Emotional Health

The Power of Presence

read all about it

Dearest Readers,

Not long ago, I walked into a transformative stadium with over 18,000 beautiful souls at Oprah’s The Life You Want weekend.

We entered that immense space with so many different desires, hopes, fears and beliefs. But when Lady O and her fellow teachers (Mark Nepo—who I love, Elizabeth Gilbert, Iyanla Vanzant and Rob Bell) addressed us as one unified force—we all became stars in the same sacred sky.

I left that weekend with an abundance of take-aways—thoughts and feelings that are still percolating in my heart.

But one of the biggest “a-ha moments” (as Oprah would say) was the reinforcement that today, now, this moment, is what really matters, and because of that I am more inspired to be happy with what I already have. To grow deeper roots rather than further conquests. To be truly satisfied with the life I’ve created and to actually celebrate that more.

I know that’s not revolutionary, but I needed the reminder. It’s easy to get caught up in what could be, what I need more of, what’s gotta give and change, and what I should be working on (physically, spiritually, in my business and relationships).

Like all of us, I want to make an impact. I want to be happy, to do good and feel good

And somehow that’s been just a little out of reach for me.

Today I choose to let that belief go.

I brought this renewed energy and inspiration to my Crazy Sexy team on Monday. I shared how I’d been feeling lately and why this philosophy was changing the way I viewed our business. Instead of looking five years ahead, I wanted to look at today with them. I wanted us to be striving to make now better, rather than anticipating how we could get ahead to meet goals we don’t even know we’ll want years down the road.

Feeling the satisfaction of how far we’ve come makes where we’re going so much sweeter and richer.

Because here’s the thing: Where you are today isn’t where you’re going to be tomorrow. But if you appreciate where you are every day, savor the present, then you’re gonna love the entire process and notice each victory along the way. If you’re like me, you’ve probably experienced wanting a want, getting that want, and then just moving onto the next thing—without one pom pom shake or champagne toast.

Your Inner Voice Oprah


So when I returned from my Oprah weekend, I asked my team (and myself):

How can we help more people feel better today and love the process even more?

We’re doing so many awesome things already, but how can we do them better. Forget the next thing and the more, more, more. Let’s do what we’re doing right now to our very best ability and allow that to be enough. From that space, I’m pretty darn sure that we’ll be helping to change more lives and create more meaning.

I didn’t know what to expect from them, but after only one week, this shift has transformed us all. My energy created a ripple effect. And so can yours. When I came to the table pumped up about the present (rather than anxious about the future), everyone’s creativity, joy and commitment opened up.

Do you think the same applies at your workplace, in your home, when you’re sharing the present moment with friends and family? I do.

Why miss the rich, ever-expanding life that’s unfolding right before our eyes—in this moment. So, I just want to acknowledge where we all are today. Even if you want more, be grateful for what you have and know that you are enough, right here, right now.

As Oprah shared with us, her first waking thought is always “Thank you”.

Thank you for reading, listening and participating in this Crazy Sexy world we’ve created together. I hope you’ll notice the greatness in your life today too. Give yourself some extra love, spread some extra gratitude. Whatever it takes to just be here.

Your turn: What are you most satisfied with and thankful for today?

Peace & presence,

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  1. Sharon says:

    Dear Kris:
    Thank you so much for sharing this this…hard to believe we blogged about the same exact thing..the need for some clarity, some space, some un-doing so that we can stop the constant striving and do more BE-ING!
    I have never felt so much peace and been more effective since I made the decision to stop trying to do it ALL!! Thank you for always inspiring me…you have been a huge mentor for me here in Jamaica helping people to LIVE FIT, LIVE LIFE AND LIVE LOVE! Sharon

  2. Cynthia says:

    Yes it’s all so easy and tempting to want to move forward and forget about the moment I’m in now. Life will pass me by if I don’t enjoy what I have done this day not what I will do tomorrow. I’ll enjoy that tomorrow…..

  3. Nancy says:

    I am thankful that I practice mindfulness and do truly appreciate what is wonderful about my life everyday. I am satisfied with myself; I am constantly changing and if I don’t like the way things are going I know these things will pass and better days lie ahead. The important thing is to be kind to yourself.

  4. Barbara Pompea says:

    Kris Carr is my cyber best friend. I love her attitude about life. She is so inspiring. Never has a negative thing to say which is refreshing.

  5. susan francis says:

    Dear Kris~

    I have just finished reading your recent Blog-Power of Presence—and I was so very touched and felt impact by each and every word! I have been dealing with some emotional challenges over the last months and reading your work has been inspiring. I want to thank you for reaching out and sharing yourself in such a heartfelt way. You are a tender soul.

  6. Alexia Clarkson says:

    I am so thankful for this post Kris! Every part of it resonated with me on so many levels, I felt calm wash over me as I scrolled down the page. Thank you for helping to bring me back to my centre.
    Peace and Puppydogs <3 xox

  7. Susan says:

    I am thankful and grateful that I am able to spend my days with my son. Today was a school field trip and it was a fabulous day! A good program and fabulous weather while out on the water near the Chesapeake Bay. Bald eagles flying all around us! Cormorans and terns by the dozens. Surrounded by beauty, my son and his classmates – I was truly blessed today!

