Kris Carr

Kris Carr

Blog Post

Natural Deodorant Review & Tips

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Hiya Gorgeous,

Let’s talk B.O.!

Do natural deodorants really work? Why should we use them? Which ones are best?

As per usual, there’s more here than meets the nose! In this video and blog, I’m giving you the down and stinky scoop on deodorants and antiperspirants. Like many of you, I’ve been on the hunt for natural products that work for years, and now I’m gettin’ down and dirty to find the best natural deodorant. I finally tested over a dozen products and included the results in this (hilarious) video and awesome infographic below.

Pssst! Make sure you watch the entire video. You don’t want to miss my surprise guest—A GRIZZLY BEAR!

Your skin is your body’s largest organ and it’s really good at absorbing what you put on it.

Think about it like this: when smokers want to quit, they slap on a patch that delivers nicotine right to their bloodstream via their skin, same deal with the birth control patch. There are even vitamin B12 patches! With your spongy epidermis in mind, it’s important we do our best to reduce our chemical exposure. Which includes what we put on our pits. I can’t wait to discuss this all with you. Let’s dive in!

To clear up our stinkin’ thinkin’ about, well, stinkin’, here are a few starting points about deodorants, antiperspirants and good ole sweat:

  • Why do we sweat? Sweating is our body’s cooling mechanism. We sweat when it’s hot out, when we’ve been exercising, when we have a fever or when we’re anxious and stressed.
  • Why does it smell bad? Actually, sweat itself doesn’t smell. That signature sweaty odor comes from the meeting of the bacteria living on our skin with the sweat escaping from our sweat glands.
  • What are antiperspirants? Some people try to prevent  body odor by using an antiperspirant to stop their bodies from sweating (yikes!). Unfortunately, it’s unlikely that you’ll ever find a truly non-toxic anti-perspirant because of the harsh ingredients necessary to prevent sweating—more on this in a moment.
  • What are deodorants? Unlike an antiperspirant, a deodorant works on top of the skin, killing off the bacteria with an antiseptic ingredient, then covering any leftover odors with a scent. As with all personal products, it’s important to be an informed consumer to select a safe natural deodorant. The good news is that it’s possible!

Conventional Deodorants & Antiperspirants

What should you be looking for when you check the ingredients on your next stick? Here are a few of the potentially harmful things found in regular deodorants and antiperspirants. These are the guys you want to avoid. Take note: Some of these ingredients will be spelled out right on the label, and some won’t be, so you might have to sleuth a little further.


What does it do? Absorbent and colorant.

Why should you avoid it? It is considered a carcinogen if it contains asbesiform fibers. But there’s no way to know if the talc in your product contains asbestos. So stay away—better safe than sorry.


What does it do? Kills bacteria.

Why should you avoid it? Triclosan disrupts the endocrine and immune systems, can cause allergic reactions and can also build up in your tissues.


What does it do? Acts as a preservative.

Why should you avoid it? BHT can cause allergic reactions and has also been linked to cancer.

Propylene glycol

What does it do? Keep things from drying out. Propylene glycol is used in cars as an anti-freeze and in airplanes as a de-icer.

Why should you avoid it? It can irritate your skin (and gosh knows what else).


What do they do? Used as a preservative, containing antibacterial and antifungal properties.

Why should you avoid them? Many parabens mimic estrogen in the body, and have been found inside breast cancer tumors. The widespread use of parabens in personal care products makes their potential link to cancer especially concerning. Most experts call for more research.


What does it do? This one is pretty straight forward: the synthetic chemicals listed as “fragrance” are included in products to mask body odor.

Why should you avoid it? There are an alarming number of chemicals (over 3100!) that fall into the fragrance category. According to the Environmental Working Group: “The average fragrance product tested contained 14 secret chemicals not listed on the label. Among them are chemicals associated with hormone disruption and allergic reactions, and many substances that have not been assessed for safety in personal care products.”


What do they do? These chemicals are called plasticizers—they make products more spreadable.

Why should you avoid them? Phthalates have been found to be endocrine disruptors (chemicals that can affect your hormones).

Aluminum Chlorohydrate

What does it do? Aluminum chlorohydrate is a salt that prevents wetness, which makes it a very popular ingredient in antiperspirants.

Why should you avoid it? The continued use of aluminum chlorohydrate adds to the number of chemicals your body must eliminate and to your overall body burden (see more below).

How do these chemicals impact your health?

As our friend Heather White, the Executive Director of Environmental Working Group, put it so clearly during our Chat & Chew, we just don’t know what the long term effects of the buildup of these chemicals are, and the things we do know are pretty alarming. When EWG studied body burden, (the amount of chemicals stored in our bodies), they found the average person has nearly 300 different chemicals in their system, including PCBs and DDT, which were banned over 30 YEARS AGO in the US.

Natural Deodorant

But there’s good news! Lucky for us, there are natural ingredients that can be used in place of the chemicals. Remember that we all have different body chemistry. That’s why your best friend might swear by a certain brand, but that same formula might leave you wanting (and wafting). What works magic for me may or may not work for you.

Disclaimer: Read your labels tootsies! When you test your own deodorants, keep in mind that not all natural deodorants are created equal. And just because a product says “natural” on the package doesn’t mean it’s all good in the hood. If you can find products that are certified organic (not always possible), that may be the best way to go, since the labeling has a more stringent standard than “natural.”

My Natural Deodorant Rankings

I hope you enjoy my video (watch above!) and rankings chart, which cover a slew of sticks (and rocks, and sprays, and creams—whew!). The natural deodorants I tested are all free of the harsh toxic chemicals and are cruelty-free. I ranked the deodorants a few ways: How well they worked for me, how enjoyable they were to use (sticky? chalky? silky?), and how they rated at EWG’s Skin Deep database. Though I tested over 15 products, I only included the top 9 because many of the others ranked too high at skindeep (over a 3 rating). Download my Natural Deodorant Rankings chart below!

Natural Deodorant Review

Have I mentioned that there’s a bear in today’s video? Don’t miss it!

Kris Carr and Bear | Deodorant Review Video

Your turn: Have you found a natural deodorant that works? Share your successes (and failures) in the comments below!

Peace & healthy pits,

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  1. Angela Limburg says:

    Hi Kris,
    After reading this I decided to start making some changes in my life. I had surgery for a brain tumor in March 2018 and finally am getting my $@#% together. I bought deodorant from Kopari and I love it. It has a very light coconut scent, and works really well. I am “enjoying” menopause and I am a sweaty girl! Thank you for inspiring me as I move forward with my evolution!

  2. Amie says:

    Native deodorant is my go to! I love the natural ingredients and it works all day!

  3. Deo Free says:

    what’s the difference b/w a deodorant & anti-perspirant ?
    deodorant can remove or mask odors but doesn’t prevent sweating, but anti-perspirant helps prevent sweating to reduce or prevent odors. I find that UARMSOL POWDER works best! No worry about odors or sweats.

  4. More than antiperspirants with aluminum, the antiperspirants which are comprised of free aluminum, can diminish the Kids body odor from sweating.

  5. Nivea Men says:

    I was checking out some of the articles on your site & found your post about Men’s deep anti perspirant spray.
    Great Stuff!

  6. Erin says:

    Living libations is amazing stuff! No turning back once you try it 🙂

  7. Pat says:

    Hello all nature lover
    This is an option of mineral salt deodorant in crystal stone, please check it out..You will love it.

  8. Angie says:

    Try Green Tidings Natural Deodorant! It is “Amazon’s Choice” for natural deodorant, and lasts up to 24 hours!

  9. Tracey says:

    The powders from Lush work really well. I love the smell of the deodorant bar they have but it was a little rough for my pits!

  10. Tim says:

    Theres a new kid on the block!

    High quality, 100% Natural, probiotic deodorant for men and women! Tons of variety.

  11. Sheela says:

    Crystal Essence has a crystal deodorant that’s like the Thai crystal deodorant and I’ve had good luck with it as well. I’ve also made my own from a recipe I found online using coconut oil, cornstarch, baking soda, and essential oil and had some luck with it.

  12. Rishi says:


    Nice blog! Thanks for sharing it.
    I’m using one of the best talcum powder for summers ( and it is really very good. Keeps me refreshed all day long.

  13. Janelle says:

    Hi Kris, I tried various natural deodorants over the years, and ended up using something super simple, inexpensive, and as pure as it gets: high quality BAKING SODA! It works!! Give it a try and let me know what you think 🙂

  14. Erika Arena says:

    I have tried many deodorants and Native seems to be the only one that controls odors for me. I particularly love the Lavender & Rose one!

  15. Geri Teeter says:

    I used Crystal brand roll-on for several years until it dawned on me that potassium alum is aluminum! Not good. I switched to Primal Pit Paste in the jar (want to avoid beeswax that’s in their stick). The first jar worked great. I’m on the second jar, which is softer than the first jar and does not last as long as the first one. It lasts most of the day which is okay, but the first jar lasted over 24 hours. I’m hoping it’s just a bad batch. I’m not going to give up on it yet.

  16. Ada clark says:

    What’s most important to me when choosing beauty products is that there are no aluminum, and that is what i found in missy girls spray and aluminium free deodorant uk.

  17. Alecia Chapman says:

    Hello – I just discovered a deodorant called NATIVE – ITS AMAZING !!!!

  18. Steve says:

    Try using jungleman all natural deodorant from works better than everything else listed.

  19. Michele says:

    I have been using Schmidt’s paste deodorant for almost a year and I love it. I have tried several others from roll on. salt stick and spray to dry stick and this works best for odor control as well as wetness. It rubs on smoothly and easily so please give it a try if you are still searching for your best fit.

  20. Luis says:

    Interesting subject matter. I love how you cover things I was too afraid to google!
    I had a pretty stressful day yesterday so I was thinking about how it seems like my stress sweat smells stronger or different than my normal “I’m too hot” sweat. Is there anything to that or I am I just sweating more intensely? If the stress sweat is different in any way, would that lend itself to different deodorant options?

  21. Christine says:

    Soapwalla, hands down my favorite! Been using for the last 7 years and still works as well as the first day I tried it! I’m not gonna lie, when I sweat I stink and this is amazing even my husband was like wow and impressed after my workouts…just love it! Like Kris said, everyone’s body chemistry is different so have to find the right one for you.

  22. Penny says:

    Hi there! I was wondering if you had any opinion on Humble all-natural deodorant ( I saw that they’re doing a $1 promotion for deodorant, and I was wondering if you thought that would be a good deodorant to try?


  23. deo says:

    I think you should let your arms go through the days naturally and let it sweat ! Sweating doesn’t mean you will have odours, you just need to choose the right type of deodorants.
    Choose a deodorant that doesn’t clog-up the skin or preventing sweating.
    A good deodorant is one without leaving residues, stains and odours behind is best. I’ve been using UARMSOL deodorant for many years now, even when I sweat, I have no underarm or armpit odours. I applied 1 pinch and it’s all to it for the whole day without worries about any smell afterwards. There’s no chemicals, oil or fragrances added. No staining clothes too. There’s no after sport smell or odour masking. And the best thing is I don’t have to shave !

  24. Lauren says:

    I was using Primal Pit Paste but discovered after a few months that my skin is super sensitive to baking soda. I know they have a sensitive skin bar, but I was thinking of switching to the Crystal Essence Roll-On. I find their spray to be pretty weak for me, but have heard good things about the roll-on. Also, I discovered earlier that EWG updated their score for Crystal Essence Roll-On to a 2!

  25. Mikaila Zapata says:

    Have you tried primal pit paste? It comes in a jar just like Schmidts and has gotten amazing reviews. Just looking for another opinion.

    • Misa says:

      I’ve used primal pit paste and I loved it! However, for me, after a couple months of use it started to clog my pores and resulted in some pretty painful lumps in y arm pit so I had to stop using it. It really did work well and smelled good.

  26. I wear Crystal Essence Mineral Deodorant Roll-On in Pomegranate every day. It’s the perfect scent and it really works to keep me dry!

  27. Lucy says:

    Hi Kris,
    I recently came across this blog after searching for a deodorant that would actually live up to the marketing hype, yet be more than just all-natural. I wanted it to be organic, due to synthetic processes and ingredients sliding in under the radar in some of the all-natural deodorants today. I found an organic Lavender Tea Tree Peppermint deodorant from Lavender & Leaf, which has changed my life! Worth the look, if anyone is searching for a fully organic deodorant that actually holds up to the claims of being effective. On my third stick now!

  28. Hi Kris! I just came across this article, and after looking through the comments, I realized several people have mentioned my company’s deodorant, Real Purity. We were just picked up at Whole Foods last summer (as a Premium Body Care itme) and in the last 12 months, have sent deodorant to every US state & over 40 countries. We’re also family-owned, made in the USA & cruelty-free. We’d love to share it with you, so please email me if you’d like to try it. Also, if anyone sees this comment and wants a sample, just reply with your email and I will reach out! Thanks!

  29. Sheryl says:

    Kris, Natural is definately the way to sustainable beauty. I love prima pit paste deo, last longer too.

  30. Gina Pywar says:

    I have tried the Crystal rock deoderant – same bran but it’s not liquid and it did nothing for me. Do you think the one reviewed is better or should I try another. I am a stinker 🙁 I have tried so many and just can’t find one that works for me.

    • Hi Gina! My girlfriend and her daughter (11 year old) used to use the Crystal and I convinced them to give ours (Real Purity Roll-on) a try. Organic, over 350 5 star reviews (and we’re carried throughout midwest Whole Foods stores). If you want a free deo please let me know! rachael at realpurity dot com

  31. Cam says:

    We manufacture an all natural deodorant, For Pits Sake!. How can we go about getting you some samples for review?

  32. Emily says:

    Has anyone tried Primally Pure deodorant? I’m curious how that compares. I’ve been seeing it on alot of blogs lately. It’s more expensive than some of the other brands so I’m wondering if it’s worth the money. I’m a first time user of natural deodorant so just trying to spend my money wisely.

  33. Katherine Castle says:

    ZERO deodorant for me. Found it on Zulily, only shea butter.

  34. Nate brewer says:

    I use Be Free deodorant from it’s organic with no aluminum or parabens and it lasts all day even in the gym with no B.O. I will never use anything else it’s a life saver.

  35. Violets Are Blue deodorant is the best of the many natural deodorants I’ve tried over the last few years. It seems to work for everyone!

  36. Alice says:

    Routine Cream (many vegan options)!

  37. Alyssa says:

    Thank you for posting this! I have tried Tom’s and some wipe on deodorant wipes and they both were horrible!!! So I am excited to try the crystal essence!

  38. John says:

    I used to sweat like crazy, and antiperspirant actually made it worse. I even got a prescription for some really strong Rx stuff. It kinda worked, but it was so painful to use .. probably because of all the nasty aluminum it was jamming into my pours. Then, I found this stuff and it’s changed my life:

    I know that sounds like an overstatement, but going from wearing black literally every day to being able to wear light blue shirts in public. If your deodorant is not working for you, you gotta try this natural stuff!

  39. Jamie Turner says:

    Personally I like Granny’s Natural Deodorant. I’ve been using this for a few months. It’s an upstart little family owned company and the it’s all natural, organic and super creamy. It comes with a little spatula and it smells heavenly. It’s aluminum, paraben and gmo free and they even make the fragrance from their own natural herb garden and olive oil. I also like the fact a portion of the proceeds go to Charity. Can’t beat that.

  40. Since I was a teenager I had problems with my smelly armpitts! I tried all kinds of products, but no use. As I grew up, I began to use deodorants that promise last 24 or 48 hours and they worked! However, I began to study the chemical composition of these products and got scared, so I chose not use them anymore.
    I studied aromatherapy and some years ago, I developed a deodorant 100% aluminum and other chemicals free using only essential oils and natural components. The result was incredible! Yes, I got it! Something that really works! People who used my natural deodorant said they enjoyed because it is natural, lasts all day, promotes an incredible freshness, and yes, SMELLS GOOD! I’m very happy because I start selling my deodorant to my family and friends, and now, to people who wants to be smelly free using a 100% natural deodorant that really works for them!

  41. Toi says:

    I’ve been using truly’s natural deodorant ( and I love it. I recently tried Primal Pit Paste ( and I can’t choose which I like better. The biggest advantage to Primal Pit Paste is your can find it in some stores now and they offer different scents and strengths.

  42. Maureen Eaton says:

    Am trying to find a chemical free Antiperspirant, but all I get is chemical free Deodorants….they are not the same thing! Does such a thing exist?

    • Hi Maureen, I don’t believe there is no such thing as an aluminum-free/non-toxic antiperspirant. It’s the clogging of the pores that keeps you from sweating, and release of toxins from your pores (i.e. sweating) is exactly what natural deodorant is designed to do. But, I can’t recommend Real Purity’s Roll-On deodorant enough! I use it myself and it keeps me clean and dry – I don’t know how, but even when I do sweat, it seems like it’s less and I never smell. If you want a free travel size let me know and I’ll get ya one

  43. betsy schwartz says:

    You should try Pure Pitz. It is all natural and organic and it really works! No harmful chemical or toxins and it is never tested on animals!

