
How to Treat Epstein-Barr Virus Naturally

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Hiya Gorgeous,

A few years ago, I went through a long bout of fatigue.

And, I’m talkin’ bone-tired, 24/7 kind-of-fatigue. During that time, I did a lot of exploring “under the hood” with my Integrative, M.D. One possibility we looked into was the Epstein-Barr virus. Ever since, I’ve been wanting to talk with you about this incredibly common infection. Well, today’s that day.

What is Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV)?

The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is part of the herpes virus family. Other infections in this family include cold sores, herpes, shingles, and chickenpox. Infectious Mononucleosis (aka mono or the “Kissing Disease”) is probably the most commonly-known way EBV manifests itself.

Infectious Mononucleosis, also referred to as “Glandular Fever” manifests originally with these symptoms:

  • Swollen glands
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Fever
  • Headache/body aches
  • Sore throat
  • Rash
  • Enlarged liver and spleen

The symptoms of Epstein Barr Virus are usually mild. Because EBV symptoms overlap with other illnesses (sore throat, fever, rashes, etc.), children are commonly misdiagnosed with strep throat or another virus.

And, up to 95% of the population is infected with the Epstein-Barr Virus. The majority of these people are going through life as unknowing carriers. Typically, carriers are symptomless (the virus just hangs around—dormant).

EBV Becomes a Problem When it Reactivates and Attacks the Immune System

The problem is if the virus reactivates due to a stressed immune system (we’ll talk about that in a moment!), it’s a real drag. You’re exhausted, achy, and feel under the weather—all the time. Many people can be misdiagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Are you experiencing fatigue that no amount of sleep, nourishing food, exercise, or caffeine can shake? Do you often come down with persistent “flu-like” symptoms? If this is the case and you haven’t been able to get to the root of the issue, you may want to look into EBV with your doctor.


Understanding the Epstein-Bar Virus from the Lens of a Professional

To help us understand EBV, I’ve turned to our fabulous friend, Doctor Aviva Romm. Aviva is a Yale-trained M.D. and Board Certified family physician, midwife, and herbalist who is focused on helping women not only heal their bodies and minds but transform their lives. She covers the Epstein-Barr virus in her popular book, The Adrenal Thyroid Revolution.

Now, let’s dig into my conversation with Aviva…

How is the EBV Virus Transmitted and How Prevalent is it?

EBV is transmitted through intimate contact, which includes “sharing” saliva (this can happen through drinking out of the same cups, kissing, or passing joints or cigarettes). It’s highly prevalent. As you read above, about ninety-five percent of people worldwide have been infected with the virus.

Other modes of transmission can include:

  • Blood transfusion (blood is not tested for the Epstein-Barr Virus)
  • An infant can contract the initial infection if the mother has the virus
  • Food contaminated when someone is cut
  • Bodily fluids through sexual contact

You can even be exposed to Epstein-Barr from coming into contact with toys that have been drooled on by an infant that has the virus.

Who is Most Likely to be Infected by EBV and How is it Diagnosed?

Anyone can become infected by the Epstein-Barr Virus. Symptomatic infections with mono seem to be most common in the late teenage years and early 20s. Most of us have been exposed and are asymptomatic carriers in our adult lives.

Women going through major life changes, including the death of a loved one, a major move, a job change, or menopause, for example, may be particularly susceptible to reactivation of the virus, and therefore a symptomatic infection.

To diagnose, your healthcare practitioner can do a simple blood test called a “Complete EBV Acute Panel,” which includes: Viral capsid antigen (VCA)-IgM, VCA-IgG, D early antigen (EA-D), and Epstein-Barr nuclear antigen (EBNA). They can also run a chronic infection panel.

What is EBV Reactivation and What are its Symptoms?

EBV reactivation can persist for months, much like mono can, though it’s usually significantly milder. Reactivation of the virus often happens in times of prolonged stress. Symptoms typically include chronic fatigue, aching muscles and joints, swollen lymph nodes, and other persistent flu-like symptoms. It can also cause malaise and even depression. A physical exam may find a swollen liver and spleen, and liver function tests may be abnormal.

