Kris Carr

Kris Carr


The Shocking Truth about Toxic Chemicals & Body Burden

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Hiya Sweet Friend,

I fell in love with the Environmental Working Group (EWG) when I realized who they’re fighting for you and me.

This organization is doing all the work for us when it comes to understanding how to protect ourselves from the toxins in our world today. And I’m not just talking about our soil, streams and air. These pollutants have made their way into our food, water and personal products.

EWG’s tireless research, reporting and consumer guides take the guesswork out of healthy choices.

So when Heather White, EWG’s Executive Director and Jocelyn Lyle, their Director of Development, signed on to co-host the first Dinner with Kris, I literally dropped to my knees. Hallelujah! These women are wonk-tastic celebrities to me, but in a totally down to earth, generous and accessible way.

Today I’m keeping the EWG love going by Chattin’ & Chewin’ with Heather. I sat down with her a few hours before our fun-filled, live-streaming fiesta and kicked things off by digging into body burden, a topic that every consumer needs to know about starting NOW. Why?

For starters, EWG’s research has uncovered the fact that babies are being born with hundreds of toxic chemicals in their bloodstream.

Want to know how those chemicals are making their way into our bodies? Want to know how to lessen your exposure, up your prevention, and become an educated consumer?

Watch. Your choices matter and they really do add up over time. This information is here to empower you, not to scare you. Heather and I both take a balanced approach to improving our well-being. Slow and steady wins the race.

Let’s vote for a healthier future every time we go to the store to pick up a bottle of shampoo or sunscreen or toothpaste.

We deserve to know the truth about everything we eat, drink and slather on our skin.

Luckily, EWG is here to help us do that, but we also need to get active. As Heather says, “We can’t always shop our way out of our problems.” Start a domino effect of activism by watching this episode and accessing EWG’s phenomenal resources. Sign up for their newsletter to stay current and get notified when new legislation is pending. Our elected officials do listen (believe it or not), but how can they possibly know what’s on our minds if we stay silent. Phone calls and emails go a long way.

Lastly, check out EWG’s updated Skin Deep database. The next time you have a question about your personal care product, look it up! EWG rates hundreds, if not thousands of popular products. You’ll learn just how safe or toxic that favorite tube of lipstick can be.

Peace & activism,

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  1. Liz says:

    Of course this is all scary but really is it possible for most people to avoid most to all toxins. After talking about the anti bacterials being unsafe she states that they are in many other things we own in the home. I feel overwhelmed and scared by what is out there. When trying to find products that are safe the list is so long. I just checked out the web site Skin Deep. Is there a way to pin point the things to avoid period to make it easier for me when I do look at the labels?

  2. Liz Belchior says:

    Great information! Thank you! I’ve had EWG’s Skin Deep database saved on my iPhone home screen for a few months now and use it every time I buy a new product. My question is: does anyone know where I can buy AFFORDABLE make up that isn’t as toxic and not online. I’m one of those people who likes to see the colors/products in person. I’m not really a big fan of powdered minerals either. Otherwise, we’ve switched to baking soda and vinegar cleaners, etc. I was recently treated for a recurrence with a rare sarcoma after 5 years in remission. I realized something HAD TO CHANGE. So I changed EVERYTHING! You have been such a great inspiration and a wonderful source of information. Thanks again!!!

  3. Geni Lawrence says:

    What an inspiration! Thank you Kris. Thank you EWG. Yes these are big, urgent questions and thank you for setting things out so clearly. So as for cosmetics, for me the rule is now, I don’t put anything on my skin that I wouldn’t eat! Well, nearly. Coconut oil for example or sesame oil! Great for the skin, great in the plate! And a great Ayurvedic body scrub/massage called “Urdvatana” based on chickpea flour (with a few cloves in there to cleanse and purify and a spoonful of turmeric…) for a very healthy skin gommage. The chickpea flour is granular enough to take off the dead skin cells easily. AND you know you’re not polluting the planet with your beauty products. I’m looking for a really decent shampoo that cleans hair properly. Currently I’m using a nettle shampoo by Logona which is great (organic) but I’d like to make my own from the kitchen. As for perfumes, that’s so easy! Nature has everything we need. Now, in my forties, I still need to detox from all those years of using industrial products. It’s an ongoing thing.

  4. Kris,
    I celebrate you and all that you are doing! My husband is a cancer survivor (26 years!), my Dad has multiple myeloma, and I have chronic Lyme Disease. We appreciate all of the information, and love being Crazy and Sexy followers.
    I want to let you and your readers know of an amazing source of toxic-free personal care and home products that offer an alternative. See the short video at this link, and see the “MowerMission” video to see one of the leaders of this movement and his philosophy. You two should meet!
    See the video at
    Blessings to you and your sexy revolution!

  5. Oh and Kris, what’s your best tips for toxic free makeup? Mascara, foundation, eye shadows etc. Stuff that’s green and Mother Earth-y, as well as REALLY GOOD?

    Love and thanks!

  6. Awesome stuff ladies! Thank you so much for bringing this to light Kris and Heather. Mmm!!

    So my two cents: I wanna share two tips. Yesterday I went shopping for a new BB cream (because they’re just fantastic) but then I found out that they pretty much ALL contains Oxybenzone – a chemical sunscreen which can cause cancer, hormone disruptions, allergies, low birth weights and more. Yikes! (Crazy with a sunscreen that causes skin cancer, right?)

