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How to Stop Attacking Yourself: 9 Steps to Treating Autoimmune Disease

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Hiya Smarties!

Check out this fabulous guest article by Mark Hyman, MD, to provide clarity on inflammation and autoimmune diseases from my blog archives.

This information is always timely. Hope it helps! Take it away, Mark…

Inflammation is a “hot” topic in medicine.

It appears connected to almost every known chronic disease: from heart disease to cancer, diabetes to obesity, autism to dementia and even depression. Other inflammatory diseases, such as allergies, asthma, arthritis and autoimmune disease, are increasing at dramatic rates. As physicians, we are trained to shut off inflammation with aspirin, anti-inflammatory medication, such as Advil or Motrin, steroids and increasingly more powerful immune-suppressing medication with serious side effects. But we are not trained to find and treat the underlying causes of inflammation in chronic disease. Hidden allergens, infections, environmental toxins, an inflammatory diet and stress are the real causes of these inflammatory conditions.

Autoimmune diseases now affect 24 million people and include rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, thyroid disease, inflammatory bowel disease and more. These are often addressed by powerful immune suppressing medication and not by addressing the cause. That’s like taking a lot of aspirin while you are standing on a tack. The treatment is not more aspirin or a strong immune suppressant but removing the tack.

If you want to cool off inflammation in the body, you must find the source. Treat the fire, not the smoke. In medicine, we are mostly taught to diagnose disease by symptoms, not by their underlying cause. Functional medicine is the emerging 21st century paradigm of systems medicine that teaches us to treat the cause, not only the symptoms, and to ask why you are sick, not only what disease you have.

Functional medicine is a different way of thinking about disease that helps us understand and treat the real causes of inflammation instead of finding clever ways to shut it down. Medicine as it is practiced today is like taking the battery out of a smoke detector while a fire burns down your house!

Autoimmune conditions are connected by one central biochemical process: a runaway immune response also known as systemic inflammation that results in your body attacking its own tissues.


Autoimmunity: What is an Autoimmune Disease and How It Occurs

We are facing an epidemic of allergies (60 million people), asthma (30 million people) and autoimmune disorders (24 million people). Autoimmune diseases include rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, celiac disease, thyroid disease and the many other hard-to-classify syndromes in the 21st century. These are all autoimmune conditions, and at their root, they are connected by one central biochemical process: a runaway immune response also known as systemic inflammation that results in your body attacking its own tissues.

Your immune system is your defense against invaders. It is your internal army and has to clearly distinguish friend from foe — to know you from other. Autoimmunity occurs when your immune system gets confused and your own tissues get caught in friendly cross-fire. Your body is fighting something — an infection, a toxin, an allergen, a food or the stress response — and somehow it redirects its hostile attack on your joints, your brain, your thyroid, your gut, your skin or sometimes your whole body.

This immune confusion results from what is referred to as molecular mimicry. Conventional approaches don’t have a method for finding the insult causing the problem. Functional medicine provides a map to find out which molecule the cells are mimicking.

Interestingly, autoimmune disorders occur almost exclusively in developed countries. People in poor nations without modern amenities like running water, flushing toilets, washing machines and sterile backyards don’t get these diseases. If you grew up on a farm with lots of animals, you are also less likely to have any of these inflammatory disorders. Playing in the dirt, being dirty and being exposed to bugs and infections trains your immune system to recognize what is foreign and what is “you”.

In this country, autoimmune diseases are a huge health burden. They are the eighth leading cause of death among women, shortening the average patient’s lifespan by eight years. The annual health care cost for autoimmune diseases is $120 billion, representing nearly twice the economic health care burden of cancer (about $70 billion a year).1

Unfortunately, many of the conventional treatments available can make you feel worse. Anti-inflammatory drugs like Advil, steroids, immune suppressants like methotrexate, and the new TNF-alpha blockers like Enbrel or Remicade can lead to intestinal bleeding, kidney failure, depression, psychosis, osteoporosis, muscle loss, diabetes, infection and cancer.2

When used selectively, these drugs can help people get their lives back, but they are not a long-term solution. They shouldn’t be the end of treatment but a bridge to cool off inflammation while we treat the root cause of the disease.