What is Chronic EBV Infection and What are the Signs and Symptoms?

While chronic Epstein-Barr is considered rare, the symptoms are similar to those dealing with reactivation and may be mild to severe. Liver and spleen abnormalities may not be observable or found in this case. Chronic infections occur when the infection remains persistent rather than going dormant, as it should when the immune system is able to keep it under wraps and you’d remain symptom-free.

There are a variety of chronic symptoms, some of which are:

  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Migraines
  • Consistent fatigue
  • Dizziness/Blurred vision
  • Restless sleep
  • Numbness of the hands and feet
  • Tinnitus
  • Vertigo

There are many more seemingly unrelated symptoms associated with Epstein-Barr.

Is EBV Connected to Other Chronic Infections, like Cancer or Autoimmune Disease?

EBV has been associated with numerous autoimmune diseases such as Lupus, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Lyme Disease, and Rheumatoid Arthritis, and is a trigger for multiple sclerosis (MS). EBV is also associated with certain lymphomas (types of cancer affecting B-cells of the immune system).

Why Does EBV Cause Other Infections?

There are a few hypotheses as to why EBV causes other autoimmune conditions:

Bystander Activation

Also known as the “Bystander Effect,” this happens when the immune system attacks and destroys healthy cells alongside the virus. The virus can also lead to the activation of immune cells that attack the body itself.

Molecular Mimicry

Molecular mimicry occurs when your immune system attacks the virus. Some of your tissues may mimic the molecular structure of the virus, which can confuse the immune system, leading it to attack healthy tissue.

Dysregulation in the Immune System

If your body is constantly combating viral infections, it can activate the adrenal glands and lead to adrenal fatigue. In turn, this can lead to immune dysfunction.

Autoimmune conditions are on the rise and it appears that EBV can be linked to decreased immune function.

What Treatments are Available for EBV (Conventional Medicine and Holistic)?

While supportive treatments are available for mono, no specific conventional medical treatments have been established for treating recurrent or chronic EBV.

Many holistic doctors use an antiviral medication called Acycovir, which is also used in the treatment of viruses in the herpes family. While this treatment is considered “off label”, meaning not intended for this purpose, patients have reported that it helps with symptoms and shortens the duration of their illnesses. It is also considered relatively safe.

The Plant-Based Foods, Herbs, and Supplements Aviva Recommends

Aviva emphasizes good nutrition, healthy sleep habits, and relaxation techniques to keep the immune system in optimal condition, along with smart basic hygiene practices. She believes in using adaptogen herbs, such as ashwagandha, holy basil, and reishi for general immune support (learn more here).

Aviva also recommends antiviral and anti-inflammatory herbs, and supplements that are effective in fighting against EBV (or viruses in the herpes family). Here are some examples:

  • Zinc Citrate: Take 30-60 mg with food daily to avoid nausea. If you exceed 60 mg/day it can be toxic.
  • St John’s Wort: This is an antiviral and relieves depression. Take 300-600 mg/day of products standardized to 0.3% hypericin and/or 3-5% hyperforin.
  • Lemon Balm: Antiviral and relieves stress and anxiety. Take 300-1200 mg daily in green tea or capsules, or 40-60 drops of tincture 1 to 3 times daily.
  • Licorice: Antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and an adaptogen. Take 150-300 mg daily.
  • Echinacea: Anti-inflammatory and antiviral. Take 300-500 mg up to three times daily.

Adding a high-dose vitamin c supplement (2,000 mg per day) can also support your immune system and its oxidative effects can kill viruses. Please check with your healthcare practitioner before adding new supplements to your life.

