Kris Carr

Kris Carr

Blog Post

Simple Travel Tips for a Smoother Journey

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Hi Sweet Friends,

Over the years, I’ve developed a go-to travel routine that keeps me feeling vibrant and strong, even when I’m on the road (or in the air!) For me, the key to staying well while traveling is really quite simple—just a little forward thinking and some easy lightweight items that fit right in my bag. Jet-setting (or schlepping about) makes us more susceptible to stress, junk food, late nights and germs. So that’s why it’s super important to kick your self-care efforts up a notch and keep your immune system protected.

One of my biggest concerns while journeying about is inflammation. Traveling can make us more susceptible to its many triggers—but here’s the good news—it doesn’t always have to!

In this video, I share a few tips and products that help me (and hopefully you!) stay healthy on the road.


Here’s what you’ll learn

  • My nutrient-packed trail mix recipe, and why I chose these goodies: brazil nuts, walnuts, cashews, goji berries, mulberries and cacao nibs.
  • My quick and easy-to-make breakfast staple that helps me rise and shine through the whole day.
  • What I reach for when I can’t find fresh green juice.
  • How I stay on track with my supplements and the one I rely on to keep the trains (a.k.a. poop) moving!
  • Why these three essential oils help me with everything from boosting energy and focus before a speech to keeping me happy and relaxed while flying.
  • The travel-sized exercise tool I use to prevent body aches, reduce stress and center my mind —all in the comfort of my hotel room.
  • How I get a great night’s sleep in a hotel room.
  • The one item that isn’t really health-related, but sure does make me feel and look fabulous …

Here’s the list of brands I love:


  • Lightning Bug – Sleep Clock
  • Music Therapy for Sound Sleep
  • Chroma Doze
  • White Noise
  • Nature Sounds to Sleep


Bonus tip:

Air travel can sometimes create congestion. Consider bringing a travel-proof neti pot and a few scoops of neti salt (or sea salt). This handy tool will help clear you up in no time and may also prevent unwanted headaches or fatigue. Hotel remedies rock!

Your turn: How do you stay healthy and vibrant while traveling? Let me know in the comments below!

Peace & passports,

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  1. Christina Mak says:

    This is so awesome! Came at such a great time since I’m going to Florence for a yoga teacher training program for a month…it will def make me feel a bit more at ease 🙂

  2. Timothy says:

    This is fantastic. We are getting ready to go on a two week trip to Europe with the whole family and tips like these help so much.
    Gotta remember workout clothes!

  3. loren cordain the paleo answer says:

    Not allowed in paleo I have 1 cups a tea every morning
    and I just didn’t feel as good as I did back when I ate that for breakfast.

  4. kris, I could gobble you up! You are SO adorable!

    Brilliant tips, thank you ! x

  5. Dani Lundquist says:

    Kris, you are just magnificent! I absolutely adore you!

    I travel constantly for work for months at a time, it really does make it hard to stay healthy. Being so far from all that you know wreaks a little havoc on the body.

    Im getting better though, I bring a little single serving blender, with all my superfoods; goji berries, acai powder, maca powder….Then i just pick up some almond milk and bananas and i have myself a smoothie.

    Also something I love is my spice kit. Have a zip lock bag full of all my different spices.. lets me stick to a few ingredients and gives me the freedom to have an array of different flavors.

    Like some of the other comments mentioned, I would also LOVE for you to do a video on eco friendly skin care, as well as maybe how to keep the home clean and toxic free, as I would love to get my mama on that boat:)

    Thanks again Kris for everything you do, You are one special lady!


  6. Aw man, you were in London!!! I’m hoping that I didn’t miss any awesome speaking gigs or book signings or anything like that while you were here 🙁

    Love that you went to Mildreds and hope you enjoyed your stay. Come back soon, we’d love to have you!

    Lauren x

  7. Thank you for sharing!! Love your site!!

  8. Danielle says:

    Thanks for the great travel tips. I am going to incorporate some of them into my daily routine too!

  9. You are adorable, as usual! Thanks for these tips – really needed the green juice alternatives, as well as your essential oil resource. Thank you!

  10. Maur says:

    GIRLFRIEND! I love you more with each video! You feel like a long-time friend and you always make me giggle. I adore you.
    Thanks and Love,

  11. Bob Hobson says:

    Thanks for the tips, it seems like travel and health are mutually exclusive sometimes. Here is one more tip I would like to share that goes in a little different direction. I found this out while traveling to Canada with my son and my laptop got left behind at a cafe. Luckily for me I had a tracer tag on it. A waiter where I ate lunch found it and entered my tracker number on the Okoban website and I was sent a text message (and an email) before I ever even knew it was missing. I was able to recover it before leaving Toronto. I’m not sure what would have happened had I not discovered it until the next day when I was 400 miles away. The tags are available through They saved my trip and I now have them on almost everything that goes with me on a trip.

  12. Spray that toilet Kriss! LOL

    Love the tips & the jingle musak in the background 🙂

  13. Lisa says:

    Thank you for making me smile every time you impart your wisdom. I always get such a wonderful ideas from you. The one thing I never leave home without is my reusable water bottle. Thanks again Kris!

  14. Asha says:

    I love this. Some great tips! But I was wondering about the effect of the radiation from having the iphone turned on.

  15. LOVE love loved this! Thank you Kris, I am often struggling with this while I travel – especially not being able to find juice when I stay in a hotel in the middle of nowhere.

  16. Anuradha says:

    Hi Kris,
    As always I love your info, presentation and just crazy sexy self!!
    One other great travel support is an earthing mat. Small and easy to pop into a carry on. Especially important if flying!!
    Thanks and love, peace and joy!!

  17. Loren jones says:

    I am going on a long flight soon so this information was so helpful. Great timing!! Thanks Kris. love all that you do for man and women kind.

  18. Georgiana says:

    Thank you so much for these great travel tips, I thoroughly enjoyed them! Just wanted to add that staying at a vegan place might ease the planning and relaxation of a trip as well. There’s this web site which gathers vegetarian and vegan hotels that might be interesting

    In awe, love and gratitude for all of your work,

  19. Claudia says:

    Dear Kris,
    I LOVED this segment on travel tips!
    You are simply the best from the energy you bring to your presentations, your in depth knowledge, and your amazing sunny beautiful spirit that lifts me every time I read your articles or see you present on your website.
    Any chance you might be presenting in Vancouver any time soon?

  20. Isabel says:

    Kris! thanks so much,
    Wondering if you would consider doing a post/video dedicated to essential oils. What helps you and why etc.


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