Kris Carr

Kris Carr


The Shocking Truth about Toxic Chemicals & Body Burden

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Hiya Sweet Friend,

I fell in love with the Environmental Working Group (EWG) when I realized who they’re fighting for you and me.

This organization is doing all the work for us when it comes to understanding how to protect ourselves from the toxins in our world today. And I’m not just talking about our soil, streams and air. These pollutants have made their way into our food, water and personal products.

EWG’s tireless research, reporting and consumer guides take the guesswork out of healthy choices.

So when Heather White, EWG’s Executive Director and Jocelyn Lyle, their Director of Development, signed on to co-host the first Dinner with Kris, I literally dropped to my knees. Hallelujah! These women are wonk-tastic celebrities to me, but in a totally down to earth, generous and accessible way.

Today I’m keeping the EWG love going by Chattin’ & Chewin’ with Heather. I sat down with her a few hours before our fun-filled, live-streaming fiesta and kicked things off by digging into body burden, a topic that every consumer needs to know about starting NOW. Why?

For starters, EWG’s research has uncovered the fact that babies are being born with hundreds of toxic chemicals in their bloodstream.

Want to know how those chemicals are making their way into our bodies? Want to know how to lessen your exposure, up your prevention, and become an educated consumer?

Watch. Your choices matter and they really do add up over time. This information is here to empower you, not to scare you. Heather and I both take a balanced approach to improving our well-being. Slow and steady wins the race.

Let’s vote for a healthier future every time we go to the store to pick up a bottle of shampoo or sunscreen or toothpaste.

We deserve to know the truth about everything we eat, drink and slather on our skin.

Luckily, EWG is here to help us do that, but we also need to get active. As Heather says, “We can’t always shop our way out of our problems.” Start a domino effect of activism by watching this episode and accessing EWG’s phenomenal resources. Sign up for their newsletter to stay current and get notified when new legislation is pending. Our elected officials do listen (believe it or not), but how can they possibly know what’s on our minds if we stay silent. Phone calls and emails go a long way.

Lastly, check out EWG’s updated Skin Deep database. The next time you have a question about your personal care product, look it up! EWG rates hundreds, if not thousands of popular products. You’ll learn just how safe or toxic that favorite tube of lipstick can be.

Peace & activism,

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  1. Doug says:

    Great interview! Prevention is definitely the key! With this important topic, it would be helpful for those interested in lowering their overall toxic burden (including what is on board) and being thoroughly convinced that everyone on this planet will eventually have to face head on their toxic burden.

    A great resource for people to find docs trained in Environmental Medicine:

    All the best!

  2. Ginger says:

    OMG Thank You SO much for making this video…I teach about this daily to friends, family and strangers…such an important issue and so many don’t know about it….I was looking for ‘clean’ products as i was diagnosed with severe asthma 5 years ago and 3 years ago literally within a mile of my house a 14 year old girl was thinking the same thing, but acted on it and created an entire product line of ‘clean’ products! OF COURSE I joined and continue to share what I know with others! Check out the Ava Anderson Non-Toxic line when you get a chance…I think you would L O V E everything about them and the company’s mission! Thanks!!!

  3. sara says:

    I really like this format – simple to click and enjoy -(no sign up, no schedule to find!?!) great information and short. Do it again – Do us some “healthy cooking” tips and tricks this way? Sometimes I don’t want a specific recipe (I don’t like the pressure to follow exact details and fear failure) but would love a series on how to have a healthy cooking “Approach” or “Style” so I can be me ~ but use the framework of skills, tips, and tricks that you know fairly consistently make whole beautiful veggies (and fruits) DELISH!.
    Thank you – much love and light! Sara

  4. Peter says:

    Kris! You’re a real star. Thank you for your loving energy!

  5. Angela says:

    Hi Kris,
    Sometimes making activism explicit makes it easier for people to participate. Why not create a post card that viewers can download and send to their political leader. You can write the name of the bill that people should be mentioning and the changes that are needed. One person does the work but thousands can have their say!

  6. Melissa says:

    Thanks so much for sharing this, Kris! I started using organic cosmetics some 5 years ago and really educated myself around organic food, cosmetics and all things alike. Unfortunately though, a lot of family members and friends think I’m exaggerating. Do you ever experience this in your social circle? I’m not sure how to deal with this, since I don’t want to come across as a “weirdo” or a pushy person, but I do want them to know they have other options and can empower themselves with knowledge concerning these topics. At least I could share this great interview with my social circle…hopefully they will take the next step.

    Thanks again.

    Love, Melissa

  7. Casey McFann says:

    I love this information and how easy it is to understand WHY we need to prevent (as Kris stated) this toxic burden in the first place. I am working on it, slowly but surely, because i had my own battle with melanoma, which I am winning now. Thank you both for the information which i like to hear over and over and over again so that I understand it better and can pass it on to others.

  8. Tracy says:

    Kris, What do you do about your hair, you look like you have blonde highlights….do you have ordinary bleach, highlights put in? I have heard that hair dyes can be carcinogenic but whats the alternative? Forgive me if that is your natural colour. Tracy

    • kris says:

      Great question Tracy! I am still looking for a natural way. It’s very hard. I get my hair done twice a year (it grows really slowly) and no, I haven’t found anything yet. But I am on the hunt! And I do want to change this but I also like my blonde hair — it’s the one thing I am not willing to give up — yet. xo

      • Heather says:

        I’m so happy you answered this Kris. I used to highlight mine to a similar color as you (currently I don’t have hair from chemo). I was wondering about your highlights too, but I figured it was one of the things you allow yourself as a luxury. Right on!

  9. Adey says:

    I’m a fan of EWG’s work! I love how user-friendly their website is. Thanks for highlighting this organization.

  10. Olivia Lane says:

    Yay! This is a wonderful mash-up of two of my favorite resources. Thank you for getting together and sharing this important message. I’m totally going to share this on my green cleaning blog.

  11. Zoed Vega says:

    EWG needs to be on a frequent basis.
    This is very important information that we need to continue to know and learn.

  12. Zoed Vega says:

    Need Crazy Sexy kitchen book to be in Spanish. That would be awesome for my Dad who lives in Puerto Rico.

  13. Loren Jones says:

    I wish my employer would listen to this interview so they could stop using toxic stuff to clean our retail space.

  14. Loren Jones says:

    I wish my employer would listen to this interview so they could stop using toxic stuff to clean our retail space.

  15. Rose says:

    Hi Kris – I just wanted to tell you that I get gazillions of emails every day and most of them I delete and think, “I wish I got less of those emails.” Today, for the first time…maybe ever…I thought, “I wish I got more emails from Kris Carr.” I actually WANT more emails from you! This video was inspiring and potentially life changing. Thank you!

  16. Stephanie says:

    This is super great! I love using EWG! It has really turned me on to some quality companies. THANK YOU for this service! 🙂

  17. Xana says:

    thank you for getting the word out about toxins. I am fortunate to have learned about it before I or family had health problems and I am an Independent consultant for a company “Arbonne” that promotes that knowledge.

  18. Tina says:

    Thank you so much. This is an answer to a prayer!!! I didn’t find this by accident!!

  19. Diana says:

    Can you asked them to do the “top” selling brands and how they rate? I only ask because there are a lot of “low score” products that are hide to find. I think people would pick better brands if they knew what was in Cover Girl, Almay, etc.


  20. Anne says:

    Kris and Heather,
    Thanks for inviting us all into your kitchen and making this information accessible to all women! This information is vitally important.

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