If you have an autoimmune disease, here is what you need to think about and do.

Nine Steps for Treatment of Autoimmune Disease

1. Check for hidden infections — yeast, viruses, bacteria, Lyme, etc. — with the help of a doctor and treat them.

2. Check for hidden food allergens with IgG food testing or just try The UltraSimple Diet, which is designed to eliminate most food allergens.

3. Get tested for celiac disease with a blood test that any doctor can do.

4. Get checked for heavy metal toxicity. Mercury and other metals can cause autoimmunity.

5. Fix your gut.

6. Use nutrients, such as fish oil, vitamin C, vitamin D and probiotics, to help calm your immune response naturally.

7. Exercise regularly. It’s a natural anti-inflammatory.

8. Practice deep relaxation, like yoga, deep breathing, biofeedback or massage, because stress worsens the immune response.

9. Tell your doctor about Functional medicine and encourage him or her to get trained. Go to for more information and to get a copy of the “Textbook for Functional Medicine”.

Give these steps a try and see if you don’t start feeling less inflamed. The answers are right in front of you. Treat the underlying causes of your illness and you will begin to experience vibrant health once more.

For more information on how to optimize your health, see Dr. Hyman’s website.

Now I’d like to hear from you. Have you been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease? How is your doctor treating you? Have you been frustrated by the medical advice that you’ve been given? What steps have you taken to get to the root of the problem, and what have your results been? Please leave your thoughts by adding a comment below.

Love and health,


1. Nakazawa, D. (2008). The Autoimmune Epidemic. Simon & Schuster. New York.
2. Siegel, C.A., Marden, S.M., Persing, S.M., et al. (2009). Risk of lymphoma associated with combination anti-tumor necrosis factor and immunomodulator therapy for the treatment of Crohn’s disease: a meta-analysis. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 7(8): 874-81.

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  1. J says:

    I have been diagnosed with Lichen Planus …. 3 yrs and now almost given up trying to stop the inflammation , itching and hair loss. Distressing . Any suggestions pls?

    • Nicole LePore says:

      Hello J

      My friend had Lichen Planus and they gave her Methotrexate which cleared it up and has not been back since. That was 2-3 years ago.

      Can’t hurt to try it.


  2. i was diagnosed with Ankylosing spondylities ten yrs before,no improvement as of now my recent medication is entacept and naproxine 500mg but no improvement in my stiffiness recently i came to know about functional medicine but i dont have any idea about that.plz help me out of AS.

    With Regards
    m.jagadeesh madhavan.

  3. jenn brake says:

    The first episode happened about 5 years ago. Its always the same, very upset stomach, migraines that make me feel like my brain is heated up. Im so ecxhausted, i am now sleeping up to 16 hours a day. My memory is impaired and I forget what I am even talking about during a conversation. I am having seziurzes at night. And this condition is more frequent, mine last for weeks at a time sometimes up to 2 months. Ive had 3 episodes since halloween. And I have been under extreem stress, my daughter almost died taking a leathal dose of xanax, 114 1mg er. Pretty sure that set it off a parents worst nightmare. We just had to wait till she lived or died. Shortly after that, my flareup caught up with me. What kind of autoimmune disease does this sound like to you?

  4. Sylvie says:

    What diet recommendations do you have for a Autoimmune Hashimotos patient that has liver cancer and struggle with very bad SIBO (low FODMAP) – eating VERY limited diet!!

  5. KAF says:

    I have thyroid disease, been treating for over 10 years, can not keep numbers in line, have seen 4 Specialists, been on Synthroid,, Armour, and Cytomel. Tried going on natural supplements along with the above medication but wasn’t helping very much. Also, can not go completely that way since I did the radioactive iodine to kill the thyroid and have to be on Synthroid the rest of my life. I also deal with depression, weight gain, extreme fatigue, cold hands, and all the other fun stuff that comes along with this disease.

