Kris Carr

Kris Carr


It’s Time for a Resolution Revolution (+ A Fun Challenge!)

read all about it

Hiya Gorgeous!

Happy New Year! I just got back from 2-week break filled with lots of journaling, much-needed rest and quality time with loved ones. I hope you were able to find some time and space to fill up your cup, too.

I’m feeling so inspired about the year ahead and everything it has in store for us both. I’ve even got an exciting challenge to help us kick things off (more on that later in the blog)!

Whether you’ve joined me for Crazy Sexy You, the Crazy Sexy Reset, one of my #CrazySexyGreenDrinks challenges, or have been following along here on the blog, you know how I feel about progress over perfection.

I’m a firm believer that small steps lead to lasting change. Why? Because it works.

Meaningful shifts—in our diet, our mindset, our relationships, our lives—don’t happen overnight. The promise and excitement that come with dreaming up big, beautiful goals can be intoxicating. But at some point, we’ve gotta take that first step.

And this time of year, it’s especially important to keep those small steps in focus.

You’re probably hearing, reading or thinking (or all of the above!) a lot about new year’s resolutions these days. I hope you’ve got some plans in mind that fill you with joy. You deserve a life overflowing with possibilities.

Now that the new year is here and it’s time to move from dreaming to doing (aka, gettin’ down to business!), those exhilarating resolutions might lose a bit of their magic. Trust me, I’ve been there. Luckily, that’s where the small steps I’m always talkin’ about come in!

Every shift you make in life (big and bold, slow and steady—it all counts) starts with a decision. You make a decision about something you want to achieve or create, then you put one foot in front of the other. Start where you are and just begin.

There’s something beautiful about those baby steps, no matter how teeny tiny they are. And I think it’s about time we gave them the attention they deserve.

So, as 2019 sets in, I’ve got a proposal for you: Instead of resolving for the whole year ahead, let’s resolve for today.


I’m calling it the resolution revolution!

That’s not to say you shouldn’t dedicate brain space to dreamin’ up yummy plans for your future (you absolutely should!), but it is time for those dreams to step aside and share the limelight with today’s happiness.

Not your happiness next month or next year—your happiness now.

I’m talking about finding simple ways to nourish and care for yourself today. About breaking your goals down into simple, doable actions that brighten rather than dim your shine. You might be surprised what’s possible when you put the next 365 days aside and zero in on loving yourself in this very moment.

Not sure where to start?

Join me for my 3-Day Crazy Sexy Reset! If you haven’t experienced one of these challenges before, you’re in for a treat! Not only is it the perfect opportunity to choose one small thing you can do for yourself now, it’s also a blast.

Instead of cutting something out, we’ll simply be adding one simple, self-care action to our daily wellness for 3 days. It’s a fabulous way to kickstart any health or wellness goal you have for the year—today, not next month!

Because no matter what your big picture goals for 2019 may be, adding some simple self-care to your routine will set you up for success in mind body and soul. It’s a small step you can take today towards creating a healthy habits that will sustain you all year long.

Before I let you go, I’ve just gotta say this: You are so brave. Whether you’ve got a big, badass goal for the year ahead, or simply want to focus on taking small steps to nourish your body and mind, please know that you deserve every bit of happiness that comes your way.

Your turn: What are your goals this year? Share with us in the comments so we can cheer you on!

Peace and motivation,

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  1. sex hattı says:

    I’d like to thank you for the efforts you’ve put in writing this blog.

    I really hope to see the same high-grade blog posts by you in the future as well.
    In truth, your creative writing abilities has inspired me to get my own blog
    now 😉

  2. Diane says:

    I will be cheering all of you on from the sideline. You are all an inspiration to me. Good luck!

  3. Liza says:

    Challenge accepted! I really need to improve my gut health and this will be a great start. Thanks Kris!

  4. Marissa says:

    I don’t do FB but I’m going to post this on my caring bridge–I know that will grab a few extra challengers 🙂

  5. Simon says:

    I haven’t been called gorgeous yet, but I’ll take it! 😉 I’m in! Challenge accepted!!!!

  6. Marilyn Jacobs says:

    I also accept the challenge! Looking forward to it.

  7. Deborah says:

    “Challenge accepted!”

  8. Challenge accepted! I’ve already started a cleanse, so this green drink challenge will be a great supplement. I love getting daily support emails. Thank you Kris + Team!

  9. Christina says:

    Challenge accepted! And shared!!! 🙂

  10. Val says:

    Challenge accepted!

  11. Christa Laudenslager says:

    Challenge accepted

  12. Ky says:

    “Challenge accepted!”

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