
CBD Oil: Everything You Need to Know

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Hiya Gorgeous!

Is it just me, or did CBD oil (cannabidiol oil) totally explode over the last year? I see new articles practically every day about its miraculous benefits, including claims that it may even provide hope for patients who have exhausted their conventional treatment options. People are using it for everything from anxiety and seizure disorders to psoriasis and pain management. I’ve gotta say—I’m just blown away by the exciting possibilities that CBD oil has to offer.

Since this is such a hot topic (and I have a feeling that you’re just as curious about it as I am!), I asked our Crazy Sexy Nutrition Director, Jen Reilly, to dig into it and give us the 411. Keep in mind that research is currently underway and findings are still emerging. But you know us—we’ll be keeping our eyes peeled for new info and sharing updates with you as soon as we get ‘em.

The good news is, there’s already a ton of fascinating and helpful information out there about CBD oil—and that’s exactly what we’re about to dive into.

Take it away, Jen!


CBD Oil: Everything You Need to Know

by Crazy Sexy Nutrition Director Jen Reilly, RD

Thanks, Kris! Nothing gets me more excited than the possibility of simple supplemental solutions to common health issues, so I’ve been closely following the CBD oil news for a while now. Among my nutrition patients, I’ve seen CBD oil help with anxiety and psoriasis when nothing else seemed to work. One patient has even been able to reduce her anxiety meds by half! The internet is also full of anecdotal evidence pointing to the potential benefits of CBD oil—including everything from pain management and nausea relief during chemotherapy to freedom from colitis and other inflammatory digestive disorders.

As Kris pointed out, human scientific research is still in the very early phases. This is especially relevant when it comes to determining a safe and effective dosage of CBD oil, as well as understanding the possible side effects. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t get excited about its potential benefits (Kris and I sure are!), but I urge you to take caution and work with an integrative doc if you’re thinking about taking it—just like you should with any medication or supplement!

But first, what is CBD oil?

CBD oil is a naturally occurring chemical compound typically processed from the hemp plant (though it’s also found in marijuana—more on that later!). It can be taken orally—under the tongue, in food and drinks, or inhaled with a vape pen. It can also be applied topically as a salve or cream.

So, what’s the difference between CBD and THC?

Hemp and marijuana both come from the Cannabis sativa plant family, and the key difference between the two is their THC content. THC, like CBD, is a naturally occurring chemical compound found in Cannabis sativa plants. Marijuana has a high percentage of THC, which is psychoactive and well-known for the “high” it produces. Hemp, on the other hand, has a low THC percentage (0.3% or less). So, CBD extracted from hemp (and with no added components) has no psychoactive effect.

Both medical marijuana and CBD oil may be prescribed to treat certain health conditions. But, medical marijuana is still marijuana—it has a high THC content and is only legal in certain states. CBD oil, however, should be legal to consume and distribute in the United States as long as it comes from hemp. That said, many laws are still new or unclear, so research your state’s regulations to be sure.

Ok, but what is CBD oil used for?

Time to dive into the good stuff!

Now, to effectively explain the potential benefits of CBD oil, I’ve gotta introduce you to the endocannabinoid system (ECS). The ECS regulates and balances many functions of the body. But, when it gets out of whack because of stress, poor diet or too many free radicals (think: exposure to toxins), you may experience some nasty symptoms—I’m talkin’ increased anxiety, an upset digestive system, inflammation, a weakened immune system and increased sensitivity to pain. Ouch!

Under normal circumstances, we produce our own endocannabinoids that bind to our ECS receptors and keep our bodies in balance. But, when stress or inflammation ensue, endocannabinoid production decreases. And that’s where the star of our story comes in to save the day! CBD oil can stimulate the ECS receptors, which supplements a naturally occurring system and helps your body find proper balance again. Pretty cool, huh?

As I explained above, research about the benefits of CBD oil is ongoing, but anecdotal reports (both from individuals experimenting on their own and doctors who prescribe CBD oil) show lots of promise.

