Kris Carr

Kris Carr

Blog Post

What’s in my fridge?

read all about it

Hi Sweet Friends,

My refrigerator is powerful. In fact, it has a direct link to my overall well-being.

This week I’m opening my doors in order to give you an in-depth look at my plant-happy haul.

Disclaimer: My fridge isn’t always this shiny and clean (I dolled it up for you). And it’s not usually this packed (I wanted to show you my favorite goodies all at once), but I do stock it up with whole, plant-based, deliciousness each week.

Whether you’re reaching for one of your favorite cookbooks or just winging it, do your best to keep a well-stocked arsenal of healthy ingredients at your disposal. At the very least, you’ll always be ready to whip up a green juice or smoothie.


Here are some of my beloved refrigerator staples:

Smoothies & green juices:

My husband and I share the juice and smoothie making responsibilities at Chez Carr-Fassett. We make enough to have two 12-oz servings of green drink per day, whether it’s two juices or two smoothies. Our recipes are often guided by what’s available in the fridge. Tip: Keep your smoothies low-glycemic by always using a 3 to 1 ratio: 3 veggies for every 1 piece of fruit.

Ezekiel flax bread:

Ezekiel is one of the least processed breads out there. They offer a wide range of choices, including gluten-free, sodium-free and yeast-free varieties. I love that they use sprouted grains and whole food ingredients — no artificial junk! You’ll find their bread products (everything from wraps to English muffins to rolls) in the frozen section. One of my favorite ways to eat Ezekiel bread is toasted with mashed avocado, freshly ground pepper, sea salt and a squirt of lime. Perfect for breakfast or a midday snack.

Earth Balance vegan butter:

I’m a fan of the bad-better-best approach to eating. Earth Balance falls into the better category for me. Yes, it’s processed, but it’s also a great plant-based alternative to dairy butter; plus it’s non-GMO, casein-free and trans-fat-free. You can also choose their soy-free butter if you’re sensitive to soy. I also love their coconut spread on my toasted hemp or flax waffles in the morning.

BONUS mystery leftovers!

I’m a leftover junkie. As I mentioned in my meal planning blog, I’m a double batch kind o’ cook because it saves me time and money. There are lots of ways to dress up your leftovers — wrap ‘em up, pair them with a salad, drizzle a fresh dressing or sauce on top or just heat them up and enjoy their second day goodness. Leftovers are a lifesaver, period.

Raw sauerkrauts:

Gut health is the key to overall health. Remember, 60-70 percent of your immune system lives there, so it’s great to keep some probiotic buddies in your fridge. Raw sauerkraut is packed with good bacteria that populate your gut and help keep bad, pathogenic bacteria at bay. Make sure you avoid vinegar-based and/or pasteurized varieties, since good bacteria is killed when sauerkraut is made with these guys. Hawthorne Valley Farm is one of my favorite brands, but there are many more out there. I often add a scoop of sauerkraut as a side at dinner or on my famous tempeh reuben sandwiches.

Field Roast Apple Sage vegan sausages:

Holy protein! Just one link of these delicious grain sausages delivers 26 grams of plant-based protein. They’re also great in pasta sauces, casseroles and as a hearty salad topper. If you’re transitioning to a plant-based diet, these sausages will make your life much easier and tastier.


These little flavor bombs are pickled buds from the caper bush. I like to keep them on hand for my quick and easy Penne a la Vodka recipe or when I need to add a little salty kick to any Mediterranean dish.


What can’t you do with an avocado? Salads, desserts, smoothies, spreads, wraps and the list goes on. Yes, avocados are high in fat, but it’s the good, heart-healthy kind — monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. Avocados are rich in B vitamins, which also support your cardiovascular health. If you don’t use the whole avocado, wrap up the leftover half (don’t remove the pit) and eat the rest within 24 hours. The green flesh may brown a little, but just scrape off the top and you’re good to go!


I use it in some way, every day. Lemons are alkalizing and help balance the body’s pH. They also support your detox-happy liver, and are high in Vitamin C (immune booster!). I probably go through at least 10 lemons a week (green juice, salad dressing, a spritz in my water, etc.). Pucker your way to good health by adding more lemons to your diet.