    • Yolanda says:

      I have found nothing better since using granny’s natural deodorant. It stands the test. I have been using it for 2 years now, and I wouldn’t leave home without it. Now the high school football coach and his football players are all using it.

  44. Sabrina napier says:

    Have you tried dr. Mercola’s deodorants?

  45. Janice says:

    I use to use Purely Great but found I had to reapply. I now use My Common Scents. It is new on the market and available through their website. It smells wonderful and honestly, I dont have to use it every day which is great because I rarely get the shower every day with 5 kids. Great product!

  46. Claudette says:

    Dr. mist deodorant is the best so far

  47. stephanie says:

    I have tried a few brands and some made me smell really bad! I decided to make my own and I utilize clay. It works to draw out toxins and if you have to reapply it doesn’t seem to “cover up” and try to making smelly smell better, it actually takes away the stink!

  48. Maggie says:

    Help! I’ve been using Ava Anderson Non toxic deoderant and I love it except for the red sore bumps it’s been giving me. Anyone else have this problem? Should I be using a spray instead? Is it clogging my pores? Need some advice please!

  49. Tanya says:

    What does the NR stand for in the EWG rating? Thanks.

  50. Lisa says:

    Thanks so much for all of your great articles. You’re such an inspiration! Thought I would add my personal fav…Real Purity Natural Roll-On Deodorant. It is the ONLY one I’ve tried (and I feel like I’ve tried thousands 😉 ) that doesn’t leave me smelling like a goat!

    • Lisa, I am Real Purity’s Marketing VP – thank you so much for mentioning our product! We just introduced the travel-size deodorant, have you tried it yet? Let me know if you want to and I will send you one 🙂 rachael at realpurity dot com.

  51. andrea says:

    has anyone tried piperwai? the owners were recently on the tv show Shark Tank. I finally decided to investigate a non-toxic deodorant, so I went to order some and it was so popular that they are now on backorder so I haven’t tried it yet.. It gets a rating of 2 on the Skin Deep site, (thanks to the reader below who referenced this site that I have never heard of!) I have to admit that the fact that it’s a cream is a turn off but wanted to know if anyone has tried it. I am a cycling guide and work a lot in europe so I sweat for a living if you will, and often need to be able to whip it out real quick for a fresh application and a cream seems harder to do that with.

    I have limited choices in the EU so I’d like to find one that works before I head over again. thank you, kris, for this article and to your readers for all the great comments

  52. Jessica says:

    I’m using purebodyscent deodorant which is excellent in fighting body odor. I love the scents they offer too. No allergic reactions. Best of all no aluminum or other toxic ingredients. This deodorant definitely lasts for more than 48 hours with one application. 🙂

  53. deanna Nuce says:

    I have been using the Ava organics products for awhile now. The deodorant stick works pretty well. Once in awhile I get small reactions to it but all in all it works well. I put warm water on it before use to soften it a bit. It is lasting forever as well. A slight chocolate peppermint smell..

  54. Amanda C. says:

    I’ve been using Crystal roll on and I LOVE IT! It’s the best I’ve ever used and so happy that I switched to it a year and a half ago!

  55. Kamila says:

    oh, and it takes only 10 minutes to make and it lasts months…at the cost next to nothing 🙂

  56. Kamila says:

    Hi, Chris!
    I make my deodorant myself using shea butter, cocoa butter, bees wax, olive oil, vitamin E, baking soda and potato starch. I add some tea tree oil and I get a great odor fighting stick. I also use magnesium salt dilluted in demi water and it not only neutrlizes my odors, but also provides my body with magnesium which is so essential. xoxox

  57. Erika says:

    I’ve tried so many natural deodorants and haven’t found ANY that work -until now. I just tried one called Green Tidings, unscented. I am so thrilled that it really works. I live in Texas and other brands like Toms just don’t work at all for me (not to mention they were bought out by Colgate so will never support them)

  58. Ana says:

    Great advise on the reality of most recent of the ingredients we find, and should avoid, in deodorants. Thank you Kris.

  59. Rachel Salazar says:

    Thank you so much for the 411 provided Ms Kris. I lersonally been using DOVE powder deodorant stick & so far its worked for me. But im always looking & willing to try natural products when i can. Ill look for the deodorant cream featured in your video. Thank you again for your sweet & honest tevirws. I truly enjoy all that you share with the public. Once again thank you darling.

  60. Kathy says:

    I got a sample of Primal Pit Paste from Annmarie Gianne. It works!

  61. Purely great is really nice it is from canada and it works really good. Maybe you should give it a shot!

  62. Goedkoop says:

    Toms is my favorite! <3

  63. Linz says:

    Schmidt’s deoderant is my fav natural deodorant and the the ONLY one that keeps me smelling nice, even after 24 hrs of yoga, rock climbing, and other activities. And they now have a stick!! So you don’t have to apply it with your fingers anymore. 🙂

  64. T says:

    I was using Lavalin roll on which I did like & it worked fairly well. I didn’t really like how wet it was though. I switched to it from Mitchum & had a week or 2 of sweating extra getting used to not having the antiperspirant but after that no problems with it at all!

    Now I am using Ava Anderson stick deodorant because it does not have “fragrance” in it like Lavalin does. I like that it goes on dry, the smell isn’t the greatest but I don’t mind it, kind of peppermint mixed with earthy, and per the ingredient list is free of toxic ingredients. And it works! I think I will keep using it.

  65. Lucy Moore says:

    Hey, great review. 🙂 I really love your videos. Definitely going to try out some of these.

  66. asdf says:

    That is a good tip especially to those fresh to the blogosphere.

    Simple but very accurate information… Thanks for sharing this
    one. A must read post!

  67. Samantha Jordan says:

    I just switched to Native Deodorant. It’s fantastic. All the ingredients are listed right on the website so it’s really clear that it’s aluminum-free, etc. It also works so well. I never feel like I smell anymore.

    Check it out here:

  68. Dalia says:

    Using Tom’s extra Strengeth -so far No P. U.
    What does that stand fo anyways?
    Know that Parabens are carinovenic!
    & Methylparaben is as dangerous

  69. Toms is my old time favourite!

  70. Genevieve Johnson says:

    Natural Deodorants don’t work!!!! Seriously I have tried them all at a great expense and I don’t understand how we can put man on the moon but can not create a deodorant that doesn’t poison us and works at the same time. If it wasn’t for Rocky Mountain Botanical’s All Natural Deodorant I seriously would have lost my mind. Don’t even waste your time. You have to order it on line but I order in multiples and a small jar lasts you a month easy.

  71. Ben Blue says:

    I’ve been using Schmidts Deodorant for the past half a year. Love it. It works much better than conventional deodorant. It is also safe and natural, so i let my kid use it too!

  72. Thank you for writing this very informative article about Natural deodorant. Healing Herbs By Rene’ Mystic Moon Natural Organic aluminum free deodorants, have been a lifesaver for our friends & family. They are available @

  73. Jenny says:

    Like some others I make my own which is similar to Soapwalla. It is so simple and works incredibly well. Coconut Oil, Shea Butter, Cornflour, Bicarbonate of Soda and a couple of drops of essential Oil. Heat, mix and cool. That’s it.

  74. Karen Carter says:

    I have been using Body crystals for at least 20 years. During this time i have tried other natural deodorants such as sprays and roll-ons but always return to the body crystals, they work really great for me.

  75. Coilies says:

    Too many natural deodorants contain baking soda that can irritate sensitive skin and/or are pricey. I have my own formulation in the form of a natural deodrant bar

  76. Baas says:

    Talc is also very nice! I always want that one.

  77. Fruyt says:

    Nice review! Thanks for sharing. My personal favourite is Toms!

  78. Mandy Stern says:

    I’ve been using the Soapwalla deoderant for many times. Soapwalla’s deodorant cream is effective at absorbing moisture I love it so much!

  79. Tam says:

    This is great info as I have been testing products out not only for myself but for my daughters who are getting to that age of needing it. My daughters are in multiple sports and in general we are a very active family. I got samples from Primal Paste, Bella Organics and then purchased the Crystal Essence. I bought these right before we did our backpacking trip to Yosemite as I felt what a great way to test them out. They were all great and offered pleasant smells. So far Bella Organics has been the one that has continued to be used and favorite. It is a cream which was strange at first but now it doesn’t even cross my mind. There are so many DIY recipes out there, but I haven’t tried them yet. Maybe that can be a summer project for my girls 🙂

  80. I loved Schmidts Deodorant so much I decided to sell it in both of my hair salons.
    The main reason why I love it……. It doesn’t smell like old BO
    Like the roll on’s do.

  81. Jill says:

    Routine Deodorcream. 2014 Organic Beauty Talk Award. AMAZING product. TOTALLY works.

  82. David Lee says:

    Kim i use the Thai stone and it works 100% but I am still not convinced that the mineral salts are 100% safe. The main ingredient listed is Mineral Salts of Ammonium Alum. Sounds like aluminium to me and I’ve no wish to bring on a degenerative disease by absorbing unwanted chemicals. Natural it may be but is it safe?

  83. Marilyn says:

    You are adorable Kris Carr! I’ve been using the first one for years, it’s great. Thanks for the fun video!

  84. Darlene Turner says:

    You must include Primal Pit Paste!! It is by far the best, I tried so many before I found this gem, it is a must try!!

  85. Rachael says:

    Bubble and Bee organic Pit Putty, comes in stick, cream (my personal favorite) and coordinating body spray. Nothing toxic in their products ever!

  86. Helen says:

    Hi there, I just read your post on deodorant and I would love to send you a sample of mine. My products are sold at the Ottawa Integrative Cancer Centre , I also have a lot of Naturopathic Doctors that use my deodorant. Please let me know if you would like a sample! Thank you for your time!!

  87. Cassandra says:

    We use the deodorant stone and LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! I always check things on the EWG and am sooo glad to have the app too so I can check when I’m shopping if I find something new. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  88. lourdes Dunn says:

    try Ava anderson smells like chocolate and mint. Amazing organic and only essential oils. I tried many and normally needed to re-apply at least two times a day but not with this one and I live in Texas !!
    get it here:

  89. Mj says:

    You didnt review bubble and bee! Theirpit putty is the best 🙂

  90. Juliana says:

    Hi ladies! The best aluminum free deo I have used is In Love With Bodycare’s. I am a very active lady and quality ingredients that pack a punch are a must. Scents are amazing and B.O is eliminated. So impressed with this brand’s products and their dedication to health and natural beauty. Check them out! You won’t be disappointed!

  91. Juliana says:

    Check out In Love With Bodycare’s deodorants. They are my absolute favorite and have lovely scents and quality ingredients. They keep odor away and with no aluminum make underarms and body healthier. With an active lifestyle this is a must. Highly recommend!

  92. Juliana says:

    So impressed with In Love With Bodycare’s deodorants. Amazing scents and quality ingredients that keep odor away! I have a very active lifestyle and products that work are a must have! My favorite!

  93. Annie says:

    I LOVE Bella Organics creme deodorant in Iced Lemonade. I made my own til I found this

  94. Lindsay says:

    I would love to send you a jar of The Fresh Factory probiotic deodorant base to try! It is fantastically effective, all natural and hand crafted down including the packaging 🙂 It is available in original as well as a sensitive version for those that are irritated by products containing baking soda. You can read reviews form customers here-

  95. Kathleen says:

    I think you have recommended NYX products in the past. Did you try the NYX tinted moisturizer?

  96. Melody says:

    I love Funk Butter by Oyin. Sometimes I mix with a little coconut oil. I’m usually a tough case and this works for me and other family members love it as well.

  97. Bob says:

    Recently bought Sweet brand with Shea butter and I’m impressed. It’s a deodorant stick.

  98. Denis Brezik says:

    If you are looking for the perfect logo for a womens underarm deodorant I have it.

  99. tina says:

    Is kiss my face products not good? I just bought their deodrant..I read in your blog it contains toxic ingredients???

    • Jaya says:

      Kiss my face contains Phenoxyethanol which is an damaging preservative classified as an irritant. You should try out Native Unearthed’s natural crystal deodorant instead. I think it is UK based, but they are available on amazon they have a website – which ships internationally. They are PETA approved and also allergy UK approved, so if you are looking for something natural, this is your best bet.

  100. I’m always on the look out for natural deodorant. So far I have tried most of the ones you did, including the Crystal Essence, but have never tried the cream variety. I went out and bought the Schmidt’s brand- Lavender + Sage and it is by far the BEST one ever! It keeps me dry and fresh all day:) Thanks so much!

  101. Sarah Carey says:

    Hi Kris,

    I would LOVE for you to try our natural deodorant. Can I send it to you?

    Let’s do this!

  102. My-Anh says:

    Hi Kris and everyone,

    I make my own natural deodorant with coconut oil (3 tablespoon/35g), baking soda (2 tablespoon) and all purpose starch (arrowroot, corn, tapioca… 2 tablespoon).

    You juste have to melt the coconut oil and blend it all. Let it cool in the fridge and then it’s ready to use. I put the mixture in a cupcake mould, that way it is easy to remove and use the solid deodorant. It works AMAZINGLY. It is the best deodorant I use until now.

    Everyone should give a try !


  103. My-Anh says:

    Hi Kris and everyone,

    I make my own natural deodorant with coconut oil (3 tablespoon/35g), baking soda (2 tablespoon) and all purpose starch (arrowroot, corn, tapioca… 2 tablespoon)

    You just have to melt the coconut oil and blend it all. Let’s cool it in the fridge and then it will work AMAZINGLY! I put the mixture in a cupcake mould to remove the deodorant easily.
    It is more effective than any deodorant I had until now.

    Everyone should have a try!


  104. Mary Brooks says:

    I just wanted to come back and give my review of Primal Pit Paste. A few months ago, I made a comment here that I had tried at least 15 different recos, or maybe it was on the FB thread. BUT, nothing had worked for me, nothing! Someone then popped on the thread and suggested Primal Pit paste to me. THIS STUFF IS AMAZING!!!!!!!! Very few ingredients, it smells wonderful, it goes on like a normal deodorant, and holy cow, it REALLY WORKS!!!!!! Thank you Crazy Sexy family for helping me find something finally that not only works, but it also lasts a long time. I highly recommend it. I’m currently using the stick version of Lemongrass and Thyme.

  105. Males, in particular, should not be consuming soy protein in any significant amount, let alone twice a day every day as Visalus advises.
    This isn’t the only reason that we know Vi – Salus isn’t a scam; the product is real,
    and it’s backed by real research in nutrition too.
    You must know what to choose in obtaining your goals.

  106. Hamilton Berg says:

    I have tried literally everything, because my body basically crapped out on me and anytime I used normal deodorant my armpits would burn. Enter ozone layer deodorant. one stick lasts six months and it actually keeps my bear odor away. Thank you!!!

  107. Arnab Roy Choudhury says:

    I would like to try this, I have baking soda, coconut oil and essential oils, but does the coconut oil cause an oil stain on your clothes? Also, will this help to reduce sweating to a great extent as well?

    • My-Anh says:

      Hi Arnab Roy Choudhury,

      I use coconut oil deodorant for a while now. It doesn’t stain clothes, all you have to do is to wipe/dry all the extra mixture you have under your armpit before putting clothes on.
      I don’t think it reduces sweat, but I do assure you that your sweat doesn’t smell at all.

  108. Kacey says:

    I’ve been using natural deodorant for over 20 years and I’ve tried them all. I always had issues with everything I tried where I’d still get wet and stinky by mid afternoon. Summertime – forget it. Then I found Verefina and their natural deodorant cream and it changed my world. I put a little bit on in the morning and I stay dry all day and night and I never stink. Even in the high humidity of the East Coast in the summer. It is the best!

  109. Kristen Bradley,RD says:

    Have you tried Ava Anderson deoderant? Works like a charm….I work do alot of HIIT, spin, distance running and sweat a great deal. I am integrative RD who sticks to a clean lifestyle and this deodetant is not leaving me stick or skinky 🙂

  110. Barbara says:

    Tom’s of Maine is working fine for me. I am older, past menopause, and have a different ph balance and perhaps that’s why it works for me and not so much for a younger more active, fertile woman. I am trying to find Tom’s of Maine Flouride Free Tooth Paste. I used it when I lived in Los Angeles but have not been able to find it in Northern California.

  111. I absolutely have fallen in love with this Deodorant from Healthy Home. I just wished you could have tested it!

  112. Megan says:

    The crystal deodorant actually do have aluminum in them. Potassium alum contains aluminum…just FYI.
    Notice the crystal deodorants say they are free of “specific” aluminums.