Here are some of the benefits and uses we’re aware of so far:


An estimated 30% of people with epilepsy are resistant to conventional pharmaceutical treatments. But, the anticonvulsant properties of CBD oil provide new hope for relief. The cannabinoids act on receptors in the brain to alter brain chemistry and reduce seizure activity. Plus, CBD oil also happens to be free of the serious negative effects that come along with many traditional anticonvulsant medications.

There are plenty of anecdotal accounts of people using CBD oil to treat epilepsy, but one in particular is particularly incredible—and touching. Charlotte Figi was having 50 seizures a day, some lasting for 2-4 hours. She couldn’t walk or swallow, and she wasn’t responding to conventional medications. At just age 5, she was suffering and her body continues to decline. But, when her mom started giving her CBD oil (with very low THC) under her tongue, the seizures stopped almost immediately. Now they only occur 2-3 times a month, mostly in her sleep. By age 6, Charlotte was walking again, riding her bicycle, feeding herself and talking. She continues to thrive and be an example of the power of CBD oil. You can read more about her touching story here.

Intestinal Inflammation

Inflammatory digestive issues are no fun—and many conventional “treatments” do nothing more than put a temporary band-aid on the symptoms (rather than address the root of the issue). CBD oil, however, may be able to prevent inflammation in the first place! By activating certain ECS receptors connected to intestinal health, it appears to increase movement in the digestive tract and balance stomach acid in a way that can help normalize digestion, prevent constipation and reduce nausea and vomiting. Larger human studies are in the works to test effectiveness and dosage so docs can better prescribe CBD oil for their patients with inflammatory bowel diseases.

Anxiety and Depression

While not completely understood yet, CBD oil is thought to stimulate ECS serotonin receptors in a way that can positively increase serotonin levels and improve mental health. Many folks taking it—for anxiety or depression specifically, or relief from something else—report feeling an increased sense of calm, less irritability, renewed interest in favorite activities and an elevated mood. In 2011, one small human study (24 people) showed that people with anxiety who took CBD oil felt less nervous about public speaking.

In addition to its ability to mitigate anxiety and depression, CBD oil can also help reduce delusions and hallucinations associated with schizophrenia. Plus, it has far fewer possible negative side effects than the medications often prescribed for these conditions.


CBD oil may help reduce chronic pain by impacting ECS receptor activity, reducing inflammation and interacting with neurotransmitters. It also appears to block the absorption of anandamide (a pain regulator), thereby reducing pain sensitivity.

As you know, conventional pain medications come with a laundry list of side effects, and some can be addictive. Because CBD oil doesn’t have the same caveats, doctors are feeling more and more comfortable recommending it to patients with chronic pain.

Chemotherapy Side Effects

While the research is very limited and mostly includes animal** and test-tube studies, there are several accounts of patients using CBD oil to reduce chemotherapy side effects. People have reported relief from nausea, vomiting and even neuropathic pain. There are also accounts of CBD oil boosting appetite and preventing weight loss, as well as promoting emotional well-being.

One area of concern for researchers is that the receptors CBD oil inhibits to prevent nausea and vomiting may be important for other brain functionality. For now, the side effects appear to be minimal, but more sophisticated human research is needed (study). As always, work with your doc—and for further information on how CBD oil can help relieve the side effects of chemotherapy.

Acne and Psoriasis

Did you know that there are even ECS receptors in your skin (they’re everywhere!)? Well, it turns out that when CBD oil is applied topically, it stops the quick cell turnover responsible for both acne and psoriatic flare-ups. That combined with CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties make it a promising treatment for both acne and psoriasis. Check in with your doc to determine how much CBD oil and which application method you should use for acne or psoriasis.

There are a lot of exciting uses for CBD oil in the skin care realm. Many companies are starting to use it in their products to combat acne, calm inflammation (think: puffiness, redness, etc.) and more. Stay tuned for an in-depth exploration of this topic by our fabulous Beauty Editor, Danielle Shine!

How much CBD oil should I take?

