Emotional Health

Permission to Evolve: I’m Pausing to Reimagine Life & So Can You

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Hiya Gorgeous!

I wanted to let you know that I’m taking a break from blogging for a bit. Pressing pause. Going on hiatus. And giving myself and our team permission to evolve.

I’ve been coming to you weekly for 13 years now and many of you have been with me since the beginning.

Thank you for inviting me into your inbox, your living room, and your life. I love serving you on your wellness journey and I promise that I’ll be back soon with better-than-ever content to support you along the way.

I’m just taking a short pause to answer the invitation my life is giving me to do things differently.

To narrow my focus to what truly matters and step away from what can feel like an always-on, cycle of busyness. Think, more slow cooking, less hustle. More intentional living—including using the good silver and candles on a regular Tuesday night—and less grind.

Don’t get me wrong, I love what I do and I love you. But I’m inspired to prune and simplify so my team and I can serve you in new and exciting ways, while also taking really good care of ourselves.

You see, whenever I’ve made a big change in my life, I’ve needed time to recalibrate. But I haven’t always given myself that time. Instead, even as a wellness leader, it’s so easy to just add more balls to the juggle. Writing a new book? Add it to the load. Launching a new product? Pile it on the glorious heap. Need a slice of a workday to be with family members who need me? Make it up on nights and weekends.

For all of us, it’s tempting to accumulate more and more responsibility without ever pruning our lives and work to create the delicious breathing room our souls want.

When I’ve given in to that temptation, I know it hasn’t been good for me. But sometimes it’s difficult to shift the voice that believes that “this is what I need to do to show up and keep it all going”. Sound familiar?

Next month, I’ll be entering my 49th year—my last journey around the sun in this decade of growth, success, loss, love and everything in between. While I’m not one to lament getting older, (I’m lucky to get older, I have stage IV cancer!) this birthday is another wake-up call. What worked energetically in my 20’s, 30’s and 40’s was powerful stuff. It brought me to the biggest stages in the world. More importantly, it brought me to you. But my 50’s are already calling for something more sacred.

I’m no longer looking to grow countless new branches and leaves on my tree of life, instead, my desire is to deepen my roots and strengthen my foundation.

If there are areas of your own life that feel out of balance, or that you just want more time to explore, I encourage you to pause and reevaluate, just like I am. You don’t have to stay the same—even if people want you to. Give yourself permission to listen to your life.

Because the pivot you need to make for your own beautiful expansion will become clear in the stillness.

Notice when things aren’t working—pause, evaluate, and give yourself permission to evolve. The status quo is easy, my friends. In fact, many of us prefer to operate on old rhythms that are familiar, when in reality, the spiritual riches are on the other side of our discomfort.

So here’s what this means on a practical level. I’m going to read and swim more. 🙂

I’m also going to spend more time with myself and my family in a way that doesn’t feel rushed, or like I can’t shut off because even though I’m present, I’m anywhere but there.

My team and I are also going to re-imagine how we do business. The same kind of compassion, care and quality you’ve come to expect, will only deepen from our willingness to pause and evaluate before we pivot.

During this break we’ll be doing some housekeeping and rejuvenating our creativity, before we expand our team, our mission and our vision.

We’re wildly passionate about new and personal ways to serve our readers and we need a little time to design and build that. So time—our most valuable asset—is what we will give ourselves. I hope you’ll do the same if this resonates with you, dear one.

You may be wondering, can we stay connected during this evolve experiment?

Absolutely! I’ll still send out email newsletters, share posts to Instagram from my porch to yours, and keep serving our members every day inside of Inner Circle Wellness. You can also peruse the treasure trove of info available in the hundreds of articles I’ve already shared here at kriscarr.com.

But the very best way to keep in touch with me would be to join my text messaging list. It’ll be my primary communication vehicle during this hiatus. I’ll be sharing more behind-the-scenes, personal content than ever before. After all, I want to keep you posted on my permission to evolve experiment as I’m sure I’ll have some interesting notes from the field! But you’ll need to be on my text list to get all that goodness! So text WELCOME to (845) 203-3864 or click here and text WELCOME to make it easy.

Thank you for being a good friend to me, to yourself and to the world. I adore you.

Your turn: Are you craving permission to pause and evolve, like I am? Is your life calling for a pivot? What’s one small thing you could do to make that happen?

Peace & growth,

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  1. Carrie Donovan says:

    Hi Kris,
    I recently discovered you during the Pandemic and your Sexy Diet Book. You came highly recommended by my dear friend who is in her 90s! Now, at 61 I’m realizing I still need to reset my goals to feel good about myself! You came at a perfect time in my life. After I retired from teaching in 2018, I jumped into a part time job and stayed crazy busy. I didn’t take time to reimagine or vision the next chapter in my life. I didn’t stop until the pandemic hit me in the face. I was trying to tread water aimlessly like everyone else. Your blogs and book have been inspirational to me. Now I’m looking forward to receiving the Results Journals any day now. And, I love your Green Juice recipe!

    Thank you for being honest in everything you do and for taking a break. I understand the value of taking care of myself more than ever, thanks to you! I just wish my Mother who passed from Breast Cancer when I was 19 took care of herself. Please take as long as you need for a break and in the meantime, I’ll be writing in my new Results journal.
    Take care Kris!

