Emotional Health

The Power of Presence

read all about it

Dearest Readers,

Not long ago, I walked into a transformative stadium with over 18,000 beautiful souls at Oprah’s The Life You Want weekend.

We entered that immense space with so many different desires, hopes, fears and beliefs. But when Lady O and her fellow teachers (Mark Nepo—who I love, Elizabeth Gilbert, Iyanla Vanzant and Rob Bell) addressed us as one unified force—we all became stars in the same sacred sky.

I left that weekend with an abundance of take-aways—thoughts and feelings that are still percolating in my heart.

But one of the biggest “a-ha moments” (as Oprah would say) was the reinforcement that today, now, this moment, is what really matters, and because of that I am more inspired to be happy with what I already have. To grow deeper roots rather than further conquests. To be truly satisfied with the life I’ve created and to actually celebrate that more.

I know that’s not revolutionary, but I needed the reminder. It’s easy to get caught up in what could be, what I need more of, what’s gotta give and change, and what I should be working on (physically, spiritually, in my business and relationships).

Like all of us, I want to make an impact. I want to be happy, to do good and feel good

And somehow that’s been just a little out of reach for me.

Today I choose to let that belief go.

I brought this renewed energy and inspiration to my Crazy Sexy team on Monday. I shared how I’d been feeling lately and why this philosophy was changing the way I viewed our business. Instead of looking five years ahead, I wanted to look at today with them. I wanted us to be striving to make now better, rather than anticipating how we could get ahead to meet goals we don’t even know we’ll want years down the road.

Feeling the satisfaction of how far we’ve come makes where we’re going so much sweeter and richer.

Because here’s the thing: Where you are today isn’t where you’re going to be tomorrow. But if you appreciate where you are every day, savor the present, then you’re gonna love the entire process and notice each victory along the way. If you’re like me, you’ve probably experienced wanting a want, getting that want, and then just moving onto the next thing—without one pom pom shake or champagne toast.

Your Inner Voice Oprah


So when I returned from my Oprah weekend, I asked my team (and myself):

How can we help more people feel better today and love the process even more?

We’re doing so many awesome things already, but how can we do them better. Forget the next thing and the more, more, more. Let’s do what we’re doing right now to our very best ability and allow that to be enough. From that space, I’m pretty darn sure that we’ll be helping to change more lives and create more meaning.

I didn’t know what to expect from them, but after only one week, this shift has transformed us all. My energy created a ripple effect. And so can yours. When I came to the table pumped up about the present (rather than anxious about the future), everyone’s creativity, joy and commitment opened up.

Do you think the same applies at your workplace, in your home, when you’re sharing the present moment with friends and family? I do.

Why miss the rich, ever-expanding life that’s unfolding right before our eyes—in this moment. So, I just want to acknowledge where we all are today. Even if you want more, be grateful for what you have and know that you are enough, right here, right now.

As Oprah shared with us, her first waking thought is always “Thank you”.

Thank you for reading, listening and participating in this Crazy Sexy world we’ve created together. I hope you’ll notice the greatness in your life today too. Give yourself some extra love, spread some extra gratitude. Whatever it takes to just be here.

Your turn: What are you most satisfied with and thankful for today?

Peace & presence,

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  1. Great blog Kris,

    It’s such a struggle, isn’t it? We’re so often driven to think about the future, plan for the future, set yourself up for…the future. This is such a relevant message for me at the moment. I loathe my corporate job and so desire to allow my passion for my empowerment business to explode and propel me forward. But that fear of…the future…nags. Should I really leave the “security” of what the corporate world offers?

    Live for today. Live for today. Eventually, tomorrow becomes today.

    Thanks for this post!


  2. Caroline says:

    You’re Beautiful,
    stay ~be~YOU~ful
    thank you for your life********Kris

  3. Véro says:

    So beautiful, thank you Kris, I love you. I’m french. The way you speak doesn’t exist in France, sometimes we (french poeple) are kidding about this way but I think now it’s just powerful. Thank you so much

  4. Mary says:

    I hope you see this even I am late to comment on this.
    Earlier this year I took a mindfulness fundamentals class at http://www.mindfulschools.org and it has been life changing. It teaches you to live in the present moment.
    This is my definition of how I explain it to others:
    Mindfulness is about living in the present moment. Paying attention on purpose. Noticing things. Being aware of things around you. Your thoughts and your feelings.
    Its not about not being stressed or being perfect, but it makes things easier. And it’s not about not feeling emotions. It’s bringing awareness to them and creating a space for them.
    I describe it for myself as making things lighter, brighter, clearer and easier.
    It’s also about heartfulness – kindness and compassion for yourself and others.

  5. I am 75 wonderfully healthy years of age; appreciating this lazy Saturday morning in April, eating good food prepared by a dietician at our San Diego Senior Center at 5th and Beech across the street from my Apartment Bldg; off to Barnes & Noble to repurchase E2 by a friend, Swimming and exercising at the Mission Valley YMCA after breakfast. Satisfied and thankful for friends at my Senior Center and 12 step friends who I see tonight at 7:30 p.m. at The Salvation Army Center on 7th Street next door to Broadway and Like Oprah I said THANK YOU at when I awoke at 6:30 a.m. today!!!

  6. nichole says:

    There are no coincidences…I needed to read this today: Where you are today isn’t where you’re going to be tomorrow.
    Thank you!!

  7. Aditi says:

    What a lovely message…practicing the power of now..(jus read power of now and untethered soul- beautiful books)

  8. K-Marie says:

    I’m thankful to God for the incredible journey He is taking me on, and knowing death is only the end of this decaying life, passing into the beginning of eternal life in all its fullness with Him, for Always…… What an awesome God! He created me and went to great lengths to show His love for me, John 3:16 in the Bible highlights His love for me and all those who will turn back to Him. When I trust in Jesus All things are possible, He can make the mountains move, I love Him so much, He has walked this life with me, and at times carried me when I couldn’t…. Life without Him is impossible…

  9. Carla Holden says:

    I looooooove me so Oprah!!
    And your wisdom, Kris!
    Carla xo

  10. Why miss the rich, ever-expanding life that’s unfolding right before our eyes—in this moment. So, I just want to acknowledge where we all are today.

  11. Lindsey says:

    Beautiful. Thank you so much for this post. I was especially impacted by the line “Why miss the rich, ever-expanding life that’s unfolding right before our eyes—in this moment.” Thanks.

  12. deb says:

    I think sometimes we get so caught up in what we do every day, the list of to-do’s, the goals, getting the
    food cooked, the juices pressed, etc. that moments go by without notice. It just takes a little shift of perspective and a conscious effort to realize where we are and what is around us rather than what we have to do and the static of what everyone else around us is doing.

    Meditation really brings that awareness for me.

  13. Denise Watson says:

    I have two words for you, THANK YOU!!!! I sooooooo needed that. :))))))

  14. Glynis Joan Downey says:

    Being in pain day in and day out EVERYDAY from having masses of chemo & radiation which left my body wrecked can drag you down its a constant struggle, but I am thank full every day that I have my life. The pain has now become part of me so, I wouldn’t say I embrace it but I do accept it and each and everyday I give thanks for it because it is a constant reminder to embrace LIFE, and give thanks that I am alive. Glynis X

  15. Cassie says:

    I am a planner. I definitely fight the urge to constantly be focused on where I am going. But right now, I have the most loving, accepting husband. I have a mother that loves me and supports me in all my decisions… not just the decisions she wants me to make. I have a job that allows my husband to pursue his dreams. That job also provides me an apartment I love and food to keep me full and nourished.

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