  113. Dean DeWulf says:

    Hi Kris! I’m with a company called Silver Botanicals. We make natural personal and household hygiene product using colloidal silver, essential oils, and other all-natural ingredients. Our deodorant, Silver Shield Deodorant, works really well and does not contain any aluminum. I was wondering if you would be interested in reviewing our deodorant. We would be happy to send you free evaluation products and would be happy to speak with you about any questions you may have.

  114. Zachary Murphy says:

    They sell a few organic and all natural products. All I’ve tried are amazing. I ran the gamut trying find a good natural and these guys are hands down the best I’ve tried.

  115. Toto says:

    Just because it’s natural doesn’t mean special for you. Mineral salt a.k.a ammonium alum. Say aluminum is not good for you.

  116. chris says:

    hello –
    can you please tell me where to find the cute baseball t-shirt you are wearing with the pink chick on it?
    I’ve also enjoyed reading and watching your blog info. — thanks for sharing all the tips and recipes – your story is inspiring and beautiful.

  117. Christine says:

    I absolutely recommend purebodyscent products… I love the scents of these deodorants and they work extremely well at keeping odors away.

  118. Jenny says:

    You are so funny & real! 🙂 I love it!

    I was happy to see this because I have yet to find the deoderant of my dreams. 🙂 I’m going to check out the Soapwalla cream, though. Fingers crossed — no more stinky pits! 🙂

  119. Great post Kris. Yes it is so important to wear natural deodorant. My two favorites are
    PItPowder by MuddyH2O 100% natural ingredients good enough to eat
    Lavilin Bio Balance, you put it on once every 3-7 days.
    If you have been using antiperspirant or deodorants full of chemicals I believe you have to let that detox out of your body for a week before any natural deodorant will work for you.

  120. Kim says:

    You should add Primal Pit Paste to your list. It actually works, too. I used to use clinical strength deoderant. I tried many natural deoderants and most of them don’t work. Thanks Kris for reviewing deoderants for us. It is one of the more difficult things to go natural on. I tried many times and gave up until a friend talked me into trying Primal Pit Paste. My husband likes it too.

  121. joyce patlyek says:

    i use this kris and it works good at the end of the day i notice a little smell but while i work I’m good, thanks for the info

    Have one to sell? Sell it yourself

  122. Hi Kris!

    Have you heard about MyCoCreations All Natural and Organic Cream based deodorant? If not you should definitely check it out! It is quickly becoming the top go to natural deodorant because of the pure ingredients and unique and amazing scent blends like White Chocolate, Lemony Meringue, Africa Smiles and Nilla Mint. I’d love to offer you a Mini to try out 🙂

  123. Amanda says:

    I’ve also tried so many natural deodorant’s without much luck. I’ve heard really great things about Soapwalla, it’s next on my deodorant Hit List!! I did get a really bad rash from a Tom’s of Maine deodorant, all of the skin on my armpit was peeling (ew!) It’s probably because i applied it five times a day to stay fresh. I emailed customer service and they sent me one for sensitive skin, I thought that was awesome! Unfortunately….it didn’t keep me feeling fresh. Love Tom’s toothpaste though!!

  124. Brittany says:

    Hey Kris! First off, I want to say that I LOVE what you do. Your mission and message is so inspiring and needed, and I fully support everything you stand for.

    As a fan and a student of biological and chemical science, I do have to admit, part of this video irks me a little bit. There seems to be this overwhelming misunderstanding that all chemicals, especially ones with fancy-difficult-to-pronounce names, are toxins. This is very, very false!! The human body is MADE of chemicals. The word chemical=/= the word toxin. It is very misleading for you to read the list of ingredients on the back of the deodorant, butchering the chemical names to make the point that chemicals are unnatural and unsafe. This couldn’t be farther from the truth. Chemists have systematic names for ALL molecules. This is what ensures that they can discuss things with clarity. For example, the chemical name of GLUCOSE, the all natural fuel for all living things, is (2R,3S,4R,5R)-2,3,4,5,6-pentahydroxyhexanol!

    I don’t expect that you go research every single name and determine which chemicals are safe and which ones might be synthetic (as of course, you are right, some of the synthetic ones can be harmful). I just think that it is hurtful and misleading to your audience to imply that any thing with a chemical name is dangerous.

    Anyway, just had to get that message out there. Like I said, LOVE what you do and still would recommend you to anybody. Thanks for being awesome!

  125. Kelsey says:

    Funk Butter by Oyin! I’ve been testing the waters of Natural deodorants lately and I’ve had OK luck with Tom’s, but it sort of had an odd powder smell that became more odd when I started to sweat. So I just tried Funk Butter, and it’s great! I definitely felt the need to mention it. Ingredients : baking soda, cornstarch, shea butter, coconut oil, sunflower oil, olive oil, kaolin clay, calendula & chamomile powders, fragrance. It really works for me, although everyone’s body chemistry is different.

  126. Paula says:

    I started mixing up a small amount of non-aluminum baking soda with coconut oil to a paste consistency and occasionally I add a couple drops of pure essential oil for smell. It works like a dream especially after the mixture has time to really emulsify. There is a local company here in Hawaii making a similar paste called Pits similar to what was described in the Primal Pit Paste. But I have found that my mix has better results – no body odor after a longer period of time.

  127. denise says:

    hi crayzy sexy kriss! i dint use desodorants , since a year at least and my sweat doesnt smell, in case it smell i just take a swower and is ok!!!!!! hugs!!;)

  128. Amelia Eason says:

    Hi! Have you tried or heard of alba botanica? I would like to know what you think of this deodorant! Thanks!

  129. Diane says:

    I’ve been using PureBodyScent deodorant for about 6 months now and I have to say that this is one of the best deodorants that I’ve every tried. Totally free of all the toxic ingredients and zero hydrogenated oils. Very nice scents and works extremely well. 😉

  130. I’ve been making my own deodorant for 5 years now and making it for family and friends. it works so well I’ve started making it for other people. I named it after the man who invented deodorant, Ziryab, I will send a free sample to anyone who emails me with “kriscarr’s search for the best deodorant” in the subject line. Write or check me out at my site called simply Ziryabs. brenda at ziryabs dot com

  131. Hello dear, really love your blog Kris especially when you post it with a video that could help us understand more every details that you recommended.

  132. Kim Loftis says:

    How long did you test these? How much time ‘off’ did you take in-between?

  133. Jane says:

    I find that milk of magnesia works well for eliminating the bo smell that some other natural deodorants just masks. Any thoughts on this?

  134. Jane says:

    As a full time musician I am constantly sweating every night. The sweat I’m use to but it’s the smell of b.o. that seeps through the natural deodorant that I use.

  135. Tiffany says:

    I love the deodorants from North Coast Organics. I’ve tried many brands and they are the best. Just check out the ingredients. Great company. 🙂

  136. Check out Carefree Organics Prime Protection. I have been using this for a few months now. Its organic and aluminum free. The thing I like about it is that it lasts all day long, even at the gym. Here is their link:!/~/product/category=4747006&id=24359922

  137. kehinde says:

    Great post, loaded with useful info. Thanks for sharing.

  138. I superbly adore everything you write here Kris, plus the cool video that you really took time to share with us here. Everybody really needs to know such details about natural deodorant or Deodorant Alternatives information as vivid as yours here. Like me, I’m such a fan of yours lately since I’m quite new here in your blog, but been gathering similar details regarding deodorant alternatives too here.

  139. Zach says:

    My wife started making deodorant and soap for our family which spread to friends and coworkers. Everyone loved them so we decided to start our own business. She makes everything out of our kitchen. Her soaps and candles were recently picked up at a large garden center in Norther Virginia. I’ve been using the deodorant for almost two years. Im an active person and I love it.

  140. Amanda says:

    Primal Pit Paste is AMAZING!

  141. Norma Wilson says:

    I use Crystal Essence roll on and LOVE it!! Why do you rate it with a “3” moderate hazard?? Tried Tom’s first and it rashed me up pretty good. CE does not.

  142. Paula says:

    LOVE LOVE LOVE this and it’s totally me! Like you, I rarely use deoderant, but when I do I use a natural one. The ‘guest’ at the end is the bomb…love when the mini tramp breaks. Did your husband volunteer to be in the bear suit!? 🙂

  143. Becky Enoch says:

    The best deodorant for me and my husband is one that I make myself! I have tried most of the others and even Tom’s didn’t work for me, so I mixed up 1/4 cup of baking soda, 1/4 cup non GMO corn starch, and 1/4 cup Organic coconut oil.This has worked really well for us!

  144. Nancy Kleban says:

    My favorites, for purity and effectiveness: Mama Bear’s deodorant (, Herbal Magic Roll-On Deodorant by Home Health.

  145. Debbie says:

    I have bad reactions to baking soda so it’s VERY hard for me to find something natural that works! The best ones I’ve found are handmade! Go on and search natural deodorants – there are tons in all different scents and varieties! I even found tons without baking soda

  146. Jennifer says:

    I have tried tons of natural deodorants, and I had for the longest time just went without. (that can be dicey, really) I finally had one that even could combat the odorific pregnancy B.O.!
    Sumbody Be Fresh Deodorant is the BEST!!! They just started making a Be Fresh pads that is even better than the spray.
    Basic ingredients Witch hazel distillate, aloe vera juice, mineral salts, grape alcohol and essential oils! Whoop!

  147. Alison says:

    I really appreciate this post. I started to attempt to eliminate chemical deodorants 3 years ago, but I was plagued with ‘stinky pit syndrome’. Natural deodorants didn’t work at all! I’m definitely going to try the Crystal Essence (I’m always up for something new)….but I would also like to recommend one, too. This year I found Crawford Street Natural’s, Lemon Cream Deodorant, and it’s off-the-charts amazing! No more stinky pit syndrome!

  148. Pamela says:

    I have tried every organic deodorant out there, including the many recipes for homemade ones. My problem is that I am going through menopause and I would have to change about four times a day due to hot sweats. I never have to change when I use an anti-perspirant, but I know there are health risks with these. Any recommendations for deodorants specifically targeted at someone going through menopause?

  149. Doris says:

    The deodorant article was great. Do you have ideas on makeup? The least toxic, etc. you certainly always look lovely. Thanks.

  150. Wendy Rosenthal says:

    Hi Kris,

    Loooooove the grizzly bear!!!! thank you so much for the great info of natural healthier deodorant, antiperspirant choices. Though there seems to be more healthier deodorant options, I want to know if anyone has recommendations of good antiperspirants. Most products offer both: deodorant/antiperspirant, or just deodorant, but I’ve seen little of antiperspirant and that is my main concern, sweat.
    Thanks a lot!!!

  151. Jonathan says:

    Based on the column and the video, I bought Herban Cowboy and I love it! Thanks, Kris…

  152. I had tried almost all of the ones you tested with the exception of the Crystal Essence, which I promptly bought and i LOVE it! The best deodorant I have tried. Thanks for the run-down and suggestions!

  153. Marlene says:

    I use baking soda dusted on with a powder puff…two months now and working great.

  154. Joy says:

    I love your blog! Thank you for all the great information too! I have very sensitive skin and have had a tough time finding a natural deodorant that actually works without irritating my skin. I tried some big natural brands, but they always irritated my skin and the ingredients weren’t the best. I used bubble and bee for a while, but their pit putty just wasn’t deodorizing enough for all day. I finally found a natural deodorant that really works and doesn’t irritate my skin. It’s face naturals.

  155. Marianne says:

    Kris, you are one funny cat. Thanks for the honest review! By the way, your dog in the video made my day!

  156. Elizabeth says:

    I have tried many so-called natural deodorants. Even though some are safe in their ingredients, most either irritated or frankly did not deodorize me. The best I had found lasted about two hours… not acceptable. Then I tried Soapwalla. I said “that’s it!” My search is over for a safe deodorant that eliminates the odor and does not irritate my sensitive skin. Thank you, Rachel Winard, Soapwalla Chef!!!!

  157. Reeta says:

    Loved it!! My first time commenting here. I once heard someone very wise say that the best deo ever is a low-fat diet!!

  158. Annie says:

    I used nourish, it so doesn’t work. I use toms lavender now and it works ok.

  159. Nina says:

    Hi Kris,

    I too spent years searching and trying. A couple of years ago I found this french deo: Acorelle Fresh Care Deodorant and never looked back. I buy it from a local webshop here in Norway, you can probably google it to find an english site selling it. Your video was great, by the way!

  160. Christine Koenig says:

    I checked out your rating to see if the Thai Crystal I’ve been using for as long as I can remember passed the test….it did with flying colors! Thanks….I shared this on FB.

  161. Charlotte says:

    I too make my own deodorant (my underarms were raw!). The ingredients are: organic coconut oil, 100 % pure beeswax,aluminum free baking powder, cornstarch (could not find arrowroot flour/powder), vitamin E capsules, a little heat and 10 minutes in the freezer to solidify it. It smells great, it is inexpensive to make, and best of all, it works!

  162. Liesha says:

    Just came across this article. My husband got a chemical burn on his armpit from using Old Spice deodorant. It’s horrible! He’s on medication for it, but it’s really painful for him. I don’t use scented products like that, and I use Toms of Maine (he doesn’t listen to me, and thinks I’m crazy). Unfortunately, it was a very painful lesson for him to learn.

  163. Laura says:

    My search for a natural deorderant that works is over. I bought the Herban cowboy. It works great, I love it. Thanks

  164. Emma Mead says:


    I just wanted to extend my thanks to you for being such an inspiring health hero.

    Last year I was diagnosed with breast cancer, and initially vanity led me to improving my health. I had seen my husband go through chemotherapy following his diagnosis with bowel cancer back in 2008 (his story is summarised in an article he did recently to raise awareness and I had seen the impact it had and how it had aged him. I didn’t want to accelerate my ageing as a result of my treatment – I wish I could tell you I was motivated by more than just a few wrinkles initially, but I wouldn’t be being honest if I did. So I ordered a copy of a book I had bought for a friend previously “Stop aging, start living”. Just 30 pages in and I came across the details of Otto Warburg’s Nobel Prize and just how significant an acid environment was to allowing cancers cells to thrive. It was one of those lightbulb moments. There I was unwittingly creating an environment that was helping cancer cells to thrive and in doing so also ageing all my cells & organs including my skin. That book opened my eyes and led me too ‘Anticancer a new way of life’. These two books were key in helping me improve my health while undergoing treatment

    The next big leap came when I finished my chemotherapy and I was inspired by a poster on the wall of the Pilates Studio where I had started to go weekly during my treatment. Again it was vanity that gave me the next boost to my health the poster said “in 10 sessions you will feel the difference, in 20 you will see the difference and in 30 you will have a whole new body”. So I decided that I would sign up for the Studio Pilates Boot Camp programme which was a four week programme where you attended a minimum of two classes a week as well as received a healthy eating plan. The element that was the most significant for me was the support of fellow participants where we shared ideas and encouragement at classes and via a private Facebook group and it was there that I first heard about Hungry for Change.

    Watching that programme I was particularly inspired by your story and the information you provided leapt me to the next level and fuelled my desire to really become a ‘health detective’ so that I can make informed choices about my lifestyle and enjoy the ride of life surrounded by the people that matter to me. So I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you

    I am in part trying to do a little to share what I have learned with others. Initially it started as an idea to spread a little love in the countdown to Christmas by sending my immediate family a little ‘food for thought’ each week, a Christmas Countdown to Health. I mentioned it to a couple of friends and they also wanted a copy so I have now started a blog. Hopefully I can then ‘play it forward’ and help others (albeit on a very small scale) and whilst I can only aspire to be as inspirational as you I hope that I can play my part

    So just wanted to thank you, without you I wouldn’t have learned all that I have and my health and that of my family and friends would not be benefiting as it is now.

  165. Eleanor says:

    thank you for that comparison. I have been a vegetarian for 15 years and now am 90% raw and I haven’t bought or used deodorant or anti perspirant for that long. I teach exercise classes and I may perspire a little but no odor. That was one of the first things I realized after changing my diet and then I became extremely aware of the marketing schemes, etc. I loved the little video of your research to see if you perspired with being chased by a bear. LOL.
    Take care and keep up the great inspiration.

  166. mary says:

    Thanks Kris~ My 32 year old daughter shared you with me and I’m loving it! I enjoyed your testing of the healthy choices in deodorant VS aluminum oldtimers. Thai Crystal should endorse your web site! I thought the bear was a gorilla…silly me!

  167. Marissa says:

    Kris Carr, you are so cute and fun! Love you!!!

  168. Mari says:

    I got the Soapwalla Deodorant Cream as a freebie and I love it – it smells great and works and it’s not weird to put cream in your pits, who knew?! It’s also good to know it has a 0 rating from EWG and of course 3 Unicorns!

  169. Nancy Jezior says:

    Hi Kris…I found the most awesome 100% natural deodorant and I love it! It’s called Pit Powder by MuddyH2O. We started up a vegan food truck in Northern Virginia (The Randy Radish) this past April and the Pit Powder kept us sweet smelling even through the hot summer months.

