
The Secret to Hitting Your Health Goals (Free Downloadable Wellness Tracker!)

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Hiya Gorgeous,

I hope you’ve been tuning into my weekly Wellness Wednesday broadcasts on Instagram and Facebook. If you haven’t yet, I’d love for you to join me and our amazing community! Each week we explore fun, simple ways to take care of your glorious self. And today I’m sharing one of the tools we’ve been talking about for a while now, my personal Wellness Tracker.

And because so many of you have been curious about the tracker, we made a free downloadable version just for you!

Get instant access to your free Wellness Tracker below!


This resource was originally created as a way for my husband, Brian, and I to step up our self-care. Though we’re good about following our wellness pillars (being mindful about what we’re eating, drinking, thinking, and how we’re resting and renewing), it’s hard to really know unless you track your actions.

Actions, of course, lead to results.

And the time we most want results is when we’re in pain. A few months ago, Brian was diagnosed with chronic tinnitus. (Side note: We’ll be doing a Wellness Wednesday broadcast on this in the coming weeks. I had no idea what tinnitus really was or that so many people deal with it, and we’ve gathered some excellent resources that I want to share. As with any life-altering situation, healthy lifestyle practices are a big factor in helping to alleviate or reverse symptoms. So everything in this tracker is what we personally monitor in order to stay on track, feel our very best and meet our wellness goals. It’s been a true game changer.

5 Wellness Categories to Help You Hit Your Health Goals

While there are many things to pay attention to, the categories in our tracker are what most often affect our sleep, stress, immunity, mental clarity and overall vitality. They’re based on my 5 Pillars of Wellness—what you’re eating, drinking and thinking, and how you’re resting and renewing.

Whether you’re dealing with a health challenge or you just want to be at the top of your game, research shows that tracking your habits is the best way to stay motivated, create momentum and set yourself up for success. That’s why this tracker is for you!


Here’s what you’ll track:

  • Fruits and veggies (what you’re eating): You probably know by now how I feel about the power of plants. They’re magical, healing, balancing, life-giving… and an essential part of my wellness routine. There’s more info in your Wellness Tracker about daily servings, but do your best to include veggies at every meal and low glycemic fruits a couple of times a day.
  • Water (what you’re drinking): Hydration, hydration, hydration! Flooding your cells with H2O is one of the simplest ways to feel your best. I know this is something many of us forget during the course of a busy day, which is why it’s so important to keep track. You’ll find an easy formula in the Wellness Tracker to help you determine how much water you should drink per day. Pro tip: At the beginning of each day I fill a pitcher with my daily amount and keep it on my desk so I don’t have to count each glass. When the pitcher is empty, I know I’m fully hydrated!
  • Mindful breaks (what you’re thinking): Our brains need breaks, too! Pausing to reconnect with yourself is incredibly powerful. Take just three mindful breaks (about 5 min each) a day and you’ll see how much more centered and grounded you start to feel. Pro tip: Step outside and take a big ol’ breath of fresh air!
  • Sleep (how you’re resting): I probably don’t have to tell you that consistent, restful sleep is critical to your well-being. Yet this is something that so many of us end up neglecting, especially when we’re stressed or busy. Keeping track of the number of hours you get each night and how that adds up (or doesn’t!) over the course of a week can be a real eye opener.
  • Exercise and play (how you’re renewing): And the opposite of snoozin’ is… movin’! Stretching your legs and getting your heart pumping and the sweat dripping is an important part of your wellness routine. But don’t worry if you’re not a fan of the gym—find something you truly enjoy and actually want to do a few times a week. Aim to exercise four to five times a week for 30-45 min per session.Having fun is also part of the renewing pillar, so make sure to set aside time to kick back, spend time with people who make you laugh, get creative, enjoy a hobby, etc. This stuff is so important to our happiness and overall quality of life, but it’s often the first to get neglected when life gets crazy. Just because we’re adults doesn’t mean we don’t need playdates—aim for at least two a week and put them in your tracker!

And of course you can customize the Wellness Tracker to meet your own needs. Let’s say for example, you’re a marathon runner or CrossFit devotee—you may want to add a section about protein to help make sure you’re getting what you need. Or perhaps supplements are an important part of your routine and you want to make sure to take them every day. Just add it to your tracker!