  2. Ann Storms says:

    Good for you Chris!
    As an introvert & empath, I am thriving in this Shelter in Place time. And it’s helping me take a good look at spreading my precious time and energy too thin. I realize also how much I’ve allowed others to use our time together to commandeer conversations with their non-stop talking. Enough!
    I have settled into much novel reading, contemplative walks, and my watercolor work.
    It’s not that I don’t like people, it’s that I want more balance in a relationship, which boils down to finding friends who know how to have a 50/50 conversation!
    Blessings & hugs to you,
    Ann Storms ♡
    Santa Rosa, California

  3. Sharise says:

    I am SO at a crossroads, or as you say pivot, right now. Contemplating some big changes. While I historically enjoy change, embrace uncertainty and make big moves; this one has me feeling sad and conflicted (in part due to leaving a love that isn’t serving me well). Hence, your phrase “spiritual riches are on the other side of our discomfort” resonates with me right now. Thanks for this timely message (as you so often have a knack to give).

  4. Patricia O'Donovan says:

    Have enjoyed and gotten so much from your blogs for many years. You are an incredible human being and your pause sounds wonderful! Sending love and best wishes to you and yours!

  5. Stephanie says:

    YEAH for you! Enjoy!!!

  6. Patti Parsons says:

    wishing you the very best. Stay well

  7. Laurinda says:

    I’m in New Zealand and I can’t text you. Do you text international?

    • Janine, Team Crazy Sexy says:

      Hi Laurinda, Kris isn’t able to text internationally yet but we’re looking into it for her and will keep you posted!

  8. Michelle says:

    Enjoy your much needed recharge Kris. I really resonated with this post. I unplugged from the busy-ness last month and have been slowing it all down lately and it feels delicious. Although I have to admit I sometimes feel a little niggle of guilt from so much sweet peace and ease and joy, so thank you for the beautiful reminder that it’s all good! Happy Recharge xo

  9. Dawn says:

    You have been such a guiding light in my life, Kris. I actually remember the interview you did on Oprah with Dr. Oz. When it started my perception of you was that I was looking at a beautiful, bright light of a person who was going to die but, after the video portion of your visit (at your Brooklyn apartment) with Dr. Oz I absolutely knew that you were going to be, as you call it, a cancer “thriver”. I’ve seen you speak (in Manhattan, right across the street from Integral Yoga, where I taught yoga, at the LGBTQ Community Center) and was moved, as ever. The main thing is this, I don’t look at you as a person who’s “not dying”. Since the beginning I’ve looked at you as a person who’s fully living. I am very grateful that I happened upon your Oprah interview that day. Swim on, read on, slow cook and, once again, thank you!

  10. Sandra Eggerstedt says:

    I am so truly Over The Top Happy for You and Your Team. At the time You have Helped to bring so many through History! You were One of the Incredibles that Carried and Encouraged Us through. My Thanks and Continued Gratitude Dear One. Relax, Rejuvenate, Relax some more. Do what You Need as will We. Sending You Heartfelt Blessings ???????????? with Thanks

  11. Alicia Marz says:

    I am so happy for you Kris! You deserve a pause. You deserve to spend more time with your family. I purchased your dvd when it first came out. I have several of your books. My question is can I still purchase your journal next month? I have to wait until the middle of August. Thank you.

    I did sign up to receive texts from you. Thank you for all you do. Much love.

  12. Pamela Joy says:

    Sounds like a great idea! Read and swim more. Enjoy your pause and your evolution.

  13. Luz Elena says:

    Kris, I am happy for you. You have been my inspiration forever, and I have learnes so much from you. Thank you for sharing. Your blog will be missed, I hope you find what you are looking for,

    Love, love, love

  14. Carolyn Harper says:

    You have given me something to think about!! Sending you love and best wishes. I look forward to your return. You have been an inspiration during all the years I have followed you.

  15. Randy says:

    Yes. I retired 3 weeks ago after a 45 year full time professional stressful corporate career. Everyone asks what I’m doing now, what I’m getting into next. The answer? Nothing. I’m trying to be still and listen for the universe to show me my next chapter. I want to flow like water, and see where it flows to.

  16. Michele Roys says:

    Such a wonderful example Kris ❤️ a great reminder for me too; just take the break, pivot and be open to what life is trying to bring me instead of continue going as it’s always been since it’s more convenient!
    I will keep you in my prayers, may this time bring you even more than you could ever imagine! May you be renewed and take time to just ‘be’.
    Warm regards
    Michele Roys

  17. Suzanne Brack says:

    Beautiful you, so loving and caring. Love your comment of ” I’m no longer looking to grow countless new branches and leaves on my tree of life, instead, my desire is to deepen my roots and strengthen my foundation.” May you take the time that you need, and know that you are so appreciated, and that your love and light brightens up even the darkest of days. Peace, love and happiness!

  18. Kristine Posch says:

    Have a wonderful break and beautiful start to your 49th year. Happy birthday Kris!

  19. Lisa Smith says:

    Well done, Kris!
    I applaud your decision and “hiatus experiment”! You are helping all of us by being a pathfinder and modeling the importance of valuing ourselves and our loved ones by intentionally focusing on our journey and our growth. I commit to joining you in that experiment!
    All the best to you.

  20. wendy says:

    Thank you for this beautiful post, Kris! I am a fellow cancer survivor and also slowing down to pivot in my life too. I’m so happy to hear about your journey and wish you the best as you slow down to evolve and grow. Sending love!

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