While many integrative doctors are recommending CBD oil to their patients and seeing results, clear dosage guidelines haven’t been set by the medical community. Dr. Robert Rountree, a CBD oil pioneer and expert, recommends 10 milligrams a day for treating anxiety and pain—but your dosage will vary based on what you’re treating. Your doc can help you determine which dosage and form is best for you.

Where can I buy CBD oil and what kind should I get?

Because of the murky laws around growing Cannabis sativa in several states, some companies are producing CBD oil in a lab so they can make a profit without breaking any laws. Integrative docs discourage using these synthetic preparations because they often contain toxins, come with a list of possible side effects like agitation and rapid heartbeat, and are less potent than the naturally cultivated varieties.

Because the CBD oil industry is unregulated and full of companies trying to get a piece of the pie, it’s important to look for pure, high-quality sources that are pharmacist-formulated, third-party tested and have a trusted purity verification (check the labels for all those buzz words!). Examples of trusted brands include Green Roads, Sisters of the Valley and Charlotte’s Web.

What are the side effects of CBD oil?

There are few known side effects of CBD oil to date. One study lists tiredness, diarrhea, and changes in weight and appetite as possible side effects, so keep those in mind and adjust dosage with your doc if you’re experiencing any uncomfortable reactions. Also, it’s important to note that certain medications may interact with CBD oil, including heart medications, antibiotics and allergy meds—all the more reason to work with a professional as you move forward!

The CBD oil industry is booming and more research comes out every day. But, what we know now is that this simple, naturally occurring remedy has the potential to help many people find relief from an array of health challenges—and that’s incredibly exciting. I hope to see CBD oil become a mainstream treatment in the near future. Until then, I encourage you to do your research, work with your doctor and check back in on this post for new info!

Wow! Thank you, Jen. That was super helpful and informative.

I’m a firm believer in the power of diet and lifestyle practices to keep us healthy and even manage serious health challenges (in conjunction with conventional treatment). But, sometimes we need a little extra help—and there’s nothing wrong with that. The promise that CBD oil shows to bring relief and answers fills me with so much hope, and I can’t wait to see what it has in store for us.

I hope you’ll bookmark this post so you can refer back to it—we’ll keep it updated as more research emerges!

Your turn: Have you tried CBD oil? If so, we’d love to know about your experience and which brands you’ve tried! Or if you haven’t tried it, are you interested in learning more about it?

Peace and radical remedies,

Add a comment
  1. Jen says:

    I’ve not used CBD for myself but for my dog who had chronic skin inflammation despite being in high doses of medication for it. Since switching to CBD the inflammation and itching has completely gone and he’s off the drugs and *so* much happier.

  2. Koi CBD, LLC says:

    Thanks for sharing, you have discussed everything about CBD oil. I didn’t know that CBD oil can help in healing epilepsy also.!!

  3. CPEC TEMPE says:

    Very informative post. CBD is a very safe medicine that can be used. Thanks for explaining the benefits in an easy way.

  4. Thanks for sharing this valuable article. I get to know about many important information from here.

  5. Cbd oil says:

    Very interesting and informative post. Health is the most important part of life nothing is more valuable than good health and massage is very important for good and healthy life specially the use of Cbd and hemp oils are very beneficial for us.

  6. James says:

    Though the string of clinical studies on the impact of CBD on severe nerve pain is ongoing, but yet a mechanism is still awaited by which it can be said that CBD assuages or regulates pain. The conventional medications that treats neuropathic pain ranges from the available on the counter pain relieving drugs like acetaminophen, NSAIDs, opioids and injections containing corticosteroids.

  7. Vigorous words written in this blog helped me to update my capacities and what’s more helped me to know how I can help myself isolated. I am greatly glad to come at this stage.

