Hiya Dearest Readers,
This week I galloped over to Facebook and asked what searing questions you needed answered. So let’s just cut to the chase and get the Q & A par-tay started!
Lauren-Rose: How do you resist temptation? Also, I try to educate family and friends about food, but they brush it off and I end up feeling stupid or prissy.
Ahhh, temptation … I rarely resist temptation! What good can come from deprivation? Granted, I don’t eat animal products, but if I want a piece of dark chocolate or a french fry, I don’t deny myself. I used to be very rigid. Today, I see my health quest as a long term endeavor. The vast majority of the time, I’m on a clean and healthy path. Therefore, when I veer off it’s no big deal.
It’s all about portions.
Because I still indulge in some extra pleasures from time to time, I feel more freedom on a regular basis. Freedom begets more freedom. So when I do have that fry or chocolate or even a glass of wine, I don’t need to overdo it. I’m not cheating or doing something wrong, I’m enjoying the spice of life and I’ll do it again, so there’s no need to hoard the chocolate truffles or binge on a bucket of tater tots. Truthfully, I don’t want to overdo it because I like the freedom that comes with feeling good more than the fake freedom-inducing feelings that accompany a binge. Also, when we feel like we’re doing something “wrong,” it’s easy to imagine that we’ll never get the chance to do the “bad” thing again. That’s what I call scarcity syndrome. To avoid scarcity or lack we naturally go nuts! And like a greedy squirrel, we try and store up for the winter in about 20 minutes.
And then come the strippers… Or is that just me?
You are safe.
Chocolate isn’t going anywhere. Have a bite, smile, move on. That’s why I included the Sweet Seduction recipes in Crazy Sexy Kitchen. Some may say that I’m breaking my own rules with these decadent creations, but this wouldn’t be a Crazy Sexy cookbook without some sweetness. The dessert section comes last in Crazy Sexy Kitchen because these goodies aren’t the centerpiece of the Crazy Sexy diet, but they are still a delicious part of life on special occasions!
Lastly, when I do feel that urge to overdo it, it’s not because I need another martini—the craving is a result of my inner state.
The feelings leftover from the not-so-nice email I received that day or the less-than-stellar night of sleep I got the night before or the pressure I experienced during a launch, etc. The urge to overdo often comes from feeling trapped and strung out. To be honest, that’s why I used to smoke. I felt overwhelmed always. Taking a cigarette break allowed me to pause and breathe deep. Too bad all the toxins and carcinogens went with that time-out! So as you can probably see, overindulgence is just a symptom. The root of the problem lies in our emotional state. Are we happy? Are we playing enough? Is there enough space in our lives, or are we booked to the minute? Once again, self-care to the rescue! Grab some bubbles and soak in your tub, dear friend. Indulge in YOU, and you’ll indulge less in what doesn’t serve you.
Johanna: When you’re feeling less than stellar/sparkly, what are your go-to techniques to pull yourself out of the slump?
Great question, Johanna! When I lose the pep-in-my-step I do several things.
One: MOVE.
Tony Robbins says it best, if you want to change your “state” (condition, attitude, etc.), get active. Walk, jog, jump on a trampoline, do 10 minutes of yoga, put on your headphones and DANCE your assets off. I know this is a simple tip, but it really does help. Don’t make a big deal out of it, just move your glorious body!
Next: I evaluate whether I’ve had enough free/quiet/me time.
When my sparkle dims, it’s usually because I’m feeling sucked dry. The only way for me to charge my batteries is to be alone. Later hubby! Bye-bye business! I head into my cave (my bed or loft) and quietly lick my wounds. Then I get vocal by letting folks know that I’m feeling depleted and need some room to regroup. My besties always listen. The folks who don’t listen just have to deal with the word “no.” And over time, they get ushered out of my unicorn stable. The only vampires I allow in my life are the ones on TV.
Lastly: My friend Cheryl Richardson said something really smart to me the other day. She said,
“When we lose connection to our spirit, the outer world and all its stimulating distractions become more alluring.”
