Kris Carr

Kris Carr


Dragon Fruit Orange Sunflower Stacks

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Dragon Fruit Orange Sunflower Stacks


  • 2 ripe organic dragon fruits, wash well
  • 2 small ripe organic Valencia oranges
  • 2 cups organic sunflower sprouts, wash well and spin dry
  • 4 single trimmed sunflower sprouts for garnish, wash and spin dry



1. Gently peel the outer skin off of the dragon fruits to expose the inner meat. Lay the fruit on its side and cut off the ends so that the remaining fruit is uniform in thickness.

2. Gently slice each width wise into six even round slices and set aside. Zest one of the oranges and reserve, save the other zest for another recipe. Peel both and lay on their sides. Cut off the ends (and eat) and then cut each width wise into six even round slices.

3. For the presentation: On each serving plate, start working from the right hand side, and stack everything at a slight angle, working toward the left side of the plate. Lay down one orange slice, and stack on top with one dragon fruit slice. Add 1/4 cup of the sprouts next. Repeat with one orange slice, and stack on top with one dragon fruit slice. Add 1/4 cup of the sprouts next. Now stack one orange slice and stack on top with one dragon fruit slice.

4. When you have finished constructing all four plates, evenly sprinkle each plate with 1/4 of the reserved orange zest. Garnish with a single trimmed sprout.

5. Enjoy!

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