Kris Carr

Kris Carr

Blog Post

Words to Use Carefully

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Hiya Gorgeous,

We all have a deep-rooted calling to feel happy. To love ourselves unconditionally and to embrace all the nooks and crannies that make us unique.

For me, that means knowing that I need peace of mind like I need oxygen. I need unstructured time like I need water. Contentment and less stress boost my immune system more than green juice.

And yet I often get lost in my to-do list, complain about too many commitments and align myself with people who give me more headaches than joy. I’ve caught myself saying things like, “once I’m over this hump I’ll have more breathing room.”

But here’s the thing about humps: There’s always another one on the next hillside. And humps hump. Yes, you read that correctly. They breed like rabbits!

I don’t know about you, but sometimes my mouth moves before my brain thinks. And as we all know, words are powerful. So as part of my peace-of-mind plan, I’ve decided to examine my language.

Especially the use of the following words:

  • Sorry.
  • No.
  • Thank you.

Harmless, helpful words, right? Yet their misuse can slowly drain our self-worth, damage our relationships and cause us to take on misplaced responsibility, while also watering down their meanings. Consciousness takes practice, so let’s dive in.


There are right times to be sincerely sorry, without question. A meaningful and complete apology is true heart medicine, a 1000-mg dose. And it’s our job to supply it when we mess up. Doing so helps us both.

But there are also unnecessary times to apologize, like when you catch yourself handing out knee-jerk sorrys for who you are, the dreams you have for your life, or for not being able to give more than you have without depleting your own precious energy reserves.

Remember, while it’s super important to be compassionate and keep your side of the street clean, what other people think of you is ultimately none of your business (at least that’s what my therapist tells me, lol!). You can’t please everyone. So for me, it’s important to own my mistakes, but not take on other people’s stuff that has nothing to do with me. And to speak my truth when needed, rather than just trying to apologize my discomfort away.

Here are some examples of times I’ve apologized for no reason…

  • When I was afraid to ask for what I needed.
  • When I had to make a boundary but I was really uncomfortable.
  • When I needed to stand up for myself or the people (and animals) I love.
  • When I was vulnerable and put my desires out there.
  • When I said no to the telemarketer who repeatedly called (during dinner—even when I asked to be taken off the list).

Sorry slip-up flashback:

When I launched, a disgruntled reader let me know that not only did she not like my new design, she also didn’t like my smile. Huh? In her mind, my site was too flashy, and I had no business advertising my own books (perhaps she works for free, but I can’t). As for my smile, it was way too big and therefore not authentic. Naturally I was hurt and pissed! Unnaturally I responded with something like “I’m so sorry you feel that way, I am proud of my new website and the work I do.” While I’ve always responded to negativity by either taking full responsibility when needed, ignoring it or blasting it with a fire hose of sunshine, did I have to say sorry? No. Was I sorry? Heck NO. No need to apologize. Oh, and did I stop smiling that day? Nope! Ain’t gonna happen. 🙂

Sorry isn’t a band-aid or a replacement for a backbone.

Sorry isn’t a way to keep the peace at the expense of your self-respect or well-being.There’s a difference between true remorse and a fear of being judged. Sweet friend, don’t say sorry if there’s nothing to be sorry for. Because I don’t know about you, but when I mindlessly vomit apologies, I’m often left feeling like a powerless doormat. Yuck. Get off the floor.


I know that many of you can relate to this next one. It’s something I still struggle with, big time. I have a long history of not of saying no when I need to and instead turning my life into a constipated pretzel with an automatic yes response.

I’ve said yes when I should have said no because…

  • I hate to let people down.
  • I want everyone to be happy.
  • I underestimate how long projects will take, and I fail to prioritize my time.
  • I disregard my health and think I have more energy than I actually do.
  • I forget that my needs matter—that I matter as much as the other person.

Naughty no-no flashback:

Once upon a time, I agreed to a speaking engagement on a cruise ship. Sounds breezy, right? Not for me. I get extreme vertigo on big boats that can last for months afterwards. So why on earth did I say yes? Several reasons, but mostly because the folks asking me were painfully pushy. They were strong about what they wanted, but was I? I wiggled. I put the answer off as long as I could but eventually caved and said yes. Then I immediately started to panic. How would I get through 10 days of physical pain? Answer: I couldn’t! A month later I finally mustered a no and pulled out of the gig. Of course, by waiting I caused undue stress for all. If I had been upfront and able to put my needs first, I would have saved us both a lot of grief. Lesson learned.

Saying yes can feel good, and often comes from a positive place. It means we care about other people, want to do good things and spread happiness in the world. It means we’re optimistic and believe in our abilities. Sadly, though, few of us can make every dream match the reality of only 24 hours in a day. As my brilliant bestie Marie Forleo has said, “Get on the No Train,” choo choo! While this may seem like obvious advice, how often are we consistent No Train conductors?

You can’t always “yes” your way out of a problem.

