
Your Wellness Guide for Navigating Coronavirus

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To My Cherished Community,

I hope this finds you safe and well. I’ve been thinking about how I can support you and your loved ones during these difficult times. Truth is, I don’t have all the answers. But what I do have is an endless amount of love for you, so I’m going to do everything in my power to get you the resources you need to navigate coronavirus and COVID-19.

We’re in this together.

I’m writing to you from my temporary home in Florida, where Brian, Lola, Tara and I recently moved to be closer to my parents. Little did I know that just weeks after road tripping down the eastern seaboard, we’d be facing an unprecedented global health crisis.

As many of you know, my amazing Dad was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2016. Thirteen years after my own cancer diagnosis, our roles reversed overnight. My dad, who was my rock back then and still is today, became the patient. And for the first time in my own health journey, I became a caregiver.

I’m sharing this because many folks in this community are dealing with chronic health challenges that make them even more vulnerable right now.

If you’re one of those people, please know that my family and I stand in solidarity with you. We’re taking extra precautions right now and encourage you to do the same.

The other reason I’m sharing my family’s story is because over the coming days and weeks, many of us will find ourselves in similarly unexpected situations. But if I’ve learned anything from my own experiences, it’s that we need each other. In times like these, we must shed our default roles and let compassion and humility lead the way.

That means listening to the experts.

And when you listen, you’ll hear what is perhaps their most critical message: To minimize the damage from this outbreak, we must flatten the curve.

If you’re wondering what that means, check out this helpful article. But here’s the short version: We can limit the speed of coronavirus transmission by practicing social distancing and other protective methods. If we don’t heed this advice, there may be a huge spike (the opposite of a flattened curve) in the number of folks who get infected at once, which could in turn overwhelm our healthcare system. (You can read about the healthcare crisis in Italy for a sense of what that could mean.)

But what does that look like, practically speaking? I know that you must have a lot of questions about how to keep yourself and your loved ones well. So I went searching for the best, most reliable advice I could find, and put together the following list of tips and resources for you. By no means is this a comprehensive list, but I hope it provides you with some comfort and clarity during this challenging time.

Your Wellness Guide: 8 Ways to Support Yourself and Others During Coronavirus and COVID-19

1. Take social distancing very seriously while also staying connected.

This is perhaps the biggest, most challenging change we’re facing for the coming weeks. But social distancing only works if we all participate. This is about protecting others as much as protecting ourselves. For every known case there are likely five to 10 undetected cases, and these asymptomatic carriers may be responsible for nearly 80% of all new cases.

For a straightforward overview of social distancing practices, check out this helpful article from Johns Hopkins. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) are also reliable resources for better understanding how you can help flatten the curve.

Please keep this in mind while you’re hunkered down at home: Loneliness isn’t good for us either, so don’t cut yourself off from the world! Let’s take advantage of all the amazing technology we have access to (video chat like FaceTime and Zoom, text, emails and yes, good old fashioned phone calls!). I’ll be going live on instagram to support our community, so if you need some love please come and find me (I’m @crazysexykris).

It’s also important to acknowledge that not everyone has the ability to protect themselves equally. And not everyone can weather this storm financially, either. Many folks were already hurting before the pandemic. So now is the time to up our game as a global family. The more we follow the guidelines, the more we protect the person stocking the shelves, delivering the packages, the caregivers, medical professionals and so on. For ways to contribute, see tip #8.

2. Practice extra good hygiene.

Coronavirus has spread so far and so fast because it’s primarily transmitted through respiratory droplets (which are produced by talking, coughing, etc.). And since those lil’ droplets can land pretty much anywhere, we need to take extra precautions when it comes to cleaning and hygiene.

First and foremost, wash your hands well and often! Check out this guide from the WHO to make sure you’re covering all your bases. I also shared my own tutorial video on Instagram, which you can see here.

Ramping up our hygiene efforts doesn’t stop with handwashing, though—you can also help protect yourself and others by changing your clothes when you get home, taking your shoes off at the door, disinfecting your phone and other commonly used items/surfaces. The CDC has lots of info to help you do that, including this helpful guide for protecting your home. And here’s a great video that will also show you how to protect yourself, your home and your office space.

3. Reduce stress and stay in tune with your mental health.

The uncertainty and volatility we’re experiencing right now can be extremely stressful. You may feel overwhelmed or helpless or unsettled by the many changes in your routine. But here’s the thing—stress messes with our immunity, so reducing it is of the utmost importance.

Stay informed, but limit your exposure to news (only so much is helpful). Do stuff you love—draw, sing, dance, read! Choose activities that crowd out stress with joy and calm. Here’s a great resource from the CDC on managing anxiety during this time.