Foods that Can Naturally Boost Your Immune System

For Epstein-Barr Virus treatment, I recommend a combination of immune-supportive foods, especially plenty of dark green leafy vegetables, vitamin-A rich carrots and sweet potatoes, dark blue and blackberries, nuts and seeds, and good quality protein. Here’s a more comprehensive list:

  • Celery
  • Sprouts
  • Asparagus
  • Spinach
  • Cilantro
  • Parsley
  • Coconut oil
  • Garlic
  • Ginger
  • Turmeric
  • Raspberries
  • Lettuce
  • Papayas
  • Apricots
  • Cayenne
  • Lemon
  • Pomegranates
  • Grapefruit
  • Kale
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Cucumbers
  • Fennel
  • Essential fats (from nuts, seeds, and avocados, for example)

An Alternative Treatment Option to Treat the Epstein Barr Virus Naturally: Autohemotherapy

Autohemotherapy—also known as autologous blood therapy—is a process by which you have blood drawn and it is injected with medical-grade ozone. After being allowed to intermix for a short time, the ozonated blood is then infused back into your bloodstream.

It super-oxygenates your blood, which has been found to kill pathogens (including EBV toxins). This therapy is being tested as a treatment for everything from chronic urticaria and eczema to treating fibromyalgia, and other viral infections.

This isn’t a treatment embraced by the medical community at large and more research needs to be done, but it’s shown promising results. Please note this must be carried out by qualified medical professionals (and always speak with your doctor before implementing a treatment protocol).

Are You Struggling with EBV Symptoms?

If you are struggling with EBV or suspect that it could be impacting your health, I hope that this information and these tips empower you to explore this virus further with your healthcare practitioner.

Your turn: Do you have experience with the Epstein-Barr virus? If so, what lifestyle practices, treatments, herbs and/or supplements have you found helpful? Share your experiences in the comments below!

Peace and strong immune systems,

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  1. omercy says:

    Thank you! Is it safe to take echinacea & licorice when you have hashimoto’s & EBV?

    • Mindy Gray, RD says:

      Hi Omercy! I’m Mindy, a Dietitian here at team Crazy Sexy. Immune supportive, antiviral and anti-inflammatory herbs such as echinacea and licorice, can be helpful at fighting against the EBV virus. Addressing EBV may help manage your Hashimoto’s. However, there is some caution recommended when using echinacea supplements long term in those with autoimmune diseases. Hashimoto’s in one person, can be different than Hashimoto’s in another. Since echinacea boosts your immune system, it could potentially cause flare ups in some people with autoimmune diseases. Since autoimmune diseases are complex and highly individualized, each person may react differently to herbal therapies including echinacea and licorice. It’s important for those with EBV and Hashimoto’s to work with an integrative practitioner on which natural treatment options are best for them!

  2. diana says:

    What about lauracidin said to kill EBV ? its from coconuts so I can’t take it but wondered if you have tried it and why you did not recommend it to your readers. I also have hashimotos disease caused by EBV

    • Jennifer says:

      Hey there, Diana! This is Jennifer from Team Crazy Sexy and I got a terrific response from our Nutritionist that might be able to help: “There is a variety of herbs, supplements, and natural options to help address Epstein-Barr Virus. Monolaurin or lauric acid, one of the components of coconut oil, is an option that may help support the body’s ability to suppress EBV. For those that tolerate coconut oil, a few tablespoons a day may be helpful. Since each person will react differently to lauric acid and the other natural treatment approaches for EBV, it’s important for those with EBV to work with an integrative practitioner on which treatment options are best for them. Addressing EBV may help manage Hashimoto’s. Also, a gluten-free diet is one that seems to have a positive effect in Hashimoto’s management.” Hope this helps and good luck!

  3. Mary says:

    Thank You for your post. June 2018 I was diagnosed with EBV that I know I have had for now 31 years. Sadly even my NP missed the diagnoses but finally did the right testing after 5 yrs. with her.
    I have taken EBV drops and some UNDA’s that were helping. I still have high EBV levels, and now am experiencing severe muscle & bone pain. I have been on a special diet for 6 yrs. now also.
    I am looking for relief in my bone pain mostly. I can be severe with weather pressure changes also.

  4. Courtney Canning says:

    Hello, I was wondering about your thoughts on Chinese herbs and acupuncture ? I have been sick for a year now and dont know where to turn.