  8. BarbarA Fenton says:

    I am so excited about the CBD oil and am hoping it will help. Unfortunately, I order from Sisters of the Valley based on the recommendation in this article. They took my money right away, even charged me an international fee even though I am in California just like they are (they told me to “call my bank and tell them not to charge” me). It has been over 10 days since they took my money and they have not processed my order! I have sent email inquiries regarding the stays and asking when I can expect my order to be processed, I’ve even left a voice mail, but absolutely NO response!!! So disappointed! Maybe this company should not be recommended!!??

  9. Aura Carr says:

    Excellent article. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Thanks to your thorough research, I located a doctor close by and am going to give it a try for anxiety and pain management. A grateful and devoted follower. ?‍♀️

  10. Gail Shouvlin says:

    Thanks for all the great info on CBD! I use Purium’s organic Non GMO pure premium 1500mg CBD hemp oil. It is Full Spectrum CBD and it is less expensive. Code -healthhope gives an additional $50 off. There are no preservatives or artificial ingredients. And No chemicals are used in extracting. ishoppurium.com has more info.

    • Gail says:

      Thanks for all the great info on CBD! I use Purium’s organic Non GMO pure premium 1500mg CBD hemp oil. It is Full Spectrum CBD and it is less expensive. Code -healthhope gives an additional $50 off. There are no preservatives, pesticides or artificial ingredients. And No chemicals are used in extracting.

  11. Becky says:

    I’ve heard wonderful things about CBD for pets as well. Especially, older animals that may have joint pain or those with anxiety. Have you found any info about this?

  12. Angela says:

    My son and husband have been using CBD oil to help them sleep-it certainly works! 5 days ago my son bought some to use in his vapor pen and his warts disappeared! He has had warts on his hands and legs for years and now they’re gone. That’s amazing!

  13. Margaux Espinosa says:

    There are some instances that i believed that marijuana doesn’t give us a good benefit but i am wrong about this. Because i just read an article saying that CBD can be a useful as a medicine. One of my friends told me about this because in his case he’s been suffering from Sciatica for 4 months now. And he will start to use the CBD as a medicine to his sickness. I don’t know if it will work. Any suggestion is highly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

  14. Kris says:

    What a fascinating article. I’ve been researching various CBD oils and it’s so overwhelming to decide which brand to order. I found that several brands have some additives, and other stuff that aren’t organic. What’s your take on Ojai Energetics brand? I’m debating whether to order that brand or Zilis ultracell, based on the debate of water soluble CBD being more effective than oil carrier CBD.

    • Ed Spa says:

      Kris, if this helps…. Looking at their bottle Ojai states it is an Elixir (From the Dictionary – a magical or medicinal potion) and from their web-site a Tincture (From the Dictionary – a medicine made by dissolving a drug in alcohol) I can say UltraCell is neither. Ojai has 250 mg of CBD in 30 ml / UltraCell has 500 mg of CBD in 30 ml.

    • Donovan says:

      Hi Kris, I chose to align myself with Hempworx, since its **full-spectrum** CBD in hemp oil. And it’s Organic. Doesn’t get better than that! Plus its MLM, which means I can grow my income by sharing with others. You definitely want full-spectrum since you benefit from the ‘entourage effect’, which comes from all the other cannabinoids and terpenes (there is a lot more than just CBD in hemp! CBD is just one cannabinoid). However a “CBD isolate”, is good too, its just not completely as effective…its further from it’s natural state. I like that our CBD is in hemp oil too…as you know, hemp oil has an ideal ratio of omega 6’s and 3’s for the body, and again, is how it is in nature: CBD comes from hemp. Mssg me if you’d like to know more! I am preparing to go big in selling CBD oil by *educating* about it’s value and importance. It is VERY important, especially at this time, as the baby boomers are becoming seniors.

      I call it “God’s Medicine”…!

  15. Usasusie says:

    Each time I read something akin to above, I also then discover articles like this, which state that CBD oil may actually reduce the effectiveness of tamoxifen (a post breast cancer medication). It’s so confusing. I’m on information overload. Who do we trust and how do we find the correct balance? It seems everyone has a different answer. I believe there is a place for both holistic therapies and traditional pharmaceutical medications – but it seems nearly impossible to find the balance as everyone has a different opinion.