The goal of the tracker is to help you get honest about your lifestyle practices so you can improve your habits and feel your best over time. Focus on progress, not perfection. You might be surprised how easy it is to take care of your precious self when you break it down into small, manageable categories and cut yourself some slack.

So without further ado, download your free Wellness Tracker and take it for a spin!


Let me know how it’s going by joining me on Instagram or Facebook. Let’s keep each other accountable as we work to meet our goals!

Your turn: Let’s be accountability buddies! If you plan to try out the Wellness Tracker, give me a “Let’s do this!” in the comments below. Here’s to vibrant health and happiness!

Peace & stepping up self-care,

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  1. temple run 2 says:

    Very interested to see the tinnitus resources you have curated! TY, Kris. Hope Brian is finding relief.

  2. Cass says:

    Thanks, Kris!
    When I had some health issues a few years ago I started keeping a little notebook tracking meds, vitamins, exercise….since one day can seem like the next sometimes. But..now I will start keeping track of sleep, hydration,etc.
    Sleep has been a problem at times so thanks for that reminder.
    And just today I have received your Love Note Cards! Lovin’ them!!!

  3. Linda Black says:

    I love your thoughtfulness and generosity around the fabulous gifts you share with your readers! I’m a huge fan!!
    Let’s do this!

  4. Melody says:

    Let’s do this!
    Thank you for the tracker! I know it will help me get/stay on the path to health.

  5. angela says:

    oh this is so what I need right now! thank you!! will download and hope it keeps me accountable!

  6. Cath Fitz says:

    Hello Kris, I have been a fan of yours since your Oprah debut when I purchased your book…It was perfect timing in my life. I also met you in Halifax.. I have had tinnitus before 1996 when most family Doctors did not know much or anything about it.. Food and food additives plays a key role in the volume of my tinnitus noise ….red wine, salt, chocolate , caffeine and the list goes on…. Strong chemical scents do as well.. I look forward to your Wednesday session on Tinnitus.

  7. Dee says:

    Very interested to see the tinnitus resources you have curated! TY, Kris. Hope Brian is finding relief.

  8. Sue says:

    Thank you so much! I’m currently doing a cleanse to fix a bunch of health issues so this is perfect!!! Let’s do this!

  9. Kirsten says:

    Let’s do this! So timely! June 1st I made a decision to get back on track with my wellness/fitness routine…so that day I googled “wellness/health tracking form”…and now I’ve just received yours in my inbox! Happiness! ☺️?

    • kris says:

      What an amazing commitment you’ve made to yourself, Kirsten! So grateful I can support you along the way. Let me know how things are going! xo

  10. Christine says:

    I’m in! Thanks for the inspiration!

  11. Latifa Lipton says:

    I’m in! I also have chronic tinnitus among other things…would love to hear what Brian is doing for his

  12. Jenny says:

    Thank you so much for creating and sharing this Wellness Tracker. I am really looking forward to the upcoming talk about tinnitus as I also have it (it began about 14 years ago and some relief would be such a blessing!). Thank you again.

    • kris says:

      So glad you’ll join us for our Wellness Wednesday chat about tinnitus, Jenny. Make sure you’re signed up for notifications so you can tune in live. Enjoy the tracker and talk soon! <3

  13. Sue says:

    Yes- I am in! Already started filling it out! LET’S DO THIS! You inspire me to make better choices every day, Kris! ❤️

  14. Chantal says:

    Let’s do this! I think I also have tinnitus… I haven’t been to a doctor to get it checked yet… too scared of the diagnosis. 🙁

    • kris says:

      Sorry to hear that Chantal. I hope you check in with your doc soon so you can get the support you need. But I know how scary that can be—I’ve definitely put off my share of appointments! Just remember that it’s a first step toward feeling better. Sending big hugs!

  15. Linda says:

    I also have tinnitus, which comes and goes. Some nights I just wish the hissing sound in my ears would stop. Not a good night tonight so hopefully tomorrow will be better.

  16. Theresa says:

    Let’s do this! Thanks for your support!

  17. Mary Davis says:

    I’m on board! (I also have chronic tinnitus.) Thank you so much Kris. xo

    • kris says:

      Sorry to hear about your tinnitus, Mary—I hope you’ll join for Wellness Wednesday so we can support each other! Love ya!

  18. Irene Webb says:

    Let’s do this, Kris!

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