  5. Courtney Canning says:

    Hello, i am just in need of some advice. I was diagnosed with ebv 9 months ago. I had fatigue,sore throat, headaches, and loss of appetite. I had to take months out of work. About 5 months in I went for bloodwork and the ebv was no longer active. But my symptoms never fully went away. The sore throat has stuck around the while time along with some eye pain, tonsil stones, and post nasal drip. I went to the ENT and I am supposed to have my tonsils removed in 2 weeks. Idk if this is safe and i am wondering if anyone else has had this done. I am also on a zpac right now for my throat but i feel like i am now having a flare up and I’m worried. Idk if the tonsillectomy is too risky but I need some relief. Please any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you so much and good luck to everyone.

    • Jen Reilly, RD says:

      Hi Courtney! I’m the nutrition director here so I’ll chime in for Kris. My advice would be to go get a second opinion on the tonsillectomy, or even the EBV. If possible, you may want to check in with an integrative doc as he/she may encourage you to explore alternative therapies before surgery. Sending you big healing hugs! xo – Jen

  6. Heather Stacy says:

    I had EBV in 2013 which turned into a diagnosis of Lupus. I had long periods of prolonged stress and depression. As of 2016 I no longer have either. I believe in the power of essential oils, Epsom salt detox baths, antioxidant smoothies, yoga and sleep regimens. All of these lifestyles changes and faith to fight gave me hope that my health is much better than it was. I’m blessed to have my health back.

  7. Taylor says:

    I have recently been having some health problems. In and out of hospital, felt awful for the last 6 weeks and have had severe muscle weakness and fatigue with an almost tremor like shakiness in my hands, arms, and sometimes neck. Recently received some blood work back showing I tested positive for EBV. Provider told me it could be a reactivation or old (not sure which way to tell I guess). Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this shaky muscle feeling while infected with the virus. My joints sometimes hurt too. Even the bottoms of my feet. My knees, especially my elbows. Almost feels like when you hit your funny bone and it zings your arm. Also experience severe bouts of dizziness. To the point where I couldn’t work, get up. The room didn’t spin, but it would disorient me and make me feel very foggy.

    • Hey Taylor, I’m writing in response because I had a very similar experience. I started doing intense measures against EBV, including celery juice and a smoothie similar to what Carole said above. I experienced some detoxing at first, but then was sent into a viral flare. I couldn’t stand up or move quickly without getting dizzy or blacking out. I had tested positive for a reactivation earlier in the year, so I know its in my system. I had tremors and tachycardia (elevated heart rate) that came from an inflammation of my heart, which EBV can also cause.
      I’m getting better slowly but surely, but I’ve had to rest A LOT, bail on a lot of commitments or plans, and invest time in restorative things like yin yoga and yoga nidra. The immune system needs a lot of support, so stress-reduction is key. I eat a plant-based diet with no coffee and lower but healthy fats to give the liver a break. Staying up past 10 should really be avoided, as well as any late-night plans. I’ve arranged with my employer to take 2 days of home office per week and will be reducing my hours to 80%.
      It can take 6 months to a year to get past this, so its really worth it to learn how to care for yourself and take a break. I’m a holistic nutrition consultant and love working from the heart with people on chronic issues; I know how it feels to go through this, but if you go through it mindfully, it can actually be a rewarding process of personal development 🙂

  8. Carole says:

    I have EBV and Hashimooto’s. I make a morning smoothie with fruit,Hawiian Spirlina,Barley grass powder,Dulse and cilantro.Also i take B12,Selenium. and L-lysine.

  9. free iptv says:

    Hello,nice share.

  10. Daniele Beasley says:

    Kris! I was lucky to see you speak at the Dream Camp this last weekend and just stumbled across this interview. After returning home I received blood work that shows my antibodies are super high but my igm is negative. Do you think a >600 on the antibody test need to be treated? I’m entering my third month on a nearly vegan diet (no sugar, gluten, eggs, soy, dairy, peanuts). My Doctor wanted me to take Olive Tree Extract to kill it, but I haven’t heard it’s possible?

    Do you have any recommendations?

