Kris Carr

Kris Carr

Blog Post

Simple Travel Tips for a Smoother Journey

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Hi Sweet Friends,

Over the years, I’ve developed a go-to travel routine that keeps me feeling vibrant and strong, even when I’m on the road (or in the air!) For me, the key to staying well while traveling is really quite simple—just a little forward thinking and some easy lightweight items that fit right in my bag. Jet-setting (or schlepping about) makes us more susceptible to stress, junk food, late nights and germs. So that’s why it’s super important to kick your self-care efforts up a notch and keep your immune system protected.

One of my biggest concerns while journeying about is inflammation. Traveling can make us more susceptible to its many triggers—but here’s the good news—it doesn’t always have to!

In this video, I share a few tips and products that help me (and hopefully you!) stay healthy on the road.


Here’s what you’ll learn

  • My nutrient-packed trail mix recipe, and why I chose these goodies: brazil nuts, walnuts, cashews, goji berries, mulberries and cacao nibs.
  • My quick and easy-to-make breakfast staple that helps me rise and shine through the whole day.
  • What I reach for when I can’t find fresh green juice.
  • How I stay on track with my supplements and the one I rely on to keep the trains (a.k.a. poop) moving!
  • Why these three essential oils help me with everything from boosting energy and focus before a speech to keeping me happy and relaxed while flying.
  • The travel-sized exercise tool I use to prevent body aches, reduce stress and center my mind —all in the comfort of my hotel room.
  • How I get a great night’s sleep in a hotel room.
  • The one item that isn’t really health-related, but sure does make me feel and look fabulous …

Here’s the list of brands I love:


  • Lightning Bug – Sleep Clock
  • Music Therapy for Sound Sleep
  • Chroma Doze
  • White Noise
  • Nature Sounds to Sleep


Bonus tip:

Air travel can sometimes create congestion. Consider bringing a travel-proof neti pot and a few scoops of neti salt (or sea salt). This handy tool will help clear you up in no time and may also prevent unwanted headaches or fatigue. Hotel remedies rock!

Your turn: How do you stay healthy and vibrant while traveling? Let me know in the comments below!

Peace & passports,

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  1. Anderson says:

    Looking at these up close necklace shots, im senieg the diamond which is April (Kristen’s) birthstone and the dark stone could be an emerald(which can run to almost look black at that scale) which is May birthstone (Rob’s). Just a thought. I like the deep meaning of the ying yang, but it also resembles an infinity symbol. It’s nice to see it up close, i’ve been speculating for a while now.

  2. Kim says:

    hi Kris,
    Love your stuff! You’ve been my raw/juice guide-ess for the past year. Thanks for all your fun earth wisdom.

    I’m looking for a travel blender–the smaller/lighter the better–so I can juice all the time. Would you share your latest recommendation?

    many thanks and keep it coming!

  3. Debbie Chinchar says:

    Hi Chris,
    Thank you from the bottom of my heart for caring so much about others! You are a blessing to many. I so hope to someday meet you! You are the perfect living example of my favorite words to live by… You RADIATE JOY!
    God bless you for all you do,
    Debbie Chinchar

  4. Leslie Lax says:

    You are so adorable Kris !!!!!! I just LOVE listening to you talk and you always give us so much great (and useful) information !! Plus….you are so funny !!! Your spirituality and positive attitude alps us all feel better about life and whatever it throws our way. God is truly using you for great things. Thank you for being you !!!!!

  5. Julia says:

    Hi Kris

    I make my own trail mix too… only mine is more seeds than nuts. I usually use almonds, sunflower seeds, pine nuts, pepitas (pumpkin/squash seeds), chia, sesame seeds, goji berries, dried blueberries and small pieces of 85% cocoa dark chocolate. Sometimes I’ll add other nuts too. It’s also nice with a little organic crystalized ginger. But overall, it’s a great way to get some sustained energy as well as being chock full of lots of excellent nutrients.