  170. Hannah says:

    I use Mukti organics deodorant. I have also used moogoo in the past. Moogoo is lovely smelling and very smooth but not strong enough for me as I run approx 40 km per week. Mukti is long lasting! These are both produced and available in Australia ! Great post!

  171. Berdell says:

    I have realy enjoyed using Thai Crystal and a natural deodorant that I get from Vita Cost on line with almond oil.

  172. Sasha says:

    Dear Kris,

    Thanks so much for this great post! I too was on the hunt for the best natural deodorant as I also think it’s creepy that antiperspirants stop you from sweating (an important natural biological process!). My favorite brand is herbal magic roll-on. I wrote an article about it a few months back to share the natural stink-free love.

    Peace and blessings to you!

  173. Kim Reis says:

    I use an alcohol based hand sanitizer. I heard about it somwhere. The Good News is it WORKS. I just slap it on my arm pits every morning and no perspiration or odor.
    It’s crazy how well it works. Kim

  174. Stephanie says:

    Great information and a fun video! I am going to share this with my 13 yr old daughter and get her started on the right track with a more natural deodorant.

    • Hi Stephanie! My girlfriend just switched her tween over to our deodorant (Real Purity Roll-on) and now she swears up and down they’ll never go back. Organic, over 350 5 star reviews (and we’re carried throughout midwest Whole Foods stores), unisex, fragrance free and good for any age. If you want a few free samples of deo for you and/or her please let me know! More than happy to send you guys a few – becoming a full fledged teen is hard enough without smelling all the time! 🙂

  175. Cindy says:

    I love, love, love Crystal Essence Lavender and/or Pomegranet. I’ve used the Crystal Stick and also like it very much!! In fact, when I switched to the crystal, I was very skeptical since I have fought armpit odor for years with varying success. I can honestly say that both of these products are the only things that truly stopped armpit odor for me. Of course, I still sweat, but that’s ok with me as long as I don’t stink.

  176. As in the comment below I also use “Purely Great” deodorant, I order the citrus scent, smells great. There are choices for men, women or teens. Comes unscented or in citrus, lavender or patchouli. A small on-line Canadian Company with a wonderfully simple and effective product. All they sell is this deodorant. It is the only natural deodorant I use and trust.

    Natural Baking Soda (organic)
    Corn Starch (non GMO)
    Vegetable Glycerine (organic)

    Essential Oils

    Benefits of Ingredients:
    Natural Soda – neutralizes odour
    Corn Starch – absorbs odour
    Essential Oils – antibacterial

  177. Take A Whiff! 100% natural deodorant is the BEST!! It smells like a creamcicle!!

  178. camela says:

    I have tried many natural deodorants and all but one haven’t passed the test. I’m a runner and typically I run after work, so I already have a full work day under my belt. One application a day (in the am, after a shower) of Schmidt’s and I am set. Try it. Amazing!

  179. Carolyn says:

    I’ve been using Desert Essence Natural Roll-On Deodorant With Organic Tea Tree Oil and Organic Lavender for several years. It works great for me; it goes on just a bit wet, but dries quickly. It’s not listed on EWG’s site, but I think the ingredients are fairly pure.

    I tried rock deodorants in various forms and they all worked well at controlling odor, but would cause my itching in my pits within a few days, so I was forced to find something else and DE’s roll-on is the answer for me.

  180. Leslie Lax says:

    Fabulous Kris !! You take any subject and make it funny and interesting. I am sharing this with my daughters and some friends that I think will be receptive. So many people don’t want to hear about things involving healthy living. I don’t understand it. My family doesn’t always want to hear it either. I wish I knew how to get them to believe in taking a stand for their health. I can’t think of anything more important !! Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge. You are a very special lady !!

  181. Diane Lambropoulos says:

    Hi Kris,
    I have had BO problems since adolescence. I have read about using bicarb soda but never tried it.
    Until about 3 months ago, when I finally tried it and I now swear by it.
    It actually works. I put the bicarb in a salt/cocoa shaker and shake it on my dry hand before rubbing in to armpits.
    It works and I love the cost too 🙂

  182. drew says:

    another option could be to make your own! is a good recipe.
    her site lists the instructions.

    She used it on her wedding day!

    Her listing of Ingredients:
    2.5 Tablespoons unrefined coconut oil, melted
    2 Tablespoons baking soda
    2 Tablespoons cornstarch OR arrowroot powder* (cornstarch could be irritating to some)
    10 drops essential oil (optional, but it will smell nicer this way)**

    the only thing she doesnt mention that one could consider is to use all natural, organic ingredients. Bob’s Red Mill Baking Soda is one example.

  183. Erin says:

    I thought that was a gorilla in the video! LOL! I’ve been using crystal stones for the past year now! Love them!

  184. berkeleybaby says:

    Lola going crqzy!! 🙂

  185. Allison Lunn says:

    I love the Miessence aroma free deodorant. Im really surprised it wasn’t in the top 10. I’ve tried some of the others and this is my favorite.

  186. Pablo says:

    Thanks Kris,

    The video ending was indeed funny!

    Hope you are well.

  187. Ana says:

    LOVE LOVE LOVE Bubble and Bee’s Super Pit Putty Organic Deodorant!!

    • Sarah says:

      I was wondering if anyone was going to say Bubble and Bee… I use their pit putty cream and it really works! I saw a lot of people mention primal pit paste, that didn’t work for me because it really irritated my pits!

  188. Anne Engle says:

    Hey Kris,
    I was wondering if you had heard of or tried any of the products by Ava Anderson? They are completely non-toxic. She has a deodorant as well. Ingredients of the deodorant are: organic coconut oil, organic beeswax, organic shea butter, organic cocoa butter, aluminum free baking soda, organic arrowroot powder, organic tea tree oil and organic peppermint oil. That’s it! Oh, and none of the products are tested on animals either. You should definitely try them 🙂

  189. Ina Kropf says:

    Ava Anderson deodorant is ALL NATURAL! Deodorant 2.65 oz – Set of 2
    Item #: DO02
    Deodorant 2.65 oz – Set of 2
    Ingredients: organic coconut oil, organic beeswax, organic shea butter, organic cocoa butter, aluminum free baking soda, organic arrowroot powder, organic tea tree essential oil, organic peppermint essential oil. It is the BEST!!!

  190. Stormy says:

    I have been an excessive sweater since puberty. No deodorant/antiperspirant ever worked well for me. Even when they finally came out with super duper clinical strength, I would sometimes stink through it.

    Real Purity Deodorant doesn’t stop wetness, but even at near 100 degree days with high humidity I smelled ok. I have been using the product for about 3 years now and will never switch back.

    Purified Water, Organic Kosher Vegetable Glycerin, Organic Aloe, Organic Pure Grapefruit Essential Oil, Organic Pure Olive Leaf Extract, Vitamin E (Mixed Tocpherols), Organic Pure Sandalwood Essential Oil, Organic Pure Lavendar Essential Oil, Organic Pure Grape Seed Oil, Organic Pure Rosemary Essential Oil, Organic Pure Geranium Essential Oil, Organic Pure Sage Essential Oil, Organic Pure Rosewood Essential Oil, Cleavers Extract, Organic Pure Apricot Oil, (Minerals – Magnesium & Potassium).

    • Hi Stormy, my name is Rachael Pfenninger, and I’m Real Purity’s Marketing VP. Thank you so much for being so loyal to us and mentioning us here!! Have you tried the travel-size of the Roll-On yet? If not let me know and I will send you one 🙂 Thank you again Stormy!!

  191. Debra Metler says:

    Hi Kris
    I’ve done a lot of research on deodorants which led me to invent my own vegan, really toxin-free deodorant: SWEET! last year (which is now selling across the country). I’ve learned that potassium alum and “natural mineral salts” are actually aluminum and are the basis for many of the crystal deodorants out there including Crystal Essence Roll-On which tops your list. I wish you had tried my SWEET! deodorants which my customers love and are truly toxin-free.

  192. Kelly says:

    I have used natural deodorants for as long as I can remember. I’ve tried all of the brands out there and I’ve also experimented with making my own deodorant at home. While I have had positive experiences with a few different deodorants, Lavilin has always been the best. On almost every metric that is important to me, Lavilin beats out the competition: Great for sensitive skin, lasts up to 7 days, and it smells fantastic. Could not be happier and would recommend it to absolutely everyone!

    See them reviewed here:

  193. ZuZu says:

    I’ve used Desert Essence Dry By Nature or Tea Tree & Lavender deodorant for years now, it’s my favorite. It doesn’t stop sweat but it stops most odor and doesn’t feel sticky or leave white marks.

  194. Devon says:

    Wish I saw this a few days earlier when I almost bought the Thai Crystal Deodorant… BUT instead I did a little research and went the homemade route! My coconut oil (3tbs), baking soda (2tbs), arrowroot(2tbs), and essential lavender oil (10 drops) mixed together easily and has kept me stink free for 3 days straight! Much better than my last experience with Lush coconut deodorant powder (pee-yew!) that had to be applied several times to mask any stink. I bought myself a little glass container for storage and rub a pea sized amount of my concoction on like a cream. If you want to use it as a bar, just keep it in the fridge. You can even use your choice of essential oils; I’m going for tea tree next!

    Thanks for the knowledge Kris! Try it out; I think it will earn 4 unicorns!

    • Amy says:

      I’ve tried many over the years. I have sensitive skin, and find that many give me a rash. I live in Arizona (very hot, lots of sweat), and I started using LaVanilla a couple years ago, and it works great. Its a bit pricey, but completely worth it.

  195. Sam says:

    I haven’t found a deodorant that works for me. So I just throw some baking soda under my dry armpit, and it works awesome!

  196. ALISON BARKER says:

    Dr Organic Manuka Honey deodorant……from Holland and Barrett.; very good for skin and keeps odour at bay, more effectively than any other natural deo that I’ve tried…

  197. Kim says:

    Hi Kris,
    Thanks for this great piece! Your audience with girls might want to know about Good For You Girls Natural Deodorant. Our all natural deodorant is wonderful for girls of all ages. Girls are needing deodorant younger and many school systems are requiring it by fifth grade. More parents are looking for safe, effective solutions and we are happy to be here for them.
    Kim – Owner Good For You Girls

  198. Sharon says:

    I have tried national natural brands before with disastrous results. Tried Canadian made Clayburn Comfort Soaps deodorant for first time this summer and it was a success. Available online.
    I prefer the Rosewood scent. I wasn’t fond of the Lemongrass scent and neither was DH and I was the one wearing it. Yikes!

  199. jay says:

    Have you checked out Duggan Sisters natural deodorant? Check out their website. I found the product to be excellent and have been using it for a while.

  200. Kris Carr says:

    What an incredible response! I love your suggestions and insights. Thanks so much everyone!!!! xo

  201. Beth says:

    The EWG Ranking is a 3 on the deodorant you recommend which is moderately hazardous. Should we be concerned with that ranking?

  202. You missed the best! GREENBODY has a new advanced formula is it not only detoxing & anti-aging, it is effective even WITHOUT baking soda(though we offer it with the option as well) best of all it is a stick!

    I am positive it will top your list, willing to send a free tube to prove it!

  203. Sherry says:

    There are only two so called natural deodarant products in Walmart Toms and the Crystal rock,..neither do an effective job on body odor…Havent had any good results with these two had to resort back to the chemical ones

  204. Heidi Torres says:

    I use Real Purity deoderant, it works very well and does not have harmful chemicals.

  205. Tom says:

    GREAT information, and from everybody who posted replies as well–HOT topic~! Please, Kris, can you direct your health radar to shampoo next time..? I HATE the gloppy, goopy, slatherly, chemically MESS that we all get to buy. Is there any preferred natural products out there? And, I’ll bet all these fine folks weighing in have a lot of experience there as well to share.

    Besides, you can get one of those backyard slides and have a lot of food lathering up the gorilla and slip-sliding around your backyard with the dog~!

  206. Dana says:

    I just recently started using Primal Pit Paste, horrible (and kind of fun) name, but thought you might like to know about it. It’s working so far and two of my coworkers like it as well!

  207. Wonderful post! It is great to see a head-to-head deodorant battle…and it is great to have some helpful information about deodorants and antiperspirants. It is also great that Herban Cowboy came out on top, cause I LOVE their stuff (Forest is my favorite). Thanks for doing this! You might want to check out North Coast Organics as well ( While they are relatively new they make a kick ass line of deodorants (Revolver and Death by Lavender).

    Thanks again!

  208. Jana says:

    I love Lavanila but might try a couple of these items. Never know what you’re missing out on.

  209. Nicole says:

    Kris! Loved the video, too cute! I haven’t tried any of the others besides Tom’s of Maine and I agree that it just isn’t right for me! I love Kiss my Face stick deodorants myself (peaceful patchouli)! Can’t thank you enough for getting the message out!!

  210. Elisa Lionne says:

    I love this topic! 😀 Thank you for testing these products and for the list of questionable ingredients.
    Oh and of course I love the unicorn ranking system 😉
    Thanks Kris! xx

  211. Mary Landry says:

    Hi, Kris

    Thanks for your great piece on ‘Natural Deodorant Smackdown’. Great information. As someone who has also spent A LOT of time investigating these products and many others for chemical nasties, I have tried my fair share. I don’t think the Miessence Roll on got a fair shake since the others you chose had ‘scent’. Most of the aroma-free ones I have used also smelled blah. I have used the Tahitian Breeze and Ancient Spice from Miessence and both my husband and I love them both. We are super active and it holds up, plus it is certified organic. This company delivers and deserves a fair review.

  212. Betty says:

    I love Salubritas! It is the ONLY one I’ve found that I am 100% confident using! My hubby uses Bubble and Bee – works awesome for him!! 🙂

  213. Amie says:

    Thank you for all these great suggestions!! I’ve been using Toms and it works…most of the time, but I’d love to find something that works…all of the time. I’m absolutely going to try some of these wonderful suggestions. 🙂

  214. Adrienne says:

    The best one I have found so far and it works for everyone I know who has tried it is Braggs Apple Cider vinegar. Dab or spray it on and the smell dissipates in minutes and keeps you dry and odor free. I have been happy with it for over a month now.

  215. Laura V says:

    Hi Kris,
    That video was great!! I just started using natural deodorant and I am loving it. I use the Norwex Crystal Deodorant. It works so much better than my old chemical kind. The crystals are sometimes supposed to take a few days before they work for you but this one worked the very first day for me. So happy to be using a natural product now!!!

  216. Carmel says:


    I am a practising pharmacist who has been researching cancer for 15 years now. All I can say is WOW..That’s how I came across your name and purchased your book, Great book by the way. Best natural deodorant: steam room. Amazing, no body odor. I realize it’s pricey and time consuming but well worth the effort. Great way to detox for cancer as well. If you have not already, please read “The PH Miracle for Cancer” by Dr.Robert Young. A must for any cancer patient. Just released but old version “The PH Miracle” is just as informative. Have a grrreat dayyy….


  217. Christel Avenhall-Harding says:

    I love Arbonne’s Pure Mint Deodorant 🙂 It’s certified Vegan and formulated without Gluten. And it’s aluminum-free, paraben-free and instead full with goodies like lemongrass and ginger. Check it out on or

    Happy day! 🙂

  218. Joanna says:

    I’m so surprised you didn’t include Primal Pit Paste! It’s great!! Works great, smells great and I believe would meet your high standard. I’d love to hear your thoughts on it. Thank you!

  219. gina says:

    I make my own. Equal parts of baking soda and arrowroot with a few drops of essential oil. Shake it up in your container and use a blush brush to apply. First I smear on a little coconut oil to my pits and the powder sticks wonderfully!!

  220. Jacqueline says:

    I tried what I’m pretty sure was ALL the natural deodorants on the market, and they ALL got a thumbs down from me 🙁

    I started making my own a few years ago, now I’ll never go back! It’s also much much cheaper!

  221. Dave M says:

    I’ve been using the Crystal Stone for Men for a while now and was totally shocked at it’s effectiveness! I saw it in the store, decided to give a try, and have not been disappointed. Ladies, share it with your men…there’s no perfume nor flowery scent.

  222. Kelly says:

    I’ve been using lime juice as deodorant for some time now. It definitely works for awhile. For most typical days it is all I need. If I am going to be exercising or doing something where I sweat more then it wears off pretty quickly. But for me it’s the most natural deodorant option out there so I stick with it. I do have a back up natural deodorant stick for those days when I need a little bit more.

  223. Kathleen says:


    You mentioned that you you liked Herban Cowboy and it had a great smell. The bottle shows that it is unscented. Is the unscented the one you are speaking of? or another?

  224. Danna Quintana says:

    I really like, and have had much success with, Kiss My Face roll on. It’s vegan approved, goes on smooth and even and dries quickly without any residue. I use unscented because any sort of scent just messes with my mojo, but there are several scents in the roll on and solid that smell divine.