One of my go-to stress reduction techniques is meditation and you can bet I’ll be doing a LOT of that over the coming weeks. It’s how I find a sense of safety within myself, even in the most unsettling circumstances. If this resonates with you, I hope you’ll try my free Instant Stress Reduction meditation below.

4. Get plenty of rest and sleep.

Sounds obvious, but the importance of sleep is often overlooked, especially when we’re stressed or dedicating time to caring for others. Getting sufficient, high-quality sleep is absolutely critical for a healthy immune system (more on how your body builds immunity while you’re asleep here). In fact, folks who get their nightly Zzzs are better at fending off viruses. So consider this your friendly reminder to get 7.5–8 hours of rest whenever possible and take naps when you need them.

I’ve written a lot about sleep here on kriscarr.com, but my two favorite articles are The Ultimate Guide to Better Sleep and How to Sleep Better and Get the Rest You Need to Thrive. I hope you find them helpful.

5. Eat and drink for your health.

Eating a whole foods, plant-based diet is one of the best ways to promote long term health and strengthen your immune system. This is not an overnight solution, so please be wary of quick fix solutions (like products that claim to give you a quick immune boost). Instead, stick with your healthy habits and/or work in a few extra nutritious plant-based meals. Check out the recipes section of my website for hundreds of delicious ideas!

And speaking of fuel, let this also be a reminder to stay hydrated. I know that coronavirus stress might make you want to take comfort in your favorite cocktail—I get it! But please keep in mind that alcohol can dehydrate you (and heavier consumption may even weaken your immune system). Whenever possible, reach for a big, hydrating glass of water (or green juice!) instead.

At a time when we need to drastically limit our trips out of the house, it’s important to carefully plan our grocery errands. Buy smart but don’t hoard. Consider shopping at odd hours to avoid busy times of day. If you can’t get everything you normally purchase, stay calm. You may have to improvise right now, and that’s ok. Please just do your best and don’t stress yourself out.

6. Keep moving.

While we may need to stay close to home right now, we don’t have to stay still. Keep dancing, stretching, walking, playing, etc—whatever your heart desires. Movement is medicine!

If you usually go to the gym, I strongly encourage you to avoid it for now. Lots of people touch and sweat on those machines, so it’s just not a risk worth taking. Instead, try some fun new at-home workouts and don’t forget to get fresh air (nature is healing—just remember social distancing if you encounter other people!)

7. Be wary of magic bullet claims.

Supplements can absolutely fill in gaps and enhance your immune system. They’re a powerful tool for ongoing wellness, so I’d strongly encourage you to continue your current supplement regimen during this time. For example, I’ve stocked up on my probiotics because gut health and immune health are siblings. However, I want to be clear that no supplement is a magic pill for vitality and certainly not for combatting a virus like the one we’re facing now. I’m seeing a lot of dubious claims flying around the internet that aren’t backed by credible research from supplement brands whose products don’t contain therapeutic doses anyway.

So instead of getting anxious about what to take, here’s what I’m doing instead: sticking with my regular, simple practice. I’m not rushing out to buy products I don’t know how to use or know if they’re even effective (or contraindicated for certain conditions). Instead, I’m investing my money in healthy food and focusing on the practices referenced here.

8. Help each other.

Almost overnight we find ourselves in an economy that’s ground to a halt. A lot of people and businesses in our communities are already feeling the hurt. So if you have the means, please consider some of these ways to help our friends weather this storm.

  • Donate to your local food bank.
  • Prepay for services (hair styling, home care, gift certificates to your favorite restaurant, etc.).
  • Foster a pet. Shelters around the world are struggling with an uptick in animals and less adoptions, which often means more euthanasia. According to the CDC, WHO and the American Veterinary Medical Association pets are not at risk of spreading COVID-19—but they sure can brighten our days. Now may be a lovely time to welcome a fur kid into your heart and home.

Take care of yourself, dear one.

I know how scary this must be for you. I admit, I’m a little scared too. But my soul fire—the one that fuels my hope and resolve—is still burning bright, and you can come sit by it whenever you need to. I am with you, as is our entire Crazy Sexy Team, and we plan to do whatever we can to help you navigate this challenging reality. We love you so very much!

Your turn: What are you doing to take care of yourself and stay connected right now? Let’s share ideas and support each other in the comments below!

