Kris Carr

Kris Carr


5 Simple Habits That Will Change Your Life

Made to Thrive Podcast Cover Art

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Welcome to the very first episode of “Made to Thrive” – I’m so happy you’re here, my friend! Ever wondered what it really means to thrive? This podcast is all about exploring that question to help you feel better, live boldly, and create a more fulfilling life so you can truly thrive, not just survive. 

In today’s episode, I give you a sneak peek of what’s to come on the podcast, share a bit about my background, and discuss some practical strategies to help you thrive in every season of life. Plus, I dive into the 5 pillars of wellness, which serve as a simple roadmap for thriving, and share tips for adding them into your daily routine today. Are you ready to become a mental olympian? 


  • (3:50): My backstory, my biggest rupture, and what to expect from this podcast 
  • (6:43): What does it really mean to thrive? 
  • (15:56): The biggest myths about thriving
  • (23:53): 5 practical strategies to help you thrive in any season

Key Quotes From the Show

“No matter how you feel right now, you have the power to transform your life. You really do. I know that this is true because I have done it, my friends.”

“Healing is a much bigger experience. It’s deeper, it’s richer, it’s a mind, body, spiritual experience. It’s available to all of us at any stage of life. We can be healing as we’re dying. We can be healing, even when we’re gone.”

“Love and acceptance are the best medicine. And guess what? They have zero side effects.”

“Your body is this extraordinary ecosystem. You, my friend, are the custodian of your delicate inner terrain.”

Thriving “Despite”

We all know life isn’t always easy. From health scares to heartbreaks, we all face those “ruptures” that knock us off our feet. But guess what? You’re stronger than you think. And you can not only survive your obstacles, but thrive despite them. I’m living proof. I’ve been living with stage four cancer for over two decades, and it hasn’t stopped me from creating a life I love.

In this episode, we dive deep into the beautiful mess known as life. We explore how to navigate those ruptures that shake us to our core, and discover that even the toughest challenges can lead to incredible transformation. Plus we unpack the daily habits that will help you navigate those challenges with resilience, grit, and grace.

You’ll learn how to harness your inner strength, find purpose in the pain, and emerge from the darkness even brighter than before.

What is Thriving, Anyway?

Forget the Instagram-perfect highlight reel — thriving isn’t about achieving some mythical state of flawlessness. It’s not about a thin waistline, thigh gap, or flush bank account. It’s about feeling good in your body, having the energy to do what you love, and learning to enjoy your own company. It’s about turning your mind and body into places you’re happy to call home. 

Together, we’ll ditch the comparison game and discover how to define what thriving means for you, on your terms. We explore the power of self-love, self-acceptance, and self-care — and talk about how to prioritize your well-being without guilt or shame.

Common Myths About Thriving

In this episode, we debunk the myths that keep us stuck in a cycle of self-doubt and frustration.

  • Myth #1: Thriving is about looking good. Newsflash! There’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to wellness. There’s also no pressure to perform in this little podcast haven. Let’s redefine thriving to be about feeling good, way more than it is about looking good. Let’s focus on helping you be happier and healthier. Let’s measure our thriving in belly laughs, worries shed, and energy to burn. Those measurements will tell you a whole lot more than your scale ever could.
  • Myth #2: Thriving means you have to be perfect. Honey, perfection itself is a myth. Have you ever met a perfect human? ‘Cause I sure haven’t. Together, we’ll embrace progress over perfection, one baby step at a time. We’ll also talk about the importance of self-compassion and making your JOY primary.
  • Myth #3: “Thriving despite” is a fancy way of saying you’re in denial. Nope! In fact, facing your challenges with honesty and compassion is where the real healing begins. (And it’s one of the bravest things you’ll ever do.) By holding our hope and our hurt in tension, we can learn to experience authentic joy even when life gets hard.

Your Thrive Toolkit: The 5 Pillars of Wellness

Ready to get practical? We’re diving into the nitty-gritty of creating a thriving life with my signature 5 Pillars of Wellness:

  1. What You’re Eating: Ready to finally eat those greens? (And like ‘em, too!) We’ll explore the delicious world of plant-powered eating, from vibrant smoothies to oh-so-satisfying dinners, and discover how nourishing your body can be a joyful experience. You’ll learn how to make simple swaps, crowd out the junk, and fuel your body with whole, nourishing foods that make you feel amazing.

  2. What You’re Drinking: Bottoms up, buttercup! We’re not just talking water here (although that’s super important!). I’ll talk you through some of my favorite herbal teas and healthy elixirs, too. With a little tasty hydration, you’ll have more energy and start saying farewell to brain fog.

  3. What You’re Thinking: Your thoughts have power. But what if they’ve been using that power to turn you into a sweaty, anxious mess? No worries, my friend! Peace of mind is something you can practice. I’ll talk you through the basics of mindset, mindfulness, and stress management, sharing tools and techniques to help you dial down the stress and reconnect with your joy.

