Kris Carr

Kris Carr


Not Sure When Enough is Enough? Listen to Your Body

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Hiya Gorgeous,

As I type this I have bronchitis. A few weeks ago it was something else, a violent stomach flu. Sickness definitely slows our lives way down and sometimes that’s exactly what’s needed. We refuse to stop, so our bodies stop it for us. Thanks, bronchitis! Thanks, stomach flu!

Man, I must be really stubborn to need two back-to-back lessons—especially after the bug. It was like my personal Apocalypse Now. I’m sure you’ve been there. And by the way, why do they call it a “flu”? You know me, I gotta know these things…

After falling down a Google rabbit hole, I determined that I probably ate poop on a salad.

That sounds awful, I know, and I really hope you’re not eating a salad when you read this. If you are, I am very sorry. But those horrendous, toss-your-cookies-24/7 episodes often come from poor sanitary conditions at restaurants and well, I have been on a takeout jag. Why? You guessed it. I’ve been too busy to cook. I bet that sounds familiar too!

Anyway, I’ve been relatively healthy this year, so what gives? Well, clearly there are actual medical reasons, but that’s not what I want to explore today. I find it interesting that the two obligations I was dreading were set to take place during the weeks I got sick. Coincidence? Or was it my body saying “no”?


How often do you check in with your body before making a decision?

Can you actually imagine doing that? Checking in with your body (AKA your soul) to see what it needs?

It could go something like this: “Darling, how does that feel? Are you up for this? Would saying “yes” light you up or drain your tub?” If I had asked those questions and listened to the answers (fatigue, racing thoughts at bedtime) I would have said NO and I may have sidestepped the snot and gore. But, what fun it is to learn about ourselves.

Seriously, I do love these growth opportunities, they just keep coming!

But I have made new progress this year. Because I’ve slowed down to focus on my next book and to care for sweet Buddy, I’ve developed an even greater connection to my body. She no longer wants to move at an accelerated, hyper pace. She doesn’t want to “crush it” or jumbo size her plate so I can add more, more, more to the all-you-can-eat accomplishment buffet.

For an ambitious person like myself, this revelation can be a hard pill to swallow. It’s difficult when your body wants something different from your ego. My body is ferocious (and very sensitive). She will tank quickly if I make decisions that are out of alignment with my soul rhythm, and the older I get the more ornery (and gentle) she gets. I don’t really like speaking about my body as if she’s separate because obviously we are one. However, when my mind is going in one direction, and my body is going in another, it sure feels like we’re different. When that happens, I realize the consequences of behaving as if we’re separate.

Get a No Buddy

I love Facetime. Living on a dead-end street in the Catskills, Facetime is my favorite way to stay in touch with my friends—most of whom live in NYC or CT. So the other day, I was Skyping with one of my besties and I told him I got sick, yet again. Well, I love this friend because he has chronic medical issues too and he’s great at standing up for my body when I don’t.

Needless to say he gave me a spiritual tune-up and at the end of it we decided to become No Buddies. When invites and opportunities come our way, we run them by each other. If it’s a clear “yes” it’s obvious to both of us. If it’s a “no” but we’re on the fence due to scarcity mentality, guilt, or feeling left out, it becomes pretty apparent. At that point, we coach each other on the underlying emotions and it usually ends with a big ole “no”.

My body is very happy about my No Buddy.

Can we really be in optimal condition all the time?

Before I end this blog post I want to touch on another point. It’s OK to get sick. It isn’t always punishment or proof that we did something wrong. This is very important to understand. I’ve turned a corner when it comes to expecting peak health 24/7. Living with cancer has certainly helped me do that, and yet I’ve noticed that I have little tolerance for the smaller stuff (colds, aches, pains—the normal ebbs and flows of life).

Some seasons are strong, others are weak. Some days I’m creative, other days I’m stuck. Sometimes my marriage is solid, sometimes I want to live alone in an Airstream. That’s life. And maybe what life is continuing to tell us is that it’s all OK. The sunshine and the rain. The big bright breakthroughs and the dark nights of the soul. We can’t amputate our emotions and we can’t control our ups and downs. Fully accepting my complicated, miraculous instrument (AKA body) means leaving space for all of it. The highs, the lows, the wellness and the sickness, the stuckness, the flow. All of it.

Your Turn: Today, I’m your “No Buddy”. What’s your body saying no to? Is there something that’s going to throw you off balance that you can decline? Share in the comments and feel the weight fall off your shoulders.

Bonus: Your Crazy Sexy Love Notes Reading!

I also wanted to throw in this extra video goodie. Here’s what my Crazy Sexy Love Notes card deck told me when I asked for guidance during this period. Wouldn’t you know, I pulled the “Nourish Yourself” card! If you need this message too, press play to join me in my tree fort. And if you haven’t already, you can order your own copy of the deck from Amazon here!