  11. Lizw says:

    Hello. I had dx of EBV almost 30yrs ago. I had excellent infectious disease md who put me on tagamet believing histamine blocker helped. It did some and I really fought to get better. Took over a year. Last week I was dx w reactivated Active EBV. I’m 60 and feel quite vulnerable And sick! My question: do u think L Lysine is effective? I’m Very sensitive to herbs supplements so I can’t experiment but I’ve taken lysine in past for cold sores (herpes). Sorry for long email… Also what about zinc lozenges?? Thank u

  12. Nicole says:

    I have just stumbled upon this post, I’m so happy to have read that orher folks have had similar experience. I was diagnosed with EBV and mono back in June. I felt great by the end of July and then 4 days ago, August 1, I seem to have hit a wall again. Today my head is full off pressure again, my legs tingle a bit. I’m resting but can’t actually sleep. I’ve been adding coconut oil to my smoothie daily, have had acupuncture, and taking vitamins. I have 2 children, husband, and full time job. I just want this illness to be done. How much longer….

  13. jun zina says:

    I was told last year I have herpes 2. My symptoms came fast and furious. Itching and burning beyond belief. The pain is unbearable. Urinating caused me to scream. I couldn’t sleep at night because of the pain. I often had to have cold compresses between my legs to get relief. I made an appointment with my doctor and she knew right away by looking,she directed me to Total cure herbal foundation Totalcureherbalfoundation gmailcom )online to purchase the a herbal formula from them because this herbal formula has been the only way to get rid of this virus totally,without wasting anytime i contacted them and purchased,i had to use the herbal remedies as instructed which actually helped me get rid of this virus totally with serious side effect.
    i’m glad

  14. Helene Nagel says:

    Hi Kris Carr,
    You are great!!! I am so inspired when I read anything from you!! Can you please help me?? I am a survivor of breast cancer which I had in 2012, so far so good with cancer antigen tests!! and I have psoriasis and psoriatic arthitis which is quite painful in the winter. i live in NY. any books that you can recommend?? I love you and your positive attitude!!!

  15. Courtney Canning says:

    Hello, I am on need of some advice in EBB. I have had a reactivation that has lasted 2 months so far. I felt so sick at first and was working 12 hour shifts for a month and half into bring sick. It was awful. My head, throat,vulva and sinuses were affected. U have been out of work for 2 weeks now and resting a lot which is def helping but I cannot kick the sore throat and vulva. I am almost 30 years old. I had mono when I was 14 but I’ve been pretty active ever since. This is really throwing me for a loop. Any advice? So far I am taking 600mg of monolaurin and a organic multi vitamin everyday for the past week.

    • Gina says:

      I think the best advise I can give based on my experience is to slow down, listen to your body, eat well and boost your immune system. Try energy medicine.

      • Courtney Canning says:

        Have you ever heard of Anthony Williams? He seem to think fruits ,veggies, and supplements can really help heal you. Have you ever heard of this affecting the vulva?

    • Tammy Gadomski says:

      Courtney, I had mono when I was 16 for a few weeks. Diagnosed via blood test has Epstein Barr virus one year ago. I finally kicked it after a year. Good nutrition and sleep helped a bit, and I took a lot and a variety of supplements but didn’t really start to truly heal until I took Lypho-Spheric Vitamin C (recommended to me by another person who had Epstein Barr I met in a Facebook Group). I bought through LivOnLabs.com. Best wishes!!!

      • Tammy Gadomski says:

        (Just proofread my post and see that I forgot to specify that I’m 45 yrs old now).

      • Courtney Canning says:

        Thank you for your advice. I am noticing that a healthy diet really does make all the difference. I have had the sore throat for 2 and a half months now along with a white tongue. But since I’ve been eating organic and gluten free for the past week it seems to be settling down now. I’m hoping I can get past this and live a normal life again.

        • Tammy Gadomski says:

          Eliminating gluten worked for me. I eliminated dairy too. Yep, soar throat and swollen glands was present most days.

          • Courtney Canning says:

            How long after u started eating right did u start to feel better? Do you still have flare ups?