Think about that and if it resonates with you, consider packing your bags and going on a spirit-cation (ooh, that’s cheeky!)—a designated time you spend cultivating your core connection. 20 minutes per day? A 3-day retreat? Maybe a week-long pilgrimage? Only you know what you need. I know in my bones that I need about 2 weeks off. No renovation. No work. No demands. I’m taking that time in February. How about you?
Pamela: Do you ever feel your healthy food choices alienate you?
Pamela, I did in the beginning, but not anymore. It’s taken time to feel comfortable with myself, let alone my food choices! These days I plan ahead, bring my own food when needed, know how to order in just about any restaurant and don’t freak out if I can’t have it exactly the way I want. I guess you could say I’m more flexible now. When you’re flexible and take each situation one step at a time, people are drawn to you. What is SHE doing? Why is she so relaxed, healthy and positive? If you’re feeling alienated, you might want to clean up your unicorn stable (see above). As a result of living a plant-passionate, fully awake, activist life, I’ve met so many new and remarkable friends!
Jillian: Please share your take on soy. Many of your new recipes seem to feature soy and that has uncovered my deep seated fear of the stuff. Thanks!
That’s a fantastic question, Jillian. Actually, only about one fifth of the recipes in Crazy Sexy Kitchen contain soy. Since I’m not a doctor or a dietician, I asked my pal Jen Reilly, R.D. to write about soy in Crazy Sexy Kitchen. See the excerpt below. The frustrating thing is, no one seems to agree on the topic. Therefore, my go-to sources for my health and yours are as follows: Neal Barnard MD, Keith Block MD (my personal integrative oncologist) and Mark Hyman MD (see his response to claims that soy is harmful below). My stance is simple. Keep it to a minimum and make sure it’s organic and non-GMO. I consume soy in moderation and prefer tempeh, organic tofu and edamame. Processed food is processed food, even if it’s so-called healthy. Therefore, faux chicken wings and meat analogs are not the healthiest choice on a regular basis. As far as soy milk goes, I use nut and seed milks more often.
Crazy Sexy Kitchen excerpt by Jen Reilly, RD:
Soy products, including soy milk, tofu, tempeh, and edamame, are rich in soy protein, essential omega-3 fatty acids, and phytoestrogens. Soy protein and omega-3s are important for heart health, while phytoestrogens actually help reduce breast-cancer risk among premenopausal women. Less processed soy foods such as edamame, miso, and tempeh are richer in nutrients and antioxidants, more digestible, and often taste better than the more processed soy foods. Many meat-like products such as veggie burgers and veggie dogs are made from soy and are highly processed. Although these products often contain food additives, and may not provide as many health benefits of the lesser-processed soy foods, they are still great transition foods when moving from a meat-heavy diet to a plant- based diet. Just make sure that any soy product you buy is not genetically modified. It’s always best to keep things natural.
For estrogen-sensitive diseases, such as estrogen-receptor-positive breast cancer, the jury is still out on how much soy is safe. Some oncologists suspect the phytoestrogens (literally meaning “plant estrogens”) in soy may encourage cancer-cell growth, and recommend that women who have had estrogen-receptor-positive breast cancer play it safe by avoiding soy completely. However, it’s important to keep in mind that in Asian countries where soy products are part of the traditional diet (including during puberty and breast tissue development, which may be a key factor for soy’s protective role), not only are cancer rates lower than in the U.S., but the rates of cancer recurrence are lower despite soy consumption. There is also better overall breast cancer prognosis among women who consume the most soy in Asian countries.
You may also want to consider that many of the same doctors who tell patients to avoid soy never mention the abundant amounts of estrogen and other growth hormones found in dairy products. If you’re avoiding soy as a result of a cancer diagnosis, please strongly consider dumping the dairy as well. And if an allergy exists or soy needs to be avoided for other reasons, keep in mind that soy is NOT an essential part of a plant-based diet and can be eliminated without compromising health. There are many soy-free meat-substitute foods that are widely available (and delicious!).
