Emotional Health

The Power of Presence

read all about it

Dearest Readers,

Not long ago, I walked into a transformative stadium with over 18,000 beautiful souls at Oprah’s The Life You Want weekend.

We entered that immense space with so many different desires, hopes, fears and beliefs. But when Lady O and her fellow teachers (Mark Nepo—who I love, Elizabeth Gilbert, Iyanla Vanzant and Rob Bell) addressed us as one unified force—we all became stars in the same sacred sky.

I left that weekend with an abundance of take-aways—thoughts and feelings that are still percolating in my heart.

But one of the biggest “a-ha moments” (as Oprah would say) was the reinforcement that today, now, this moment, is what really matters, and because of that I am more inspired to be happy with what I already have. To grow deeper roots rather than further conquests. To be truly satisfied with the life I’ve created and to actually celebrate that more.

I know that’s not revolutionary, but I needed the reminder. It’s easy to get caught up in what could be, what I need more of, what’s gotta give and change, and what I should be working on (physically, spiritually, in my business and relationships).

Like all of us, I want to make an impact. I want to be happy, to do good and feel good

And somehow that’s been just a little out of reach for me.

Today I choose to let that belief go.

I brought this renewed energy and inspiration to my Crazy Sexy team on Monday. I shared how I’d been feeling lately and why this philosophy was changing the way I viewed our business. Instead of looking five years ahead, I wanted to look at today with them. I wanted us to be striving to make now better, rather than anticipating how we could get ahead to meet goals we don’t even know we’ll want years down the road.

Feeling the satisfaction of how far we’ve come makes where we’re going so much sweeter and richer.

Because here’s the thing: Where you are today isn’t where you’re going to be tomorrow. But if you appreciate where you are every day, savor the present, then you’re gonna love the entire process and notice each victory along the way. If you’re like me, you’ve probably experienced wanting a want, getting that want, and then just moving onto the next thing—without one pom pom shake or champagne toast.

Your Inner Voice Oprah


So when I returned from my Oprah weekend, I asked my team (and myself):

How can we help more people feel better today and love the process even more?

We’re doing so many awesome things already, but how can we do them better. Forget the next thing and the more, more, more. Let’s do what we’re doing right now to our very best ability and allow that to be enough. From that space, I’m pretty darn sure that we’ll be helping to change more lives and create more meaning.

I didn’t know what to expect from them, but after only one week, this shift has transformed us all. My energy created a ripple effect. And so can yours. When I came to the table pumped up about the present (rather than anxious about the future), everyone’s creativity, joy and commitment opened up.

Do you think the same applies at your workplace, in your home, when you’re sharing the present moment with friends and family? I do.

Why miss the rich, ever-expanding life that’s unfolding right before our eyes—in this moment. So, I just want to acknowledge where we all are today. Even if you want more, be grateful for what you have and know that you are enough, right here, right now.

As Oprah shared with us, her first waking thought is always “Thank you”.

Thank you for reading, listening and participating in this Crazy Sexy world we’ve created together. I hope you’ll notice the greatness in your life today too. Give yourself some extra love, spread some extra gratitude. Whatever it takes to just be here.

Your turn: What are you most satisfied with and thankful for today?

Peace & presence,

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  1. “Thank you”, for the reminder:).

  2. Mary stapleton says:

    THANK YOU KRIS….. Your crazy sexy self has put me on a path that I am so grateful for. Due to health issues, I searched the internet for answers. You, Hay House and thousands of others have brought me to a place of calm and peace. I am learning how to be more understanding, patient, loving and truly GRATEFUL for everything and everybody. I am satisfied with “ME”……..finally!!!


  3. Laura-Maria Hornsby says:

    We hear so many of the thought leaders speak on being in the present moment. I really, really appreciate how you’re applying this to your business. Thank you! I’m inspired.

  4. Francesca says:

    Thank You so much for sharing, Kris – this is the perfect “take-away” from an event I wanted to get to but was not able to. Your inspiration just poured through this week’s blog!!!! Thanks a Million Times Over 🙂

  5. Mary says:

    What a beautiful message!! One I will wake up with each morning to live in the present and be actually BE present in that moment.

  6. Joann Ianniello says:

    There is tremendous peace in being content in the moment and acknowledging gratitude for every day miracles. Just had my own interlude with facial basal cell carcinoma. Thankful for my surgeon and his medical team. Grateful that he was able to remove what was there. You, dear Kris Carr, are a shining star. Thanks for all you share and inspire us to do…in the moment.

