Kris Carr

Kris Carr


Thyroid Health: Symptoms, Diagnosis & Healing

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Hi Sweet Friends,

I’m usually a chirpy and peppy gal, so when I started feeling sluggish on a regular basis, I put on my detective’s hat and headed to my regular investigative hot spots—the doc’s office and the bookstore. After looking under the hood and between the lines, it turned out that my adrenals (and some plain ole stress) were the major culprits. But through my sleuthing I learned a lot about thyroid health and discovered that it’s a large contributor to many of the chronic physical and mental issues people face today.

OK, let’s get glandular. So many of my readers ask about how to find their way back to wellness, especially when they’re experiencing daily discomforts and they aren’t getting answers at the doctor’s office. Symptoms such as depression, aches and pains, low sex drive, unexplained weight gain, relentless colds, brittle hair and dry skin are very common and could be the result of thyroid problems.

Perhaps you’re just starting to connect the dots when it comes to your health or maybe you’ve been down this road before and still don’t have answers—regardless, please don’t give up! Often, a deeper, more holistic look is needed to find a longterm solution. Hopefully, what you’re about to read will equip you with the knowledge you need to go on that quest with confidence, whether your thyroid gland is the root of your challenges or just something to explore along the way. And because I take your health (and mine) very seriously, this blog was highly researched and vetted by three well-respected RD’s. Dang!

Read on to learn what the butterfly-shaped thyroid gland does, how to figure out whether it’s on the fritz, and, if that’s the case, how to get your thyroid (and your well-being) back on track.

Getting to know your thyroid gland

Your thyroid is two inches long and its “wings” are wrapped around your windpipe (near your Adam’s apple in your neck). It’s an important little bugger that produces several hormones including two that are key in regulating growth and metabolism: T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine).

T3 and T4 hormones are essential because they:

  • Help cells convert calories and oxygen into energy
  • Determine growth and development of many tissues in the body, including the brain and skeleton
  • Work to increase Basal Metabolic Rate—the amount of energy you burn just sitting still

The pituitary gland produces TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone), which stimulates the production of thyroid hormones T3 and T4. The production of the Ts is dependent on sufficient iodine intake from foods and supplements. The hormones then work to regulate cell growth and development by converting protein, carbs and fat into energy. The catch? Vitamin D must be present for the Ts to do their important work. (We’ll talk more about iodine and vitamin D later!)

When we’re healthy and things are swimming along in our systems, the thyroid gland produces T3 and T4 hormones and does its job quite well. But what about when things get out of whack? In the world of the thyroid, both too much and too little of this typically good thing can cause major problems, which leads us to…


What’s the difference between hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism?

Hypothyroidism: Underactive Thyroid Disease

Think of it this way: hypo means not enough, and hyper means too much. When your thyroid gland doesn’t make enough of the essential thyroid hormones (either one or both T3 or T4), symptoms of hypothyroidism eventually pop up. Hypothyroidism can be caused by removal of the thyroid gland, a hypothyroid condition present at birth, inflammation of the thyroid gland, radiation exposure, or an autoimmune disease called Hashimoto’s Disease.

You’re more likely to develop hypothyroidism if:

  • You’re a woman
  • You’re over age 60
  • You have a family history of thyroid disease
  • You have another autoimmune disease such as type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, or lupus
  • You’ve been pregnant in the last six months

Symptoms of hypothyroidism include weight gain, difficulty metabolizing carbohydrates and sugars, joint pain, depression, infertility or irregular periods, tightness in the throat, sensitivity to heat and cold, panic attacks, high cholesterol, memory loss, vision problems, dry skin and hair loss.

Diagnosis for hypothyroidism is made by measuring blood levels of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). Generally, if the TSH level is above normal, it means hypothyroidism. A low T4 level also indicates hypothyroidism.

Hypothyroid treatment includes taking a synthetic hormone replacement (identical to T4). To determine the dosage, blood levels of TSH are tested regularly. Keep in mind that although adequate iodine intake is necessary for a healthy thyroid, excess amounts may cause or worsen hypothyroidism. See my section on holistic approaches for ways you can be proactive about your thyroid health.

Hyperthyroidism: Overactive Thyroid Disease

You can think about hyperthyroidism as your lovely butterfly gland going on a nectar bender. When the thyroid gland makes more thyroid hormone than you need, many bodily functions speed up—including metabolism.