  4. How You’re Resting: Prioritize that beauty sleep, baby! We’ll uncover the secrets to a restful night’s sleep, from creating a relaxing bedtime routine to optimizing your sleep environment. You’ll learn how to make sleep a non-negotiable part of your self-care practice and wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day.

  5. How You’re Renewing: This is about getting your life moving again! Exercise isn’t about punishment — it’s about celebrating what your body can do. But that doesn’t have to look like an hour in some smelly gym (unless that’s what you’re into!). Discover ways to move that feel energizing and empowering for YOU. We’ll explore everything from dance parties in your living room to hiking in nature, and find movement that truly lights you up.

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  1. Gail L Smith says:

    This is so empowering, exactly when I am needing a power surge! Waiting for “additional tests” and results. Kris, you give me hope!

  2. caro tarratt cross says:

    Lovley to be back listening to you Kris and so inspiring.

  3. Doreen Horigan says:

    So well done, Kris!

  4. Joyce says:

    Love this! Thriving…

    Looking forward to listening on my walks!

  5. thriver says:

    Thank you so much for this podcast. I’ve followed Kris for years since I was to our great shock and disappointment diagnosed with cancer at a relatively young age. While I used more traditional treatment paths, I also have since then every day incorporated Kris’ philosophies of wellness. Very grateful !She has always been a beacon of hope even after doctors considered I was cured but five years later when metastatic cancer was much less possible, had another months-long scare with many inconclusive tests The final result of no cancer, a third chance at life, we attribute to Kris and other amazing sages like her. The podcast is such a refreshing reminder of the wellness principles she learned and so generously shares with everyone.

    • Kris Carr says:

      Thank you deeply for your heartfelt message and for sharing your journey with me. It’s truly humbling to hear that my work has played a part in your wellness journey, especially during such challenging times. I’m immensely grateful to have been able to provide support and inspiration to you along the way. Sending you love, strength, and continued healing! xo

  6. Dawn zmatze says:

    Whst an incredible first episode Kris! Your voice, your content is soothing and so incredibly loving! You explain the difficult and make it so simple. i love the 5 pillars.

    • Kris Carr says:

      Thank you so much for your kind words! I’m thrilled to hear that you enjoyed the first episode and found the content helpful. The 5 pillars are indeed powerful tools for navigating life’s challenges with grace and resilience. Stay tuned for more episodes! 🎙️💖

  7. Debb says:

    What a great first episode! Kris has simply and easy ideas to implete and get started on a better health journey right now!

    • Kris Carr says:

      Thank you for sharing! Simplifying health and wellness is one of my core missions, so I’m glad it’s coming through in the podcast.Can’t wait for you to listen to more!! xo

  8. Nancy says:

    Thank you for all of your hard work and energy you put into these podcasts. You are so helpful to me in reminding me of what is important in life. I am trying my best to stay healthy for my husband who is having health issues. I want to be healthy so I can always be there for him and you give me that inspiration every day! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

    • Kris Carr says:

      Your message truly warms my heart! I’m honored to be a source of inspiration for you on your health journey. Remember, taking care of yourself is also a gift to your husband. Sending you both love and strength as you navigate through these challenges. You’ve got this! 💖

  9. Jennifer Shimkonis says:

    Kris Carr is the real deal. She speaks her truth and shares everyday, applicable wisdom that has tremendous power to transform our lives. She is a gift.

    • Kris Carr says:

      Thank you so much for your kind words! It means the world to me. Keep shining your light, and remember, you’re a gift too! 🌟💖

  10. Eileen says:

    I loved the podcast! A great reminder and reset for summer. I’ll work on exercising ❤️

  11. Gurunam Khalsa says:

    I loved this first episode and reconnecting with Kris’s friendly, exuberant, humorous and crystal clear style. I met her early in her health adventure and have loved the success and progress she has made. I am 75 now and blissfully thriving by following much of what Kris teaches. I learned a couple of new tips and improvements from this episode too! Thank You!

    • Kris Carr says:

      Thank you so much for your kind words and continued support! It’s wonderful to hear that you’re thriving and finding value in the podcast. Here’s to many more episodes filled with inspiration and helpful tips! 🌟

  12. T R England~Bozeman says:

    This was definitely insightful and inspiring for me! The presentation was quite personal and simple which allowed me to connect meaningfully.
    I look forward to future podcasts with Kris to continue my journey for a more balanced and healthy life.
    With A Grateful Heart,

    • Kris Carr says:

      Thank you for tuning in and sharing your thoughts! Here’s to embarking on this journey together toward a more balanced and healthy life! 🌟🎧

  13. Ana Casas M.D. says:

    Congratulations Kris! I enjoyed listening to your first episode of your podcast. Thank you so much for bringing us such vital information on how to thrive. I am looking forward to hearing all of the episodes and wish you all the best!

    • Kris Carr says:

      I’m thrilled to hear that you enjoyed the first episode of the podcast. There’s plenty more inspiring content coming your way, and I can’t wait to share it with you. Here’s to thriving together! 🌟🎙️

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