Emotional Health

The Power of Presence

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Dearest Readers,

Not long ago, I walked into a transformative stadium with over 18,000 beautiful souls at Oprah’s The Life You Want weekend.

We entered that immense space with so many different desires, hopes, fears and beliefs. But when Lady O and her fellow teachers (Mark Nepo—who I love, Elizabeth Gilbert, Iyanla Vanzant and Rob Bell) addressed us as one unified force—we all became stars in the same sacred sky.

I left that weekend with an abundance of take-aways—thoughts and feelings that are still percolating in my heart.

But one of the biggest “a-ha moments” (as Oprah would say) was the reinforcement that today, now, this moment, is what really matters, and because of that I am more inspired to be happy with what I already have. To grow deeper roots rather than further conquests. To be truly satisfied with the life I’ve created and to actually celebrate that more.

I know that’s not revolutionary, but I needed the reminder. It’s easy to get caught up in what could be, what I need more of, what’s gotta give and change, and what I should be working on (physically, spiritually, in my business and relationships).

Like all of us, I want to make an impact. I want to be happy, to do good and feel good

And somehow that’s been just a little out of reach for me.

Today I choose to let that belief go.

I brought this renewed energy and inspiration to my Crazy Sexy team on Monday. I shared how I’d been feeling lately and why this philosophy was changing the way I viewed our business. Instead of looking five years ahead, I wanted to look at today with them. I wanted us to be striving to make now better, rather than anticipating how we could get ahead to meet goals we don’t even know we’ll want years down the road.

Feeling the satisfaction of how far we’ve come makes where we’re going so much sweeter and richer.

Because here’s the thing: Where you are today isn’t where you’re going to be tomorrow. But if you appreciate where you are every day, savor the present, then you’re gonna love the entire process and notice each victory along the way. If you’re like me, you’ve probably experienced wanting a want, getting that want, and then just moving onto the next thing—without one pom pom shake or champagne toast.

Your Inner Voice Oprah


So when I returned from my Oprah weekend, I asked my team (and myself):

How can we help more people feel better today and love the process even more?

We’re doing so many awesome things already, but how can we do them better. Forget the next thing and the more, more, more. Let’s do what we’re doing right now to our very best ability and allow that to be enough. From that space, I’m pretty darn sure that we’ll be helping to change more lives and create more meaning.

I didn’t know what to expect from them, but after only one week, this shift has transformed us all. My energy created a ripple effect. And so can yours. When I came to the table pumped up about the present (rather than anxious about the future), everyone’s creativity, joy and commitment opened up.

Do you think the same applies at your workplace, in your home, when you’re sharing the present moment with friends and family? I do.

Why miss the rich, ever-expanding life that’s unfolding right before our eyes—in this moment. So, I just want to acknowledge where we all are today. Even if you want more, be grateful for what you have and know that you are enough, right here, right now.

As Oprah shared with us, her first waking thought is always “Thank you”.

Thank you for reading, listening and participating in this Crazy Sexy world we’ve created together. I hope you’ll notice the greatness in your life today too. Give yourself some extra love, spread some extra gratitude. Whatever it takes to just be here.

Your turn: What are you most satisfied with and thankful for today?

Peace & presence,

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  1. Ellen says:

    Your message speaks to my heart. Thank you. xo

  2. Jacqueline says:

    I am so delighted at your email today, my 50th birthday! I took my parents, kids, and a couple friends to Cafe Gratitude to celebrate and decided that this year I would begin with letters to each of these special people about how I am grateful for them. I am at a very ‘low tide’ point in my life: my health, fitness, career, finances, romance. Every other year since about 14, I have written out goals and plans and analyzed my ‘progress’ or lack of it. Today I am choosing to focus on gratitude instead of cataloging all I haven’t accomplished — a huge shift for me! And now I’m off to get massages with my 16-yr-old daughter! Thank you for bringing your inspiration today, and each time you have shared your wisdom and insights!!

  3. Richard says:

    I am most satisfied with and grateful for the energy that sustains and connects us all. The synchronicity. The beauty in everything. The message I want to share and put on the table is that we are all one. We have the ability, the skill and the power to grab someone’s hand and say “come on…let’s go up!” There is always an up.

    Two year’s ago this month I lost my job, got cancer and some friends and family have died along the way. Yeah, it’s taken me some time to regroup and energize – but my point is – that together we can get up and get going a little bit each day…improving and thriving…in the moment. Let your heart lead the way. And bring a friend!

    Peace and hugs, Richard

    • Kris Carr says:

      Beautiful words Richard.

    • Kristan says:

      Could not have said this better myself. I lost my job 2 years ago because of second cancer diagnosis. Went into remission for a short time. Today I am sitting in my infusion room. To treat this sarcoma for a third. Have lost my Mom and Dad to cancer. Yet I still feel hope and positivity and gracefulness. To be present, enjoy family and friends, LOVE is what life is about. Thank you Richard.:)

  4. Michelle Martin says:

    Thank you for the inspirational words. I an grateful for my family…my support system.