  6. Diana Trejo says:

    my dr told me I have auto immune disease and possible lupus. he refered me to a rhumotologist I have an appt. on the 30th of march. needed some information.

  7. Lacy Harper says:

    Does organic mean non gmo? And vice versa?

  8. Helena says:

    I really love this post, it really made me smile! I was under the years coming up to 30 diagnosed with 6 different autoimmune diseases such as autoimmune hepatitis, ulcerative colithis, celiac disease and pyoderma gangrenosum. My doctors where all very pessimistic about my future, telling me it would just get worse and that I might not live that long. That’s when I turned to functional medicine (which is really not a big thing in Sweden where I live). I pretty much followed the steps above, completely changing my diet, starting a spiritual practice including MediYoga, started taking supplements, reduced stress and decided to see myself as healthy and always put my health first. It’s been three years now and I’ve been completely symptom free and never felt better! My conventional doctors are amazed, my functional practitioner new I was going to get better 🙂
    With all my love,

  9. Chris arnold says:

    I have recently been diagnosed with cns vascultis after becoming more weak an unable to walk resulting in at least two strokes.I have been put on steroids an eventually methotrexate.

  10. Linda Hawkins says:

    In 2006 I was diagnosed with GCA and PMR, plus fibermyalgia, I have been on prednisone since then. I am on a low dose. Thank you

  11. Judy H says:

    I have been diagnosed with Hoshimoto, Alopecia Areata, Sjogrens and Reumatoid arthritis. There is not alot of info. on multiple autoimmune diseases so they just have to treat the symptoms. There also are not any autoimmune support groups where I live. I go to a depression groupbut they do not know how to deal with chronic diseases. I have read almost everything on the internet about my autoimmune diseases but it isn’t much. I wish there was more positive info. for autoimmune diseases. I eat healthy but I don’t get much exercise because of chronic fatigue and being 63 yrs old. Feeling kind of hopeless at times.

  12. Keri says:

    Hi There,

    I have been diagnosed with Vitiligo, am doing a homeopathic treatment at the moment and have completely given up eating meat and eggs. trying to stick to alkalike food. This is my 3rd day with the medicine and will let you know how i go in 2 weeks time.

  13. Helen Cameron says:

    I have just been diagnosed with autoimmune hepatitis and have begun the Prednisilone regime commencing with 25mg daily for 3 weeks, then 20 mgs then 15 for ever unless I have the body enzyme that digests Imuran which will be given in place of Prednisilone. I live in Australia and am keen to know more about Functional Medicine. I can’t find any clinics in Australia.
    I want to know, as I have started on the Prednisilone treatment and then will probably go onto Imuran (the drug given to treat rejection of transplants) can I go off these and take a more natural route to try and fix the problem. The specialist said I had to stop taking all natural medicines as I was taking a Milk Thistle and vitamin and mineral preparation before starting on Prednisilone. My liver enzymes were very high – in the 700 (I have copies of all my investigations) but they began to come down to about 250 by the time I was put on Prednisilone. I know when my liver is struggling now, as I can detect certain changes, like small red patches on the skin, a dermatitis between the fingers, and I feel mentally foggy. I eat a very good fresh food diet, hardly any breads or wheat products, since I have read the Wheat Belly Book by Dr Davies. What should I do? Thank you for your website.

