
3 Simple Habits to Support All Your Goals

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Hiya Gorgeous!

Happy New Year and BIG NEWS! To help and support you more this year, we’re rolling out a big change at my blog. To kick off 2018, I’m bringing video back! It’s something I’ve wanted to do for a while because it’s one of the best ways to connect with you. With that intention in mind—this year, you’ll be seeing mostly video on my Kriscarr.com. Woohoo! There are so many topics I want to explore to help you thrive in 2018—starting with 3 key habits to support your goals.

We all have things we’d like to achieve, whether it’s more vibrant health, renewed relationships, career milestones, or bringing life to the creation waiting inside you. Whatever your goals may be, the new year is the perfect time to set your sights on what you want to achieve and the habits you’ll need to get you there.

There’s a million ways for us to achieve our goals, so I’m not going to get into that specifically. What I do want to share is how certain habits can create a runway to success.

The small steps we take each and every day are what make our dreams come alive.

In this video, you’ll hear about the simple but trusty habits that have helped me achieve my goals—and why I actually prefer to limit how much I wanna accomplish. We can only do so much in one year, so whether we like it or not, it’s important to be realistic.

If you’re like me, you have lots of ideas and dreams. Amazing! This video will help you create a mindset, practice and approach that will help you turn your dreams that matter most into reality.


Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • Why I believe Less is Better
  • How I build to build a safety net for your goals
  • Why I love adding first, then subtracting
  • And my ultimate mantra which will guide you to meet any goal you set!


I really hope you enjoy this first of many new videos I’m creating for you. May you have a wonderful year, filled with miracles and blessings.

Your turn: I’d love to hear from you! What are you excited to focus on this year? Let me know in the comments below. Or if you have a successful habit tip or a way of approaching goal setting, tell us about it.

Peace and inspired action,

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  1. Annette Gilbert says:

    Hi Kris. Great practical and simple habits/mindsets to follow. My goals for this year are both hefty and practical. Overarching goals are to live with more conscious awareness, so I can make more conscious choices, and, to improve my overall physical, emotional and spiritual health. Yes progress not progression;) My more practical goals of getting there are:
    1) Give up the booze for at least 30 days….maybe forever! I’ve already made progress with this. Finished an online course by Annie Grace called ”This naked mind”. So far this year ….alcolhol free and loving it. Hopefully, by completing the course I have been able to tap into my unconscious beliefs and mindset so that I’ve lost the desire to drink alcohol.
    2) To eat more healthily and hopefully lose weight. I’m an Aussie. I have enrolled in an online course called TMT…Twelve Month Transformation by an Aussie psychologist, Glen Mackintosh. You’d love him Kris. He has the same wacky sense of humour as you. In this course it focuses on intuitive eating and learn to love the body you’re in. It also tackles things like emotional eating. I will definitely keep your advice in Mind…..addition, not subtraction. Thank you. X
    3) My last practical goal is to bring more lucidity to my dreams and waking life. Again, I’m doing another online course by Andrew Holocek called Dream Sculpting. To bring more lucidity to my dreams, I have to be more awake during the daytime, so a daily mindfulness meditation needs to become a routine/habit.

    Every little bit of advice is useful and it’s so good to see such congruence in what all of you ( health and well being authors and coaches) are saying. Thanks Kris for your open, friendly, crazy (whacky) and loving presentations. You’re a gift to the world. ??

    • kris says:

      Thanks Annette! I love that you love learning. I’m the same way. I love enrolling in online courses and classes and one of my goals this year is to finish the ones I’ve started and go back to the ones I loved for a refresh. I’ll have to check out Glen Mackintosh, sounds like fun. xo

  2. Kim says:

    Thank you for being goofy!! You’re adorable 🙂 Thank you for sharing yourself.
    All the best in 2018 my friend.

  3. Ana says:

    Super fun video. I watched with my 5 year old daughter who asked if you were talking to her 😉 I said sure she is talking to both of us. As my daughter turned 5 in December and so much more aware of everything around, I choose to make good decisions and mindfulness to start the year!!!! I love all points equally: emphasis on progress, allowing more time, adding before subtracting. So simple! Happy New Year form both of us! May 2018 be a blessing to all around the world and maybwe all be a blessing to each other ❤❤❤

  4. Lori Lee says:

    Love the new video vlog style! We get to see even more of sweet, caring goofy you! Happy New Year and here we go into 2018! Vibrating peace, joy and wellness as a goal essence of my spirit in all that I do,say and think. Love the keep it simple and appreciate the progress outlook versus the judgement of perfection. Love & Gratitude win!

