often than not, it’s a mindset—a way of thinking that creates a way of being. Below are a few simple practices that have helped me tap into this mindset. Let’s break it down so you can continually meet your goals in a fulfilling way.

#1 Get Clear on Your “Why” (The Reason Behind Your Goal)

When I’ve stayed motivated for the long haul, it’s because I was clear on “why” I was doing what I was doing. The underlying reason is my fuel. A great example is veganism. I’m deeply committed to my “why” because it’s better for my health, the animals and the planet. My “why” is my north star. And thankfully, there are so many amazing vegan options out there and ways to deliciously veganize recipes so that there’s zero deprivation. Win win!

My “why” has to be 100% mine—not someone else’s or it doesn’t work.

Which means, I can’t compare my life, dreams or goals to others. It’s about how I want to feel, not how I think I should feel or what someone else thinks I should do. Those “why’s” always exhaust me.

My “why” has to serve my highest good.

Because if I’m falsely motivated by my ego, fears or wounds, the results are a disaster. I wake up wondering why the hell I did what I did. The answer: I wasn’t connected to myself.

Now when my actions are in alignment with my “why”—my values, feelings and what I want to create in the world—my motivation never sputters out. I can lean on it whenever I need more fuel—and so can you.

Your why is your power center. And the more you spend time contemplating what drives you, the easier it is to cut through the noise and create the life you want to live. Plus, when you reinforce your goals and why you’re doing them, you strengthen your chance of making them happen. It’s how I’ve created better health (in the face of crappy cancer), built my amazing business and created a life that I adore (most days!).

#2 Get Traction

Whenever we start something new, it takes a bit of time to create momentum. We’ve been stuck in an old way of behaving and need to develop new muscles.

For example, when I fall off the workout wagon there’s a good chance I won’t want to lift a finger. I’d rather complain about how tired and gross I feel then do something about it. But when I challenge my resistance and strap on my sneakers, I feel better. String that behavior together and now we’re talking. I begin to love how strong I feel and how much energy I have. Before ya know it, I’m in a better mood to boot. Nothing can make that experience happen but me.

Movement in our bodies creates movement in our lives. Just a little traction helps us change our emotional state and thus our physical fate.

So instead of cursing the past or begrudging the future, get the ball rolling and be willing to show up a few more times. Before you know it, you’ll be in your groove and motivation will be second nature.

#3 Don’t Be Rigid

Nothing kills mojo like perfection.

You know, the “if I can’t do it exactly so, then I don’t want to do it at all” attitude. The truth is our bodies are more forgiving than we think. Our minds on the other hand can be nasty bastards. One donut can’t take your body down, but one donut can put your mind into such a funk that you say, “F” it––give me the damn box!

Here’s a trick. The next time you want to throw in the towel because you think you messed up, remember this mantra: progress not perfection. I reinforce this message with all my Crazy Sexy You participants throughout our 21-day wellness journey together. The people who really absorb it are the ones who get the most out of the program (and their own lives). Progress is beautiful. It’s the key to creativity and innovation. There’s nothing rigid or righteous about progress. Perfection on the other hand is the death of progress. It’s rigid and dry.

Progress knows that it’s natural to take 2 steps forward and 1 step back. Perfection forbids it.

Honestly, perfection is totally blind. So dump it. Embrace movement in your life, movement from all directions. If you do, there’s no finish line you won’t cross.

And what about those donuts? If you do eat the damn box progress teaches you to forgive yourself completely. Truly successful people don’t hold on to their oopsies or sweat the small stuff. Instead, they keep their eye on the overall prize. So lick your fingers and keep on trucking!

#4 Give Yourself Props

I love the experience of progress but I don’t always remember to praise myself along the way. Instead, I’m more likely to focus on what I didn’t do so that I can do it better next time. But too much of that behavior is a total downer. The little kid in me feels like she can never please me. Next stop, vodka!

Then a few years ago my husband and I started a practice called 3 wins.

At the end of the day or week we share the 3 things that went well for us (no matter how small). This attitude of gratitude changed everything. Now I see progress each and every day and I’m so much kinder to myself. If you want to stay motivated it’s essential to acknowledge your improvements and not just trash your shortcomings.

I could go on and on because there are so many ways to stay motivated. But for now, I hope you connected with this taste!

Your turn: If this resonated with you, say hell yeah! And if you have any of your own motivation suggestions please share.

Peace & motivation,

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  1. Christine Quinn says:


    Are you a wellness life coach and if so –where did you (if u did) do your training? Great article on motivation!

  2. Al says:

    You’re just wonderful. Thank you!!

  3. Marci says:

    Hell yeah! It is so natural to be hard on myself so it’s nice to be reminded that acknowledging my improvements is totally on track! Thanks for all you do Kris.