  6. Susie says:

    Hi Kris,

    I’ve given out your website and facebook url several times. You have amazing information! I wish I had this travel tips link before we traveled for 3 weeks across the country and back. And I just have to say that poop in imPortant because everybody poops! LOL

    I’ve bookmarked this page to read again before my next road trip.


    The Busy Woman

  7. I love these tips, essential oils are the best, I use peppermint oil to help with motion sickness. I also use iRelax Melodies to help me sleep on the plane!The most important thing is to definitely have a plan going into your trip.

  8. Laura Grant says:

    Thank you so much, Kris. You are such an inspiration, and have helped me many times in my journey with pancreatic cancer. I am 28 months out with stage 4, and I think that your tips in part, have helped me get there. I have just started bimonthly trips to Block Center in Skokie, Il (from No. California), so these travel tips are great! Love the Roam Wellness Pack. Also, thanks for the great tip about Anna Maria Gianni! Love her products. The herbal facial oil makes me feel fabuous.
    Love and gratitude to you,

  9. mary says:

    Hi Kris,

    I’m wondering your advice on preventing and dealing with traveler’s diarrehea? I seem to go to the Carribean and every year always get it? I take probictics with me, oil of oregano and still???

    Any hope??

  10. Glenda says:

    Great video 🙂 I was wondering what the brand of noise machine was that you have? I know you you can use an app but they do sound like they are coming fom a phone. Great for travel but I would prefer the actual ‘machine’ for my home!

  11. Jennifer says:

    Wow, what a great travel tips. I have to try sea salt for congestion 🙂

  12. Chris says:

    I’m leaving on vacation in a week, having only just started a diet. I’ve struggled with keeping to my diet on vacations in the past, so this is super helpful. Also, I never realized how congested I get after a flight until you mentioned it. I will find a good neti pot, as well as some salts, to bring with me this time!

  13. Marilyn says:

    When I’m travelling, I bring a small blender. You can get one for less that $20- at target, Walmart etc. i bring small pCkets of protein shakes ,I pick up fruit when I get to my destination, then, I can have a smoothie each morning.

  14. Kris,

    Just finished my 21 day detox diet. I love these trip tips and I love you!!! You are like a ray of sunshine. I love your newsletters. You are the best. Total admirer.

  15. Denise says:

    I love this Kris! Travel is a big joy, but my diet is definitely not fast food friendly. Loved your helpful tips and suggestions! I love magnesium too! 😉 Hilarious about the lavender!

  16. Janie B says:

    Hi Kris,

    I love all of your great ideas. In fact, I would love it if you did a chat and chew where you talked about which health/beauty products you use (which brands, etc.) I’m always discovering awesome new organic and natural skin, hair and make-up products (Acure is my favorite right now) and would really like to know which ones you personally use! Think about it 🙂

  17. Melanie says:

    I love you for this!!!!!! My family and I (hubby, three kids..whew!) are embarking on traveling adventure to Disneyland! Soo..being the health conscious mom and wife that I am, I was really worried about how to make sure that the healthy foods we consume at home have a way to “travel” with us! I know I won’t be able to bring the food on the plane (I wish..or..can you?) , but at least when we land, I know what snacks to get! You are amazing..thanks so much for this!!

  18. Christina says:

    Excellent tips, Kris!! For travel I love Humangear’s GoToobs. They are pricier than the usual but so much superior in design and easier to use. I also bring small Evian or Avene water sprays to spritz my face and lock in moisture with Jurlique cream or organic argan oil.

    Question – what’s your recommended brand for travel steamer? I got one in the past that didn’t work well at all but I love my steamer at home.

  19. BAM! YES!! I am a tour guide and always traveling – stoaked about the recommended super foods green drink packages! Thank you!!! I miss my green smoothies when I’m away! Saviour.

  20. Roberta says:

    We always bring our “Bobble” filtered water bottles so we can filter water in airports or hotels and not pay for over-priced water in plastic bottles and we feel better about being “green”.
    Question? Do you soak your nuts? I am so confused by the whole process and if it is really necessary…soggy nuts just do not do it for me 😉

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