  7. Peggy LeBlanc says:

    Twelve days ago I found out that I had malignant melanoma. Six days ago I had an additional 2 cm excised all around the original excision, and the sentinel lymph node identified and removed. Today I found out that my melanoma was not present in the wide excision or in the lymph node. I am ecstatic about these results, and extremely grateful to God for protecting me, and the medical system for getting me thru the process so quickly and efficiently. I know I am not at the end of the road; my journey is just beginning. Every day I will try to be present in the moment and celebrate the absolute peace that is inherent in the now.

  8. I’m grateful to be able to focus on my own health and wellbeing right now, in the present moment, with cancer. I’m grateful for the ability to “interrupt anxiety with gratitude,” when I can. Sometimes living with a stage IV disease can propel us into huge bouts of anxiety about the future, but learning to live in-the-moment can bring about immense happiness and peace, and I feel that can only help our overall health and healing. It is when I am in the present moment that I feel my experiences are more nourishing than ever. I am grateful for Western medicine/my doctors/my team, and also so grateful for the holistic as well. I’m thankful to have the resources to be able to buy organic and fresh fruits and veggies. I’m grateful to have the time to be able to eat well, meditate, exercise, and have fun with my husband, family and friends. I’m grateful that I have Kris as my inspiration. xoxo.

  9. Margret Alice says:

    ❤️Thank you ❤️️

  10. Sharon says:

    I read about this concept about 20 years ago, from a book given to me from the Hare Krishna temple. Im so glad that this living in the present idea is now becoming main stream.

  11. Sheila evans says:

    I am thankful for the brightness that radiates from my son! It’s humbling to think I produced such a kindred spirit to share with the world!

  12. Jen says:

    Really needed to hear this right now in this moment. Thank you.

  13. Lindsay says:

    Thank you so much for sharing. I have been struggling for years to live in the present moment. This is something I desperately needed to read at a particularly low point in my life. You gave me a new take on it and I will be forever grateful.

  14. Julia says:

    Definitely time for some pom pom shakes. Thanks for the reminder!

  15. I am grateful today for the resources at my fingertips to be able to focus on my own health and wellness, with cancer. I am grateful for Western medicine/my doctors/my team, and I am grateful for the holistic as well. I’m thankful that I can afford to buy organic and fresh fruits and veggies, that I can work 40 hours a week and have time to exercise, meditate, and be with my husband, family, and friends. I am grateful that I have Kris to remind me of the wisdom and the strength inside of myself. xoxo.

  16. Moni says:

    Hi Kris!
    Inspiring to read. Im trying to be more in the moment every day, and I have to remind My self sometimes and I do it by telling myself that “all I have is now”. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow does not excist yet. Sometimes I put My watch on to remind me, it’s an unusual one, the only time it shows is NOW.

    • Moni says:

      Sorry, half of My comment disapeared, it looks really strange
      Anyway, I Wanted to say that I’m thankful for a lot of things about My computor is sick today so I can’t write everything I wrote before all over again.
      Thank you for all the inspiration and everything you share. You are amazing Kris

  17. Robin says:

    Kris! Like you say – we know about this present moment, now stuff… So why did I also have an a-ha! when I just read this:
    “today, now, this moment, is what really matters, and because of that I am more inspired to be happy with what I already have. To grow deeper roots rather than further conquests. To be truly satisfied with the life I’ve created and to actually celebrate that more.”
    Because you get it – we need to be reminded too! So THANK YOU for sharing this! I just shifted my energy from wallowing and heavy to light and open and while I am working in a room alone – I want to go out and find someone to hug!
    ps – see, look what you just caused in another human 🙂 Too cool.

  18. Betty Hassapis says:

    God bless you

  19. Kari says:

    I’m grateful that there is this beautiful, brilliant talent among us named Kris Carr. 🙂 You radiate. Thank you for bringing so much to so many of us!

  20. Darienne says:

    I am so grateful for this post Kris. I needed this. I spent the morning with yoga, meditation and then cozied up on this crisp fall day with a blanket, a cup of tea and read “The Four Agreements”. When I ended up falling asleep for 3 hrs instead of working on editing my sales video for a new product I’m launching I immediately was feeling shame and guilt. My ego believes that if I’m not doing then I’m not worthy of love. Your post instead is reminding me how blessed I am to have had a day like this filled with what I love & loving myself by doing it. I now can mosey my way over to the computer in this relaxed state and peacefully work on that video 🙂 no room for shame and unworthiness Thank you.

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