  8. Vanessa says:

    Thanks for the post Kris.
    Today I am grateful for many things;
    I will be awake to see the sunrise
    I have made time to learn a new song on the guitar
    I am having a massage
    I have a very yummy chia pudding waiting for me for breakfast
    I am going to finish Marie Forleos book before returning it to the library
    I have a dinner date with my bestie
    My hair is clean 🙂
    There are many things to be grateful for every single day and I practice taking notice of them, it has changed my life.
    All we ever have is right now, so we might as well focus on the good things.
    Keep smiling 🙂

  9. Donna Evans says:

    Yes, Too much focus on every little thing stretches you to thin. Wake up being thankful and go to bed being greatful for the full and active life you lead. Learning and helping others is a life long journey. Thank you for your energy on this adventure.

  10. Lana says:

    Just what I needed to hear.
    I’m in the process of trying to simplify and clear out my life. I feel so bombarded on every side, so much so I feel as though I’ll “implode” sometimes. As important as this is to me I need to just stop and realize how good what have in my life right now is. I know this, but I need to be reminded of it sometimes, as we all do, to just really stop and sit with it.
    Thank you Kris.

  11. Sunny says:

    Kris, this is one of your best posts yet! From an early age, we’re taught to plan, plan, plan, and that often gets in the way of experiencing today. I love all of the information you share each day, and I love your honest passion for living life.

  12. Lea says:

    Dear Kris. Reading your post yesterday was a real light bulb coming on moment for me. I still can’t believe how your words brought together different pieces that I know, but didn’t know in their entirety. This is why I’ve never been able to make a business plan! This is why when someone asks me where I want to be in 5 years, 3 years, next year I go completely and utterly blank! Yet somehow… I have made it to here! And to continue forward… I want to do it a bit differently. Instead of from looking for what’s missing I want to come from what I have. Your experience and sharing has sparked in me the desire to live all the more in this moment. How can I be more me and speak from my heart and give what ever I am doing more than 100 percent in that moment? I want with all my soul for my roots to run deep… to cherish this breath and beat of my heart with every fiber of my being and bring myself from that place into the world… thank you.

  13. Sarah says:

    So well put! Thanks kris and oprah:) I have been struggling with some side projects I am working on feeling a little guilty that they didn’t go as I planned and thinking it’s time to end a few. But after reading this I am feeling thankful that if had those opportunities and joyous for what the rest of today will bring! Thank you.

  14. Vivian says:

    Thank you Kris, this message was a serious green drink for my soul. I do always wake up saying thank you for all that I have. And, you reminded me of the action behind the “thank you” we can take in our present moment which is very powerful! It also totally takes away that anxious feeling you mentioned about the future wantings. This is truly been a message to help me get out of that feeling of not quite being happy or not doing enough to help others. Very grateful that your shared this aha moment with us!

  15. Kristin LaValley says:

    Thank you Kris, for being open, vulnerable and REAL. I don’t think I’ve ever left a comment for anyone. But today your blog struck a chord, one that I needed to hear (even though I didn’t know it) and I want to live by. Thank you for sharing and for truly being a sister to us all. I don’t know you but I love you. I love what you stand for and I am feeling very blessed today, by you.
    Thank you,

    Kristin LaValley
    Highlands Ranch, CO

  16. Sonja Swanepoel says:

    While reading this article, i felt the weight just lifted from my spirit. Amen.x

  17. Amos says:

    Thank you. This was just the reminder I needed. Keep spreading the love <3

  18. Matt Jager says:

    Poignant message Kris! So simple, yet so difficult to truly embody. Thank you for the reminder. Sometimes I get so sad at the end of the day when I look back and see that I didn’t appreciate it. I didn’t treasure the special moments. I didn’t take the time to savor how wonderful it is to be healthy, nourished, supported, and ALIVE! So ever forward, devoting more moments to presence, to gratitude, to wonder, and the commitment to remember the beauty of it all and the tremendous opportunity that we are granted.

  19. Rebecca says:

    Yes! Being present in the right here, right now ALWAYS allows life to live through us. In my experience, fear or anxiety is just a sign of living somewhere other than the present. I’ve been watching this with the launch of my business. I love the idea of just being really excited and passionate to share what I can do *now* and know that the future will take care of itself. Thank you for the reminder!

  20. I have so many ways I can use this RIGHT NOW!

    I want to bring this to work, make us stop (and sip the champagne) at the awesome stuff we’ve pulled off in 2 months.

    At home, how much we’ve done in a new house, new school and new jobs…all within a few months,

    And my slowly budding blog/biz/classes, that 2 years ago I was just putting some stuff out there. Today people ask my opinion, send me stuff, value my input…CRAZY SEXY! XO

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