
3 Simple Habits to Support All Your Goals

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Hiya Gorgeous!

Happy New Year and BIG NEWS! To help and support you more this year, we’re rolling out a big change at my blog. To kick off 2018, I’m bringing video back! It’s something I’ve wanted to do for a while because it’s one of the best ways to connect with you. With that intention in mind—this year, you’ll be seeing mostly video on my Kriscarr.com. Woohoo! There are so many topics I want to explore to help you thrive in 2018—starting with 3 key habits to support your goals.

We all have things we’d like to achieve, whether it’s more vibrant health, renewed relationships, career milestones, or bringing life to the creation waiting inside you. Whatever your goals may be, the new year is the perfect time to set your sights on what you want to achieve and the habits you’ll need to get you there.

There’s a million ways for us to achieve our goals, so I’m not going to get into that specifically. What I do want to share is how certain habits can create a runway to success.

The small steps we take each and every day are what make our dreams come alive.

In this video, you’ll hear about the simple but trusty habits that have helped me achieve my goals—and why I actually prefer to limit how much I wanna accomplish. We can only do so much in one year, so whether we like it or not, it’s important to be realistic.

If you’re like me, you have lots of ideas and dreams. Amazing! This video will help you create a mindset, practice and approach that will help you turn your dreams that matter most into reality.


Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • Why I believe Less is Better
  • How I build to build a safety net for your goals
  • Why I love adding first, then subtracting
  • And my ultimate mantra which will guide you to meet any goal you set!


I really hope you enjoy this first of many new videos I’m creating for you. May you have a wonderful year, filled with miracles and blessings.

Your turn: I’d love to hear from you! What are you excited to focus on this year? Let me know in the comments below. Or if you have a successful habit tip or a way of approaching goal setting, tell us about it.

Peace and inspired action,

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  1. Max Hug says:

    I am excited to focus this year on health and biohacking experiments. I did 100 workouts in a row the past 100 days. My goal in to join a CrossFit box until Mar 1 and establish a habit of going there twice a week or more.

  2. Thank you GReat advice!
    You are an angel!

  3. vicki says:

    I lost you Kris and I’m so glad I found you again. You are my hero! I have all your books. Thank you for all that you do for so many including me. A dear friend’s hubby just went through treatment for cancer and his doctor said – you need to read Kris Carr’s books. She will put you on the right track. So they borrowed all my Kris Carr books and he’s doing FINE! Thank you!

    • kris says:

      I’m so glad you found me again, Vicki. 🙂 You’re the best for loaning your friend my books. I hope they helped and I hope you have a spectacular year. xo

  4. Amy says:

    I just love this and you! I so needed to hear this. You are so much fun and make me smile. My goal this year is to grow my blog and bring more love, inspriation, and love to all (including myself). Thanks for sharing this and have a lovely day.

    XOXO, Amy @ Jeans and a Tea

  5. Dawn D. Sampson says:

    I tend to stay away from tracking and goal setting because I don’t like failing. Resolution no. 1, not hitting a lofty goal, isn’t failing as long as I make some progress. I am going to write three goals on paper. I truly want to become more aware of myself and tune into my own intuition – resolution no. 2. Meditation is one great way. I am going to write a schedule for that practice. Eating healthier is resolution no. 3. Less alcohol and more vegetables and foods that ‘agree’ with me. Happy New year

  6. Carrie says:

    Unlike most people I have time to make goals but I’m SOO much a perfectionist that I often don’t achieve my potential. Hearing you describe progress really lit me up. I’m done being rigid and afraid. (It’s so exhausting!!) Thanks so much, Kris, for opening my world. This year my word is “courage”. ?

    • kris says:

      I love you comment Carrie! I think so many of us can relate. Rigid and afraid is exhausting. Cheers to courage. xo

  7. Lesley says:

    I love your video message!!! I always love reading your blog posts but seeing and hearing you is delightful! So thank you for vlogging! Less is better…..that will be my takeaway! I just did some goal setting this morning and I’m going back to the drawing board and do a rewrite!

  8. Karen says:

    Being more honest about everything, to others and with myself.

  9. toh says:

    Hi Kris, keep that happy carefree spirit going!!! tats inspirational and such a great reminder in our busy life these days , thank u from reader from Singapore

  10. Viola says:

    Happy New Year! I’m enjoyed this video and look forward to the future videos. This video help me realize that goal setting doesn’t have to be so overwelming.

