Kris Carr

Kris Carr

Blog Post

Simple Travel Tips for a Smoother Journey

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Hi Sweet Friends,

Over the years, I’ve developed a go-to travel routine that keeps me feeling vibrant and strong, even when I’m on the road (or in the air!) For me, the key to staying well while traveling is really quite simple—just a little forward thinking and some easy lightweight items that fit right in my bag. Jet-setting (or schlepping about) makes us more susceptible to stress, junk food, late nights and germs. So that’s why it’s super important to kick your self-care efforts up a notch and keep your immune system protected.

One of my biggest concerns while journeying about is inflammation. Traveling can make us more susceptible to its many triggers—but here’s the good news—it doesn’t always have to!

In this video, I share a few tips and products that help me (and hopefully you!) stay healthy on the road.


Here’s what you’ll learn

  • My nutrient-packed trail mix recipe, and why I chose these goodies: brazil nuts, walnuts, cashews, goji berries, mulberries and cacao nibs.
  • My quick and easy-to-make breakfast staple that helps me rise and shine through the whole day.
  • What I reach for when I can’t find fresh green juice.
  • How I stay on track with my supplements and the one I rely on to keep the trains (a.k.a. poop) moving!
  • Why these three essential oils help me with everything from boosting energy and focus before a speech to keeping me happy and relaxed while flying.
  • The travel-sized exercise tool I use to prevent body aches, reduce stress and center my mind —all in the comfort of my hotel room.
  • How I get a great night’s sleep in a hotel room.
  • The one item that isn’t really health-related, but sure does make me feel and look fabulous …

Here’s the list of brands I love:


  • Lightning Bug – Sleep Clock
  • Music Therapy for Sound Sleep
  • Chroma Doze
  • White Noise
  • Nature Sounds to Sleep


Bonus tip:

Air travel can sometimes create congestion. Consider bringing a travel-proof neti pot and a few scoops of neti salt (or sea salt). This handy tool will help clear you up in no time and may also prevent unwanted headaches or fatigue. Hotel remedies rock!

Your turn: How do you stay healthy and vibrant while traveling? Let me know in the comments below!

Peace & passports,

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  1. Katya says:

    Dear Kris,
    Since finding your books,DVD, & web site I have been devouring all your amazing thoughts & wisdom. This is my 3rd battle with Breast Cancer and I feel a strong urgency to learn & adopt new habits,,,,,,,,,like you I feel my life depends on it. You have become my teacher/Guru, and it feels like you are just what I’ve been searching for!!!
    I’m so grateful for the knowledge,insights, and boundless joy of life that you share with us. You have made a profound difference in my life, on many levels and I’m just a beginner!
    I feel empowered, even while in the mist of chemo and canser craziness I feel great hope thanks to you and your amazing crazy, sexy, save my ass revolution.
    Thank u, Mahalo nui nui, katya

  2. Donna says:

    Use a cooler. Buy premade food at health food stores and avoid restaurants. Our hotel had one for us to borrow. We had the wonderful picnics in Naples Fl. Quinoa salad, broccoli Salad, nuts, juicing and smoothies. It’s also a money saver. I also like to have the cooler at the ready with fruits and cold water and healthy snacks.

  3. Becky Bell says:


  4. Allison Timmins says:

    I’ve been searching for such information for so long – thank you Kris! You are making what seems to be impossible POSSIBLE, always xxoo

  5. Joey Clifton says:

    Kris, I absolutely loved this episode of Chat & Chew. Your humour makes me laugh every time, your tips are awesomely helpful, and I just want to thank you for your joy and insight. XX

  6. You are adorable. Thanks for the tips. Going to make some trail mix:)

    • Annie says:

      Hi Kris,
      You are awesome! Thanks for these great tips.
      I am from Australia and I am always careful when travelling interstate with food, as we have really strict border and area control laws so we don’t spread fruit flies or other pests.

      I travel with my daughter for her swimming competitions, so we NEED to stay healthy, both of us!

      Before I travel I work out the closest health food or organic store where I can pick up local dried fruit and nuts for our snacks. I also buy Organic Apple Cider vinegar to use as a tea. I recently found a cheap and small blender that fits even in my smallest travel bag and can go in the checked luggage on planes. It was so cheap only $14 AUD and actually works!

