Emotional Health

10 tips for crafting and delivering a great speech

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Hiya Gorgeous,

I recently googled “Top Ten Fears,” don’t ask me why, I must have been bored while waiting to get my teeth cleaned. Anyway, it was no surprise that public speaking ranked high on the list (sandwiched between snakes and heights).

I’ll be honest, I used to hate public speaking. Even though I began performing when I was a kid, speaking my own words was different. I was the shy girl who prayed she wouldn’t be called on in school. Partly because I often twisted up my words when I read out loud. Dyslexia will do that to ya.

I literally thought I would drop dead when I gave my first professional talk for the Philips company. They make lots of electronics, including TV’s and in this case, CAT Scan machines. There were over a thousand people in the audience, gulp and dare I say, f%ck! Sure, I had been practicing on smaller groups at health food stores but I was nowhere near ready for the army of eyeballs before me—or so I thought.

Guess what? Even though I refused to take my face out of my 30-page script (which I read word for word), I still received a standing ovation. Maybe they felt sorry for me, either way, I did it.

Because many of you give lectures, presentations, or just have to pipe up at work from time to time, here are some of my tips for crafting and delivering a great talk.

I have some more tips at the end of the blog for speaking anxiety, but rest assured that working on improving your speaking chops will get you 99% of the way there. Believe me, it gets much easier and sweeter each time you get out there, today I speak in front of audiences as large as 5000 people and I absolutely love it!

Ten tips for crafting and delivering a great speech

1. Know your audience. If you’ve been asked to speak at a medical conference don’t address the crowd like you’re at a Renaissance Fair. Also, if it’s a yearly event, be aware of past speakers who have spoken before you. This will give you more of a feel for what your event sponsor is looking for. Ask for a description of the audience. Are they mostly women? What’s the age range? What are they dealing with or interested in and so forth. Basically, get the lay of the land and know your people.

2. Forget scripts. Use post-it notes (while prepping) and index cards. While it’s tempting to read a script, it’s not very interesting for the audience. Plus, scripts don’t allow room for magic, new ideas, whim and the guided channeling that can take place when you’re in your sweet spot. When I’m crafting a speech I map out the key points with post-it notes (usually about 5-6 of them). Then I’ll work on the thoughts, ideas and stories that go with the key points––but I don’t memorize or set anything in stone. Once I’m ready to hit the stage I generally use one index card with the key points and reminders. You may not need anything, I like an anchor because I tend to have a great time up there and can get lost in the moment.

3. Prep but don’t over practice. Again, there’s no need to memorize. Practice so that you’re comfortable and you know where you’re going, then enjoy the ride. The best stuff will happen spontaneously. Leave room for it.

4. Look spiffy. If I could wear my sweat pants and sports bra everywhere I would, but this is the one time I make an effort to gussie up like a classy pro.

5. Strong start. Strong finish. Know your opener and your closer and do your best to inspire and lift people up, versus ranting about shitty room service food.

6. Story story story. People love stories. They make us feel, they take us places, they change us. Pick stories that illustrate your points and make sure to relate them back to your audience in some way. Remember, this isn’t a live diary entry.

7. Give your audience tips and examples. Are there specific tools that will help your audience put your teachings into practice? Stuff they can try at home or in their daily life? For example: I might tell a funny story about the first time I used a blender and how I forgot to tighten the lid and more smoothie ended up on my ceiling than in my belly. I could follow that with some tips and maybe even a recipe for my favorite smoothie. Nothing long or cumbersome, but something useful and practical. Ground your audience so they have something to do moving forward. You may also want to wind down your talk with a brief summary of your main teaching points before you send ‘em home with some soaring love.

8. Ask questions and give folks something to think about. Dare I say, challenge them. I don’t mean start a Q&A, but are there moments in your talk where you can ask your audience if they’ve ever felt that way, had a similar experience, gone through a similar event? If so, what seed can you plant in their mind so that the next time they find themselves in that space they have new tools or a refreshing idea to call on.

9. Have fun and use humor if it comes naturally to you. This isn’t a funeral (unless it is, then humor may not always be appropriate, unless you come from my family!). The more you bring your personality to your talks the more engaging and fun they’ll be for you and for your audience.

10. Learn something about yourself and the audience. Whether you give a so-so talk or you nail a home run, there’s always something to learn and try next time. Forget about what went right or wrong and just focus on what you learned.

Last but not least, if you’re terrified like I was in the beginning, there are lots of ways to ground yourself before a talk. Here are a few ideas: Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping), meditation, standing in your bare feet (backstage or outside in the grass) and asking for guidance and support. Don’t forget all the speaking angels you can call on—radical revolutionaries that have gone before you and are available when needed. Above all breathe. Stay focused on your breath and know that everyone poops. 🙂

Now it’s your turn: What helps you prepare for a talk, speech, lecture or presentation? Got tips? If so, share them!