  225. Kathy says:

    Both my husband and I quit wearing deodorant many years ago and found out that we actually let our glands breathe and we have no problems at all. It just takes a few weeks to get rid of the habit and letting yourself breathe. When one has some cancer, why would we put more garbage on. And when we do not want cancer, why would we add to the chemical bucket. Just try going with out and save that money.

  226. Beth says:

    I really love how well Funk Butter works. Kept me smelling good through heat waves and hot flashes! What I don’t love is using my fingers to spread it around. Thanks for giving suggestions for new things to try.

  227. Michaela says:

    I use just plain coconut oil. It works better than any deoderant I tried before.
    It doesnt prevent the sweating but even if you sweat,no one would notice any smell. All day long 😉

  228. AbbeyGeorgia says:

    I use Crawford Street Lemon Deodorant. Hand made in Canada in small batches. AMAZING!

  229. Amanda says:

    I use a homemade deodorant, with coconut oil, baking soda, arrowroot powder, and essential oils, and I LOVE it – I will never go back to those unhealthy deodorants! It has a gritty, creamy texture, but it really works! You still sweat, but at the end of the day, you still smell “delicious.” It is SUPER cheap and one batch has lasted over a month. I don’t put it on right away if I’ve just shaved (causes a slight burning/itching sensation.) I also use it under my girls, because after having babies, they seem to perspire more than my pits! It doesn’t leave any kind of white residue; the mixture starts off solid, melts a little with friction, allowing an easy glide, and then dries somewhat powdery. Definitely worth a try (got my recipe from Crunchy Betty, one of my favorite bloggers.)

  230. Deborah L says:

    Both of the crystal salts deodorants have worked well for me in the past. However, I found that while I’m detoxing my overloaded lymphatic system and extremely high mercury level, I found that I needed more help. “Insta-Stank,” I call it. I’ve been using Adama Minerals Clay Dry and I really like it. It has plenty to kill germs, and the clay is absorbant, without being goopy. The Citrus Blossom scent is nice and fresh, but my favorite is the lavender, which is actually a nice, warm scent (with my body chemistry). Two arms up! (cause I can, without stinky pits killing my friends)

  231. Megan says:

    Thanks Kris! I just started trying deodorant again after 6 months of not using it….I know my poor coworkers. I’ve just started using Earth Science Liken Plant, it has a decent smell, seems to work ok, and doesn’t have any of those nasty chemicals in it. Not sure if you’ve heard of this one or not? I’ve also tried Tom’s but I had this horrible reaction, though it could have been the heat of Montana and Sweating a lot while hiking, but I would get really horrible rashes under my arms from it. Was wondering if you had any suggestions on other beautify products, shampoo’s conditioners, body wash, lotion? Started switching over to organic and better for me products but I’m having a hard time finding stuff I like, thank goodness for travel sizes!!!

  232. Alicia says:

    I really like Lavanilla!

  233. dave denoyer says:

    Hi Kris, I love it when a women uses words like “my stank” (lol). I just ordered the Herban Cowboy unscented stick online. I want to tell you that I appreciate your down to earth honesty and no pulling punches in all your videos. Please continue on with your kind of humor that I totally relate with and your home style integrity of putting the truth on from your experience. You are may new and most favorite person! (the wife is getting jealous). BTW, you have the greatest smile! :@) Sincerely, a new bud, Dave.

  234. Shannon says:

    I sweat like crazy, and the Thai Crystal Stone has worked wonderfully! Every other ‘natural’ deodorant I tried did nothing to mask my sweaty stinkiness. I’m extremely happy with the stone.

  235. Janice says:

    My grandmother used to use a cream deodorant and a liquid that was in a bottle like perfume (maybe it was!) back in the 70’s. They came from AVON. Thanks for that memory. I have used the stone, personally, and did find it worked well. Lately I have been using Tom’s, but it only works for a short time (less than 2 hours) and I have to re-apply. 🙁

    Thank you for searching through and putting these to the test for us!!! You are SO brave to put these to such a test. That grizzly looks so rough. 😉 Have a great day!


  236. julie says:

    I have tried all the natural deodorants, the only one that passes the test for me is Alvera aloe roll on, it works great. better than crystal or any of them. I have also noticed it takes a few months for your armpits to detox from store junk. Mine would smell, but I did not give up! now I have no odor. oh yeah, and I also wipe myself with seventh generation baby wipes before I put my Alvera on every morning. I only recomend seventh generation because they are truly natural.

  237. Lauren says:

    Thanks for this post! I have just been using Toms because it’s been the easiest and most convenient for me to get. Most days, I typically do not wear deodorant (because I forget). I have found that the Toms does wear off and I typically have to reapply, especially before my evening gym session. So thanks. Now I know some other brands to search for.

  238. Rick says:

    I have tried numerous natural and organic deodorant’s. Contrary to your evaluation Kris….and I am a sweater, Toms of Maine was the best to date. Having said that, you are partially correct, in that, you must ensure you purchase only deodorant that indicates “24 hour odor protection” on the label, otherwise it does not last long. BTW, my fav fragrance is Calendula as well!

    In addition, I would suggest due diligence before using crystal deodorant’s if you are worried about sodium intake. I believe most of them are ‘salts’?

    Keep up the great work!


  239. Mariah says:

    Oh my gosh, I was JUST about to make my own! Thank I might try these instead!

  240. Neil says:

    After years of trying a large variety of products (and spending much too much at Whole Foods for the ‘good stuff’), I’ve been successfully using baking soda for over a year and a half now. You don’t need a huge quantity and (for me) it lasts a long time. My friends no longer avoid standing close, and my wife is content…enough that she uses it too!

    Thanks for the entertaining and informative video…but until the baking soda stops working, I’ll stick with it! Keep up the great work.

    BTW, love CSK recipes.

    • julie says:

      just wanted to make sure you use aluminum free baking soda like bob’s redmill. Regular baking soda (arm & hammer) has aluminum in it. Did not know if you knew that. Wanted to make sure you were aware of that. I use bob’s redmill soda in everything.

  241. Lisa says:

    Hi Kris!
    I found the perfect deodorant. It’s called Power Prism made by a herbalist. You can purchase it from Wellinhand on line. They have a crystal rock that, well…rocks! Works better than anything I’ve tried.

    I enjoy your serious and yet light hearted approach to wellness.

    Big love!

  242. I SOOO wanted Soapwalla to work! Small company; woman owned great reviews…… makes my pits develop a HORRID rash…….every time 🙁 So – no go.

    EWG rating of 3 THREE is too high! Yikes! Wild greens stick is next I guess.

    • What you describe is most likely a reaction to the pH change from baking soda. I have been handcrafting GREENBODY pure on purpose natural deodorant since 2009 and have been developing an innovative ADVANCED formula that is effective without baking soda, and is also a detoxing & anti-aging powerhouse.

  243. Melsisa says:

    Primal pit paste it the bomb!!

    • Heather says:

      Hi there cutie! Have your tried Dirty Girl Farm? We have lots and lots of happy customers who have tried many natural deodorants that DONT work and then found ours and voila! worked the first time. Our customers also say that it stays with them for days and most people skip a day or two in between applications. Our deodorants ( and all of our products) are made with only vegan, gluten free and organic ingredients. I would love to send you some to try. Our newest, Shea Butter Formula is my fav. It’s scented with a blend of frankincense, lime and lavender which are also natural deodorizers. It is…heavenly and ultra moisturizing! Heather

  244. Hi Kris!

    I loved this video…I made my 13 year old daughter watch it with me, and she was cracking up when you “licked” the stick deodorant. LOL.

    I saw this essential oil deodorant recipe a few months ago, and I’ve been using it ever since. I love, love, LOVE it!! I use doTERRA essential oils, and I substitute their Zendocrine for the lemongrass called for in the recipe…mainly because I didn’t have lemongrass on hand.

    Girrrrrrrllllll…my pits smell SO GOOD that I regularly make family members sniff them. 😀

    Give it a try…the grizzly bear will LOVE it!


  245. Sarah says:

    Hi Kris!
    Great review! I noticed that you didn’t include the Miessence organic deodorants.
    They are made in Australia and contain absolutely NO nasties!! They come in 2 aromas or aroma-free and YES – they actually work!! I would be happy to send you a sample in the mail if you would like to try it out yourself just let me know.

    • Elizabeth Castoria says:

      Hi there Sarah,

      Whoops! Miessence has been added to Kris’ rankings chart. Thanks for noticing!

      All the best,
      Elizabeth, Managing Editor at

  246. Kelly says:

    Love, love. love the video entertaining, informative and so funny. As a building biologist I always recommend to my clients, get rid of the toxic stuff we put on our bodies, if the body needs to sweat, why are we stopping this natural process to eliminate toxins. I’m a big fan of Soapwalla Deodorant Cream and I also like Meow Meow Tweet Deodorant Cream (yes, I know interesting name!!). I also like Moo Goo and Biologika.

  247. Tasha says:

    Thanks Kris… Great topic!
    Here in Australia, I use Mukti Organics roll on deodorant, which actually works! I’ve tested quite a few & finally found this one which is really good! and its from Australia which is even better :)
    Now I need to find a nice organic chemical free perfume! I have tried so many over the last 2 years & they all smell horrid. I now just use essential oils or nothing at all, but would like to know if anyone has found a good one that actually smells nice?

  248. Sally Klingler says:

    Had to write on this because after having breast cancer I swore off all underarm products. Weary of even the good ones.
    I was at a local farmers market and the vendor was selling fantastic natural soaps and I saw her deodorant – with a pink ribbon no less. Still skeptical. But after reading what was in it I actually bought it. Key ingredient is Frankincense which she states on her website “is under serious study for it’s cancer- fighting properties.”
    I love it. I snicker a bit when first applied because it smells like high mass!

  249. Crystal Essence Roll-on with the Lavender and White Tea scent is one that works best for me along with just a regular unscented salt crystal, but I like having a nice girly scent to go along with it. And it leaves no white residue!
    I am curious about the creams though, I’ve never tried those.

  250. Natasha Scott says:

    This is awesome. And the funniest part is that as I am watching, I am like “oh ya, I know all this I switched to an AWESOME deodorant 9 years ago. But why isn’t Kris showing the deodorant that I use??”. Then I go to the bathroom and pull it out …reading the list of my awesome herbal deodorant…. propylene glycol!! Talc!!..I just didn’t know what that was before!! LOL Thank you so much…I had no idea I was putting crazy stuff on my pits. I thought I was aware and on it just cuz it didn’t have alumininum, it said Herbal, and it came from the health store. Love learning more. Thank you. I am off to find better***

  251. nancy says:

    I vote for Weleda, Sage or Rose. Well tested, I’ve used them for years. 🙂
    It’s just a little funny when people compliment you on smelling so nice, and want to know what you’re wearing……..

  252. Linda says:

    Like a few others who commented, I use baking soda as a deodorant as well. I simply put a little baking soda at the bottom of small bottle with a narrow top add water and shake up. I keep the solution in my bathroom and just shake up the bottle and apply with fingertips to my underarms after showering.

    I also use a baking soda and water solution as my shampoo. For me, I use one rounded kitchen tablespoon of baking soda to a 22 oz squeeze bottle, add water to fill the bottle, shake up and squeeze all over my wet hair. Rub in for several minutes and rinse thoroughly.

    Also, sometimes this solution can make the hair rather dry. In that case I add one drop, at the most 2 drops of tolerated oil to the bottle before adding the water and shaking up. Helps condition the hair and keep the baking soda solution from drying it out.

    After becoming allergic to almost every natural shampoo and deodorant out there, I had to find other solutions, and thankfully after a search on the internet, they were found right in my own kitchen.

  253. Samantha says:

    You are just the cutest thing ever! I love your energy 🙂 Thanks for sharing!!!!

  254. Jennifer says:

    I use and LOVE Primal Pit Paste

  255. Nancy says:

    I’ve used a few natural deodorants and I have to say that not many neutralize the odor of bacteria. I used Tom’s Lavender and the apricot and neither one protected for long, I switched to Coastal Classic Creations “Wave Crest Deodorant” which is a baking soda powder deodorant, but it burned my armpits. I then switched to Fig + Yarrow’s underarm lotion, which I liked, but I would still get the bacterial odor after x amount of hours. I am currently using “Crystal Essence Roll On, Lavender and White Tea,” so far this one is the winner. I am sure the two previous ones work well, but on other people with different body chemistry.

  256. karen thomas says:

    i use OBVITA for men-herbal formula-smells fresh and though i still sweat,it isn’t stinky.

  257. Crystal says:

    The best ‘organic for real’ deodorant is Terressentials brand. I even did a review on my blog ‘The Queens Table’ on blogspot. The EWG rating is 0! You can eat Terressential products they are so pure.

  258. Nina says:

    I have used the crystal rock for 30+ years and it has always done the job of keeping odor at bay. In tense situations, I tend to perspire quite a bit and the rock is the best in my opinion.

  259. Carolyn says:

    Hi Kris,

    After having tried several natural deodorants over the last few years, I finally found one just before this last summer and it truly worked for me, even in the 100+ degree weather! Even more pleasing is that it is all natural and organic. It is a roll-on made by Real Purity I’ve never cared for roll-on deodorants, however, this one works so well I decided to keep using it. Once it dries it is not sticky whatsoever, and I have not experienced any odor AT ALL since I started using it, even on days that I don’t apply it. Several of my friends have also tried it and say that it is the best natural deodorant they have used!

    Give it a try- you might be pleasantly surprised! 🙂

  260. Tammy says:

    Hey, I found out something really cool about using Magnesium oil. It makes my pits not smell at all. Magnesium is one of the minerals we most need to supplement. You can find it online and at most natural health and organic food stores. You can also make your own with magnesium flakes and distilled or purified water. (This is not the same magnesium as in Epsom salts.) You can find the recipe online for that too. All the info for this is at Look for the article, “How I Quit Using Deodorant with Magnesium. I don’t know how it works but I tried it and it works.

  261. Jamie says:

    Nice to know we are on the same wavelength! I am just getting ready to write a blog post on this very subject because I finally found a deodorant to rave about. Herbalix Restoratives is the brand ( and they make regular deodorant that I use in the mornings, but also a special detoxifying deodorant to use at night before bed. It is supposed to help detoxify all the leftover gunk in that very delicate area near lymph nodes, breast tissue, etc. Although totally off-topic, they also make a fabulous shampoo!

  262. melissa says:

    I love the Toms of Maine deodorant. I used Secret since I was a child and just felt like it left too much gunk under my arms. I have been reading alot about the products we put on our bodies and the chemicals they contain, so I decided it was time for a change. Its been great and I workout and run too and it has excellent protection.

  263. Katie says:

    I use Neurotically Natural on Etsy!

  264. Carolyn says:

    Hi Kris,

    After having tried several natural deodorants over the last few years, I finally found one just before this last summer and it truly worked for me, even in the 100+ degree weather! Even more pleasing is that it is all natural and organic, and it also has a very low rating of “1” by the EWG. It is a roll-on made by Real Purity I’ve never cared for roll-on deodorants, however, this one works so well I decided to keep using it. Once it dries it is not sticky whatsoever, and I have not experienced any odor AT ALL since I started using it, even on days that I don’t apply it. Several of my friends have also tried it and say that it is the best natural deodorant they have used!

    Give it a try- you might be pleasantly surprised! 🙂

  265. LYDIA says:


  266. Kshorsegirl says:

    I love the Thai crystal and have used it for years. It has no scent and while I feel it works great, I like a little wiff of fresh smelling something so I top it with Nature’s Gate Herbal Blend Deodorant in Tea Tree & Blue Cypress which is a very smooth gliding stick. It says it also has baking soda and veggie enzymes and is certified organic, cruelity free and vegan. Seems to cover all bases and lasts a long time!

  267. Clean Green Aldene says:

    I have used the Thai Crystal Deodorant Stone for years and love it. I put it on when I am still wet from the shower. I bath with a Norwex body cloth, which eliminates the need for soap and I don’t have any problems with body odor.

  268. Coatlicue says:

    I’m surprised Life Stinks didn’t make the cut. After much trial and error I found something that actually worked! I’d tried both natural and common deodorants and non were effective, my body chemistry would somehow mix with the chemicals of the deodorant and leave me with a funky smell. Now we can’t live without this stuff. And the story behind it is nice too.

  269. Paula says:

    Try Primal Pit Paste! We really like it! (I like the jar though, the stick is too hard and gritty to rub on).

  270. Shana Morris says:

    I discovered Ava Anderson Non Toxic products a year ago and loved them so much I became a consultant. Shortly after joining their team to spread the non toxic message they came out with an amazing deodorant, which rates a 0 on the ewg scale and smells amazing! I sweat a lot and have always had problems finding a deodorant that works. This is it! It cuts down on the sweating and after a long day I still don’t stink! You have to try it!

    • essaray says:

      Another one for Ava Anderson! Question, does it leave any kind of mark, oil or stain on your clothing??? Thanks!