      We buy some bananas, greens and frozen berries and can still make us a lovely green smoothie in the mornings, even if there is only a small bar fridge in the room. I phone ahead to ask them to clear out the bar fridge, or when we arrive I ask them to do that too… I could go on, but it is amazing how resourceful you get when you need to!

      Thanks for your tips, we both watched them and enjoyed them! We are off this Sunday, so I am also going to look out for some of those other tips.

      Cheers Annie

  7. shortdarkandveggie says:

    off the original topic of travel wellness but…..i have a question and i am positive it doesn’t have an easy answer… Im asking anyway. Kris, you mentioned targeted supplements. With all of the info I have read over the years I still don’t have a clear understanding of how to figure out what supplements to take. I have the issues i want to address but I get myself to the supplement section at Whole Paycheck and I stand there dumbfounded. Help..anyone…beuller.


  8. arlyn says:

    great tips and awesome, uplifting video. thanks for the smiles 🙂

  9. Thanks for the great tips! I bring my NutriBullet on the road along with me. I’ll also bring or pick up spinach, fruit and my superfood blend so that I can at least have a smoothie each day since I can’t juice. It beats the continental breakfast crap any day!!

    ~ Patricia

  10. My travel secret is melatonin liquid drops. It helps with jet lag and time change. It helps me sleep on the plane and helps me adjust to a new time zone quicker.

  11. Kiera says:

    I love this, I work two jobs and I have next to no time – these little tiddlybits are super helpful so that I can stay healthy on the go.

  12. Mariah says:

    Love, love, LOVE these tips! It seems that every time I travel, I gain weight. I’ll be sure to use these tips the next time I’m out of town. Thanks, Kris!

  13. Jo says:

    I LOVE THIS! My biggest challenge when I used to travel extensively was staying healthy. I so wish I had this list then and know what I know now. I have many clients who will love this too and find it really helpful!

    As always, THANK YOU KRIS!

    Blessings, Jxo

  14. Karalee Bechtol says:

    Wondering if you’ve seen this article about the use of sauna for 9/11 rescue workers and the astounding results. Thought you might be interested if you hadn’t seen it.

  15. Hello, I’d love to watch the video, but I can’t…it stops at 0.55 and that’s it…
    Thanks for any suggestion!
    And, by the way, my tips for traveling are 2:
    – I bring soft medjool dates and one ripe banana with me and some spices like cinnamon and clove; the dates and the banana help me against the cravings and cramps and both fruits and spices are great to have handy when I order a smoothe and the barman says “I’ve only apples”…just add the ingredients from my magical backpack and the flavour is completely diferent!
    – spirulina tablets. Great for almost everything, sweet and/or salty

    Hi from Italy

  16. Excellent tips – and traveling is oh so crazy tiring – Breath
    but I found a mini massage roller you can pack
    from Omni
    awesome on the feet !!!!!!!!!!!

    Love ya Kris xoxooxox
    Happy Spring time

  17. Thanks for the easy, doable and down-to-earth tips Kris! I always look forward to your weekly blog/vlog!

  18. marie says:

    Thank you. This is very useful. I travel a lot to facilitate personal growth seminar and that will help me stay on track with my health and fitness.

  19. dena says:

    loved all of this…but am primarily posting here because i can’t access my account on crazysexylife and despite the fact it tells me it is sending me an email to reset my password, i never get that email, and am therefore totally shut down from the website. i am hoping that by posting here, i can get the attention of someone who can help me. thank you!

  20. Thank you for the healthy tips and the delightful way you share them : ) Many years ago I created an audio recording for Hawaiian Airlines called “Relaxation and Rejuvenation While You Fly.” It was a seated version of my “Energetics” program that includes deep breathing exercises, yoga, self-massage and deep relaxation. I practiced this on long flights from Hawaii to Italy and Hawaii to New Zealand and I can honestly say I got off those planes feeling relaxed and energized and didn’t experience any jet lag! It’s important to keep circulation flowing even in the air : )

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