Peace & Standing Ovations,

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  1. Long read but definitely comprehensive and worth the time. These tips are really helpful, thanks a lot.

  2. Jen Schwab says:

    Hey lovely lady! Grateful to have found a fellow brave beauty, willing to feel the fear and show up for themselves by sharing their experience and truth! My gratitude is because while I am a brave beauty too, the mental noise can often drown out the truth and make it hard to swim in in my skin, let alone the world! I’m sending you lots of light & love, hug & healing! All my best you, my new found friend! xoxo Jen

  3. I want to hire a public speaker for the school I teach at. It would be great if they asked questions and kept the kids engaged. I remember being a teenager myself and having wonderful public speakers change the way I thought about life. Great post, thanks.

  4. April Cook says:

    I’m always trying to improve my public speaking skills, and I really appreciate these tips. I really like #5, ‘strong start’. I’ve noticed that people pay more attention when you start out strong and confident. I’ve also learned to not start out apologizing for any shortcomings that I think I may have. If you want to empower people you have to show that you are powerful!

  5. Faylinn says:

    In two weeks, I have to give a speech at my college graduation ceremony and so I have been working with a speaking coach for the last month or so to help me to prepare for this. However, I am sure that I could use all the help that I can get and so I really appreciate all ten of these tips, especially the one about using stories. I think that stories are a great way to teach life lessons and to still show a humorous side. I am definitely going to make sure to tell one or two stories in my speech!

  6. Liesel says:

    Hi Kris
    I have a passion for life and striving for brilliant Lifeforce to pulsate into every aspect of my and my family’s being.
    This passion has become so strong that I wish to share it with others. I share this passion, to empower others to reach their full potential holisticaly, with my Mom, Tricia and the two of us are now on the brink of starting up a health and wellness retreat. We have named our retreat, Harmonie (we have spelt it in German, as we are German by heritage). I have put our brand new website in the “website” section above.
    We have big dreams and plans to try and reach as many people as possible to empower them to Revive, create Balance and then Sustain a healthy lifestyle, no matter where they are in their life journey.
    I have been following you for a while now. You inspire me greatly! I always feel extremely encouraged and enthused after reading your blog or viewing your “vlogs”. I also enjoy your positive thinking, quotes you post on Facebook.
    I would love to have opportunity to speak with you over email or even skype, as I know you could offer amazing wisdom to my Mom and I with regards to our little business. Would you be happy to do this?
    We are based in South Africa, in Kwazulu Natal.
    I look forward to hearing from you!
    With lots of love

  7. Sandy says:

    As Kris says, know your audience and equally important know your material. Understand well what you are going to talk about using your own experiences.

  8. cristina says:

    You are so hilarious!! “Guess what? Even though I refused to take my face out of my 30-page script (which I read word for word), I still received a standing ovation. Maybe they felt sorry for me, either way, I did it.”

    That was me presenting my junior thesis a few months ago!

    I’m ready to move forward to the next phase and this is SO helpful and inspiring. Thank you <3

  9. Alix Kompare says:

    Thank you Kris for this great advice! This past year I’ve gone through breast cancer, chemo treatments, double masectomy and reconstruction, ugh! I went on my own last year at age 43 and asked for my first mammogram , I had no symptoms but had a girlfriend going through it so it got me thinking to get checked out, and holy moly!! There is was! So crazy! But so lucky they caught it early, it wasn’t in my lymph nodes and just a few tiny tumours…so they are outta there now!
    So this year I’ve been asked to speak at this year BRA ( breast reconstruction awareness) event here in Cambridge Ontario Canada, yes I’m a bit nervous….but I know my inner strong girl power can get me through it!!!
    I truly love you and your advice, your story is So inspiring! I have your books and am enjoying my new healthy life style!
    Sending you big hugs!!!! Enjoy your day!
    Alix Kompare xoxoxoxoxo

  10. Keten says:

    Humor is always working but watch out that you don’t force a joke too hard!

  11. Angie says:

    All these tips are very helpful, thank you! The only thing I can add as a tip to help others that has been the key to my success, would be to use Valor!! It’s an essential oil blend through Young Living, it is designed to help with feelings of strength and courage, when inhaled by dropping a drop or two of oil in the palm of your hand, rubbing your hands together then cupping over your nose and mouth and inhaling the fragrance, it has the ability to reach the limbic part of the brain to improves one’s self image, enhance one’s feeling of confidence, courage, and self esteem. I spoke at an event yesterday for 3 1/2 hours straight, and could not have done it without God’s strength, and my Valor!

  12. maria maynard says:

    THANK YOU so much Kris….I was just putting my outline together for a presentation I am making at a wellness fair—and I saw this—fantabulous!!

    • maria maynard says:

      AND my tip…talk about what you KNOW & BELIEVE IN—it will come from inside of you—not from a memorized script:)

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