Kris Carr

Kris Carr


How to Heal Heartache & Cut Yourself Some Slack (Featuring My Husband)

Made to Thrive Podcast Cover Art

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  • (8:06) An action response to grief and staying busy to cope
  • (14:55) Finding humor throughout the healing processΒ 
  • (19:31) Our favorite mantra for grounding and connecting to self
  • (22:40) Understanding the role of anger and rage
  • (27:57) How to approach your emotional intelligence with curiosityΒ 
  • (30:32) A moment for scienceΒ 
  • (35:15) An invitation for expansion

Key Quotes From the Show

“One of the best ways to shift our energy is to actually get in our body. We can always do all of the work, the processing, or solving the challenges of the mind with our minds.” – Kris

“Just because the relationship changes, the love doesn’t go away. The energy changes, but it’s still present.” – Kris

“It’s just this big kick in the ass that makes you realize what matters. All these intangible effects that don’t make sense and come from the loss of someone are somehow all part of that rebirth that they give you as they move on.” – Brian

This week on Made to Thrive, I welcome a very special guest β€” my husband, Brian. Together, we dive into a heartfelt and honest conversation about grief, growth, and the unexpected ways loss can shape our lives. Join us for this raw, sometimes funny, and deeply human conversation about navigating life’s toughest moments and coming out the other side with more wisdom, compassion, and even a few inappropriate jokes.

Life’s Curveballs: When Grief Throws You a Wild Pitch

Brian opens up about losing his mom and how grief ambushed him, even though he thought he was prepared. Turns out, life’s curveballs don’t care if you’re ready or not. We’re also talking about how we all have our “go-to” coping mechanisms when things get tough. Brian’s? Hyper-focusing on tasks. (Apparently, grief can make you want to organize that junk drawer you’ve been avoiding!)

Laughing Through the Tears (and Sometimes at the Worst Times)

Ever had one of those moments where you crack a joke at the absolute worst time? Yeah, Brian’s been there. He shares his tendency to use humor (sometimes inappropriately) as a way to cope with grief. I even had to remind him that he doesn’t have a “one-man show in the Poconos” β€” our code for “dial it back, buddy.”

We also swap stories about my first encounter with Brian’s family at his dad’s funeral, where I couldn’t find the “salad” because, well, it turned out to be a Jell-O dish. (Apparently, that’s a thing in the Midwest!) These lighter moments remind us that even in the darkest times, laughter can be a lifeline (and sometimes, a Jell-O mold).

Hello, Friend: Your Emotional Life Raft

Ever feel totally untethered, especially in social situations? (Don’t worry, we’ve been there). Brian and I share our secret weapon for staying grounded: the “Hello, Friend” method. It’s our way of checking in with our core selves when things get overwhelming. Think of it as your emotional life raft when you feel out of sorts.

Anger: The Unexpected Sidekick of Grief

We’re not gonna lie, grief can unleash a whole lotta anger. (Just ask Brian’s recording equipment after his recent tech rage meltdown). I share insights on how anger can be a signal that there are deeper emotions lurking beneath the surface. 

Emotional Intelligence: Leveling Up (Even When It’s Hard)

Let’s talk about emotional intelligence, folks. It’s not always easy, but it’s worth it. We cover the challenges of understanding our emotions and how curiosity can be a game-changer. Brian shares his own struggles with this process and how he’s learning to be kinder to himself along the way.

Grief’s Evolution: Three Years Later

Three years after losing my dad, the grief isn’t as raw, but it’s a constant companion. Brian and I explore our different experiences with loss, and how healing isn’t a straight line β€” it’s more like a winding road with unexpected detours.

What’s Next? Finding Hope and New Beginnings

Loss can be a wake-up call, a nudge to re-evaluate what truly matters. Brian’s on a mission to Marie Kondo parts of his life, while I’m rediscovering the importance of living more intentionally in the face of life’s uncertainty. We both agree that even when chapters close, new ones are waiting to be written.

If you’re knee-deep in grief, questioning your direction in life, or just looking for a good laugh-cry session, this episode is for you, boo.

To your perfectly imperfect healing heart,


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  1. jen says:

    you two! what a kind, honest and giggle-worthy episode – grief is so surprising. love the dream…want to hear more about that – my parents visit me in dreams but never speak and are usually present on the edge of a scene…lurking-esque. i could tell the salad story hit a grief chord for your seeet hubz. fresh feels for you both. so nourishing. thank u so much for the vulnerability.πŸ’šπŸŒ™

    • Kris Carr says:

      I’m really touched that the episode resonated with you. It’s amazing how dreams and experiences can bring us closer to our loved ones. Thanks again for sharing this with me! xo

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