Peace & nurturing “no’s,”

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  1. karen says:

    Hi Kris,
    This interview was so powerful & uplifting for me. I am a Cancer Thriver. I was diagnosed 3 years ago with Breast cancer. Went thru mastectomy & chemo. Then last year re diagnosed in my lymph nodes. I heard of alternative from a few & decided that it was a better route for me this time.Your book was the first of many I read. This book by Dr. Kelly sounds like my next book to read. ( I have been a bit discouraged lately ) The financial part is one of the most challenging parts to this.
    Thank you for all you do for the cancer babes!
    Love, Karen

  2. Dena Maisonett says:

    I have been very busy with work and family obligations-today is my only actual day off from work. The damp weather causing my body to be very stiff and achy (along with road construction closing my street -thank you universe) is giving me the opportunity to say “no” to running crazy errands and relaxing in the couch while clearing space on my DVR. Your message came at the perfect time and has reassured me that it is absolutely fine to take a “me day” at least until my daughters get out of school and band. Feel better Kris!

  3. KC Smith says:

    Dearest Kris,

    Just letting you know….

    You’ve made a difference in my life! If not for you, I would have either been in a wheelchair or in the spirit world by now. The tailspin started back in 2006 when I got bit by a tick. Lyme Disease and just about all it’s co-infections followed. After watching Crazy Sexy Cancer I was hooked!

    You are truly one of my Earth Angels. You inspire and uplift with your honesty and courage. Todays post nailed it again!

    Blessings and Love to you and your beautiful family,

  4. Arnie Welber says:

    Happy you shared ALL IS WELL presently. ALL LOVE! 🙂 <3 _/|_

  5. rachel says:

    I love your crazy sexy love notes readings – and today’s I really, really needed to hear. Thankyou xx

    p.s. I am so sorry you are sick! Hope you are feeling better soon xxx

  6. Louyse says:

    Hi Kris
    Thank you. I know your messages are to millions of us. But thanks for making them feel like they’re just for me. Sometimes you’re the kindest voice I hear all day (hmm week or month)
    You make a difference to me. Thank You
    L xx

  7. Sarah says:

    Thank you for this! I am allowing myself to accept more of who I really am and what I really need as I age, I think. For most of my life, I have historically gotten sick…often. To the degree that the responses I have received from school friends and teachers up through work colleagues have been, “Wow! You are ALWAYS sick!” or “Weren’t you JUST sick? You poor thing!” Primarily it has been of the upper respiratory genre and one thing that always happens is that I lose my voice. In my inner wisdom, very deep down, I believe that I have known that this was a sign of something more psychic and emotional, as opposed to strictly “catching what is going around” although I recognize that this is some of it. I am a perfectionist and a people-pleaser, scratch that “up until now” I have been a perfectionist and a people-pleaser. I want to do “the right” thing all of the time and be “the best!” I accept offers of commitments for things like Pavlov’s dog-you ask-I accept! “Can someone volunteer for this?” Sure! I’m your girl! And I will stress from that point until well-after it is over analyzing what will be and what was! The initiation of growth in this area started when I would immediately have a bolt of terror shoot through my body that seemed to scream, “NOOOOOO!” or “You know darn well you have no interest in doing that!” However, I would push through and continue to say, yes with a smile and a “go get ’em” attitude moving me further and further away from my True Self. Inevitably, after too many of these “please approve of me” efforts, I would get very sick with some respiratory illness and lose my voice for several days. I have come to believe that this was my body’s way of “speaking for me” when my fragile ego would not allow my voice to do so. The pendulum then swung to the other side where I became a hermit and accepted very few if any offers. If I did accept, I would put out pleas to the Universe on a loop to have the other person cancel! So, at 41, I am still very much a work in progress. I went to NYC with my partner last weekend. “The City” in my mind and the place that I have dreamed of living since I was 10. What I noticed was that the pace, the sounds, the stimulation that I craved for so many years and got such a “high” from no longer appeals to me. I was both crushed and relieved. I shared with my “guy” or “partner” (Complete aside: I seem to be in a state where using “boyfriend” at 40 seems weird to me and I am not sure of how to refer to him!) that something had changed and he smiled and said, “You are coming into your own…maybe you ARE a country girl at heart!” He would like to move to upstate NY so some bias there!

    What I am working to do now is to ask for some space before I respond to invitations, requests, and opportunities. My “postponement strategy” recently has been “That sounds great, I will have to think about that. Can I get back to you on X date?” Wow! I did not intend to take up this much space, but I Thank You for inspiring me to think more about this and to consider other ways of honoring my Self. All the best!

  8. Katia says:

    Your post comes at the right time! My body has felt drained for weeks, yet I kept pushing because “I know I can” and now I feel awful, with a really bad feverish and painful body. Basically exhaustion. I heard my body but refused to listen. Thank you for your post, it helps to acknowledge the truth of the situation instead of blaming my body or constitution for being “weak”. Self-love, here I come! (In a compassionate way rather than another thing to achieve way!)


    Ps I was eating a salad as I was reading this… Let’s hope for the best

  9. Suzie says:

    Thank you for this, Kris! Reading this & watching the vid allowed me to hit the reset button this morning – now heading out for a walk to nourish myself. ❤️ Hope you are back to feeling healthy soon!