  11. You’re so funny and full of joy. It’s such a pleasure to listen to you and watch you. I have 3 goals this year: complete the writing of my book (by Valentine’s Day!) and publish it, travel to 4 new countries enjoying experiences with friends and family in the process, and put my health and personal well-being as a daily priority. I’m turning 49 this year, another trip around Saturn, and another time of big transition…I’m super excited and a little scared, but more excited. With 2017 behind us (and all the drama gone with it, at least some of the drama…), 2018 feels like the beginning of a new era for me and for many friends and colleagues who have been sharing a similar sentiment. Thank you Kris for being that ever-present source of joy, humor and levity. I’ll be taking that energy with me this year too!

  12. Lilith says:

    Kris, Wow and Yay and “yes, please!” on the topic of videos!! Also, I can’t thank you enough for sharing this wisdom! I read it yesterday and have been thinking on it. In one fabulous, fun swoop you gave me needed discernement regarding my 2018 goals AND a very enlightening and encouraging re-frame of what I had been regarding as my screw-up of those very same goals, nudged along but unachieved in 2017. I now understand that the two things to which I devotedly applied the bulk of my time and energy and love in 2017 were, in fact, detours that, while ostensibly “crazy” were absolutely “the right thing” to do and true to the core spirit of my goals and that they have deeply informed and enriched what I now have to bring to them.
    In terms of sharing something that works well for me in the goal-achievement department, I would mention faith in and enjoyment of process: by just showing up and putting my mind and hands to whatever stage I am at in a big project, I sideline my inborn perfectionism and allow the generative power of work to keep things lively and fun and moving forward.
    Kris, my giant heartfelt thanks for all you do for the world and may your 2018 flow with THE most wondrous flow!

  13. Adrienne says:

    I just love you, thanks Kris ? xo

  14. Pat Brown says:

    I think you’re right! Especially about adding positive habits rather than subtracting things which can make me feel deprived. The little kid in me gets sneaky with that one. THANKS!

  15. Nancy says:

    Here I was feeling fat and depressed, shoveling Oreos (the thin ones, mind you), and just not having the inner energy or purpose to eat healthfully, meditate and live a life filled with positivity and gratitude. I am also a Cancer thriver, although lately feeling a little overwhelmed, not so much a thriver. Then I get your email with those crazy glasses and you throwing confetti into the air singing the “LaLa” song…how could I not laugh and regroup my troops. So here goes, another year, another quest for progress, not perfection, acceptance, not defeat…Thanks, Kris. P.S. Love that cheery, sexy red top!

  16. Andrea says:

    Bummer. Do not like blog videos. (Might I suggest podcast? I listen to those in the car. ?)

    • kris says:

      Great suggestion. Might be able to turn the audio into podcast content as well, we’ll see. Blog videos are my focus for now though, but I do like your idea!

  17. Nancy says:

    Getting my house purged of things that are making me feel stagnant. I’m going to have a swap party, inviting friends over to bring 5 items they no longer want or need, “one persons junk is another persons treasure.” Whatever is leftover, will be donated.

    • kris says:

      Fantastic, Nancy! Thanks for sharing. I bet many other readers will love this idea, myself included. I definitely want to unload some stuff in 2018. 🙂

  18. Georgia says:

    I’m creating more time for joy and laughter this year and this video has just brought me both of those. You come across so well in video Kris – what a joy that was to watch! Your presentations tick the box every time; from professionalism, to content, to joie de vivre – I’m very happy to have you with me on my 2018 journey!

  19. Maryjane says:

    Thanks for the inspiration and encouragement. My thing to work on this year is to make a plan on how to Stop
    Procrastination. It affects so many parts of my life including meal planning.
    Here’s to a well planned 2018??????

    • kris says:

      Oooh, that’s a good and common one. When I procrastinate it’s usually because I’m trying to focus on too many things at once and therefore lose sight of what’s truly a priority OR it’s about mustering courage. Knowing I need to turn something down or have a difficult conversation that takes me out of my comfort zone. I’m a gal that thrives with routine, so the more I create a super simple plan for myself, the easier it is for me to avoid overwhelm and stay on track. Good luck!

  20. Kari Fournier says:

    LOVE these short videos. You are soooo inspirational…and your tips are very practical and useful. Sending lots of love and blessings your way, dear girl! Keep up the good work of helping so many of us out here!!

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