Peace & all my love,

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  1. Krystal Barnett says:

    Hi Kris! I’ve been following you since the beginning of my own cancer journey in 2012. I was diagnosed with malignant melanoma and cervical cancer within a span of just a few months, but I am now in remission from both! Since then, I have adopted a fully plant-based diet, in large part, because of you. I just wanted to say thank you, once again, for being a bright spot during a difficult and uncertain time. Cheers to good health and finding strength as a community! – Krystal

    • Jennifer says:

      Hey Krystal! This is Jennifer from Team Crazy Sexy and I just wanted to let you know I passed along your comment to Kris and it meant so much to her. BIG CHEERS to you for being in remission. You are incredible. Keep up the amazing work and thank you from Kris for sharing your success and love. We’re sending you lots of love right back. Enjoy those gorgeous plants!

  2. Dawn Engler says:

    We are taking daily walks. My partner is currently working from home and our special needs son have basically pushed me into doing it. I get lazy!
    We’re keeping up with the water and your video on hand washing really helped us! Also Cincinnati Zoo is doing live FB feed every day (check your local timing) and we’re loving it!

  3. Donna Workman says:

    Thanks for this. It was informative and calming. Today I took a long walk in my neighborhood which is by the river. I encountered almost no one and I was peaceful and relaxed when I got home

    • Jennifer says:

      Hey Donna, this is Jennifer from Team Crazy Sexy. It sounds like you had a lovely day, I feel relaxed myself just reading this. Kris sends her love and is so happy you found her blog calming and informative–that’s exactly what she was hoping for. Thank you so much for sharing your love. Keep up the great work and enjoy those riverside walks! 🙂

  4. Cindy says:

    Thank you for sharing. Meditation and hydrating are my key right now. Our family has asthma and RA, so we are staying home more but getting out in nature everyday. Stay healthy my friend and thank you for all you do for all of us.

    • Jennifer says:

      Hey Cindy, this is Jennifer from Team Crazy Sexy. Meditation, hydrating, and getting outside are all so healing… and knowing you’re doing this as a family warms our hearts so much. Thank you for your love and for being here, the whole team appreciates you!

  5. Pantea says:

    Thank you Kris for writing such a comprehensive and supportive guide. I work as a licensed clinical social worker in a large community hospital and am at the forefront of this pandemic. Like you, I am encouraging everyone to practice self-care and wellness to boost their immune system and prevent from going into an anxiety spiral. I wrote an article on my blog pantearahimian.com/how-to-overcome-the-coronavirus-covid-19-anxiety-spiral/ and would love for you and others to check it out and share on social media. Prioritizing our self-care will help us get through this and be able to support one another during this uncertain time. Thank you and be well!

    • kris says:

      First off, thank you so much for your hard work during this time! We’re so lucky to have people like you in the world. I hope you’re taking good care of yourself while you help others. And thank you for sharing your article, I’ll check it out. xo!

  6. Madeleine says:

    Hello Kris,
    Thank you for your love and care, your good advice and encouragement. I have a problem listening to your meditations because I’m hard of hearing and the background music is too loud for mr to distinguish your words. It is such a pity. I’ve tried more than once, but can’t find the calmness and serenity because I’m struggling to catch your phrases… I’m so sorry.
    All the rest is just wonderful and I’ve been following and appreciating you for some time now. We too here in Switzerland are surrounded with this Coroavirus pandemc crisis – and your cousel comes on time. Thank you very much. Lovingly, Madeleine.

    • kris says:

      Madeleine, thank you for your comment. I appreciate the feedback on the meditation. We offer transcripts whenever we can – please write to my team at info@kriscarr.com and they’ll help you out. Sending you lots of love and big hugs!

  7. Linda says:

    My prayers are with you for you, your father, and family.

  8. Maggie Bordagaray says:

    Beautiful girl! I adore you and I’m so happy I stumbled across you on the internet. You bring me such a sense of peace and strength with a lot of joy to help navigate life! Thank you for being here with us. Much love to you and your family <3
    I have joined a 3 day equinox journey to unleash your energy, I am taking full advantage of getting all the projects I have kept putting off done, and now I have time during the day to be creative!

    • kris says:

      Yay Maggie! Now is a perfect time to pick up those projects we haven’t been able to dedicate ourselves to. And thank you for your kind words, you made me smile! xo

  9. Jenny D says:

    Unfortunately all the frozen junk foods and meats are one of the first groceries to go while there is ample healthy nutritious fruits and vegetables to be had. I too believe that everyone should be eating at minimum an 80-90% plant-based diet right now. Like they say, “eat the colors of the rainbow.” It is up to us to stay vigilant about our health and how our everyday life will affect those around us. I am trying myself to stay as healthy as I can since I am a caregiver to my mom who is 85 y.o. I am adding in extra vitamin D, a dose of zinc, elderberry and a probiotic to help. Wishing everyone a safe journey through this crisis.