You’re more likely to develop hyperthyroidism if:

  • You’re a woman
  • You’re over age 60
  • You have a family history of thyroid disease
  • You have type 1 diabetes
  • You’ve been pregnant in the last six months
  • You have a vitamin B12 deficiency

Symptoms of hyperthyroidism include: insomnia, nervousness, weight loss, mood swings and irritability, rapid and irregular heartbeat, heat intolerance and the development of a goiter (an enlarged, swollen thyroid gland). Hyperthyroidism can be caused by Graves’ disease, thyroid nodules (lumps in the thyroid), inflammation of the thyroid, consuming too much iodine, or taking too much synthetic thyroid hormone to treat hypothyroidism.

Diagnosis for hyperthyroidism is made after your doc does a few blood tests. The following factors point to a batty butterfly:

  • TSH levels are very low
  • T3 and T4 levels are high
  • Radioactive Iodine Uptake is abnormal

Radioactive Iodine Uptake (RAI-U) testing is just what it sounds like: the test shows how much radioactive iodine your thyroid can absorb four to six hours and then 24 hours after consuming a dose of iodine (tasty, no?). This is important because it helps determine what exactly is sending your thyroid into overdrive. Health professionals will also feel for an enlarged thyroid, listen for heart palpitations, and measure for weight loss as they diagnose hyperthyroidism.

Treatment of hyperthyroidism is trickier and more individualized depending on the cause of the hyperthyroidism and the severity of it. Treatment often includes radioiodine therapy, surgery, and/or medication to ease the many health challenges that arise from an overactive thyroid. Although there may not be holistic treatments for hyperthyroidism, there are still many diet and lifestyle upgrades you can make to improve your overall thyroid gland health. More on that soon!

Additional information on diagnosing hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism

I was pretty confused about diagnosing these issues until I read Frank Lipman MD’s take on thyroid health in his book, Revive. Dr. Lipman suggests three approaches to checking thyroid function: your symptoms, underarm temperature and blood test results. To avoid being misdiagnosed or having a thyroid problem overlooked, make sure you’re working with an open-minded practitioner who is looking at all three of these factors.

Also, ask your doctor about the blood tests he or she is requesting (you have the right to know!). Dr. Lipman suggests the following tests for a full thyroid panel:

  • Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
  • Free T4 (free thyroxine)
  • Free T3 (free triiodothyronine)
  • Reverse T3
  • Antithyroglobulin antibodies (anti-TG)
  • Antithyroid peroxidase antibodies (anti-TPO)

Holistic Approaches to Improving Your Thyroid Health

As I mentioned earlier, holistic approaches to treating hypothyroid and hyperthyroid issues are few and far between, but there are some proactive things you can do to boost your overall thyroid health:

  • De-stress through meditation, yoga, chamomile tea, more sleep, and/or exercise. Under times of stress, the hormone cortisol suppresses TSH production. Managing stress is one of the best ways to ensure your thyroid gland doesn’t slow down.
  • Exercise! Low-intensity and regular aerobic exercise can stimulate the production of thyroid hormones.
  • Eat organic to reduce exposure to environmental toxins. Some recent research suggests that pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) lower T3 hormone.
  • Get sweaty. Saunas (I adore my far infrared Sunlighten Sauna) or steam baths may help to detox pesticides or PCBs from your system.
  • Get your nutrients. Selenium, iodine, and vitamins A, C, D, and E are all important for thyroid hormone production. Vitamin D is essential for thyroid hormone’s efficacy in your body’s cells. If your diet is lacking in any of these nutrients, consider supplements.
  • Go easy on gluten. Like other foods that can cause inflammation, gluten is a sticky subject (one on which I’ll do a whole, separate post soon!). People who have celiac disease might find that gluten aggravates autoimmune thyroid issues, so it’s best to steer clear.

Key factors that may impact your thyroid health


The cells in the thyroid are the only ones in the body that can absorb iodine. Iodine is necessary for the production of both T3 and T4 hormones and is found in almost every living plant. Since we know how important these hormones are to our health, it’s essential to make sure you’re eating enough iodine-rich foods. The best sources of iodine include seaweed (such as the nori wrapped around a veggie California roll) and kelp. Many people use iodized salt or supplements as their main source of iodine.