Here’s Mark Hyman MD’s response to the claims that soy is harmful:
(Full article here)
What the Data Says About Soy
If you want an excellent, unbiased, scientifically sound review of all the relevant human data on soy, I recommend reading the 100-page report from the Agency for HealthCare Research and Quality entitled, The Effects of Soy on Health Outcomes, which reviewed thousands of studies based on rigorous criteria for scientific validity. Its conclusion was this: There is no evidence of significant benefit or harm based on the quality of evidence that exists today.
“The dangers of soy are overstated. The benefits may be too.”
So what’s a confused consumer to do? Give up on soy until we know for sure? Or chow down on soy nuts? Don’t panic. There are some things we do know about soy, both good and bad.
First, you should be aware that the amount of soy used in many of these studies was much higher than what we normally consume — the average dose of soy was equivalent to one pound of tofu or three soy protein shakes a day. That’s a lot of soy! Most people just don’t eat like that. So when you read negative things about soy, remember that many of those claims are based on poorly designed studies that don’t apply to real-world consumption.
You could apply that thinking to other studies, too — like those that show that broccoli contains natural pesticides or that celery is high in toxins. Sure, those foods might cause you some problems — but not in the amounts that most of us eat. The same is true for soy.
Second, it’s important to recognize that many of the common claims about soy simply don’t pan out when you look at the evidence carefully. Let’s review four of these claims and the science behind them so you can have a better understanding of the real relationships between soy consumption and potential health threats … read more.
I hope these answers help you. Did something resonate? If so, what? Tell me in the comments below. Or if you have a burning question that wasn’t answered above, leave it in the comments and I may choose it for a future Q & A.
Once again, I am LOVING your Crazy Sexy Kitchen love notes! Check out this glowing review from Carol:
“So happy to receive my copy of Crazy Sexy Kitchen this weekend. Kicked it off by making Avo Toasts for lunch and Chickpea with Root Veggie Tagine for dinner. It was indescribably delicious. I am so grateful for this beautiful book filled recipes for optimal health and, equally important, delicious dishes. Thank you, Kris and Chad.”
Have you grabbed your copy yet? Don’t delay hot stuff!
Peace & knowledge-seeking,
Read this at the right time.. Really needed to read this right now. Was having a melt down and craving all the wrong stuff. x
Kris, there are times someone brings cookies or cupcakes to work and I am so temped to eat just one. but I usually don’t because I don’t know the ingredients…are there any GMOs in it? So I stay away. I learned to bring Medjool dates with me and that satisfies my urge for a sweet treat…although Christmas time, I have to eat at least one Sees dark chocolate.
As for the rest of my vegan raw, organic diet… its easy for me to stick with it. I have your recipe book, along with a few others so I am not feeling deprived. My food is delicious and so is my cancer free life
Hi Kris
I am thrilled to find your site and books and everything.
I know you get a ton of e-mail but I have a question. I have been feeling awful since my cancer treatment (3years ago) and as usual can’t find anyone good but only traditional advice here in Canada. Is there any way I could get the name of your integrated oncologist? I am willing to travel to the US I am so desperate!
thank you so much
Love Bonnie
My e-mail is bpagtakhan @ hotmail.com
Wishing you all that is best.
Hi Kris
I am thrilled to find your site and books and everything.
I know you get a ton of e-mail but I have a question. I have been feeling awful since my cancer treatment (3years ago) and as usual can’t find anyone good but only traditional advice here in Canada. Is there any way I could get the name of your integrated oncologist? I am willing to travel to the US I am so desperate!
thank you so much
Love Bonnie
Wishing you all that is best.