  5. Linda Kane Parker says:

    Thanks for your video. I got this tip from Barefoot Writer,

    Choose a guiding word. Just a single word.
    The word you pick should sum up your focus for the next year. It should touch on an area in life where you’d like to improve and flourish. It should resonate with your hopes and desires for all that happens in the year to come.

    • kris says:

      I love that. My husband and I chose the word “flow” this year. Which for us stands for fitness, love, optimism and whimsy. Our guiding intentions for 2018. x

      • Timathea says:

        I do that, too! It’s always fun to write a list at the end of the year and see that I actually got a lot more accomplished than I realized, based on whatever word I chose. Last year it was “different.” It helped me step out of the box, do things differently, make different choices when the old ones weren’t serving me, respect difference of opinion in others, etc. It gave me the courage to tackle some major projects and even surprise myself by quitting a job I have loved for decades, in order to have time for a new dream.

      • Kathy says:

        I love that flow acronym! Thanks! Someone mentioned taking your ‘business school’. Could you explain what that is please? If it has anything to do with ‘getting things done’ vs ‘working on something endlessly because it’s not perfect’, I need to read/watch it. Thank you!

  6. Kathy says:

    Love your video! I have CFS and my goal this year is to try and heal myself or at least become more functional. I have some action steps I want to take. The first is to eat a lot more veggies and only eat whole vegan foods. I started doing juicing again this week.

  7. Susie Stilwell says:

    Shine On?

  8. Dawn Engler says:

    Oh my gosh! I love this format of fun and focus. Kris! Thank you.
    Love the idea of adding before subtracting! And oh, look at that amazing green book you have there.
    So I like to focus on a word and find ways to maneuver it into my daily life. This year is “worthy.” I am, you are, she/he is, they are.

  9. Stani says:

    Thank you Kriss for a great Video.
    I try to tell myself all over again , progress not perfection.
    Glad to see I’m on the right path.
    8 years of thinking about something and trying to be perfect got me nowhere.

  10. Pamela Riesmeyer says:

    Thank you for the closed captioning as well as the advice and guidance! I’m so looking forward to more videos this year!

  11. Emilee says:

    I ❤️This video! It inspires me to get more active on my newsletters and blogs. What’s been stepping me? The fear of it not being perfect! This is exactly what I needed to hear! I took your business school and loved it! I set goals and accomplished them, like doing two public speaking events, but for some reason….. I find excuses not to put the time in to communicate on my blog because I just think… they already heard this, or know this. So, thank you for this because I feel like getting my Booty up and getting creative! Thank you Kris…. your amazing ❤️

    • kris says:

      Wonderful! They may have heard it before, but not from you and you might just be the one to unlock the mystery. Good for you!

  12. Stacy says:

    Love the video, you make me smile. I have been sick for so long with many illness, my goal is TRY harder to move in a positive way. I need to win over my FEAR. This is the key.

    • kris says:

      Hey Stacy! I’m sorry you’ve dealt with illness for so long. As I was reading your comment I thought about restorative yoga. Slow, steady, healing. I’m giving it a try myself this year. Just a thought. Sending you love and healing. xo

  13. susan johnson says:

    transcriptions of videos possible?
    I value your ‘being’, but sometimes i need to cut the time short ala your suggestions;-)
    just two days ago, looking to increase my steps from a debilitating health thingy a few months ago.., i finally had hit 4000 steps: yay! and immediately thought i could add a 1000 steps each week. Back to health as i had known it, yes? NO! The day after that 4000, i was crawling, and therapist that day reminded me of the sane ‘increase by 10%’ rule.

    • kris says:

      The 10% rule is so underrated, but clearly it’s a powerful tool to actually help us get where we want to go in a way that’s healthy and realistic. Thanks for reminding us. I’ll think about transcriptions for future, right now I’m just happy to be able to create videos as my schedule hasn’t allowed for it.

      • susan johnson says:

        Happy is good! I think all of us responders are very happy w/ your 3 reminders;-) truly…, I AM smiling just now..,
        as i so often do when at your site. Good medicine that!