How much iodine do you need? Recommended intakes are 150 micrograms daily for adults, 220 micrograms per day for pregnant women, and 290 micrograms per day for lactating women. One-quarter teaspoon of iodized sea salt (which doctors recommend in place of table salt) contains about 95 micrograms of iodine, and one six-inch by six-inch sheet of nori contains about 58 micrograms of iodine. If your iodine intake is low, you may experience fuzzy thinking, fatigue, depression, high cholesterol, weight gain or develop a goiter.


The cancer-fighting isothiocyanates in cruciferous veggies (kale, broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kohlrabi, mustard greens, rutabaga and turnips), and the isoflavones in soy products are goitrogens: substances that may interfere with the production of thyroid hormone. In folks who don’t have thyroid challenges, eating goitrogens is A-OK, since cruciferous veggies can be very beneficial to the immune system and in fighting off cancer. In moderation, the same goes for soy foods (in whole or minimally processed, organic and GMO-free forms), especially when it comes to heart health and cancer prevention and survival.

But if your thyroid is underactive you should be very mindful of your cruciferous vegetable and soy food consumption. Some endocrinologists recommend that people with underactive thyroid disease avoid eating these foods completely. However, cooking seems to deactivate about one-third of the goitrogenic compounds, so you may be able to continue including them in your diet just by reducing your consumption of raw or juiced goitrogenic foods. For example, Jennifer Reilly, RD generally advises her clients to avoid excessive amounts of these foods by limiting raw cruciferous veggies like kale in juices and smoothies, rather than cutting them out altogether. And when it comes to eating soy foods, always check with your doc since soy could interfere with synthetic hormone medications.

Other researchers have found that only in the case of iodine deficiency are goitrogenic foods problematic for hypothyroidism, and as long as iodine intake is sufficient, the goitrogenic foods have little or no negative effect on hypothyroidism. This group of researchers recommends simply increasing iodine intake along with goitrogenic foods to maintain a healthy balance for a healthy thyroid. So, salt those Brussels sprouts and make sure you are working with your doctor to adjust your diet if you’re dealing with underactive thyroid issues.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a hormone, and aside from boosting the immune system and assisting with bone health and calcium absorption, it is also essential in the last metabolic step. During the final moments of the metabolic process, thyroid hormones are responsible for getting energy and oxygen into the body’s cells. (Pretty important!)

But without sufficient vitamin D, thyroid hormones won’t work properly. This is why vitamin D deficiency has been associated with autoimmune thyroid diseases such as Hashimoto’s and Graves’, and it is even thought that vitamin D deficiency may trigger thyroid disease. Luckily, getting adequate vitamin D is as easy as working 20 minutes of daytime sun into your life three times per week (and if that isn’t enough to boost your levels, supplements are available). You can make sure that you have adequate vitamin D levels with a simple blood test. Pro tip: your levels can change year-to-year, so keep current! Getting too much vitamin D can be toxic for your body, so don’t go on supplementation autopilot.

I know this is a lot of information. So if this post resonated with you and you don’t know where to start, just remember to take one step at a time.

Your turn: If you’ve experienced thyroid health issues, please share what has helped you along the way!

Peace & butterflies,

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  1. Jan Mawson says:

    Kris, great article but wanted to comment on medication. I am hypothyroid. I found when I switched from synthetic thyroid medication to natural thyroid replacement (dessicated pig thyroid) all of my symptoms improved dramatically. I take Armour thyroid.

  2. Jan says:

    I am hypothyroid. I found when I switched from synthetic thyroid medication to natural thyroid replacement (dessicated pig thyroid) all of my symptoms improved dramatically. I believe many others have also found this to be true. I take Armour thyroid.

  3. Marie says:

    My doctor was shocked about my consistently normal blood levels time after time after time and discharged me. I had Grave’s disease and because the initial results were so high….. I was told over and over and over again that I would have to have radioactive iodine treatments. I refused over and over and over again and Thank God I did. My doctor said I cured myself with exercise. I also cut out milk completely, ate a low-iodine diet, and prayed harder than I ever did my whole life. I feel wonderful and have the past several years. Please do your own research and don’t listen blindly to your doctor, and try to help yourself.

    • Marie says:

      and I don’t have to take any medicine at all! zero…none!

      • Selma says:

        May I ask how old you are, when you were diagnosed with hyperthyroid-what you did for exercise/lifestyle etc, and how old you are now?

