Emotional Health

The Inside Scoop From “Passion Whisperer” Marie Forleo

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Hi Sweet Friends,

You know how much I respect and adore Marie Forleo—as an entrepreneur, teacher and friend.

Marie’s programs, writing and web TV series have elevated my personal life just as much as they’ve enriched my business. As far as I’m concerned, Marie is the ultimate “Passion Whisperer” because she has a freaky-amazing ability to identify and ignite passion in others.

And that’s why I invited Marie to my home in Woodstock for an episode of Chat & Chew. You all are a passionate bunch and I know you’ll soar once you’ve harnessed the wisdom and tips we uncovered in this video.

This week’s Chat & Chew episode is dedicated to exploring Marie’s strategy for fueling and guiding her online empire AND nurturing her personal life.

She runs a thriving, game-changing business that is shifting thousands of lives, all while managing to stay energized, healthy and positive. How does she do it? Let’s find out!

This fifteen minute episode covers these juicy topics:

  • How the practice of being present has changed Marie’s life.
  • The one question that guides everything Marie does.
  • Marie’s recommendation for finding your passion (it’s not what you think!).
  • How one small, but powerful daily morning habit sets the course for Marie’s entire day.
  • How you can jump on Marie’s “no train” and choo choo your way to greater success and satisfaction.

Your turn. In the comments below, tell us how you’ll begin building your passion practice. What’s one mundane task that you could infuse with passion TODAY?

Peace & passion,

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  1. Lacy says:

    What a great idea and practice! I think the popular conversation happening right now about finding your passion is such an important one to have, but Marie’s wisdom about applying passion to every area of your life and work really flips that on its head, and seems to be a more holistic and sustainable approach. Can’t wait to share this nugget with those around me (and to practice it for myself!).

  2. Teresa says:

    This is such an inspiring interview! I must go do something with all this motivation 🙂

  3. Loved this video and love Marie Forleo! She is such an inspiration and great guide. Mornings are a little hectic in our house with 2 kids but I always enjoy the few minutes I have when I get up a little earlier before the house wakes up to have quiet time before the day gets going. At night, while the kids are getting ready for bed or just after they go to bed, I take time to stretch/yoga, meditate and pray. It’s made a huge difference in my life and has become one of the favorite parts of my day. Thanks to both of you for being such great guides for me! Peace.

  4. Janet says:

    I loved this! Thank you! Just reviewed it this morning. I work in healthcare but facing my own health challnges, which is making it difficult to perform my job well. I work with patients much worse off than me. So, I find that I tend to push my own needs aside, with little time or energy left to do that which nourishes and strengthens me. These ideas have infused me with hope, energy, and a new desire to take one of my passions and incorporate it at work or during the day. I believe this will also help the patients I see. I especially liked the “how would I behave if I were the best in the world at what I do?” I hadn’t thought of this before. This is what olympic athletes do and I admire them for their excellence. I’ll be contemplating this today and am going to do a passion at work today even if it’s only 5′ I also pan to share it with my coworkers. Thank you for you, for all that you do and share, and for introducing us to Marie.

  5. Brooke says:

    LOVED this whole video and love these two wonderful, passionate, heart-centered women! A few things that really resonated with me:

    “No amount of business success can compensate for failure of the home” and then Marie following this up with “no matter how much business success you have, you’re not going to cuddle with it at the end of the day”. I love this, and think that when we are feeling overwhelmed or need to look at what we are prioritizing, we can come back to what we can cuddle with 🙂 This is our fuel to get us through those crazy days!

    And then I am definitely going to train my passion muscle a little harder, especially around mundane tasks like taking out the trash or getting gasoline. The whole counterintuitive-ness of “finding your passion” makes so much sense…definitely an inside job.

    Thanks to you both for sharing your light! xo

  6. Laurie says:

    Hello, Marie.

    Your friend’s quote is originally from David O. McKay, “No other success can compensate for failure in the home.” April 1964


  7. Vani says:

    Love both of you… my role models and mentors – thank you.

  8. MarieL says:

    Love this video and the insights I get from it. I think the concept of having “mate-moments” with your loved ones everyday to connect, is priceless. I will not only do this with my husband, but also with my two children. We all have such busy lives, and making this moment together where we engage in just “being together” – it makes me happy to think about what a great habit that is!! Thank you Marie and Kris!

  9. Darris says:

    Fabulous interview with dynomo Marie! Love the discussion about bringing passion to all you do . . . I’ll be practicing bringing passion to all I do . . . thank you ladies! Love both of your weekly videos too . . .

  10. Sally Hope says:

    Love you both. What a wonderful video. “Passion Practice,” Marie…that’s your book. Thank you both for bringing the passion to all YOU do and letting us learn from you.

    Much love and respect.
    Sally Hope

  11. kristin says:

    “The problem, often not discovered until late in life, is that when you look for things in life like love, meaning, motivation, it implies they are sitting behind a tree or under a rock. The most successful people in life recognize, that in life they create their own love, they manufacture their own meaning, they generate their own motivation. For me, I am driven by two main philosophies, know more today about the world than I knew yesterday. And lessen the suffering of others. You’d be surprised how far that gets you.” – Neil deGrasse Tyson

    Lovely video ladies!! 🙂 Kris, you’re a great interviewer.

    All the best,
    Happy holidays!! X

  12. Deb says:

    Beautiful! The secret to thriving. So simple. :))

  13. Natalie says:

    Love you guys! Great discussion. I think I am going to write the line, “bring passion to each moment” down on a piece of paper and put in my bathroom mirror, so I can see it first thing every morning. Great advice.

  14. Jen says:

    Wonderful video! Very inspiring…thank you!

    PS Where did you get those beautiful tea cups?!?

  15. Rebecca Richardson says:

    Awesome !!!! You and Marie are so inspiring. I will watch this video many more times and share with friends.
    Thank you.

  16. Ingrid says:

    I love Marie’s tip on bringing passion into every moment of your life. I realize I make a choice with everything I do. Since I have chosen to do this activity (whatever it is) let me be here completely and enjoy it, do it to the best of my ability. I love it. Thank you for sharing. Lots of love to your both!

  17. Pauliina says:

    Wow, I was “avoiding” watch this video since I thought that it would be just the same “old stuff” that I already know and hear Marie and Kris talk all the time. But this was just really inspiring and there were new tips and tricks that were brilliant. Just awesome. Note to my self: you can never have too much inspiration. Thank You!!!

  18. Rebecca says:

    Awesome interview! Marie shared some really good life tips that I’m sure will make a difference to me. I love the idea of bringing passion to everything I do, even if it’s just making the bed (that’s actually something I’m putting off as we speak…). Even though I’ve heard this stuff before about changing your attitude towards your circumstances rather than attempting to change the circumstances themselves, passion isn’t something I’ve been adding to that equation. I admit, I’ve also fallen into the trap of thinking it’s something outside of myself. But now I think about it, it makes so much sense. My boyfriend is actually at a crossroads in his life right now where he knows he’s not happy in his work, but he has no idea what else he wants to do. He feels lost. I’ve been telling him to think about the things he’s good at, the things he enjoys, etc etc etc. All the usual advice. But what I haven’t been doing is advising him to bring passion to the work he’s already doing, even though it’s not what he wants to do for the rest of his life. I can now see that complaining about it is only going to close his mind and attract more negativity. Like attracts like, right? 🙂

    By the way, my copy of Crazy Sexy Kitchen finally arrived the other day, and I. Am. In. Love. Stunning work <3

  19. Isabelle says:

    So inspiring! Thank you both for this awesome talk, I am on my way to act like the best in the world at what I am 😉

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