Love Bonnie
Love my green juice! But I am wondering if I should be consuming it all at once. I generally make between 25-30 ounces of green juice in the morning and down it with a little E3 Live. Would my body be better served if I drank 16 ounces in the morning and sealed up the rest for the afternoon? Ideally I would make fresh green juice twice a day, but the amount of cleaning that the Breville Ikon requires isn’t friendly to a busy woman. I would love to hear your thoughts on this!! Drinking 30ounces makes me feel great, but just not sure If I am wasting a lot of the nutrients by overloading my body.
As an older person and athlete for over a year I was not normal, muscles cramped easy didn’t recover well, I was in pain, I had tingling in a shoulder that wouldn’t go away & no clue why.
Then my hearing a broadcast on GMOs, especially glyphosate or Roundup corn-soy-canola were describe & I like Mexican food & figured it had Roundup corn too often so went organic, non-GMO.
Symptoms were turned around in 6-wks and now 12-wks later I’m again able to run, something I haven’t been able to do for the whole time. That’s so radical just pointing out because what these do to a body is reduce uptake of minerals & water so can have assorted negative effects to each person and lowering immune system response is one of them.
I assume you may have an organic, non-GMO diet but if not would suggest it. The url: http://www.tucradio.org/new.html scroll down or search on Don Huber.
This is a big deal to me
Hi! Just discovered you and I am so excited. I now have 2 copies (bought one for a friend) of CS Kitchen and one of CS Diet. I don’t know it this is the right place, but can you tell me which vitamix would be best. I see the 5200 comes in 3 versions. I will be cooking just for me (maybe hubby). There is a compact version I am considering but I also see one that comes with a separate container for grains? Any advice appreciated. I plan to watch the cooking classes now. I am a complete Newbie. Thanks! Tammy
Dear Kris,
I’ve been reading the Crazy Sexy Diet, Crazy Sexy Kitchen and other related reading material for a little bit now and am going to give the whole thing a go in January: a good time for new beginnings! Until then I have been mentally toying with the idea and building up a repertoire of knowledge and recipes.
The searing question I keep coming back to is about eating out a restaurants, at friends’ houses, and on-the-go. Eating out and having/going to dinner parties with friends encompasses a large part of my social life. Having friends to my house would not be an issue if I were to follow the CSD, nor would cooking at home on my own. But what are your tips for choosing food at restaurants? And if friends are cooking, do you politely ask them to cook you an option that would suit your diet, or do you bring something along for yourself? I would so appreciate specific tips in this area, because it is the main thing I think would hold me back from venturing on the CSD properly!
Thank you so much, and for all you do. Your positivity is infectious and delightful and I’m trying to adopt more of a similar attitude myself.
With love,
Dear Kris,
I was introduced to you by a nutritionist that is working with my fibromyalgia. I am vegan, gluten-free, no peanuts, and no to some other random things that affect my condition. I’ve been on and off the wagon, dealing with cravings for foods that could literally kill me. I’m a recovered smoker, alcoholic, and now it’s time to face the food! I love “Crazy Sexy Kitchen”. Just made Warm Kale and Quinoa salad tonight. Delicious! Usually I do crave the healthy stuff, but I think just that fact that I’m-for today-not going to let myself have it, makes it appealing. Human beings were made way too complicated! Anyway, thanks for putting yourself out there and being so very important to my new food which means my new life! I just want to feel good!
Hugs and kisses,
Michelle P.
Kris, I was wondering if you could tell me what you do with all the juice leftovers? My mother-in-law has stage 4 breast cancer that has spread to her bones. She’s been living with it for 2 years. As soon as we found out, we immediately started her on juicing and a vegan diet with zero sugar and very low wheat consumption. This morning she was told by her oncologist that her cancer has shown some spreading to her pelvic bone as well as other parts. Thank God, no spread to her organs. She quit juicing about a year ago because she thinks that it is a waste of money because of the leftover pulp. I’ve kept trying to get her back into juicing but she wont budge. She does drink green smoothies and other superfood smoothies. But I really want her to juice again. Any suggestions as to what I should say to make her change her way of thinking?