    • Selma says:

      That’s encouraging since I just tested hyperthyroid– despite clean leaving, gluten free diet for years and wholistic lifestyle for 23 years…. have progressive chronic lyme/disease /autoimmune type issues. Given my other autoimmune chronic issues it doesn’t feel right to kill my thyroid on top of it…… trying to figure out the way to wellness.

  4. Shelley says:

    What great timing! I just got diagnosed with hypothyroidism a few days ago. Endocrinology isn’t the easiest stuff to understand. Having had cancer, I can read through oncology articles really well, but endocrinology seems more confusing. Thanks for the article.

  5. I finished radiation and chemo in December of 2012. Since then I have had many issues due to radiation damage to healthy tissues. Today I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism. Most likely radiation damage to my thyroid. I had started gaining weight but my diet was the same. My cardiologist found this issues with a blood test because I was having fast heart rate for no apparent reason. Now I am headed to my regular doctor to see how I can be helped. Weight has never been an issue with me and I have always been small. Having weight issues will really bother me. Hopefully it can be addressed and corrected.
    There are some great tips above.

  6. My thyroid is a mess for sure. Blood tests have diagnosed me with a hypothyroid problem. As well as low vitamin D. I have been taking meds, but still have hair loss issues plus many of the other symptoms. This is why I continue to come back to the CSK way of life. I am taking meds for my rebellious thyroid, but it isn’t enough. So all I can think is my gut must really be a mess. My issue is sticking with the CSK diet. Having a family who wants to eat everything my body doesn’t seem to process is hard. Trying to get myself healthy, and not have my kids freak out about what we are having for dinner is a battle everyday. You would think by now I could figure this all out. Sigh…

  7. Sandi says:

    I would like to know more about adrenal fatigue.

  8. Thérèse Angélique, says:

    Thanks you Kris!

    Thérèse Angélique, Sweden, maryleifmusicprod

  9. Inis says:

    NatureThroid, a natural thyroid replacement made from pig glands, works a lot better than the synthetic stuff.

    Using NatureThroid, I’ve got my happy life back, instead of wallowing in bed and contemplating suicide — the depression really was that bad even on synthetic thyroid.

    I had to find a DO to prescribe it as my primary care at the time was anti-anything natural. I’ve found most insurance-taking MDs are that way.

    NatureThroid can be hard to find as pharmacies stock what sells — what doctors prescribe. Fortunately, my DO stocks it in his office.

    I know the whole pig thyroid thing sounds gross, but if you’ve got severe hypothyroid, it can be a life saver … literally.

  10. Fred Engbarth says:


    A good source for information on thyroid care is Integrative Health (Dr. Alan Christianson) at

    Fred Engbarth

  11. Amanda says:

    I cannot say that all of this makes sense to me. I am 29 years old and have had a slow thyroid for almost 2 years now. I have been tested for immune issues and vitamins yet nothing was found even though I do get sick a lot.

    I have also had depression and SAD since I was a teen. Long before the thyroid issue kicked in. My thyroid seems to be under control but I have not yet regained my energy and haven’t lost a whole lot of weight. I have had worse anxiety recently but not during the worst part of my thyroid issue.

    I also have high blood pressure and fibromyalgia but don’t eat much pasta or bread (gluten).

    Perhaps I am missing something here?

    • Sarah says:

      Get tested for Lyme disease! Even if you think you’ve never had a tick…more andmore info is coming out about how fibromyalgia and chronich fatigue are linked to Lyme!

  12. beachmama says:

    You have a way of taking a complicated, dry subject and injecting interest while simplifying and sorting it all out to make it easily digestible . . . thank you Kris, you’re a doll! This information will be so helpful to so many. Hope you’re feeling your peppy self again soon. xxoo

    • Angelique says:

      Thank you, Kris. I am hypo with hashimotos and have read a lot on the topic, but none as concise and fact filled as this. Finally someone has decoded the confusing and bland info! You’re amazing.

  13. Lesley says:

    Wow – this is perfect timing. I just got diagnosed with Hashimoto’s last week. I was a little shocked, but it explains my 20 pound weight gain the last 6 months, my deathly fatigue and foggy brain. I’m on a low dose of Armour thyroid and now off of gluten. I’m only 42, but in full menopause. I’ve been trying to deal with that, but had to find a more open minded doc that would do the full panel of thyroid tests to find this out.

  14. Sally Klingler says:

    You mentioned that high doses if vitamin D can be toxic. Several docs said they like my range 50 to 100. What is considered too high?