    • Jen Reilly, RD says:

      Hi Usasusie! I agree that it can be so hard to decide on what to do based on all the contradictory information out there! I’ve been combing NIH’s research library this morning and there’s very little human research on tamoxifen and CBD oil. The article linked references one research study in 2016 which used hamster ovaries in combination with human ECS receptors. Interestingly enough, that study calls out the need for new tamoxifen analogs that may be even more effective rather than talking about the specific dangers of CBD oil with tamoxifen. I suspect this is another area we will hear a lot more about in the next couple years. You may want to consider consulting with Dr. Keith Block (http://blockmd.com/) who is an integrative oncologist. He does phone consults and may be a great reference for you as you’re trying to get answers. And, as we learn more, we will definitely keep you posted! xo – Jen

      • Susan Roberts says:

        Hi Jen –
        Thank you for taking the time to read the link and investigate further. And thank you for the link to Dr. Keith. I have been struggling to find a good integrative doc. I appreciate the info.

  16. Such an informative, well written article. I definitely look forward to hearing more about CBD – it’s uses and latest research. Thanks.

  17. Donna says:

    I’m surprised these products are not organic. Is that not available? I recently purchased CBD Raw USA Organic Oil for my black lab diagnosed with cancer. Would love to see a recommendation for human grade organic.

    • Ed Spa says:

      Donna, the Zilis UltraCell is Organically grown in Colorado. Also it is pet friendly. A vertebrates have an Endocannibinoid System.

    • Jeanne says:

      Have you looked into PrimeMyBody’s hemp oil? http://mlscreations.primemybody.com/home/

    • Jen Reilly, RD says:

      Hi Donna! There are certainly organic CBD oils on the market. And, it’s quite possible that many of the products available are indeed organic and follow organic farming principles, but because the labeling and regulations aren’t as well defined for hemp and marijuana plants, those companies haven’t been able to label their products as such. Some experts argue that the potency and quality of the CBD oil are more important than what the crops have been treated with. Hemp plants grown both indoors and outdoors are highly prone to damage by mites and other pests. In fact, there’s also an organic pesticide that’s currently being investigated as the root of the problem and the “poison” behind Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome. Just some things to think about as you’re working with your doc and choosing a brand. Hope that helps! xo

      • Donna says:

        Super interesting, thank you Jen! My husband and I own 40 acres; that was farmed years ago. I have a huge vegatable garden and am blessed with healthy soil and a green thumb, or two. I would love to produce my own hemp plants for CBD oil. Do you have any reputable DIY information? I am greatly appreciating your input! Green Blessing to you!

  18. Vicki Burgess says:

    Thank you Kris. Your email is just in time as I see my pain doc very soon. I plan to ask him to read this CBD email and ask for a prescription. I will keep you apprised of what happens.

  19. Ed Spa says:

    Great little read, Two fold in our household. We use the Zilis UltraCell, a Full Spectrum – water soluble – Hemp Derived CBD Oil. My wife has had Seven Spine surgeries plus has an implanted Spinal Cord Stimulator. She was talking Hysingla ER 40mg and Norco 5/325 for breakthrough pain. She has been OFF of the Extended Release Hydrocodone now for 5 months and manages pain with the stimulator and Naproxen as needed. The Norco only come out when the weather fronts are strong.

    Myself, a male with Hashimoto’s, it has helped with the systemic inflammation and has lessened the transient joint pains. A drastic decrease in my Ibuprofen intake. Sleep is better too….

  20. Jeanne says:

    I’ve been taking Hemp Oil (CBD) for over a year and it has helped me tremendously with anxiety, migraines and pain management after back surgery! The one I take uses a liposomal nano-enhanced delivery system so it gets into your system quickly! I’m so passionate about getting this plant-ally out in to the world I tell everyone about it!

    • kris says:

      Wow, Jeanne—I love hearing about all of the benefits you’re seeing. I know your experience will give hope to lots of other readers. Thank you for sharing :-)!

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