  10. Larry Fogle says:

    Hi,kris…I just read your blog and have already did alot of things you mentioned.It is so wonderful that you are inspiring people in these trying times…we will get through this…..love ya!!!

    • kris says:

      Happy to know you’re taking good care of yourself, Larry! I get my inspiration from you and the rest of this community. Love you too!

  11. Deborah says:

    Thank you Kris❤️ You are always there when I need you. I love you❤️

  12. Debra says:

    We’re neighbors! I’m here in ATL ❤ Love You Kris!

  13. Holly Benton says:

    Thanks, Kris! As always, appreciate the great resources you have shared. Be well as you care for yourself and your Dad. ❤️

  14. Amanda says:

    Hi Kris,
    Thanks so much for your tips. This crazy time reminds me of what’s important in life and urges me to put my priorities order. What’s for certain is that we have one another and the present moment to be grateful for and make the most of. Be well and keep thriving!

    • kris says:

      Perfectly put, Amanda. This is a challenging time, but it’s giving us new perspective and connecting us in ways I never could have expected. Stay well, dear one! xo

  15. Tulita says:

    Thank you so much Kris! I’m so grateful for giving us so many love and support! I live in Greece and my English aren’t very well, please forgive me. Well, what i’m doing for these hard days is
    wash my hands too many times
    going for a walk with my hubby
    eating a plant based diet . I have finished the csy program three months ago and i’m planning to start again with all the family. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the smoothies. Thank you so much amazing girl Kris. You changed my life .
    do the homeworking without any rush
    using social media for connecting with people
    doing some yoga
    i affirm
    Lots of love

    • kris says:

      Thank you for your message, Tulita! So glad to hear you’re taking extra good care of yourself. I’ve been drinking extra smoothies and juices to load up on my greens—which CSY smoothie is your favorite? Love you so much!

  16. Audrey says:

    Thank you so much for the very supportive blog and tools. It is very comforting and much appreciated!

  17. Udita says:

    Dear Kris,

    Thank you so much for this lovely message!
    It radiates kindness, generousity, care and love.
    Keep up the great work!
    It is much needed!☀️?❤️

  18. Darlene says:

    Being sure to get outside and breathe in some fresh air – even opening the windows in my house for a bit each day. Continuing to get some walks in even if it’s just around the block. Maintain healthy diet and supplements. Continue meditation practice. Wash – wash – wash your hands! Stay healthy everyone!

    • kris says:

      Fresh air is some of the best medicine, isn’t it? And AMEN to washing your hands… I’ve certainly learned a lot of new techniques for that in the last week (not to mention the importance of lotion because mine are so dry now!). Love ya, Darlene!

  19. Kerry Howarth says:

    Thanks for this, Kris! You always help us navigate to calm in a choppy sea of information! I am trying to keep to my regular routine, at least half my meals each week are in line with CSY. I’m also doing an online Novena, run by Abbey of the Arts in Ireland. There are 2500 of us staying virtually connected and sharing meditation time for 9 days. I’m walking my doggies every day, well snowshoeing right now and practicing yoga sadhana daily. I am so grateful for the people on the front lines, around the world, who are fighting this virus every minute of every day. And thanks again to you, Kris, for giving us some more practical applications for getting through this. At times like this we realize that we are all the same and we are all connected, even if it is because of a virus. Blessings to everyone!

    • kris says:

      Wow, Kerry – thank you for your beautiful comment. Your novena sounds wonderful… great for all 2500 of you to stay connected, not to mention how much loving energy you’re generating together (I can feel it!). Give your pups a hug for me, they must be thrilled to have extra time with you. 🙂

  20. Lisa Lyons says:

    I am upping my use of pure essential oil blends though sprays and diffusers. I love MZ Alchemist essential oils – since I live in an apt in a city, a couple of blends make my apt feel and smell like a fir tree forest.
    I upping my use of onions ( sautéed) and garlic in almost every meal
    Matcha and ginger teas every day
    I am increasing my protection from EMFs – turning router off at night and have protection sheets, etc
    Spraying my hands and face with HOCL numerous times a day
    I smile – to my kids, to my building people, people on street, to myself..
    Breathe into my ribs so they don’t tighten up.
    I sit and think about all the people who have passed and are struggling all around the world and methodically send love to each of the areas of the world from my heart.

    • kris says:

      Thank you for sharing what you’re doing Lisa! Sounds like you’re taking great care of yourself. Smiling really is healing, isn’t it? So grateful for your positive energy. Mwah!

      • Lisa Lyons says:

        I come from a long line of grumpy and critical people
        Your joy and funniness has been a beacon for me out of that dark way
        You and Robert Holden have led me out into the light and my light.
        Eternally Grateful.
        Smiling heals me.

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