  15. Alexis Meads says:

    Great information here Kris!

    Thanks for the article, particularly the holistic approaches you mentioned. Those 6 steps are so crucial to staying healthy.

    Alexis Meads

  16. Jacky says:

    I was diagnosed a few years ago with thyroid nodules. The doc I saw first wanted to take my whole thyroid out, even though my blood work was normal. That doc did several biopsies and couldn’t determine if they were cancerous. I got a second opinion. The new doc biopsied again and found no cancer!! Yeah!! but found new ones growing. I started myself on Megafood Thyoid Strength. I feel alot less drained, alot more energy. I recommend if something doesn’t feel right to you, get a second opinion and highly recommend whole food supplements, not synthetic ones, and food to be the best medicine, as Kris has taught us:)

  17. Dr. Jeanne Wallace, a PhD in nutrition who counsels people with cancer, just posted her take on thyroid function and cancer on her Facebook page. If you have cancer and low thyroid function, please have a read.
    Wallace was the nutritional advisor for many years to Dr. David Servan-Schreiber, author of Anti-Cancer A New Way of Life, who lived 19 years with a very deadly form of brain cancer.

  18. anisa says:

    No gluten! This is what was attacking my thyroid and gave me a goitre. I was exhausted with glandular fever and an underactive thyroid. Diagnosed in my late twenties I am now so much happier and supplementing thyroxine from my GP. I have been keeping the same dose for around 3 years which is great. Fab article as I’m sure a lot of people have it but don’t know what it is…

  19. Suzie Borger says:

    Thank you so much for this blog!!! I encounter people on a daily basis who display symptoms and markers for both hyper and hypothyroidism. When I ask them if they have had their thyroid checked, I get a look of total bewilderment. Thyroid function can be a bit tricky to explain so I have forwarded this on to all that will listen! I had my thyroid removed in 1997 when I was 25. I had 20-30 “cold” or “empty” nodules on my thyroid which is almost always a cancer diagnosis. In fact, they were so sure I had cancer, they didn’t even biopsy any of the nodules. Wouldn’t you know not one of those suckers was malignant? Talk about divine intervention. Now I am about to start my treatment for stage 2 breast cancer. I’m 41. If there is one thing I would love to impress upon folks is that getting to know your thyroid, what it does, and how it can affect your overall health is VITAL to living a healthy life. If your thyroid is chugging along as it should, life is pretty sweet. If it’s choking along, that’s no bueno. It’s a box that is checked off on a typical lab work sheet at your doctor. I encourage everyone to get tested. I will end by saying I took the synthetic thyroid medicine for 15 years and last year, my T3’s took a nose dive. I had no issue with my levels until suddenly last year, my body wasn’t absorbing the synthetic stuff. My doc switched me to Armour Thyroid medication. If you are on thyroid meds, you should check it out. Armour thyroid is Porcine, or from a grain fed pig. I cannot believe the difference in how I feel. I have been on Armour for over a year and my lab numbers are great!! Plus, it kinda made sense to me to take a hormone that came from another mammal rather than take a fake, man-made pill. Which do you think your body might be more likely and able to break down and absorb. Just sayin. Peace, and be well and happy friends!! 😉

    • Cherie says:

      After being on Armour thyroid for over 5 years, (I am in my 70’s), I felt much, much better for a long time. Irregular heart beats is what got me seeking answers which turned out to be hypothyroidism. Not surprising as 3 other family members have it too. About a year ago, I started taking chorella. The arrhythmias appeared again after about a year. Blood tests revealed I no longer needed thyroid hormones. It must have been the addition of iodine in my supplementation. I believe taking your temperature is a better way to diagnose thyroid problems.

      • Carmel says:

        Hello, are you off of the iodine/kelp now or will you always need it? r y c h h m o a t a o l d o t c o m without the spaces. Thanks.

  20. Jenni says:

    Kris – thanks for the post. Such a depth of info – good stuff. I also discovered the answer to my fatigue, weight gain and depression last year was adrenal issues. But before a chiropractor with applied kinesiology training helped me discover this… a naturopath identified thyroid issues. I started taking natureThroid, but it didn’t make me feel better – it actually made me feel worse. It was kicking up my metabolism when my body was saying, SLOW DOWN (and for a good reason). It’s so important, I realized, to look at thryoid and adrenal issues side-by-side… big picture health.

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