      • Karen says:

        Every other message is from Ava Anderson. I have a feeling many of them are from the company.

        • kim anderson says:

          Hi! This is Kim, Ava’s mom and president of Ava Anderson Non Toxic – just wanted to jump in here … All of these testimonials are from customers and consultants – we have thousands of Ava Consultants across the country – and deodorant is one of our bestsellers. We supported Ava in her business to help share this information in every American home. So many just are not aware of the chemicals in products they use on their bodies and in their personal air space. As an aside – we do not share this important message of toxins in products to sell products, we created the products to share the message.

          • Jessica says:

            I just joined Ava – and I cannot wait to try the products!!! I have full confidence that I have joined an AMAZING team – that shares an AMAZING message!

        • Victoria says:

          I agree. I think the company is using this comment section to advertise their products.

  271. sandi says:

    Hi there,
    I tried a few “natural” and found out they were not safe at all. I use Ava Anderson Non Toxic, works great, smells great and is safe for everyone.

    • essaray says:

      Hmm, a lot of people seem to like Ava Anderson. I wonder, with the oils, does it come off on your clothing? I tried soaking a white tshirt today with hydrogen peroxide and it would barely soak in because of the deodorant. The pit stain didn’t come off in the wash either. Guess I should’ve soaked it longer.
      Can’t wait to detox and stop using commercial deodorant! thank you Kris, and thanks to everyone who left a comment.

  272. S says:

    Herban Cowboy’s deodorant contains Propanediol (which on EWG’s website is basically Propylene Glycol although on the lid of the deodorant there is a sticker that says No Propylene Glycol). On the back of the deodorant stick is the ingredient list and Propanediol is the first ingredient,..yet there’s also a cross symbol denoting it is “Natural/Sustainable”…yeah, right. A big lie. Definitely not a “natural” product. I won’t be purchasing anymore of their products.

    • Karen says:

      Thanks for letting us know about this. I’ve noticed a lot of natural deodorants have iffy ingredients. So Herban Cowboy and Crystal Essence are now off my list. I hep Kris is reading this!!!

  273. Rindy says:

    Loved the video, it made me laugh. I have just recently tried Primal Pit stick, it’s working ok but it’s really hard to rub on. I am going to try some of your suggestions, thanks for posting.

  274. sue says:

    fun video! i have been slowly changing all of my personal care items (almost two years…..) and literally just yesterday decided i needed to figure out what to replace my “Dove GoSleeveless” deodorant with …. thanks so much for saving me a whole lot of time and effort. i’m going to begin with trying the THAI crystal stone.

  275. johana says:

    Hi Kris
    I use Aloe Ever-Shield from forever living products
    and it works great and its also made with aloe vera.
    work amazing.

  276. Shelly Wilson says:

    I LOVE Simply Divine Botanicals product Keeping ABreast of It. It works so well AND encourages lymphatic circulation.

  277. Terra says:

    I never thought I would make my own deodorant, but after trying several of the natural kinds, I finally made it myself and it’s the best ever! I used this recipe from Mind Body Green and I really love it. No stink, less sweat, and I know what is in it!

  278. kristen says:

    Benedetta is the very best for me, and I have tried many!

  279. Jen says:

    LOVE AVA ANDERSON DEO….YOU MUST TRY IT!!! The ingredients are phenomenal!!!

  280. Tamra says:

    Ava Anderson Non-Toxic Organic Deodorant is the ONLY Aluminum-free, Paraben-Free deodorant I have EVER used in my life that actually WORKED. Smells fantastic, too! Please consider trying and adding it to the list. Thank you!

  281. PKD says:

    Check out these deodorants
    • NO Preservatives
    • NO Heavy Metals
    • NO Aluminium Salts
    • NO Synthetics

  282. Brenda says:

    I have been using one that I swear by…it’s called Primal Pit Paste and it works wonderfully! It has not make it onto the EWG database as of yet,, tho.

  283. Lana says:

    I have tried a lot of natural deodorants, and some were really expensive ($18-20) and made out of coconut oil and other good things, the problem has been that they would leave horrendous marks on my and my Husband’s shirts that would take 3-4 soaking and washing cycles to remove. I really like baking soda, applied directly to the arm pit, very simple, inexpensive, can be reapplied as more needed and does the job pretty well. Tapioca starch works pretty well too. I do also use crystal deodorant on some days. I also have one “not natural” for very very rare occasions when I have a silk shirt/dress on and cannot have any stain on it at all.

  284. Heather K says:

    I use the Crystal Essense it works and smells great too. I really like the chamomile one.

  285. Jill L says:

    okay I have ordered 3 to try (Ava Anderson requires you to order 2 at a a time, so I am holding off for now): Soapwalla (pricey), Funk Butter, and Primal Pit to try.

    • Jessica says:

      I loved Primal Pit Paste – but after a short amount of time – I started breaking out into a terrible, terrible, rash. I was using only a pea sized amount -and the lite version, and it just did not matter. It was too painful to continue – to my sadness, because it DID work so very well! I did discover that Phillips Milk of Magnesia works great as a natural deo – but can be a pain at times to apply, dry, for me, needs to be on freshly clean armpits, etc. I still use it – but just signed up with Ava Anderson Non Toxic and am SO excited to try their deo – and REALLY hope it works for me!!!! I love Ava and stand behind her message and her products!

  286. Alicia says:

    Arm & Hammer has a good deodorant, but contains Triclosan. Is there a way to ask them to remove it?

  287. betsy halcomb says:

    Hi, I’ve been using the Crystal Essence unscented roll on for years now and recently discovered the lavender & white tea which I love – was pleased to see that it is one of your faves!

  288. Beth R says:

    Great explanation the dangers of conventional deodorants. I am just surprised you didn’t try Ava Anderson Deodorant! It is AMAZING! Incredibly effective and zero toxic ingredients. I hope you will give it a try and let all of us know how you like it! Thank you for all you do to help educate us about toxins.

  289. Kelly W. says:

    Love you, your message, your books, videos, blogs – all things Unicorn.. I’ve introduced you to sooo many wonderful people. I personally, use Bumble & Bee Super or Orange Vanilla Pit Putty Cream – and follow it up 6 or 7 hours later with their Pit Putty Stick – Love it! (And, I am an active person!)

  290. Chelsea says:

    EWG is not the same as it once was. Although a product may have a low overall number, if you look at the individual ingredients within the product, you will see much higher numbers. Yes EWG is a good place to start, but you gotta look past the overall number and you gotta read your labels. Also check out Ava Anderson Non Toxic. They make GREAT products and a GREAT ORGANIC deodorant.

  291. Lara DePietro says:

    Alvera Aloe Almond is FANTASTIC. I used to work in a health food store, so tried lots of different ones. Alvera has worked for me for years, and w/out it I’m a stinky girl!!

  292. K says:

    Soapwalla! It’s been my new fav for about a year – the cream does seem weird at first, but it works amazing, smells great, and has a 0 rating on EWG.

    I also find that when I’m eating clean and working out regularly my ‘stank’ is much less intense – thanks to my clean liver for getting those toxins out!

    Thanks Kris.

  293. Mary Hanna says:

    I have found “Primal Pit Paste” deodorant. It really works for me!

  294. Suzanne says:

    I’ve been using Herban Cowboy for about a month now, and so far I like it. I use the “powder” scent because the other one was a little too flowery for me. I’m still not wholly used to not having antiperspirant, but at least I’m not stinky. 🙂 It’s also not too sticky/ weird and doesn’t irritate my skin.

  295. Christina says:

    I have recently discovered Silver Shield Deodorant, which works amazingly well even in hot, humid weather! It contains Grapefruit seed extract and Nanosilver. It’s made in Austin by Silver Botanicals. This stuff truly works all day!

  296. Robbin says:

    I guess you haven’t heard of Primal Pit Paste? It works great, I’ve been using it for about a year now.

  297. Lillian Barei says:

    My clean clothes began to retain an unpleasant body odor (even with the use of conventional products) so a quest for something more effective began. I found it after seeing Dr. Oz’s show about Colloidal Silver.
    I spash a little on my hands and wet my underarms, side torso and under breasts. My body and the clothes are back to a fresh clean scent.

  298. J R says:

    I use Primal Pit Paste and it is wonderful. A bit pricey, but to me it’s worth it. I’ve only tried the unscented, but also comes in lavender and more. I see that 100% Pure has a new line of organic deodorants, too, but haven’t tried it yet.

  299. Shannon Kauble says:

    I use Salubritas All Natural Deoderant Balm (Pina Colada-scent). It’s the only thing natural that truly works for me and it smells great!

  300. Marian says:

    Thank you for your product info.
    I used to use the Thai crystal until it seemed that is became of lesser quality. When it first came out
    the “rock” lasted forever, then it is seemed that it would crumble sooner.
    These last 5 years or so I have been using the “Naturally Fresh” brand Deodorant Crystal.
    I do leave the top off so it dries between uses. It is lasting very nicely. I am extraordinarily pleased with this product.
    Marian Chase

  301. Lynn Murphy says:

    Kris: You definitely need to try Ava Anderson Non Toxic. It is the absolute ‘cleanest’ and most effective one I have ever tried…and it lasts forever!!

  302. Tiffany says:

    I searched for 8 years for a natural Deoderant that worked and then I found Primal Pit Paste. It’s amazing!! By far the best.

  303. Lia Huber says:

    Such perfect timing! I’ve been groping around trying to find a “natural” deodorant alternative (such not fun research … SO grateful for you taking on that burden! ;-)).

  304. N. Larane says:

    I LOVE Oyin Handmade’s Funk Butter.

    Comes in two yummy scents as well as unscented.

  305. Alyson says:

    Oh, yeah…DO NOT USE coconut oil if you’re going to wear cotton. I used it, and then wore a cotton turquoise blue blouse. The photos of me from that evening look like the under arms of my blouse are wet with sweat, but it was the oil absorbed into the fabric. Luckily, it washed out. But, I learned my lesson.

  306. Jill says:

    “Life Stinks” made by the amazing Duggan sisters. Aluminum free, talc free sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and essential oils.

  307. Catherine says:

    Hi kris,

    I have a whole graveyard of natural deodorants that didn’t work!!! I tried tons of them until I purchased Ava Anderson Non Toxic Organic Deodorant and that one was the winner! It works for both me and my husband, smells great, lasts all day and does not contain any harmful chemicals. Have you had a chance to try it?

  308. Claudia Sandigo says:

    Loved your video! Clever, fun, creative and informative. Can you do a supplement to your and advise which of the deodorants featured are cruelty-free? Thank you!

  309. Claire Daniel says:

    I use a mixture of 1/2 lemon oil and 1/2 jojoba oil (to cut the harshness of the lemon oil). I sweat, but I don’t smell! Love it.

  310. Alyson says:

    Coconut oil is also a natural deodorant, among other things. I use it every morning before work. It is also a natural sunscreen, although a not very strong one. I also use coconut oil in my hair, on my skin, in my smoothies, etc. It’s one of those all-around wonder foods. If you use it topically, I recommend washing it off at the end of the day, as it tends to clog the pores.

  311. Maggie says:

    Wow! So many great options, Kris, from you AND the readers. Thanks for tackling this (what I consider) daunting search for the perfect deoderant. I’ve tried a few but haven’t found “the one” yet, but will have a go at some of the great suggestions.

    Love the unicorn rating system!

  312. E says:

    I use Funk Butter by Oyin Handmade. It works better than any other natural deodorant I’ve tried, though I haven’t tried Soapwalla. The only downside is it’s pretty thick so it can get a little messy on clothes (though it washes out completely) and doesn’t work for sleeveless shirts. But overall I love it.

  313. Lyndsi says:

    Hi Kris,
    I would love for you to try Ava Anderson Non-Toxic deodorant! I have used some of the deodorants on your list above and for me Ava’s works WAY better, and has MUCH better ingredients too!! Here is the full ingredient list: organic coconut oil, organic beeswax, organic shea butter, organic cocoa butter, aluminum free baking soda, organic arrowroot powder, organic tea tree essential oil, organic peppermint essential oil


  314. Syrita Barbera says:

    Ladies! You got to try this! I stopped using store bought deoderant years ago do to being sensitive. I have been using coconut oil thickened with baking soda w a couple drops tea tree essential oil. Works perfectly!! Have not had any smelly issues. Love it and wish I knew about it years ago.

  315. Susan says:

    My two faves are Pit Powder and Schmits. Both work really well and are small local businesses.
    You can find them here:

    • Susan says:

      I forgot to mention that the packaging on both of these product lines make more sense than most. One is in a cardboard shaker and the other is in glass.

  316. Safena says:

    Honestly I laughed my $&)$ off watching your video. You are the best thank u for making us laugh and all the awesome information. Love and laughs to you too.

  317. kim anderson says:

    Thank you for all you do to share this important information. We are big fans. I was so disappointed that you did not include Ava Anderson Deodorant. It really works!

    It is all about the ingredients – organic coconut oil, organic beeswax, organic shea butter, organic cocoa butter, aluminum free baking soda, organic arrowroot powder, organic tea tree essential oil, organic peppermint essential oil

    I know you like our bug spray and sunscreen – you will love the deodorant too!

    Best Always, Kim

  318. Andrea says:

    SHOCKED to see that Ava Anderson’s deodorant isn’t on this list! It’s the on;y truly safe deodorant I have ever found that actually WORKS!

  319. Helen Colby says:

    crystal essence roll ons contain alum! How is that good?

  320. Shelly D. says:

    Hi Kris ,
    Please try Ava Anderson Non-Toxic’s organic deodorant. I love it! These products have topped my list for the last six months and BEAT any store bought “greenwashed” brands any day! I no longer will support Tom’s of Maine now that it is owned by the corporate giant Colgate. They took the more natural product and added TOXIC chemicals to it but continue to market it as “natural”. Not worth supporting them! I assure you that Ava Anderson’s pure and completely natural products will astound you!

  321. Aurora says:

    I use JASON’s Tea tree roll-on. Smells good and lasts pretty much all day.

    • kim anderson says:

      Hi Aurora, please take a look at the ingredients in the JAsons product. It is all about the ingredients. When manufacturers use “fragrance” they can legally hide hundreds of chemicals in this one ingredient. SoJAson is not really telling you everything that is in there….

      Propanediol, Water, Glycerin, Sodium Stearate, Zinc Ricinoleate, Polyglyceryl 3 Caprate, Melaleuca Alternifolia (Tea Tree) Leaf Oil, Citrus Grandis (Grapefruit) Seed Extract, Allantoin, Behenyl Alcohol, Ethylhexylglycerin, Glyceryl Stearate, Silica, Sodium Bicarbonate, Sucrose Cocate, Benzyl Salicylate, Citronellol, Isoeugenol, Fragrance

  322. Liz says:

    I use Nature’s Gate Deodorant. It’s an advanced European Formula with an innovative witch hazel & oak derived odor blocker. Winter Clean Unscented. It works great!

    • Beth R says:

      Nature’s Gate is a company that loves to look natural but sadly uses harmful chemicals in many of their products. This practice is called “green washing.” It is good to get in the habit of reading labels rather than buying for the name. I wish companies that seem to want to do the right thing would go all the way!

  323. Jill L says:

    My 2 tags are Pitt Powder and Lavanila

  324. Sib says:

    I think I liked the Crystal the best out of the ones tested and mentioned. And oh, my kitten watched the whole 7 minutes and seemed to have really liked you 🙂

  325. Susie Bachinsky says:

    I’ve been using Primal pit paste. It’s organic all natural and works great.

  326. There are 2 companies that I use for deodorant:
    NatureRich™ Mineral Salts Stone – made from crystallized natural mineral salts.

    Young Living’s AromaGuard® Deodorants. They are natural deodorants formulated exclusively from therapeutic-grade essential oils and all-natural ingredients. They are free of propylene glycol and toxic aluminum salts.

  327. Tracy Kropp says:

    I have tried more natural deodorants than I can count! The one that works, I mean, truly works is from I have tried the spray and roll-on, and I like the roll-on best, as nothing is wasted. It’s made with essential oils that basically kill the bacteria, and it takes about three days to work once you start using it. But if you can get through the three days you will be AMAZED at how well it works!!! Thanks so much for posting this Kris!!

  328. Brittany says:

    One very important consideration is if you are switching from an Antiperspirant to a natural deodorant it could take 1-3 weeks for your pits to detox, and during that time your will STINK. But it’s so worth waiting it out. I switched from antiperspirant to Nourish (fig scent, which smells delicious) several months ago. It took a week and a half of bad B/O before my pits were done detoxing. And now, guess what. I don’t even need deodorant at all – ever! Yup, turns out my natural scent is pretty darn good. Of course it helps to have healthy diet 🙂

  329. Christiane says:

    I use Keeping Abreast Of It natural deodorant. It’s supposed to encourage lymphatic circulation. It really works as a deodarant!