    Anyway, after hours of googling I found ONE BB cream that doesn’t have Oxybenzone crap. It’s also paraben free 🙂
    It’s called ‘Innisfree ECO Natural Green Tea BB Cream’ and it’s Ecocert certified. Yay!!

    Tip #2: This is what I’ve found is the most powerful detox substance on the planet. Liquid zeolite that removes all toxins, heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides etc. I’ve got friend who’ve been cured from cancer, fibromyalgia, asthma and more + my mum who had her alveolitis disappear 🙂

    Enjoy! Love xxxx Ronja

  7. Donna says:

    Best quote of the day…”Democracy is not a spectator sport.” Great interview, Kris. Thank you!!

  8. Cheryll says:

    Wonderful to see Heather White of EWG on your show! Finally, a friendly face to put with the name at the bottom of EWG emails that I’ve been getting for a few years now.
    Becoming aware of the toxicity in my personal care products was my “gateway” to greater overall health awareness and improvement. My awakened journey started 12 years ago and continues today with lots of help from EWG (their sunscreen guide is amazingly helpful, which I posted on facebook at the beginning of summer). Thanks Kris and Heather!

  9. Jennifer says:

    Thank you! The Skin Deep database is amazing and such a useful resource. Our skin is the largest organ of the human body and what we put on our body is just as important as what we put into it. As a new mom I am even more grateful for folks like those at EWG for the good work they are doing!
    PS, white vinegar is my best friend when it comes to cleaning, my great grandmother used and it for just about everything! Like her, I add it in the wash and it works as a fabric softener as well as clean windows with it for streak free sparkle-ness! Thanks again Kris XO jh

  10. John Foley says:

    Amazing information Kris that strongly resonates with me. My entire life’s work and purpose has been Environmental Medicine and the precise detection & removal of thousands of toxic metals & chemicals from various organs & tissues in women and children using Bio-Energetic Medicine. Thank you for your dedication and sharing the truth behind every chronic epidemic we are seeing in the 21st century, along with of course nutritional deficiencies, energetic imbalances, radiation exposure, etc. I will certainly share your inspiring work with my patient database. Your passion is contagious. Thank you and Many Blessings!

  11. Kris,

    Thank you so much for sharing this interview with your community! This issue is near and dear to my heart and one that I emphasize in my work with clients (women of childbearing age). There is so much that we can do to feel empowered and EWG is such a great resource to help us.

    What I have found to be so crucial as I share this information with women in my community is to share from a place of love and ease instead of fear and overwhelm, which we already have so much of!

  12. Great discussion on what we can do to minimize our disease risk regarding what’s in our personal environment. I personally have experienced the reality and power of epigenetics in ridding myself of cancer.

  13. Marissa says:

    Thank you, thank you for bringing up this important subject and for introducing us to EWG!

  14. Nancy says:

    I also wonder about what is in the supplements we take. Would EWG consider doing a site, similar to Skin Deep, for additives in supplements?

  15. Vilma Linder says:

    Thank you Kris for all your work!!!!

  16. Jane says:

    Thanks Kris! I love EWG. Their database has changed my life. I consult it before buying any cosmetics … actually they’ve played a huge part in my limited list of products I LOVE, and are safe. It’s an amazing resource.

    Also, hubs and I got Crazy Sexy Diet last weekend and have been enjoying some yummy smoothies and juices this week! Thanks for all the great work you’re doing. You’re making the world a better place!

    🙂 Jane

  17. Kelly Buchanan says:

    Fantastic as usual Kris! I didn’t give a second thought as to what chemicals might be lurking in my everyday cosmetic and beauty products until I started reading and learning more about health and wellness when I hit 30. This is so great that the word is getting out there. My son is 5 and I am already talking to him about the importance of what we put in and on our bodies. Such important stuff! You are truly a gift Kris – keep up the good work! xoxo

  18. Jo says:

    Thank you so much Kris for sharing this! I LOVE everything the EWG is doing to help the consumer find SAFE products!!! I personally use Ava Anderson Non Toxic because of this very issue! She developed her line after being inspired by using the cosmeticsdatabase. I think it would be GREAT if you would interview Ava! Her website is if you want to check it out! She is helping change the world!! Thanks you again Kris for all you do and share!

  19. Beth Ruggles says:

    It is so nice to hear these lovely, like-minded women talk about this important subject in a refreshing, positive way! As an educator about this issue, I find that this message can scare the pants off many people, especially when hearing it for the first time. EWG’s fact-based data, along with our Crazy Sexy non-toxic guru, make learning about this issue easy. One of the ways in which I share this message is by working for Ava Anderson Non-Toxic. I LOVE this company! Our products are TRULY safe, lots of organic ingredients, affordable, and as a consultant I get the opportunity to educate lots of people at every event. The 18-year-old founder, Ava Anderson, and her mother, Kim, are incredibly dedicated to this issue and to making the best, safest products possible. I ALWAYS recommend that people use the Skin Deep website as a tool to research their own products. Thank you, Kris and Heather!

  20. Christy says:

    Kris, GREAT interview. Thank you! Have you checked out Ava Anderson Non-Toxic’s products? Not only are the ingredients in their products safe, but the products are heavenly…and they work! Ava’s mission is to educate unknowing consumers on the hazards of toxic chemicals in personal care products. She has been to Washington DC to lobby to our representatives on the importance of the Safe Chemicals Act…that is one of many things she is doing to change toxic chemical policy in the US. A true advocate that you would really connect with. You should interview her! 🙂 The teen study that Heather references is the initial study that sparked Ava’s passion. Check it out. She also has a Facebook page.

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