            • Tammy Gadomski says:

              I noticed a change after about a month of the eating — but it was only a very slight improvement. I was really bad for months and months. It was a slow process, but there was progress. I don’t push supplements, but I do have to say I noticed an IMMEDIATE improvement when I started the Vitamin C — the way it’s made is more readily absorbed by the body I guess, I don’t really know the science behind it. I no longer have flare ups, but I baby myself — no more long work out sessions, I don’t stay up late, and barely drink a glass of wine.

              • Courtney Canning says:

                I have no children and wanted to try to have a baby and I am worried that it might be a problem now. Have you heard anyone say pregnancy causes flare ups? Also they do make gluten free alcohol, though I know it’s not good for ur immune system.

                • Tammy Gadomski says:

                  I have not heard anything about pregnancy causing flare ups, but I also do not know anyone who has had Epstein & then became pregnant. Maybe join a Facebook group — even just to get that question answered. The group I’m in has thousands of members — great resource. Don’t know much about alcohol & ingredients — I’m not that strict with avoidance (about 80% of the time I follow no gluten)… maybe Tito’s vodka?

                  • Courtney Canning says:

                    Hello again, so I was starting to feel really good and i had a burger a gluten free beer and some Smores. Now today I don’t feel all that great again. So I’m thinking eating bad has a lot to do with why I feel like I do. I guess you really do have to baby yourself. I’m on vaca and wanted to splurge but I won’t do that again. I’m sorry to keep posting but I don’t have social media and have no one to talk to about this.

                    • Jen Reilly, RD says:

                      Hi Courtney! Sounds like you figured out your body and what it needs 🙂 I’m the nutrition director here so I’m chiming in for Kris. It’s funny how once we give our bodies what they need, any veering off course can backfire worse than the last time. Wishing you loads of health and happiness! xo

                    • Courtney Canning says:

                      Is it possible to eventually feel like myself again with time? I’ve heard as long as you take care of yourself it’s possible. I feel like o take 3 steps forward then 2 steps back. It’s just lingering around.

                • Sjer says:

                  Hi I felt better during my 2 pregnancies than I have in years. I had Mono at the age of 29 years old and didn’t have my children till 39+. I feel I have more energy now than in my twenties with lingering EBV back then. My 4 year old has this week been diagnosed with EBV as he’s had ongoing issues with mouth ulcers.

  16. Lisa says:

    What about Cat’s Claw?

    It has helped thousands of people with thyroid issues.

    • Jen Reilly, RD says:

      Hi Lisa! I’m the nutrition director here at Crazy Sexy Wellness, so I’ll chime in. Sounds like folks with EBV have found great relief while taking Cat’s Claw as well as licorice, lysine, Vitamin C, and VItamin B12. While there isn’t a ton of research proving these benefits, if you scroll the comments above, you’ll see lots of testimonial evidence. Hope that helps! xo – Jen

  17. james pickford says:

    i was diagnosed of herpes virus since late 2015 and i was on my doctor prescription ever since, I wasn’t satisfied i needed to get the virus out of my system,i was going through a blog to find new informations about the Herpes Simplex Virus i came across a review of a lady who was cured by Totalcureherbalfoundation gmailcom,I contacted the herbal foundation and they guided me on how to purchase the herbal formula.the herbal products las me for 14 weeks which helps me to get rid of the virus totally.

  18. Jane Sholes says:

    I have been suffering a strange aliment that doctors could not find the source of. A few weeks ago I had blood tests that confirmed I had EBV and CMV. The numbers are very high, I need all the help I can get. This has been going on for about five years and I have seen many doctors.

  19. Jen says:

    I have been sick with this and that for 2 years. Now I am experiencing severe pain in my neck back and arms I am fatigued all the time I am very weak compared to what I used to be I am trying to figure out what is wrong and I read your story I am going to try some things for sure

  20. Tanya says:

    I havr been diagnosed with Tumeffective MS and have tested for EBV. Is getting the EBV effective is stopping these lesions and getting them under control once and for all.

    • Tanya says:

      I have also been diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis and Fibromyalgia. About 20 yrs ago. Are these treatments helpful to get any of this also under control. Thank you

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