  330. Jenn says:

    I love Lush’s Aromaco and have been using it for years. Also, it’s like, crazy easy to make your own and then you can make it smell like whatever you want!!

  331. Tara Shakti-Ma says:

    Your top ranking deodorant gave me a horrific rash within 2 days that took two weeks to get rid of. Since I have MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity), I’ve tried numerous natural deodorants. The one that worked for me best (and was the only one that really worked that didn’t cause me skin irritation as well), was Tom’s Unscented (which actually has a nice natural scent of coriander….which is one of the ingredients) roll-on. The stick is too tacky. The roll on is great, and in the 7 years I’ve been using it, it has never caused a rash or white sweat lines in the armpits of my shirts.

  332. Lorrie B says:

    I too have been on the quest for a SAFE deodorant that works. So far I’ve only found 2 that work pretty well. Nourish Organics, I think you can get them on Amazon or Vitacost. However, I’ve also been introduced to Ava Anderson Non Toxic. Great company and great SAFE products.

    Their deodorant is very similar to the homemade recipe – but you didn’t have to make it! You can find it here:

  333. Nicole says:

    I have tried natural deodorants (Life Stinks & Primal Pit Paste) and get a horrible rash from them. I don’t get it. The only thing I can use is Watkins brand, which I know is not totally natural but the closest I can get with out getting these wounds in my pits.

    Does anybody know why this happens with natural ingredients like baking soda and essential oils? I have heard that your pits detox but jeeez I keep using the stuff and I get open wounds how do you get past that?

    • kim anderson says:

      Hi Nicole- baking soda has a high alkalinity, which can cause a rash from “constant contact” … simply use a warm damp cloth after use to reduce “constant contact” …it will go away. This is why at Ava Anderson we use 5 organic botanical butters and oils chosen to neutralize this issue. 🙂

  334. Nancy says:

    I know this sounds crazy, but after trying several natural deodorants, my husband & I have found something that REALLY works: Milk of Magnesia. Best of all–it’s cheap! Don’t knock it ’til you’ve tried it!

  335. Tonya Kubo says:

    Primal Pit Paste! It is even better than commercial deodorants/antiperspirants and everything on the ingredient list is natural. Best part for me is it doesn’t leave your underarms sticky like Crystal or other natural brands fo.

  336. Cath says:

    Most of my life, I haven’t used any because I just didn’t need it. Perimenepause changed that, coupled with using methotrexate. Cleaned up my diet, got off the meds,, and my hormones once again were good and don’t need it again. But while I needed it, the homemade deodorant from Frugally Sustainable on Etsy was great. I really liked the probiotic one!

  337. Jen says:

    Hey Kris! I used Crystal deodorant forever until I noticed a suspicious ingredient on the label–potassium alum. I did some investigating and found that it is indeed aluminum. Not sure if the type you reference has the same ingredient (I used the pomegranate) but wanted to let you know.

    Here is a link to an article on Dr. Mercola’s website about this ingredient:

    Thank you for all you do : )

  338. crissy armstrong says:

    toms is the first that i tried and it was sticky and did not work. i’m so glad to hear there is hope for natural deodorants.

    i switched to a homemade deodorant cream so i know how awesome creams are. it irritates my under arms and i’m not sure why. it’s made from coconut oil, arrow root and baking soda. i can’t remember if there is any essential oils in it… anywho. thanks for your diligence!

    • Charis says:

      Crissy, I developed a rash when using baking soda and essential oil for deodorant. I switched to coconut oil and e.oils and the rash went away. I might try adding a little baking soda and see if my skin can handle it with the coconut oil.

  339. Mary Zumwalt says:

    Hi Kris – I work with a gal who uses coconut oil as a natural deodorant! That’s right, she keeps a container in her bathroom dedicated to her pits and swears it works like a charm and smells good too…after reading your article, I’m going to give it a try!

  340. Gildy’s is an all natural deodorant that works!! For adults, teens and kids! Try it and see for yourself! No aluminum, no parabens, no junk! Lots of love!


  341. Talya says:

    I LOVE Alvera Roll-on Deodorant: It works GREAT! As in, “no time to shower, run out the door the second morning” and it STILL works GREAT! I use the Aloe Unscented version.

  342. Mary Senn says:

    There is a wonderful product produced here in Chicago called “Life Stinks.” It’s made by the Duggan sisters and contains only 3 ingredients: sodium bicarbonate, tea tree oil, and lavendar. It’s a powder and only a small amount is needed. I tested it while ziplining in Costa Rica and it worked! As others have mentioned, it takes a week or so for your body to acclimate to n ot using an anti-perspirent. You can read about this product and order it at (I do not get paid for advertising this produce, I just think it’s great!).

  343. Sarah says:

    I have tried so many natural deodorants, but none have worked so well for me than the Ava Anderson Non-Toxic deodorant. It’s unisex as well and is a zero on the Skin Deep Database.

  344. Karen says:

    Found a GREAT new vegan natural deodorant at Portland VegFest this fall. It’s made locally in Portland Oregon. Works great. Even after running I don’t smell. Love this stuff and I’ll never go back to anything else. I use the ylang ylang calendula, they all smell great and work great.

  345. Carolyn says:

    After years of searching and suffering, I found Real Purity Deodorant to be highly effective and compatible with my sensitive skin.

    • Thank you for mentioning us Caroyln! Have you had a chance to try our travel size deodorant yet? We just introduced it earlier this year. Let me know if you want to give it a try and I’ll send ya a free one 🙂 Thanks again Carolyn!!

  346. Debi Dixon says:

    Hello Kris and thank you for this discussion.

    My daughter recently gifted me with an amazing natural deodorant product made by Soap Walla out of Brooklyn, NY. Mine was created by soapwalla chef, Rachel Winard. I will never use my salt stick again. or

  347. Yes, spent years trying to find the perfect non-toxic, natural deodorant that didn’t leave me with a stink… I recently discovered this awesome brand, Schmidt’s. It’s in a jar so you use a stick applicator to collect your pea-sized amount and then like a cream you apply it to your underarm. I bought the Bergamot Lime and Ylang Ylang Calendula. And I have to say, I’m not trying anything else!!

  348. rebecca lowgren says:

    Hydrea London Natural Crystal Deodorant is the best ever, at least for me, I can go through a hard core yoga session without smelling. It’s A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!

  349. Elise says:

    The best deodorant so far is the one I make myself. Combine aluminum free baking powder, arrowroot powder with extra virgin coconut oil and a few drops of your favourite essential oil to make a thick paste – you’ll never go back to a commercial deodorant again.

  350. Kate W. says:

    This video could not have some at a better time for us! My daughter is just getting to the point of needing deodorant and I would love to start her out on the right path. She is very interested in making the right choices to keep her body healthy and she always enjoys you, Kris! (The bear and unicorn rating system will also be fun for her!) Thanks so much!

  351. Ashley says:

    I’ve been wanting to swith my deodorant for some time, and this is the third or fourth time I’ve heard that Soapwalla’s deodorant cream actually works. I like the idea of a cream deodorant– I’ve tried sprays, gels, and just regular ole sticks. I hated the sprays and gels (and antiperspirant freaks me out) so I think I’m going to give the cream a try! Thank goodness for payday tomorrow, and of course, the wonderful info!

  352. sue says:

    OMG, better than a cuppa, watching this made me laugh, giggle, and start my day armed with great info, .
    I have been using the salt crystal for over 8 years and love it.
    Thank you Kris for what you do, love you, and unicorns

  353. siri jostad says:

    Kris, I have experimented with a cream called Lavilin that recently launched a much-easier-to-use roll on version. I’ve heard that Lavilin is all natural…do you know? or can you confirm? The story goes that monks use it and that it lasts up to 7 days with a single application. I’ve found that even with heavy workouts, i can successfully get 4 days of no smelling out of one application. You have to order it online. Would love to know what you think. Thanks….this was a super good video, one that i’m sharing with my teenage kids who have eschewed my natural deodorants in favor of nasty things like Ax and Speed Stick just to save them the teen embarrassment of being odorishous (?)

    • Tiffany says:

      Siri – Lavilin is definitely all-natural! I have been purchasing Lavilin on Amazon for years and it’s fantastic! Considered one of the best all-natural brands out there!

    • T says:

      I used Lavalin as well, the only thing I found was that the roll on type contains “Fragrance” that I can only assume is chemical/synthetic as it doesn’t specify otherwise, but I def think it’s better than antipersperants

  354. Zita says:

    Hi Dear Amazing Kris,

    I just wanted to share with everyone, that I do not use anything for about 4-5 years now. 🙂
    Although I have never been really the sweaty type, I could feel my odour at the end of the day or when I was stressed.
    I first tried natural products – but I live in Hungary so I do not know whether you have them – then I started using himalayan salt – and that did the magic 🙂 After showering and in the morning, I just watered the himalayan salt soap a little, put some of it on my armpit and went along the day. The trick is just what you have written, that it killed the bacteria, that caused the smell.

    Basically it was a little weird for about 2 weeks then my body got rid of the “addiction” and my odour went away. Of course not completely, but it is not disturbing and after one or two months I stopped using anything at all. Honestly, when I am a little stinky, it is not a bit worse than before, when I still used the chemicals – and when I do feel that maybe my smell is not perfect, then I spread some organic cream that is of orange and ylang ylang 100% essential oil in shea butter on my armpit.

    Maybe I am a very lucky type, but it is worth a shot, it saves you a lot of money and the planet a lot of waste 🙂

    Hugs and kisses,

  355. I love paraben-free products. My favorite to use is the Sensé line Firming Body Lotion. The ingredients have a gently exfoliation process and allowing the skin to stay hydrated, which is important to keep the skin balanced. There is a lovely uplifting citrus scent. Refreshing, healthy, and so smooth for the skin.

  356. Ellen Bonetski says:

    I’ve been using Pristine Beauty’s “Take A Wiff” and have been very pleased. It feels so good going on, smells beautiful, and really works.

  357. Laura says:

    Hi Kris,

    I use plain old Baking Soda with a few Lavender Essential Oil drops and apply it with a large make-up brush. It works great and really inexpensive too!

    • Charlotte says:

      Hi Laura,

      How do you mix the baking soda and essential oils together? Does it have to be a food grade oil if you’re applying it (almost) directly to the skin?

  358. Lies says:

    Tnx, Kris!

    Unicorn did not test for (yellow) stains on clothes?
    We like ‘the guv’ner’ by Lush; we have not checked it against EWG’ s standards yet

    Fare well my friend

  359. Angelique says:

    I use Weleda in rose and it works well.

  360. SharonK says:

    Great video! Loved the ending!

    I don’t use deodorant at home either, but do need it when I’m going to meetings and events.

    I’ve used the Soapwalla cream and really liked it, but I couldn’t use it long term as I developed a reaction to something in it.

    • Peg Grimes says:

      I’ve had a reaction to a few of the natural deodorants. I’m not sure why but removing the deodorant after work with warm water helps to clear up the irritation and after a couple of weeks the irritation resolved.

  361. Kollette Bryant says:

    Greetings and thank you for the deodorant presentation. I personally used the rock for a period of time, but it burned my skin and turned it dark. I had used a cream called Lavilin made from Israel for over 30 years. You go for a weekend without putting anything on, shower, topically put the cream on and then wash it off in the morning. It would keep odor away for 10 days to two weeks. I have since started experimenting with other products as the efficacy of the product has since been seriously reduced while becoming pricier at the same time. Currently the coverage duration is about three to four days without reapplying. When I started it was $9.00 for a little cup, now it’s gone up and not as effective. ALSO, the design of the cup is not the content of the product. There’s a little insert where they put the product which is much less than you expect.

  362. Kris, First of all–you are so darned cute (and funny)! I tend to slap on a little coconut oil (anti-bacterial) and/or a drop of therapeutic-grade peppermint essential oil. Sometimes I mix it up and use baking soda, corn starch or a clean baby powder with a drop or two of the peppermint oil. Or tea tree or lavender instead…
    I can’t believe so many people still put toxic deodorants and antiperspirants under their arms. I hardly every go in a drugstore anymore but when I do, I’m blown away by the shear number of products.

  363. Laurie says:

    I agree Kris. People take deodorant either to lightly or refuse to switch because they cannot give up there favorite that may be making them toxic.
    What about lotions and perfume. I gave up perfume about a year ago. I don’t miss spending the money and now when I’m around someone who is wearing a commercial brand (that I use to love) I nearly gag.
    Don’t you think you smell less ‘stinky’ when you eat less meat and more plants?
    Love to hear your feedback.

  364. Thanks so much for doing this, kris! 🙂 Love you, honey!! 🙂 I’ve been working to find a decent and safe one for the past 10 years and yes, some are certainly more effective than others. I’ve felt much safer in this time, but sometimes I’ve had to reassess after feeling less than “fresh” which is not fun! Science experiments can be challenging in unexpected ways!!! 🙂 Ha!

    Love and Blessings to you and your team and keep on keepin’ on!!
    MJ xoxo 🙂

  365. Trina says:

    Check out Primal Pit paste. I love it!

  366. Barb Katic says:

    Hi Kris!

    I use Arbonne deodorant and it works really well. It contains baking soda, mint, lemongrass, sage and tea tree.

    • kim anderson says:

      can you please share the ingredients – unable to find online. thank you.

    • Beth R says:

      So many Arbonne products are toxic. Can you please show the WHOLE list of ingredients in their deodorant? I can only find the natural ingredients online, not the others. Thanks!

    • Sharon says:

      I have been using Arbonne deodorant for about a year & really like it. Works good for me, but not for my husband. Have to re-apply sometimes, but I’m not a heavy sweater. I haven’t seen it reviewed, was hoping it would be listed.

  367. Tracy says:

    Coconut oil and a couple drops of lavender essential oil!

  368. cordia says:

    I found what works best is a mixture of aluminum free baking soda and cornstarch or arrowroot and you can add a little tea tree oil or lavender. I also make a homemade deodorant from Wellness Mamas blog that uses coconut oil, baking soda, cornstarch or arrowroot and essential oil of choice. Works great!

  369. Karen says:

    We’ve been using pure coconut oil lately. We aren’t completely sold on it yet, but we’re starting to believe it works better the longer you use it. My husband notices that it lasts longer than his aluminum based deodorant, but once it wears off, it can be tricky. So you’d want to find a nice jar to carry some around so you can apply more in a bathroom.

    I also use Mbeze products. The “deodorettes” are the size of a lipstick tube, but they really work! They can be sticky, so I use the Mbeze “dabber dust”, which is powder to help with the stickiness.

    I’m still searching for something less expensive than the Mbeze products and less messy than coconut oil. has anyone tried the new 10o Percent Pure deodorants. I use their lotions and body washes.

    • :) says:

      Hi Karen!

      I use coconut oil too, but I mix in some aluminum-free baking soda and cornstarch, and a few drops of essential oil like tea tree. I’ve found it works great for me, and my partner (who is a big, sweaty, athletic dude) says it’s the best thing he’s ever tried! Good luck finding something that works for you!

      • :) says:

        Woops- I didn’t read the entire thread. Many people have already said this!

        • Karen says:

          Thanks for the info. I posted again upthread in response to someone mentioning an article that indicates the body needs a week to adjust. I stopped using the oil after a week or so, but my husband continued and we felt the coconut oil was beginning to work better and better the longer he used it. I will mention your post to him since he’s stopped using it due to turning solid from the colder weather. He prefers a spray and was able to spray the oil on when it was liquid. Meanwhile, I will begin using it again. I bought some essential oils and tea tree oil, but didn’t like the smell, so I may just stick with the unscented.

          Thanks again!

          • Anne says:

            Karen, to make it liquid again, just put the bottle is some warm water, it does not take that long, that is what I do with the coconut oil that I take orally in the morning

    • Shana Morris says:

      Karen, I found a great bottle to carry my coconut oil in. You can find them at CVS, possibly other drugstores too. The brand is Go Gear, they are small triangular shaped silicone bottles. When the oil becomes solid just run hot water over them.

  370. Wendy Sprague says:

    I switched from Krystal deodorant (because it did not work and I was not wild about some of its ingredients ) to Ava Anderson Non Toxic Deodorant a year ago when they launched their all organic deodorant . It works amazing . I am surprised it is not on your list of recommendations . You need to check it out , I now sell it to my friends and family please feel free to visit my website if you decide to try it and are not completely satisfied , I will buy it back from you : ) thanks for this informative article !

  371. flower says:

    I love the Weleda rose spray deodorant. It really works and smells wonderful.. flower

  372. wendy says:

    Great article and list! Thanks!. Have you tried Ava Anderson Non Toxic?

    • Peg Grimes says:

      Yes, I’ve been using Ava Anderson non-toxic products for over a year now and the deodorant from that line is terrific and effective. The whole line is amazing, actually. I’ve also used Soapwalla which I agree works well but I hate having to dip my fingers in the jar and applying the cream without an applicator. I’d be interested in trying the Lavanilla a few posted about.