Think about my example. Mindlessly agreeing may temporarily avoid discomfort, but it’s often short-sighted and even lazy. Instead of setting a boundary, we slip into “yes” amnesia, forgetting we’ve been here before. In this delusional state, there’s unlimited time, superhuman energy and a gaggle of soul-nannies who keep us fed, bathed and exercised. Sober up, dear one! (I’m speaking to myself too.) Splash yourself with cold water and (gently) slap your cheek. If you’re worried about scarcity, let that go. Offers and opportunities will continue.

Remember that every unwanted yes takes you one step further from freedom, well-being, and time with yourself and loved ones. And every no leaves room for something glorious.

Thank you.

Gratitude is one of the holiest ways to honor and connect with yourself and others. Saying thank you for a generous gift, kindness or favor is gracious. Repeatedly gushing thanks because you feel guilty or undeserving is not.

I’ve said thank you too much because…

  • I don’t feel deserving or worthy.
  • I feel guilty, uncomfortable or like something is wrong with me.
  • Love may never come again.
  • I don’t want to seem ungrateful, so I overcompensate.

Thankless thank you flashback:

During my actor/dancer period, I needed a loan to get through a rough patch. I borrowed the cash from a friend, and I insisted on a monthly payment plan. I was truly grateful. I always sent her my checks on time with a gushing note as an expression of thanks. Though I paid off my debt in the timeframe we established, I had a burning feeling that it was never enough. Years later we had a falling out for a different reason. And what do you think she hit me with? “You never appreciated the money I lent you.” I could have written a personalized thank you across the sky (with my blood), and it still wouldn’t have been enough. One thank you or a thousand made no difference. Clearly something much bigger was going on, and that something had nothing to do with me.

A heartfelt thank you is polite and loving. Becoming a thank you Pez dispenser is just plain toxic.

No one should hold you captive emotionally or treat you like a mooch. If you find yourself saying thank you too much, that might mean it’s time to re-examine the balance in your relationship. Perhaps they don’t deserve you. Look beyond your compulsion to say thank you and address the real issue or elegantly remove yourself from the drama. Bon voyage!

Wrapping it all up:

There’s a fine line between healthy and unhealthy use of language. It’s part of our spiritual journey to find our tipping points and gently adjust them.

When I get clear on the whys behind my sorrys, nos and thank yous, I get clear on who and what I need to embrace or release. I make room for more living and less second-guessing, more truth and less explaining, more relief and less regret.

Am I ready to live in that space more often?


Your turn: Is it just me or can you relate? Share your thoughts in the comments below, I’m really curious!

Peace & proper vocabulary,

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  1. Kelsey Solum says:

    What an AMAZING site!!! Great information and well promoted! Kudos!! I’m curious what did it take for you to build this dream? My clients will be bursting with joy to see this site!

  2. Jacquie BB says:

    Wow, well said and so true. YES, I am one of those ‘YES’ trains. Your words are so right on…we think we are super humans and we can do and help all. Every fundraiser, every volunteer effort etc. But when hit with cancer this past year, it was a huge wake up call to what i can and cannot do. For months I didn’t use the word ‘YES’. Unless of course it was for another GREEN DRINK. But then when I started to feel better that ‘YES’ word snuck back in to my life and once again I found myself riding that train and the sad news is, is that I it hindered my healing process and put me back a bit. So your words of wisdom come at a great time and a reminder to watch what we say and how we say and when we say. So with that said, truly THANK YOU for your inspiring words along my journey with cancer. Your books from the beginning have been a welcome addition to my life. Keep up the great work.

  3. I’m guilty of saying “sorry” when it’s unnecessary. In fact, I used to be so overly apologetic that instead of preventing people from getting mad at me, it caused them to become irritated! I think it’s because my self-esteem used to be so low and my personality so mercurial that I tried to be everything for everybody. I’ve learned that it’s much more personally gratifying and satisfying to be authentic and when I’m tempted to apologize, I ask myself beforehand if the action or situation warrants an apology. I’m learning to not apologize for who I am and who I want to be. Life’s too short for that shit.

  4. Sharla says:

    Kris, I can’t find times for the tapping sessions…

  5. Susan Correia says:

    Your blog is wonderful! I love the way you put words together! I will smile every time my brain reminds me that i am being a Pez dispenser of something meaningless. Your thoughts are spot-on, and I totally agree with respondents on ALL the compliments to you. Truly!

    One aspect of “sorry” that has stuck in my personal thinking is that it can be used as an expression of compassion, not just as an expression of guilt. ” I’m sorry you’re sick” or “I’m sorry you don’t understand” is pointed compassionately at the other person, not me. After this discussion, i am thinking that i might have to choose another way to express compassion. “I hope you feel better soon” is also something that can be overused and casual, but is often quite heartfelt. Perhaps the vibe that is offered with the words is what makes the difference.

    So the bigger message that I am taking from the blog (and responses) is to avoid ANY utterances that are automatic and meaningless. Stay heart-centered ….and be your own best friend/advocate. Challenges for us all, but worth it.

    The only place in my life that I give bottomless thank-yous is in my prayers. Otherwise, one well-expressed thank you is sufficient.

