Kris Carr

Kris Carr


The Shocking Truth about Toxic Chemicals & Body Burden

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Hiya Sweet Friend,

I fell in love with the Environmental Working Group (EWG) when I realized who they’re fighting for you and me.

This organization is doing all the work for us when it comes to understanding how to protect ourselves from the toxins in our world today. And I’m not just talking about our soil, streams and air. These pollutants have made their way into our food, water and personal products.

EWG’s tireless research, reporting and consumer guides take the guesswork out of healthy choices.

So when Heather White, EWG’s Executive Director and Jocelyn Lyle, their Director of Development, signed on to co-host the first Dinner with Kris, I literally dropped to my knees. Hallelujah! These women are wonk-tastic celebrities to me, but in a totally down to earth, generous and accessible way.

Today I’m keeping the EWG love going by Chattin’ & Chewin’ with Heather. I sat down with her a few hours before our fun-filled, live-streaming fiesta and kicked things off by digging into body burden, a topic that every consumer needs to know about starting NOW. Why?

For starters, EWG’s research has uncovered the fact that babies are being born with hundreds of toxic chemicals in their bloodstream.

Want to know how those chemicals are making their way into our bodies? Want to know how to lessen your exposure, up your prevention, and become an educated consumer?

Watch. Your choices matter and they really do add up over time. This information is here to empower you, not to scare you. Heather and I both take a balanced approach to improving our well-being. Slow and steady wins the race.

Let’s vote for a healthier future every time we go to the store to pick up a bottle of shampoo or sunscreen or toothpaste.

We deserve to know the truth about everything we eat, drink and slather on our skin.

Luckily, EWG is here to help us do that, but we also need to get active. As Heather says, “We can’t always shop our way out of our problems.” Start a domino effect of activism by watching this episode and accessing EWG’s phenomenal resources. Sign up for their newsletter to stay current and get notified when new legislation is pending. Our elected officials do listen (believe it or not), but how can they possibly know what’s on our minds if we stay silent. Phone calls and emails go a long way.

Lastly, check out EWG’s updated Skin Deep database. The next time you have a question about your personal care product, look it up! EWG rates hundreds, if not thousands of popular products. You’ll learn just how safe or toxic that favorite tube of lipstick can be.

Peace & activism,

Add a comment
  1. michele says:

    This is such an interesting topic. Thanks for sharing this knowledge Kris. I live in the UK so our regulations on ingredients listing and on what can or cannot be included in women’s body products and in cleaning products are no doubt different – no better I’m sure just different. I’ll be checking out EWG website it sounds like a great information resource but does anyone know whether there is a UK equivalent?

  2. Lauren says:

    I am totally into safer products! I could actually tell the effects on my body. Deodorants would make my armpits go numb (probably the aluminum?), I would get rashes under my eyes when I would wear unsafe mascara and face products, after switching to healthier face products my blemishes went away, and my chapped lips went away when I realized I was allergic to certain ingredients too. Healthy products make your face and body better, not worse!

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  5. Eileen says:

    All of our products have been changed in the last year with help from this website. I was horrified when I made the first change of shampoo, conditioner, and face products to a “all-natural” plant based product line only to find they are all moderately to highly toxic. UGH. That’s been corrected now.

  6. Katie Shneyder-Arwine says:

    Kris, you inspire me everyday! I love you and your unicorn! Thanks so much for sharing this with us.

    ** Katie, Arizona, USA

  7. Geni Cavanaugh says:

    Hi Kris!
    Would you ever consider putting out a list of the products you use everyday or would recommend a few choices in each say deoderants, shampoos, cosmatics, toothpastes etc. I really appreciate the info shared.. so much to learn! I started my journey with whole foods/clean life in February and have not looked back but sometimes feel overwhelmed in making the cleaner cosmetic choices as even in health foods stores there are products that contain the bad stuff sometimes. Reading labels IS key!.. thanks!

  8. Brook Lictawa says:

    Hey Kris,

    I just wanted to let you know how excited I am to have stumbled across your site. I’m a fairly new mother and all of this information has been so helpful in starting my son off on the right foot when it comes to being healthy.

    But…aside from that and in regards to this interview…

    I recently became an Arbonne Sales Consultant because of the simple reason that they promise high quality products free of animal products or by-products, parabens, formaldehyde, PABA, Triclosan, Gluten, petroleum-based ingredients, etc. However, I went on the Skin Deep site and found a couple items listed as risky. The others were not on there.

    So, I guess here are my questions, how do we trust what the companies tell us and, if the products we are using are not on the site, how do we know if they are safe or not? In regards to Arbonne, I want to give my clients the truth and help them, not just sell some B.S.

    Thanks! 🙂

  9. Thank you Kris. Great information in a form that is easy to understand and inspires me to take action. I will surely pass along to our patients. Cory-Integrative Medicine Center, Hagerstown, Md

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