Kale is queen in our home. We always have a couple bunches in our crisper. This dark leafy is especially good in smoothies, salads and sautes. Kale is also a great source of vitamin K, helping you maintain strong bones. Whip up your own tasty creation with the Crazy Sexy Kale Salad recipe at the end of this blog post. Bon Apetit!

Flax oil:

Flax oil (made from flax seeds) is high in omega-3’s, which promote healthy brain function. It’s also an anti-inflammatory food. Make sure you buy cold-pressed, organic flax oil in a dark bottle and store it in the fridge, since light and heat may turn the oil rancid. I like Barlean’s brand, but there are many other quality flax oils available. Since flax oil is sensitive to heat, I use it mostly in salad dressings and smoothies.


Using fresh herbs makes a world of difference in your meals — hello flavor! Parsley is a frequent visitor in my fridge. You’ll love the zing it adds to Crazy Sexy Kitchen’s Chickpea Crepes. Check out its guest appearance in the Crazy Sexy Kale Salad recipe below.

Organic Nectars Cacao powder:

Sometimes I need a pick-me-up in the afternoon, so instead of reaching for the coffee pot, I add a scoop of raw cacao to a green smoothie. Cacao is also perfect for creating delicious plant-based desserts. Chocolate Coconut Ice Cream, anyone?

There you have it, friends. An inside look at my fridge. I hope it gives you a clear understanding of a few of the foods I choose to support my health and tease my taste buds. Recognize any of your favorites in there?

Your turn: Let me know about your must-have fridge foods in the comments.

Peace & crispers,

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  1. Gena says:

    We have incredibly similar fridges! I’m particularly smitten with the Food for Life flax bread right now, too; I think it’s my favorite of their flavors/varieties. I’ve never thought about stocking capers, but they are very flavorful — something to keep in mind. Thanks for sharing with us 🙂

  2. Viosa says:

    Hi Kris,
    First of all thank you for sharing your story and giving courage to people that there is hope.
    My family and I started juicing few months ago and we love it. I feel guilty if I skip it even though sometimes I feel overwhelmed eating a balanced dinner and make the juice for the next day. My fridge has most of the items you have in a larger quantity and it is a mess in there. I was wondering if you can tell me exactly the brand of fridge you have because it seems just a perfect one for my kitchen.

    Thanks in advance!

  3. Felicia Sobonya says:

    Your fridge would not look like that if you were allergic or sensitive to soy.

  4. Earth Remedy says:

    Awesommmmmmmmmmmmmmme! Love seeing a fridge like mine! I don’t do the butter though.

  5. Daniella says:

    Hi Kris!
    Love this article, by the way! I notice that you have items in your fridge that I normally keep in the pantry, such as raw cacao, apple cider vinegar, honey, maple syrup, and hemp seed. Should I be moving these items to the fridge?

    Many Thanks!

  6. Mikie says:

    How long do the green smoothies keep for in the fridge? My roommates have been complaining about me using the blender in the early morning.


  7. Julie says:

    Hi Kris,

    I have a been a huge fan for years, following your blog, tv.v appearances, books, etc. I am confused about something, I was hoping you can clear up. I know you have commented on Gluten in the past(in blogs and in CSD). I know you have mentioned you eat Rye on occasion because it has less gluten, the sausages have gluten, and also the Ezekial bread has gluten. How much do you eat? Daily? A few times a week? There is so much info out there about how bad gluten is, just wondering what your approach is when putting it in your diet regime.



  8. Cassie says:

    I really want to start doing the juicing/smoothies. What is a good affordable machine to look at purchasing? Thanks!!!

    • Earth Remedy says:

      Get the Breville $99 juicer on Amazon! We got that for traveling and on the go – it’s smaller, easy to use and waaaaaaaay easier on the wallet. The one that stays on our counter was $350. But the $99 version you can find on Amazon.

  9. Dawn says:

    Two of my favourite things to have on hand are kale and avocado. I love using kale as a base for smoothies or to use in soup, to lightly steam and add to other dishes etc. I eat avacado almost every day! I love it in salads, I make awesome smoothies with dates, nuts and rice milk, I have it with tacos, as a garnish, you name it, I will find a way to use it!!

    If you like kale, check out Kris’s Cinnamon Sweet Potato & Kale Delight. It is so good, I made it two times this week. It has also inspired me to start a binder of “keeper” and favourite recipes to pull out anytime. Enjoy!!

    ps. For those of you using frozen kale, I think it would work fine for the recipe mentioned above. I am jealous as we don’t have frozen kale in Canada and sometimes it is almost impossible to find it at all!!