  14. Melissa Smyth says:

    Hello. My immune system is attacking my embryos and causing me to have multiple failed ivf’s. I switch fertility doctor’s and was tested with a result of extremely elevated NK cells. I have to be on a Organic, gluten free diet along with avoiding any inflammatory food.
    My question is: If Gluten is the main cause of inflammation, and the reason is gluten free it’s so that it can prevent your immune system from flaring up, then why do some gluten free products contain inflammatory ingredients that you are supposed to avoid in the first place?
    for example, gluten free bread has corn starch which causes inflammation…
    Thank you

  15. Kelli Wood says:

    Hello and Thank You VERY MUCH!!
    I have been diagnosed w/Lupus SLE Sjogrens and Fibromyalgia back in 2007 but have seriously gone way done Hill. So bad cannot exercise. I have 3 bulging discs which keep my back inflamed w/unbelievable PAIN!! I’m not sleeping thru the night so my my schedule is all messed up :(((
    I’m 48 and I’m now living w/ an Awesome 25 yr young Sis/Friend who keeps me so yound(my Son is 23). Which is so hard for her. I feel for her.
    I think I’m gonna get my mercury levels ck’d again. I was on Vitamin Therapy for my ADD back in 1996 I was doing Great-compounding Vitamins.. Now I’m on killer pain meds; Methadone, I stopped Hydroxychlorine, Oxycodone, Topamax(Headaches), Cevemiline (Sjogrens)
    It really helps w/my severe dryness. So yes I’ve gone from 2000 serving on the Chamber Board for 4 years and serving in my Church (Everywhere) for 7 yrs) to now I live in bed :”'(( plus I was raising my Beloved Son who is now doing great! So Praise The LORD! So I’m All ears!!!
    God Bless You for your Precious and Beautiful Heart of Love ❤

  16. Sheila says:

    i have unknown autoimmune disease. first episode when i was 17. i am now 51. I break out from head to toe in hives. I swell tremendously. itch hurt. they do NOT go away. I have been allergy tested. I have been given histamines, antihistamines, i have acid reflux so i take stomach meds. benedryl does NOT work. Tested for celiac, lupus, lukemia. blood is usually the exact opposite of what doctors think it should be based on what i’m taking. I took prednisone for years non stop. gained 70 pounds. majorly depressed. now take imuran along with stomach meds high blood pressure pills effexor clonazapam. ambien and many more. also have osteopenia … major low back pain. numerous conditions. very depressing ..

  17. Kasey says:

    Since my diagnosis of Hashimotos almost three months ago I have moved from shock to grief and then to faith and then back and forth to frustration. I have implemented a meditation routine into my daily schedule. One ten to fifteen minute meditation in the morning and one at night. I get acupuncture once a week and take Chinese Herbs. I take levothyroxine 50mcg (hopefully I don’t ever need to raise it). I am reading A Course in Miracles daily. I cut out all grains temporarily as well as legumes. I will never eat gluten probably for the rest of my life. I am okay with that. I am a vegan so I don’t eat dairy.

    I am reading Izabella Wentz’s The Root Cause. I am supplementing with b12, D3, Zinc, Probiotics, Selenium (very important to neutralize attack on thyroid) and I am considering taking N Acetyl Cysteine but I haven’t read enough about it yet to make sure I want to take it. I used to run about 30 miles a week but now I do yoga not only because I love it but also because my joints hurt when I run. Deep down I KNOW the meditation routine is the single most important piece to this puzzle but sometimes it’s also my least favorite intervention.

    • Kasey says:

      I am also seeing a counselor once a week to work through past trauma of domestic violence. I am in a women’s support group for helping me work through my fear of bonding and social anxiety. I know my past trauma has affected my physical health.

  18. victoria says:

    Will try to work on some of these things. But I hurt so much, it is hard. My original question was “Why do I feel like I have the flue everytime I try to cut back on anti inflammatories such as Aleve.

    Good article, thanks, Victoria

  19. Peggy S Colburn says:

    I was diagnosed with an auto immune disease called mikculitz . It is associated with sjogrens, it causes dry eyes dry mouth, arthritis swollen glands,. I treat it with fish oil, vitamins D , B an arthritis med called diclofenic, I am on iron because my last Dr. appointment showed that my blood was low. I feel tired, most of the time, I have brain fog, I want to feel like me again !!!!!

  20. Abby says:

    Does Dr. Hayman talk about Sjgren syndrome and what kind of infection t look for if you have it?!

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