  373. Elizabeth says:

    I’ve been using the Soapwalla deoderant for a while and I love it!

  374. Penny says:

    I use Kokomo Cream Deodorant by Crunchy Betty. It’s homemade! No problematic ingredients and it smells a lot like a Piña Colada. She even includes the recipe with your order, if you are a do-it-yourself kind of gal.

  375. Leah says:

    I tryed Toms first but I got an awful rash so I couldn’t wear anything for a couple of weeks, not the best couple of weeks fro everyone but then I tryed Jason calming lavender which is a 5 and it works better than by old chemically deoderant

    • Laura says:

      Leah, I had a very similar experience with Tom’s! I’d been using it about a week with no issues, but one morning I put it on and it started to BURN! It felt like my pits were on fire! I read somewhere that a lot of people have issues with the hops in this brand.

  376. Val says:

    I use Lavanilla deodorant. It works well & smells good. It lasts about 12 hours.

  377. Chloe says:

    Hi Kris,

    What worked really well for me was the crystal stone or alum stone type of depdorant, they work great against odors…but a few months ago I came across a DIY natural deodorant recipe and it’s even better!!!

    “1/4 Cup of Baking Soda (neutralizes odor)
    1/4 Cup of Arrowroot starch (absorbs moisture)
    4 Tb Coconut Oil (anti-bacterial and moisturizing)
    1/4 tsp Tea Tree Oil (anti-bacterial)

    Mix all ingredients together to form a paste/cream… and that’s it!”

    I made mine (with peppermint oil instead of tea tree) end of July,I use it everyday and I still have a little bit left! It’s brilliant!

    • Kim says:

      I make my own this way, too, and it really works. I use tea tree oil AND peppermint oil.

    • Alex says:

      Ditto Chloe’s recipe. It’s just the best thing I’ve ever tried and the concoction lasts for a long time. I just smear a pea-sized amount per pit and the stinkies be-gone!

      • Alex says:

        Oh and just a little extra info — I’m a GUY with a penchant for stinky — so this natural recipe, in my perspective, is the bomb!

    • Reenie says:

      Thanks for the recipe, Chloe! I’m doing a workshop at a local health food store later this month on ways to use coconut oil and this will be a wonderful recipe to share. Participants at the workshop will make a couple homemade recipes to take home and try. I love peppermint essential oil myself, but I always tell folks that there is some research that says pregnant women should not use peppermint essential oil. Essential oils are so great; so powerful. They are medicine, too. Looking up the properties of the herb, and any contraindications to using it is good to know if you are going to make your own health and beauty products. For example, I might want to use sage in something I make for body care, but if I was pregnant, the sage shouldn’t be used b/c it could bring on contractions and baby could arrive too early. Again, thank you for sharing this. I’ll mention you and Kris at the workshop!

      • So true! Great and important information to share. 🙂 Just to clarify there is no reason clary sage should be avoided during pregnancy. Many books have propagated this folk message, and it is nothing more than a calming, sebum regulating and antibacterial essential oil. There are many recent publications from midwifery and aromatherapy sources helping clear the myth. Have a beautiful day 🙂

    • Anne says:

      Thanks Chloe, I am going to try this. Currently only on weekends I have been spraying on apple cider vinegar and then using a combo of baking soda and arrowroot with some Essential oil, it works fine until I do some sweating, but making the paste might be the way to go . Thanks again

    • Tanz says:

      Yep, same here but with sandalwood oil too. I scoop it all into an old Herban Cowboy deo canister and stick in the freezer till firm then keep it in the fridge… I live in the tropics and this works great. If I have an extra sweaty day ahead, I dust on a little plain arrowroot and baking soda mix for extra dryness and freshness. I have not used anti-perspirant for years and this is the best alternative ever, better than the crystal or anything based on that and waaay better than the store bought non-crystal alternatives. Takes 5 minutes every couple months to recreate and refill… easy easy easy.

    • Monica says:

      After you make your own deodorant how do you store the paste and how long does it keep?

    • Lisa says:

      I use this too and it’s awesome! I like a drop of lavender EO, too.

    • annemiek says:

      Hi, I use the same recipe, but without the essential oils so far. Working well for me, still wondering a bit, as it seems to leave some residue on my clothes some of the time. Does anyone else have that?

      And what’s funny but not so convenient, is that with fall coming, lower temperature in our bathroom means it’s too hard to use! So at the moment, I’m back to my cristal stone. Any thoughts?

  378. Kate says:

    Kris! I have also been looking for a natural deodorant for years, and recently found one that seriously works. It’s made by Blissoma, a local company her in my lovely hometown of St. Louis. 😉 The lavender scented one is divine – truly.
    The founder/owner of the company was at a local farmer’s market and I was so dorkily excited to tell her about how great it worked! I know you said in your video you don’t love the sprays, but I spray it on and do something like brush my teeth before getting dressed. Seriously you should try it! 🙂

    • Kate, I’m from STL too! And, I’ve had trouble finding something that works. I’ll definitely try this out! Which farmer’s market is she at?

      • Kate says:

        Hi, Elaine!

        You can order her products online at, or you can find them at several locations in St. Louis –

        I met her at the Best of Missouri Market at the Botanical Garden, and like I said, I was so goofy and excited about this product.

        Hope you love it!

        P.S. The Natural Way in Webster Groves actually has testers of it available. Yes, it’s a bit odd testing spray deodorant in a store, but I did, and I so don’t regret it! 🙂

      • Kate says:

        Hi, Elaine! I met the her at the Best of Missouri Market. Blissoma products are in several stores in St. Louis – I originally found them at The Natural Way. Hope you love them, too!

  379. RachelD says:

    I would absolutely love to refrain from the commercial/toxic deodorants but gosh darnit, just can find something else that works effectively! I have tried “natural” deodorants sooo many times.

    • KarenM says:

      I gave up trying for awhile because I could not find anything that worked. Then I read an article that said it takes your body about a week to adjust to no anti-perspirant. While your body is adjusting, your pits will be awful, lots of sweat, waning though as the week progresses. So, I tried again when I was off work for a week. I washed my pits a lot with vinegar for the first few days, foregoing any deodarant use. The vinegar helps kill any of that smelly bacteria. After a few days, my sweating slowed down. Then I set about trying deodarants. I only bother to use one if I am going to be around people. Since breaking the anti-perspirant habit, my body sweats more naturally and I don’t need the mask unless I have been working on the farm or exercising. Then showering takes care of that! Best one I have tried so far is Origins Organic Spray. I can work hard on farm for 5 hours, and still be okay a couple of hours later. Ingredient list seems okay but it hasn’t been rated yet by EWG.

      • Laura says:

        Hmm. I used Kiss My Face’s Liquid Rock deodorant for about four months until my mom discreetly told me it wasn’t really working and I’d been smelling. I had to switch back to a conventional antiperspirant but all the brands I’ve used have made me break out in pimples and rashes! Pit zits = horrible! What gives?! Should I keep trying different natural brands?

      • Karen says:

        KarenM, the article you mention (about your body needing a week to adjust) may explain why my husband felt the coconut oil wasn’t working at first, and then after a few weeks, we noticed very little body odor. We wondered if his body was adjusting to it. I had stopped using it because I felt it wasn’t working, but I think I’ll start again to see if the odor changes after a few weeks. Good to know!

      • Charlotte says:

        What kind of vinegar should you use for that? Apple cider?

    • Brittany says:

      Yes. it took me almost 2 weeks without antiperspirant for my armpits to detox. During that time I smelled worse than ever! But I’m so glad I waited it out because now I don’t need anything at all!

    • RachelD we hear this from a ton of our customers over at Real Purity! We make natural, organic deodorant that is clinically proven to last 24 hours and designed specifically for sensitive skin, so I wonder if we could help you out? If you want to try again, please email me at rachael at realpurity dot com and I will send you a travel size to trial. We have over 350 five star reviews of people who have the same challenges, so definitely check it out if you’re open to it!

  380. Liquid Rock from Kiss My Face! It works! It really works yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

    Thank you for sharing your list Kris, now I have options! I’m a big fan of Dr. Hauschka so I’m definitely going to try that one as well.


    • Lyndsi says:

      Can you please post the ingredient list for the Kiss My Face product… Unfortunately most of their products I have seen are full of toxins!

      • DebH says:

        Hi, Lyndsi! Do you know which Kiss My Face ingredients are considered toxic? I’ve been using their Liquid Rock deodorant for years. It’s the only natural deodorant that I’ve tried (out of a long and varied experiment!) that works for me. But I will definitely reconsider, depending on which ingredients are toxic. Please advise! Thanks in advance!!! Their ingredients are listed on their web site. Here are the ingredient list for the unscented KMF Liquid Rock, which is the one I use (list pulled from the KMF web site): Aqua, Potasssium Alum, Hydroxyethylcellulose, Salix Alba (Willow Bark Extract/Extrait d’ecorse de saule), Usnea Barbata (Lichen Extract/Extrait de lichen), Sodium Phytate, Phenoxyethanol, Potassium Sorbate, Sodium Benzoate

  381. Claudette says:

    I use Sweet Deodorant. It is Vegan and Gluten free.
    No chemicals. Deb Metler makes it in Michigan.

  382. Lisa says:

    I have tried the spray version of thai crystal, but your are right it drips and it is frustrating, but works well. I am looking forward to trying the others and so is my husband. I value your opinion and your research.

    Thanks for all that you do! You don’t know how much this has helped me with my own journey with breast cancer.


  383. Jenifer says:

    I use the Crystal Essence unscented and it’s great, but is a little sticky and takes a while to dry. So when I’m in a hurry, I use Pitstop powder deodorant, which works great!

  384. Cirsten says:

    Hi Kris,
    I’ve found a Canadian deodorant as well, JASÖN made by The Hain Celestial Group.

    Another possibility is lime. Yes, it’s a bit strange and it doesn’t last 24 hours, but if you use the juice from a slice of lime after shower and make sure your skin is dry before you put it on your skin and again before you put on your clothes you will stay fresh for many hours.

  385. Shari says:

    Have you tried Simply Divine Botanicals’ Crystal Ally deodorant spray? This has worked well for me. I’m not sure what its EWG Ranking would be though.

  386. Amanda says:

    I love Deodomom

  387. Linda says:

    I make my own – baking soda & organic essential oil. Sprinkle onto wet fingers and rub into pits! Works amazingly well.

    • Maïté B. says:

      Hi Linda! I do the same! I use natural spray-on aloes vera and baking soda. Protects my pits the whole day and through tough workouts! Maïté

    • Erica says:

      I also make my own with Coconut oil, arrowroot, baking soda and essential oils. It works amazingly even when I am working out!

      • Theresa says:

        Yes, I make my own deodorant out of the same… you can Google homemade deodorant and come up with several great blogs. Even with the natural products, there are often ingredients that I can’t pronounce and don’t know what they are. I like knowing what I’m using, and it’s fun to make my own! (and cheap!)

      • Kate says:

        I would like to try this, I have baking soda, coconut oil and essential oils, but does the coconut oil cause an oil stain on your clothes? What if you are wearing a nice shirt or whatever…

    • Marisa says:

      Hi Linda,

      I tried to do the same and while it worked amazingly well, I developed red and irritated skin under my armpits. Am I doing something wrong? I used about 2 tbs of baking soda, 1 drop peppermint oil and some water. I want to keep using it because of the effectiveness but afraid I’m doing damage to my skin.

      • Maggie says:

        Peppermint oil isn’t very good for skin. Maybe you could try a batch without it?

      • Jennifer says:

        Hi! I cannot use a natural deodorant with any baking soda – it burns my skin every time. Maybe that is your source of irritation?

      • Becky Enoch says:

        You can substitute arrowroot for the baking soda. Sometimes the baking soda can be abrasive to some people. Hope it works for you!

  388. Emma says:

    Hi. I sweat a lot and have tried loads. The best thing to stop the smell is barcabonate soda!dampen your fingers and put in barcabonate and pat onto your armpits. I don’t smell all day through to evening, it still allows you to sweat which is normal. Cheap too!

  389. Hi Kris – PLEASE PLEASE check out this product from down under I alternate between MI ESSENCE and this MOOGOO deoderant. Thanks for this subject! Its so hard to find a goodie! Cheers from BINC Downunder Renay!

    • Rachael says:

      Yes, my son uses Moo Goo, and I was using it before he nabbed it from me. Its great. I use Natural Essence and find it fantastic. Anyway…. on the Moo Goo, so nice to find something I am happy for my youngster to use, he only needs it once a week on sport day but I freaked when he wanted to start using because of his odour, so did a lot of research and Moo Goo was the one I settled on.

  390. Karla says:

    I’ve been using Primal Pit Paste for the past year. Love it. Works better than conventional deodorant and is safe and natural.

    • Rachel McIlroy says:

      I love Primal Pit Paste too – it works great and smells heavenly! Ingredients: Coconut oil, raw shea butter, beeswax, arrowroot powder, non-aluminum baking soda, and essential oils (i.e. lavender or thyme and lemon grass). No parabens, no aluminum! Highly recommend it.
      But it’s not cheap, so I may try some of these helpful at-home recipes people mentioned in these comments when I run out. Thanks!

      • Nancy Smith says:

        I have been using Primal Pit Paste for about a year and Love it.. The cream does not have beeswax like the stick version so it is vegan.

        • Jacqueline says:

          You really need to include PRIMAL Paste……….they are awesome!!!


          • Heidi says:

            My husband and I love PRIMAL PIT PASTE!!! We both use the Lavender scent as it doesn’t smell flowery or girly at all. It’s just a really good, almost sporty-type scent. Hubby has strong pit odor while I don’t, but we can both get away with using the “Regular” (the jars come in “Light”, “Regular” and “Strong”). Less is more with this stuff; DO NOT over apply!!! It also comes in a stick version in “Regular”. The jar is a better value, but the stick is easier to apply. Thehe jars also come in a trial-sized version, and we use those for traveling because they’re so small. PLEASE NOTE: As I mentioned, less is more with this product. Just a tad goes a long way.

      • Janette Haywood says:

        Primal pit paste has caused a nasty burning rash on both my armpits. When i researched it, that is not an uncommon issue with it

    • Stephanie says:

      I’m a Primal Pit Paste user too…I was disappointed it didn’t make the review. I think Kris would have loved it!

      • Edward says:

        How do you feel it compares to the others on the list. Have you tried any of them?

        I hadn’t even heard of half of those brands. They sound fantastic, though. I’d really like to try out the urban cowboy (lol@unicorn rankings!)!

        • Diane says:

          I’ve been using PureBodyScent deodorant for about 6 months now and I have to say that this is one of the best deodorants that I’ve every tried. Totally free of all the toxic ingredients and zero hydrogenated oils. Very nice scents and works extremely well. 😉

        • Aislinn Rodgers says:

          I’ve used both the Crystal Essence (which she gives 3 unicorns) and also Tom’s. While Crystal Essence is better than toms, they both do not stand-up to high heat, intense activity or humid weather. I’m actually somewhat dissapointed with the review of three unicorns for the Crystal Essence, she must not be very sweaty…. I have been on the hunt for a good natural deodorant for a few years and now I’m going to try the pit paste, that and Lavanilla seem to be the best reviewed elsewhere, and in this conversation chain

          • Vicki says:

            Completely agree with you, I was using the Crystal Essence and it was not working for me. I tried the Alaffia one which was just terrible and have been using the Herban Cowboy one. It’s ok, I’m actually going to try combining it with the Crystal Essence so I can use both of them up and avoid being wasteful but I get smelly by the mid-end of the day. That said, I am a sweater!

  391. Laura says:

    I’ve been using Lavanilla for a few years. I’ve been told it’s pretty clean, but you know, sometimes it’s hard to decipher ingredients, even the natural ones sometimes have long confusing names! What do you know about this deodorant?

    • Laura,

      I’ve had the same problem with never knowing what ingredients are safe or not. So my friend and I started using coconut oil and making our own. It’s awesome because you can use the scents you really like.

      • melody says:

        Wow Jadah, that is a great idea to use coconut oil as deodorant. I have been experimenting with essential oils and just throwing it under my arms. It definitely works and you get a cooling sensation as well but I may give the coconut oil a try as it is literally good for EVERYTHING! Thank you for the idea 🙂

    • jeanette says:

      They forgot the best natural deodorant on the market! And it really works!

  392. Ann says:

    Hi Kris,

    I found a wonderful deodorant that actually works all day and night….it’s called Purely Great and it is made in Canada and is available on line. Give it a try, you will not be disappointed.

    • Deo Free says:

      what’s the difference b/w a deodorant & anti-perspirant people asked ?
      deodorant can remove or mask odors but doesn’t prevent sweating, but anti-perspirant helps prevent sweating to reduce or prevent odors. I also find that UARMSOL POWDER works best because you definitely can sweat as much as you want without experiencing any odors at all, that’s a fact!

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