Emotional Health

The Inside Scoop From “Passion Whisperer” Marie Forleo

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Hi Sweet Friends,

You know how much I respect and adore Marie Forleo—as an entrepreneur, teacher and friend.

Marie’s programs, writing and web TV series have elevated my personal life just as much as they’ve enriched my business. As far as I’m concerned, Marie is the ultimate “Passion Whisperer” because she has a freaky-amazing ability to identify and ignite passion in others.

And that’s why I invited Marie to my home in Woodstock for an episode of Chat & Chew. You all are a passionate bunch and I know you’ll soar once you’ve harnessed the wisdom and tips we uncovered in this video.

This week’s Chat & Chew episode is dedicated to exploring Marie’s strategy for fueling and guiding her online empire AND nurturing her personal life.

She runs a thriving, game-changing business that is shifting thousands of lives, all while managing to stay energized, healthy and positive. How does she do it? Let’s find out!

This fifteen minute episode covers these juicy topics:

  • How the practice of being present has changed Marie’s life.
  • The one question that guides everything Marie does.
  • Marie’s recommendation for finding your passion (it’s not what you think!).
  • How one small, but powerful daily morning habit sets the course for Marie’s entire day.
  • How you can jump on Marie’s “no train” and choo choo your way to greater success and satisfaction.

Your turn. In the comments below, tell us how you’ll begin building your passion practice. What’s one mundane task that you could infuse with passion TODAY?

Peace & passion,

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  1. Funny! I actually made our bed this morning with passion, presence and pride…before even watching this video! I do find that when I’m living in the moment, I’m happier and more at peace, and those around me reap the benefits as well! I love these videos and get such inspiration from them and you!

  2. So good , as with Marie in it as always

  3. Ricki says:

    What a treat to watch this video–two superpowered women together! Thanks so much for this. SO many great takeaways, especially the focus on those we love at home. Loved this. 🙂

  4. Trisha says:

    You ladies make a great team teaching such great stuff about being present, knowing what is important – what matters most – empowering us to say NO! I always teach that when we say NO, we’re indeed saying YES to something that matters most to us, our family, our life work and that is better for the whole world more so than anything we say yes to that doesn’t fuel us. That is what thriving is all about! Here’s to living with the passion that is within us!!

  5. gillian says:

    A Passion Practice – absolutely brilliant. So grateful for both of you!!!

  6. Jane says:

    LOVE Marie and Kris. So much learning to absorb from both beautiful, strong women. xo-Jane

  7. Maria Farina DeMore says:

    I really enjoyed this video and needed to see it. I need to be reminded of the things that you both talked about. I have two stepsons and my life seems to be trudging from one child thing to another. The creativity that I once had (I’ve written two self-published books) is gone. I’ve tried to regain it, but my energy level is so low. I so appreciate the ideas of bringing passion to every moment and event. I believe if I practice this I will become less like the zombie that I feel like and more vibrant.
    By the way, Kris, I’m incorporating vegan ideas into my life. The juicing in particular is wonderful and helps with the fatigue.
    I commend you for all your efforts and thank you for your guidance from the bottom of my heart.
    all the best, Maria

  8. Deborah says:

    Love, Love, Love what Marie had to say!
    I’ am so glad to have recently found you Kris.
    Look forward to checking out Marie’s site too.
    Thanks for sharing Kris

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