Goreti — if she’s drinking green smoothies consistently that’s good too. Juice tends to be more medicinal. You get more nutrients because you use more veggies, also your body absorbs it very quickly, which means you get to take a break from digestion. But green smoothies are great too, they really are. If she won’t budge then I guess I’d respect that. I hear your frustration though. xo
Love your responses!! Love your save the tuna recipe and the sweet potato burgers-delicious. Great cookbook!!
Can you make juices ahead of time and freeze them? My nutritionist says that the enzymes are gone after 15 minutes, I hate cleaning the juicer…ugh.
Hi Kris! My wonderful sister just gave me your Crazy Sexy Cookbook for my birthday on Nov. 5th… I am going to try some of the recipes tonight…. I can’t wait. I do have one question? after watching your movie (and I loved it) I’ve become interested in wheatgrass juicing and growing it at home since at this juncture in my life I can’t get out on my own to go to the expensive health store and buy shots ( too many health problems to even start on about) I guess my question is, is it really worth the time, effort and some finacial investmest to do this, are the benefits of wheatgrass really that impressive? I bought the dvd from Michael Bergonzi on growing wheatgrass and sprouts and watched it many times so I am pretty sure I can do this at home. What are your thoughts if any you have on this subject.
Thanks so much,
Wheatgrass truly is miraculous love. xo kc
Check out my mom’s Julie/Julia Project using Crazy Sexy Kitchen!
Chocolate Walnut Cake is pure chocolate bliss. Check it out on my blog. Click CSK Project and witness something totally yummy! Vegan Chocolate cake that seriously rocks!!
Make this tasty snack Fresh Citrus Olives. They are that good… Seriously!!
Kris and/or Corinne,
I’ve tried to link to you on FB but it says that you have too many friends, which of course doesn’t shock me. Is there another way to link to you or did this bird miss the vegan worm?
As always, I love the information you share and the joy with which you share it.
Take care,
Did you try my fan page love?
Hello Kriss,
I am french, living closed to Cannes, I am sure you have heard about this little town, famous for the film festival !!!
I wish I could be in NY for having the opportinity to meet you but it is not so easy… I am a naturopathe and chinese energetic medicine therapist and of course I believe in your “juicy food” !
As I am in France, do you know somebody who is doing a “juicy retreat detox” for 2 or 3 days ? Or may be, one of your contact might know…
Even if we don’t know each other, I am sure you are an awesome and gorgeous person ! I look to your picture everyday and you give me energy and good vibration for the day !!! You look so radiant ! Thank you very much for that !
Hope to see you one day in NY or may be in France, you should come and sell your book !!!
I wish you all the best and I am looking forward to hearing from you,
Nathalie, I totally agree with you: Kris, you should come to visit French people! We need you here as well! I love your CSD, it’s my new best friend! And it’s buddy CSK is on my wishing list for X-mas…can’t wait! You’re just formidable!!
Hey, Kris!
I read a previous article about you dying your hair back to its natural color to avoid toxins…. but I see your hair is blonde and pink now. I myself, was a every-six-weeks-blonde, and decided to give it up 5 months ago and go natural. It’s been kind of difficult… can you please share/talk about your decision to keep dying your hair? Are you using more natural dyes? This is a tough subject for women, it seems. THANK YOU!
I too would love more information on Kris’s opinion of hair dyes and what she recommends. I have been dying and/or hi-lighting now for 20 years, both with drug store products and at the salon. I want to stop this for obvious reasons… just not sure what to do. I have read about recipes using chamomille, henna etc. Kris…please weigh in! Thank so much!
Dear Kris, I have bought the crazy sexy kitchen recipe book and love it, I thought there would be a video, with the book. Would you be able to do video’s of cooking classes, like example crazy sexy kitchen with a video of all the recipes with Chef chad sarno. I would love to buy something like this.
I love this – especially the part about reigniting your sparkle! Also – your words about temptation should prove extremely valuable as we enter the holiday season. Thank you!
Much love and light,