    Thanks, Kris! You are such a breath of fresh air! Those of us who have been doormats really understand the beauty of fresh air. 🙂

  6. This is the confidence-boosting piece for the start of the week! Thank you especially for the line “Becoming a thank you Pez dispenser is just plain toxic.” 🙂 xx!

  7. Sarah says:

    I needed this. I’m starting to change my language by first realizing that I have a choice! At work I am asked on a weekly basis to pick up others slack/hours along with working mine and it has become too much. I can no longer except these requests of me.

    It’s so hard and any of us that deal with this know that. It almost makes my face cringe to utter the words, “no” or “I can’t” but it’s an instant relief once I do. I decided a couple days ago and I’ve already been confronted with a situation where I had to use my “knew word”. I’m actually looking forward to the next time I can practice and every time I think it will become more of a breeze. I’m excited for all the knew things that will be brought to my little less busy life because I’m learning to speak more consciously.


  8. Rodiah says:

    Kris..first off, I LOVE your site and more importantly.. your smile is beautiful 😉
    This really hits home with me, just this morning on the way to work I was telling my husband that my days of being the “go-to” person are over. I felt bad just saying it but it is time to put me and my needs first. I always over extend myself and end up putting my needs and wants last and some of the time the people are unappreciative of my efforts.
    This blog was timed perfect and just want I needed this morning! It gives me the little push in the right direction knowing that it is ok to say “no”..
    *Hops on the NO train*

    Thank you !!

  9. Beth Chapman says:

    THANK YOU ,THANK YOU ,THANK YOU! My heart is heaving a sigh of relief and what empowering wisdom! Your insights have been as big a part of my personal health and life restoration as the nutrition and exercise.

  10. Eleanor says:

    What an excellent article! My friends have told me I say sorry too much so it was very interesting reading for me.

    How can someone’s smile be too big?! All smiles are beautiful. I hope someone gave that complainer a big ‘ole hug, because she needs it. 😉

  11. Angela says:

    Hi Kris, yes I can relate. Mine stems from a lack of self-belief, fear of rejection – for valid reasons, but something I continue to work on.

    Thank you (sincerely!) for sharing,


  12. Dearest Kris,

    This article and these words are pure truth and genius. There probably isn’t one single soul on this entire planet that cannot relate to all of these! Beautifully, humorously written, truly so healing and amazing. Thank you so much for being you…you are so perfect.

    Leslie Miller XO

    PS ~ You Rock…I Love You!

  13. anamaria says:

    Thank you 😉

  14. Jennifer says:


    Perfect timing for this post. It is just what I needed to hear/read.
    I need to pay closer attention to my words and I have to be very careful not to over-commit myself.


  15. Ssdoah says:

    Settings and creating boundaries helps us value ourselves. It is stepping out of the fearful shadow of scarcity and onto the sunny mountaintop of Yes!( by saying no ). I struggle with self esteem and self worth everyday and this little ditty is exactly what I needed to read. I take my power back when I honor my needs. It’s the ultimate love hug. Thanks lady for reminding me I’m pretty great.

  16. Dawn says:

    I finally said “no” to selling Girl Scout cookies. I have always felt weird about allowing my daughter to sell them. The cookie manufacturer gets more money than the girls, and it feels like they are using cute kids to sell their product. I also hate bugging our friends and neighbors over the constant flow of fundraisers from school and church. Rather than feeling comfortable with my “no”, I feel guilty that we are not pulling our weight with the troop. I’ve compensated for my guilt by buying a box or two from every girl scout who asks. We never sold more than 40 boxes in the past anyway, and she was expected to sell at least 150. I have guilt either way, but at least I finally made a stand. Baby steps.

  17. Stephanie says:

    Kris, This post reminds me of the two most liberating sentences I’ve ever read. “I live by the truth that No is a complete sentence. I rest as a spiritual act.” Written by Anne Lamott in a piece called “Wisdom of Ages”. The link to the full text:
    Thank you for your words of wisdom.

  18. sheila says:

    Chris…you have probably gotten a thousand questions about this….anyway recently reading about wheat grass and juicing…however what I am finding is about drinking this fresh as the juice starts dying immediately after being juiced…I have been pushed into the proverbial health frustration corner, and I am convinced my health issues are either from age and having gone through chemo for my breast cancer…it is probably a combination of all the above….so my question…fresh or powder form…what is the real low down…I have to add I am a person of VERY limited means…I cannot afford to buy air these days…honestly. love your wit and humor and please tell those who cannot find something good to say to go suck rocks!

  19. To be fair Suzanne, I’m willing to listen to anyone but not when they come to my door uninvited…which is something that JW’s do – frequently. xx

  20. REALLY interesting post! I can’t believe someone had the actual gall and downright bad manners to email that to you. SERIOUSLY how very rude!

    Anyway, such an interesting post – especially the part about saying sorry. As a Brit I think ingrained in our DNA to say sorry – on all occasions. If someone bumps in to us in a supermarket – we say sorry. If someone knocks on the door, uninvited – we say sorry. I’m going to go on a bit of a personal challenge to quit saying sorry so much because I do think I say it way too much and whenever you say something to much it does lose meaning.

    Anyways…love the post and I REALLY love the new design x

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