  4. HollySue Laatsch says:

    He’ll ya

  5. Kendall says:

    This perfection thing has come up twice in the last 30 minutes! That’s what I call a message. Thanks so much for sharing such a positive, encouraging approach and outlook. Love your blog and your books!

    As far as a tip for staying motivated, writing up the “why” on a piece of paper and placing it somewhere you can see it really helps! Just make sure your why is really yours. I have a piece of paper that has someone else’s why and then my true why in parenthesis, and it’s only the part in parenthesis that really makes me smile and want to keep on going.

  6. Catherine Vega says:

    Hi Kris ~ you are just amazing! I’m so grateful that i found you……actually, I picked up your book CSD a while ago, but now I’m following you and get your emails and I’m on the wait list for the wellness workshop. Thank you for sharing your story, your insight and your love. Thanks for keeping me motivated! xo

  7. ARLENE Torres says:

    Great info. I needed to read this as I just completed 12 rounds of chemo YAY!!! Need to get back into meditation & exercise no matter how little I do. Each day is progresd.

  8. Lale says:

    Dear Kriss,
    I loved your letter. Thank you.

  9. Diane Carlson says:

    This definitely helped me today. I have been vegan for a little over 2 years. However, I have not been the most diligent with the nutritional yeast, etc. that I need to help make my dietary practice the best for my health. This will help. Thank you.

  10. Rachel Reme says:

    Totally love this! I just got hella serious about my workout and food regimen about three weeks ago. I crushed my limitations with watching my fave fitness models on youtube and looking at Fitspo. Over the memorial day weekend I indulged in wine, pasta, pizza, bacon, etc. I didn’t hit the gym a single time between Friday-Monday. What I did do, I let my body rest from the vigorous workouts and I ate pretty bad. I also bought a gorgeous new pair of Nikes that I can’t wait to wear! It’s a marathon, not a sprint. We need re-feed days to keep our sanity. Whether you eat an entire box of donuts or one donut, neither one is going to kill you. Just keep pushing forward. Today I’m going back to my vigorous regimen of counting macros and busting my a** in the gym!

  11. Anita Barnes says:

    I love this. Thanks so much. It was so helpful.

  12. Merrie says:

    This is exactly what I need right now–and needed 10 years ago, and 20 years ago, and 30 years ago, and . . .

    So thank you for NOW! I am ready to not quit after a day, a week, an hour. 🙂

  13. Virginia Reeves says:

    Kris – four good reminders. All movement can be progress towards your why goal. Add in being thankful and you find it easier to stay on the chosen path.

  14. Thank you for such clear consise tips. Keeping up with a healthy lifestyle day in and day out is challenging and can be exhausting. For me there were specific habits I wanted to change and undo as they were not serving me. I kept out a calendar and just checked off each day I got through successfully. It takes time. More than you would think….but over the days I found that sticking with it made me feel better and that confidence made me want to continue. Now those habits are replaced with healthy behaviors but again it all takes time. And patience!!!! Thanks again.

    • Clear says:

      Hi Lindsay I’ve been using an app called Fabulous to help build good habits, it’s fun and it works! Xo

  15. Vickie says:

    I just sat down this morning and journaled about my “why.” I needed this post! I am still fine-tuning my why and that’s o.k. I just need to stick with it until the real why resonates so strongly that I can’t ignore it. I have lost 40 lbs and I’m on a whole foods diet. I just needed some inspiration to continue on, more than weight loss. Thanks again and have a splendid day!!!

  16. Diane DiCola says:

    I really needed to read this today! When the student is ready…right? I preach progress not perfection, but don’t always walk my talk. Same with forgiveness of self and gratitude for everything. Thank you, Kris for the reminders. XOXO

  17. Love this Kris! We need to be kind to ourselves – everyone stumbles sometimes and that’s ok. The fact that we get back up and keep going is what really matters (IMHO)

  18. Amy Gardner says:

    Hi Kris,
    I’m so happy I found you! I have stage 4 breast cancer, currently inactive, but the beast is always there. Every second it’s there in the background. Do you have any suggestions for keeping the ugly thoughts at bay? My why is that I want to continue to be here for my awesome son and I want to be here when he gets married and has my beautiful grand babies! Plus, the truth is, I’m completely in love with life. I want to keep on trucking. Progress not Perfection is becoming my mantra thanks to you. You are an inspiration and your honesty and wit give me so much hope! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

  19. Ana says:

    Hell Yah! Not only that but I am printing this blog and I think will paint PROGRESS NOT PERFECTION on all the walls in my home. Thank you :). <3

  20. Hell yeah! This was exactly the motivation that I needed today! Thanks again!

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