  10. Bridget says:

    No means yes to our Self. Too many years I was the person to go to when something needed done. “Yes! Sure! No problem”. Meanwhile all my goals were being shot down. Then I got on the “no train” and it felt selfish at first and people were surprised to hear me say “I am sorry,I can’t help this time” eventually the asking stopped and suddenly what I needed to focus on (business and supporting my kids) happened. Saying no is a good thing. Having a supportive partner who reminds you that “no” starts with “N” not “Y” soothes the guilt that may come up. This is a great blog post, Kris. It’s also important for kids to understand this lesson while so many are in that Race to Nowhere. Kids need to stop too before they settle into the “yes” track. To your health!!

  11. Alma says:

    I’m coming up on the 1-year anniversary of when I should’ve learned to say ‘no.’ I was working a job that was completely out of alignment with my purpose, beating my body to hell and back with early morning bootcamp for hours each week, and numbing with alcohol and junk food binges in between my usual healthy eating. All of that eventually smacked me right in the face with horrific daily panic attacks and generalized anxiety disorder that left me fearful of pretty much everything, life in general. Now I’m nearly on the other side of it because I’ve learned to say no to punishing and numbing my body, no to soul-crushing jobs, and no if I just plain don’t feel like doing anything!

    Thanks for sharing, Kris. Feel better soon!

    • Kris Carr says:

      I’m thrilled that you’re turning a corner! Woo-hoo! xo, kc

    • NK says:

      Hi Alma-
      First & foremost, congrats on your year anniversary & thanks so much for sharing! Your words regarding a soul crushing job, binging on junk food/alcohol & being afraid of everything truly spoke to me because that is ME in my life right now. Can you please tell me what you did to find a job that’s in alignment with your soul’s purpose? What habits/routines help keep you on your new healthy & happy path? Any advice would be appreciated bc I’m inspired by your success & it’s given me hope.
      Stuck In A Deeeep Rut & Afraid To Move

      • Nancy says:

        If you’re feeling stuck and afraid check out a few books: Feel the Fear and do it Anyway, can’t remember the Author, and The Now Effect by Elisha Goldstein. Both books could help put you on a better path. 🙂

  12. Emily says:

    Thanks for this blog today! I’m so happy I started my day with it; it was exactly what I needed to read. Take good care and thanks for keeping up the bright and honest work!

  13. Michelle says:

    I totally needed this today! Thanks so much! Feeling under the weather, as well, due to allergies. Def had my green juice:-)

  14. Jenny Reynolds says:

    Thanks for this Kris! It hit me on the right day, after coming off a 13 hr work day and stopping at Panera for a bear claw at 8:30pm at night (really, a bear claw and at 8:30pm?). In any case, we do need to listen to our bodies and as a result, I am dedicating the next 10 min to a nice meditation. Thank you for your words of wisdom and grace and the reminder to listen to my body and nourish it with whole food goodness as I start out my Tuesday. -Jenny

  15. Marj says:

    You just wrote about me . . . I so need a No Buddy. After dropping weight effortlessly this winter, I have had a steady stream of “food events” of one sort or another this spring. Today is my first break after a solid week of eating stuff I didn’t want or eating too much, entertaining, meeting friends for a meal, etc. They are all things I want or need to do, but I’m just not eating the simple and good stuff my body craves. Rats!

  16. Jane says:

    Today what I love most is that caring for your sweet Buddy was one of the reasons you slowed down this year. You always inspire!

  17. Cristol says:

    I just enjoyed a 4 day weekend of rest, relaxation and recharging my body. Of course when I came home I ran around like a crazy woman, attempting to get everything ready for the upcoming week. My body talks to me very specifically, so now I find myself with a sore throat (for not actually voicing the word “no”) and an upset tummy as I couldn’t digest all that I took on in such a short time. Time to honour myself more than the demands of the world 🙂

  18. Kelly Hall says:

    Hi Kris,

    Your blog was so timely for me! I am in the process of working on connecting more to hear my ‘no’ signals. I work part-time, run a household with 4 pets, am studying and busy trying to fit in creating my business and sometimes I just load up on tasks, and then right when I am busy amongst it, it get sick only to have to cancel plans and rest when I really just want to be out and about. I have started religiously meditating and since been tuning into my body and its request and things are definitely getting easier. I have been struggling with various illness for 10 years and like I am more compassionate towards myself when i do have to stop, but still seem to get frustrated at the aches and pains or flu like symptoms. But this is my year to master the whispers and create ease and flow in my life. Its a journey 🙂

  19. Celia says:

    This is amazing Kris, just what I needed as I am going to an interview for some temporary work I feel I shouldn’t really say yes to. Amazing this just landed in my inbox as a confirmation!
    Thanks so much! x

  20. Shannon Heilmann says:

    I had my first poop salad a few weeks ago 🙁 I so feel for you. Fatigue, body aches, and irritability this week and a looming trip to comicon this weekend in the midst of trying to open up a business. I hadn’t made the connection. Thank you! Directly behind a screamo concert, comicon is on my top ten places I never want to go. I promised and it might not be so bad, but next time I won’t be so quick to answer yes

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