  5. Lollie says:

    Kris you are so right on! This subject of loving where we are right now is so opposite of what we were told as we were growing up. So, it takes a little effort to remember and practice it. I have subscribed to the Abraham daily quotes for exactly that reason. Abraham reminds us to think better feeling thoughts and be happy NOW. Minute to minute! Thanks for reinforcing this great daily “agenda!” Love, Lollie

  6. This is so timely…I have been grappling with the launching of my coaching and yoga business not picking up “fast enough”, so much so that I have missed all of the joy of meeting and working with the new students with whom I HAVE already served and interacted. It’s been so easy to be goal oriented and to look ahead with fear and disappointment for ‘getting’ less than I expect, rather than gratitude for those whom have begun to enter into my life. Just writing this brings the feeling of space is opening up for abundance. Thank you for this post!

  7. Tina Leadbetter says:

    THANK YOU – for sharing your beautiful insights and wisdom with us. This was point-on for me and I needed to hear this!

  8. Valerie Whissell says:

    Thanks you for this uplifting message filled with love & wisdom.

    If i look at today. I still have a lot to learn, but it’s a blessing to be able to allow more love in
    & feel my heart grow everyday! I’m thankful for the amazing human beings that surround me, for the abundance of food. For having a safe place to be while thunder & rain are poring down outside.
    Slowly i feel i am connecting more & more to my own truth & for that i am more than in peace with where & who i am today…. 🙂 Take care

  9. Hi Kris,

    Thanks so much for this post. This is what I needed today. To be present and grateful for the life I live. You always touch me at the right moment with your heart felt notes and I am grateful for how you have shaped my life. Please continue to shine your light. You are a bright star that guides us all.

    With love, Jo-Ann

  10. Jill says:

    Thank You, Kris. Today was a hard day. Was mentally reviewing the past few years, as I still recover from a major surgery (have been on disability for several years) and anticipate at least two more. The financial stress, the grief, all my efforts at healing, the unknown etc. As I noticed myself with my habitual heavy thought pattern, I put my hand to my heart and thought of several things I was grateful for. And despite this situation, that there have been some improvements and stepping out of the now with fear and anxiety is not helping me and only raises the stress hormones. Tapping into the breath, the wind, a song, my sweet kitty, yummy food and all that has arrived. Now is enough. Now is here. Now is precious. More attention, purpose and presence in the now. Needed this lift today and this message from you. Thanks! Love and light!

  11. Ana Lora says:

    OMG I was at the “Live The Life You Want “weekend in Newark too!! it was truly amazing!! I have been to many Hay House Conferences in NYC ( I Love to hear You speak and have Your amazing Book) . Each time is a wonderful experience and I take away so much from the speakers. It is usually very personal as Im always taking notes and doing some deep thinking. This time it was different … I felt this Huge energy and even though we were almost literally in the last row I felt as you did, like we were all one. I felt there was this strong wave of positive energy that surged through the entire building into all 15,000 of us and has been with me since.

    I am So grateful to be able to attend these events to help me learn and grow. And Im So grateful for people like You and Oprah and others who are using your voices and your very lives to help others.

    Thank You

  12. karen says:

    I am grateful everyday for all the blessings and abundance in life that I am experiencing. I wake to the joy of this feeling and do my best to spread it wherever I go.

  13. Christine says:

    I am so happy to be reminded of living in the present since I have struggled for 4 years, looking for a new job and anxiously waiting — today, I feel the joy of opportunities and the excitement for my future. I am so grateful that I will be attending the Oprah event coming to our area in November. Thanks for reminding me to be grateful.

  14. Exactly what I need to help shake this invisibility feeling. Thank you Kris and Lady O!

  15. Alex says:

    I’m thankful for this moment , to begin again and choose myself.

    As always, I’m grateful for your perspective and support – keep rockin’ it, lady!

  16. Cindy says:

    Your blog came at the right moment! Thank you. My husband and I have launched our fitness product and are so anxious about the success of it, instead of celebrating the success of getting to this point. Today we will celebrate how far we have come. From concept to reality… You are a blessing Kris Carr.

  17. Anja says:

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  18. Brooke says:

    I was just telling my 14 yr old daughter this same message last night. Every year I replace the pictures in our picture frames with the current school picture. I had actually stacked 4 previous pictures in this one frame. That was 4 past years. Years I told her I wished I could go back to, and spend a day or week with her in. I was always so busy, and wanted to have a day to be with her 10 yr old self. I went on to tell her that it was the key to happiness, to live in the and appreciate the present moment. That if she could do that she would be so ahead of the game of life. It has taken me 43 years, and I still find myself rushing. It is a skill that takes practice. Reminders like this today from you Kris, are the taps on our shoulders to slow down and be grateful. Thank you!

    • Brooke says:

      I rushed too many days. I wasn’t awake. That is why I wanted a day to go back. I hope to not have that same urge for my future. I really want to live each day appreciating what I have.

    • Corinne Bowen says:

      Thank you, Brooke. This is such a wonderful reminder. I’m going to press pause on all the busy-ness and noise of daily life tonight with my 3-year-old and think of your message. Taking in all that she is today and savoring that. xo, Corinne

    • Glynis Joan Downey says:

      I understand exactly what you mean Brooke, just last week I spoke with both my son 26 & my daughter 30 about this I showed them the poster from Kris about ” if you could talk to your younger self what advice would you give you ” I asked my children to listen to mine & Kris’s advice but to apply it to themselves NOW I only hope they realise the wisdom in that moment.

  19. Beth says:

    I am thankful for this very message from you that I needed so much. I have been down and anxious about what wasn’t happening for me instead of being in the moment, and giving my all to what is happening TODAY! !! Thanks. …

  20. Christina says:

    what an absolutely perfect message. like medicine for my soul. thank you for this post.

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