    • marie says:

      Hi Dawn,

      I’m from Canada and buy frozen kale from either Loblaws/ Super Store or a local organic health food store. The brand we buy is called Cookin Greens. You can even take what you need and reseal it. It’s great for adding to other foods like soups, stews, stir fries and even smoothies. There are other choices from them as well. It’s not organic but you use what you can.

      Good luck

  10. Rachel says:

    Love the article and the tips! very helpful. silly question…where did you get your shirt? I love it!

  11. Jen says:

    I see your green juices/smoothies are in mason jars. How far in advance do you prepare these? How long do they stay fresh?

  12. Steph says:

    I love this sneak peek into your fridge! I see lots of similarities between yours and mine 🙂 Have you done a post before on ways to save at the grocery store? I’d love to see more on that, especially because many specialty products are expensive. I love how you encourage us to use leftovers-I hate to waste food!

  13. Cindy Herrick says:

    Hi Kris

    Love your book and admire your strength and positive outlook dealing with life’s ups and downs.

    Just wondering if there is any benefit to having smoothies at night before bed rather than a jump start in the morning. Getting home from work and exercise class I am often drained and just want to do the simplest thing. It would be easier to digest in the night as well wouldn’t it? I tend to go to bed early, like by 9:00′ since I get up so early. Any thoughts?

    • Kris Carr says:

      Cindy — smoothies are terrific at night. As long as you’re getting enough nutrition through out the day, a smoothie is very easy to digest — which means it would give your body a rest while you sleep and repair.

  14. Therese says:

    my must have fridge foods: sun-dried tomatoes, olives, almond milk, roasted sweet potatoes, red pepper, cilantro, basil leaves, tomatoes, butternut squash and maple syrup! yummy! let the feast begin! 🙂

  15. Eve says:

    My fridge isn’t bad, but yours is better. Your lovely, smiley picture is going up on my fridge to inspire a bit of a step up! x

  16. Kandy says:

    When I make a green smoothie (mine are all veggies) and am ready to wash the container I fill it up with water and water my plants with it. They are green, lush; very happy and completely vegetarian!!!! I had a couple plants that I thought were gone for good and this mixture revived them.

  17. Rea Nolan says:

    Hey Kris:

    love your books and blog! And fan-fabulous website!
    How about giving us tips on growing your own organics as we’re approaching the seeding season!

    Thanks so much!

    ps — ever heard of Marion Woodman? wrote about her survival of uterine cancer in a book called “Bone – Dying Into Life”

    • Kris Carr says:

      Thank you Rea! I saved the link you posted, looking forward to watching it later. Love when my peeps turn me onto new things. 🙂

  18. Connie says:

    Love that! What kind of fridge do you have with no freezer? I need one like that for all my produce that I can’t find room for. Thanks for posting this, Kris. Love!

  19. kriya says:

    hi kris: i, too , am/was a huge raw kale fan.. use/d it as a staple.. however, i just read in donna gates’ “body ecology diet” that raw kale weakens the thyroid.. could you comment on this please.. ??
    you, rock, girlie!!! xo kriya
    ps your refrigerator is so NEAT!

  20. Patty Henrichsen says:

    Hi Kris,

    You are quite inspirational to me, and I want to thank you for sharing all of this wonderful, inspiring, information with us. Thank you! I love your fridge! It looks so familiar. 🙂

    I’m wondering, if you can make any suggestions on something I struggle with. When ever I lean towards juicing more (your Make Juice Not War juice is my favorite green go-to juice) I run in to this challenge where it’s hard to keep the massive quantities of veggies in the fridges if I want to shop on a weekly basis. Also, it feels a little overwhelming, and pressure, to have such a volume of fresh greens in the fridge. (You know juicing takes up so much more than when I’m eating and “smoothieing”). Do you have any ideas or suggestions, or can you share your method for always having enough fresh greens for your juices? Or is that why you alternate green juice with green smoothies, to keep it a little more feasible.

    Also, ok, this isn’t THAT important, BUT, where did you get that CUTE outfit?! I love it!! Even the jeans, they are solo cute. And, the shirt and boots….adorable!!

    Much love,

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