    • TresMarie says:

      There are transcripts already generated by YouTube. Their speech-to-text technology is pretty good. Not 100% perfect, but I would say in the accuracy range of 85-99%. Just click on the YouTube icon below the video above. It will take you to the video posted on YouTube. Look for the three dots at the bottom right just below the video and click on that, then click on “Open Transcript.” Since it’s an .srt file, it will have the time codes as well. That’s what I do when I’m short on time and want the information quickly. My other go-to option is to increase the speed on YouTube (click on the “gear” icon, which is the settings in the bottom bar, then click on “speed”). I know, I know, not a good idea to try to cram and speed up everything in life but, Kris, we do so want to make time for you in our schedules!

  14. Linda says:

    You rrrrrrrock, Kris!
    Thanks for sharing your spirit and inspiration.
    Quick question: do you plan on adding any text over your videos in the coming year – with key points? Sometimes I’m not in a place that I can play them aloud or wear earphones.

  15. Heather Weisz says:

    Happy New Year Kris and thank you for all you do. Xo

  16. Rosie says:

    Hiya Kris!
    I’m so inspired by your words of wisdom today that I didn’t even finish the video yet and this is what I did:
    Went to my “New Year’s Resolutions” list on my phone, took off “exercise 4 times a week” and replaced it with “practice mindfulness once a day”. I was inspired because I was in the bathroom listening to you (great think time) and I was so blessed to be washing my hands with lovely soap and hot water. I know that simple practice is denied to many and I’m right now in this moment living somebody’s dream. I’m so blessed to be able to enjoy that one privilege. Each day I’m going to slow down and be grateful for what I have, at least once. You, my crazy sexy friend, are one thing I’m grateful for. Happy new year to you and THANK YOU for creating a life changing shift in me. Blessings to you!! Love, Rosie

  17. Lucy Parker says:

    Weight loss and taking care of myself better. I’ve become a vegan for 5 months now and feel great. I’m seeing a nutritionist on Monday to see what she has to say about my food choices. I lost 16 pounds since becoming vegan but I do have a lot more weight to lose. I’m 61 and have to take control of my life. It’s never to late to start ?

  18. You are amazing. So excited you are doing more video this year! I love your fun and bright spirit!
    Thank you for the reminder about buffer time… that is a big one for me. I’ve been working on it but could always use a little bit more!
    This year I am really turning inward when it comes to business decisions (and really all areas of my life!) getting clear on how my body is responding first, that way I can make choices that feel great, feel easy and fun!
    Wishing you a wonderful happy and healthy new year!!!

    • kris says:

      Thanks Carly! I love your intention of turning inward and asking your body. AMAZING! Thanks for the reminder. x!

  19. Arleta says:

    One thing I definitely been doing is repeating to myself ‘done is better then perfect’. I agree it’s very important especially for people who are hard core perfectionists like me. Most of the times I am absolutely petrified of doing stuff I am unable to do perfect. Even while I was working on my master dissertation I have huge print out on my vision board one saying ‘Done is better then perfect’. And one ‘progress instead of perfection.’ This is something I have to hammer inside my head just to be able to do anything. :/ It helps it’s a big one for me hahah I probably should tattoo it somewhere.

    I definitely like the idea of focusing on 3 goals. I always ALWAYS try to do too much and then get upset I didn’t manage to achieve those. This year big one for me is focus on my degree related jobsearch/career and finally kicking and starting my blog.

    I think good tip for everyone is to allow and plan for ‘me’ time, to make sure we give ourselves time to recharge and rebalance…

    • kris says:

      I find so much power in 3. Though I want to do more, I also value my health, sanity and success. For me, doing a few things really well is better than doing lots of things meh.

  20. Jackie says:

    I enjoyed this video a lot because For one, I do tend to be a perfectionist and if I feel that I am not doing it “right”
    Then I tend to just give up and quit. This is the BIG one for me.
    Your other suggestions were great. I ju st needed to be reminded of them,

    • Mariela says:

      Hi Kris and Happy New Year to you. Thank you the great tips. I love especially #2 and 3 since they fully resonate with my mindset these days. Wish you a great day and a wonderful New year.

    • kris says:

      I hear ya, Jackie. I work on that myself. A therapist of mine once said, do you want to be “right” or do you want to be happy? I think this applies to my perfectionist ways as well as relationships. Hope you have a wonderful 2018. x

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