Hiya Gorgeous!
Friends, I have exciting news to share with you today. My new limited edition Results Journal is here. Update: The limited edition cover is now sold out, but the powerful system I created to help you boost your self-care and focus on your top priorities is still available in our Classic edition right here.
This cover is special to me and I want to let you in on why. It’s inspired by both a person and a place I love deeply.
First, the person…
As you may know, my hubby and I spent the winter in Florida to be close to my parents (10 mins away to be exact!).
But what you didn’t know is that my dad has been struggling and we were worried.
He’s been so courageous on his journey with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. His strength and ability to weather the storm has shown me what true grit, grace and resilience actually look like.
He’s also taught me about a kind of healing that goes beyond the body. That’s not something you can learn in a book. Many of you know exactly what I mean because you’ve been there. The only way I’ve found to experience this healing is to be willing to open your heart so wide that it feels like it might break, but in reality it’s doubling in size, strength and capacity.
Another soul-expander I had the privilege of experiencing was the rare opportunity to get to know and love my parents more, put any unresolved stuff behind us and appreciate the gift of time together.
Those 4 months reminded me that all the achievements, accolades and fancy things we accumulate as we drive through life have limited value compared to the memories and meaning we get to make. May we each make more of those things in the precious years to come.
And now that we’re back in our own corners of the world, us in the Catskills and my folks in Connecticut, we miss them. We miss our new friends (wow, I never thought I’d say that about my parents!). But it’s true and it reminds me of what’s possible when our intention is rooted in love.
Today, my pop is still filling my ears with wonderful advice (it’s only a phone call away), we’re still reminiscing about beautiful (and embarrassing!) memories and we keep showing up to share our laughter and tears with each other. For that, and so much more, I’m overflowing with gratitude.
And now you know the inspiration behind our new limited edition Results Journal cover… Ocean.

It’s about healing. Unconditional love. Being with what is, even when it’s tough. And embracing both the uncertainty and beauty that life has to offer.
Now, the place…
We were lucky to get some quality beach time in before Covid struck. Walks in the surf, tennis ball fetch with our pooches, picking up litter in the sand with my mom (beachcomber broads!), and lots of shell collecting––especially the busted ones because they have the most character.
We tried to capture all that warm possibility and the awe of the unknown in this new cover… to wrap that wild beauty around your hopes and dreams, too.
It’s been a big season of growth for us all my friends, and that’s what this journal edition is all about. The world has changed so much since we initially launched this tool, and I can’t think of a better time to use this simple system that’s designed to help you get results in 3 key areas that matter so much right now: your health, happiness and future.
One more detail I want to point out. Check out the little turtles on the back of the journal. Aren’t they adorable? Turtle power! If you follow me on Instagram, you may remember all the turtles I shared in stories. These sea friends remind me to honor my own pace. So as you use this journal to reconnect with your self-care and reset some goals this season, let the turtles remind you to respect your unique rhythm, too.
Here’s to waves of growth in your next season—and to an Ocean of results.
Your turn: What’s one of your favorite memories of connecting with someone you care deeply about? Share it with us in the comments. (And let me know what you think of the new cover, too.)
Peace & unconditional love,
Hello, dear Kris! I had one of your first cookbooks checked out from the library years ago and am catching up on your journey. I had triple negative breast cancer back in 2017, 5 months of chemo, double mastectomy with implants and had them removed 1.5 years later due to breast implant illness. I went through the journey of loving my cancer as well because it is part of me, my body cells that were created by me. I am actually grateful for my cancer and the whole learning, spiritual growth that came with it. You’re doing wonderful things in this world! I started to journal everyday since my diagnosis and continue to do so. I am in the clear and free of cancer now. I wish you all the best and peace and lots of love!
Sending you lots of love and thanks,
Hi Kris,
My beautiful Aunt Alice was diagnosed with Stage 4 pancreatic Cancer on November 25, 2020. Due to the Covid rules and restrictions, I needed special permission to see her. I was able to spend 2 days in hospital reminiscing, laughing, crying and holding her hand before she had a stroke and lost her ability to speak. She passed away on December 4th.
I am so grateful for that time with her. Those few days changed my perspective on my life. On how important it is to MAKE time and spend time with the people you love, to be kind ALWAYS, to share your feelings with them, tell them you love them. And how important it is to make your health a priority, and make wellness a lifestyle.
I found your Crazy, Sexy Diet on a bookshelf in my office. I am reading it with fresh eyes, with a different intention.
Thank you.
xo, K
Kathy, I am so very sorry for your loss, my sincere condolences. I am so glad you had that time to spend with your Aunt. May you have peace and love and I wish you all the best!
Hi I ordered my journal about two weeks ago. My cc was charged on dec 1. I can’t find confirmation email. How can I check my atatis
Hi Guadalupe! Please e-mail us at info@kriscarr.com so we can give you more information about your journal order.
Love Conquers all
Amazing blog about the Ocean and really we should take a time and enjoy in the seas.
Will you be getting more of the ocean cover results journal? I really want one.
Hi Cathy, the limited edition Ocean Journals are officially sold out! But we still have the beautiful Classic versions available for you to get the results you are looking for!
It simultaneously surprises me, stresses me out and calms me that you have any “unresolved issues” anywhere in your life! Thanks for launching this great tool and I’m glad your reconnect time was so wonderful. Love the part about opening your heart to much you feel it might break.
I love what you’ve done, said and experienced. I believe like you do that in the worse of situations we can find our strength and have even more to share with those we love. It’s a time to reconnect and also to love ourselves and those who love us. Thank you for sharing this, it really connected with me and my heart smiles.
Love what you do. Thank you for your courage to share with the world. send out healing love and shine so bright. This light inspires me. I am thankful for you and your family.
Denise Cox
Hi Kris!
I love your new journal cover and while I still have another one (I ordered several previously) I had to pick this one up. I’m longing to get to the beach, it’s been many many years since I saw the ocean. But until I do, this will help me stay inspired to make it happen. (In addition to all the other goodness inside.) Beautiful post! xoxo
Hello Kris! This new journal is beautiful. You might be surprised to learn that I got the first one and did not complete it!! So, anyway, I figure I can still work on it and one day I’ll complete it????????
I received the precious gift of reconnect with one of the most beautiful souls in my life, you.
I love you,
Your beachcomber buddy
Thank you, Kris for sharing this lovely story. We live in such a remarkable , abundant universe that provides us with so many opportunities to grow from our experiences and expand our awareness and our hearts.
I so appreciate the contributions you make to this expansion with your love……in growing gratitude,
My dad called me once from camp “Lisa, this is your dad) LOL UM I guessed that right away LOL It was unusual to get a phone call from my dad. He may have been lonely but he said “Thanks for taking me to the doctor and stuff” I simply said “Your my dad and I love you! Of course I will help you!” That was our short call, but the memory fills me with love and happiness!
Do you ship to the UK?
If so what is the cost? Thank you
Hi Sharon! We do ship to the UK. Simply input your address and it will let you know the cost to ship to your location. I hope this helps!