Kris Carr

Kris Carr

Blog Post

Simple Travel Tips for a Smoother Journey

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Hi Sweet Friends,

Over the years, I’ve developed a go-to travel routine that keeps me feeling vibrant and strong, even when I’m on the road (or in the air!) For me, the key to staying well while traveling is really quite simple—just a little forward thinking and some easy lightweight items that fit right in my bag. Jet-setting (or schlepping about) makes us more susceptible to stress, junk food, late nights and germs. So that’s why it’s super important to kick your self-care efforts up a notch and keep your immune system protected.

One of my biggest concerns while journeying about is inflammation. Traveling can make us more susceptible to its many triggers—but here’s the good news—it doesn’t always have to!

In this video, I share a few tips and products that help me (and hopefully you!) stay healthy on the road.


Here’s what you’ll learn

  • My nutrient-packed trail mix recipe, and why I chose these goodies: brazil nuts, walnuts, cashews, goji berries, mulberries and cacao nibs.
  • My quick and easy-to-make breakfast staple that helps me rise and shine through the whole day.
  • What I reach for when I can’t find fresh green juice.
  • How I stay on track with my supplements and the one I rely on to keep the trains (a.k.a. poop) moving!
  • Why these three essential oils help me with everything from boosting energy and focus before a speech to keeping me happy and relaxed while flying.
  • The travel-sized exercise tool I use to prevent body aches, reduce stress and center my mind —all in the comfort of my hotel room.
  • How I get a great night’s sleep in a hotel room.
  • The one item that isn’t really health-related, but sure does make me feel and look fabulous …

Here’s the list of brands I love:


  • Lightning Bug – Sleep Clock
  • Music Therapy for Sound Sleep
  • Chroma Doze
  • White Noise
  • Nature Sounds to Sleep


Bonus tip:

Air travel can sometimes create congestion. Consider bringing a travel-proof neti pot and a few scoops of neti salt (or sea salt). This handy tool will help clear you up in no time and may also prevent unwanted headaches or fatigue. Hotel remedies rock!

Your turn: How do you stay healthy and vibrant while traveling? Let me know in the comments below!

Peace & passports,

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  1. Jennie says:

    Hi! You mentioned really quickly that you have cleaning products with Thieves essential oil blend. My goal this month is to get rid of toxic cleaners. What do you use to clean?

  2. Viv says:

    Loved your video (puts a smile on my face)! Thanks for sharing your travel tips!

  3. Jadene says:

    Thanks for sharing your Travel Tips, Kris!! My husband and I just returned from a Business trip and both got sick right away… We are recovering – but it really had me thinking: how can we be more healthy & therefore Happy about our travelling? And then, of course, your video pops up in my email! Yay :). Thank you. These are great tips!

  4. Julie says:

    Hi Sweet Kris!!
    I am so appreciate all of the informative and useful stuff on your web site.
    The posting by Robin Obrien was particularly moving. I have been wondering for some time now,
    how do we make big agribusiness stop poisoning the food with disease causing ingredients??
    If there is some organization that lobbies for that cause, please post it . I will contact them and see what I can do to help. Thank you Kris for all of your amazing work.

  5. Violeta says:

    Dear Kris, what a great video!!! I am away as we speak, and I was actually thinking of you! I am in Orcas Island, heaven on earth and today during my 4 hr hike i thought of you and how much you would love this place! I am now in my cabin checking my emails and here you are with this video! I love it! Thank you for this, I travel a lot as a makeup artist and it’s so bad sometimes :((((( Tired, constipated (yup) and lacking energy! THANK YOU for sharing your knowledge with us! Greatly appreciated!
    Lots of love,

    • Kris Carr says:

      Thanks Violeta. I can feel your love! Sounds like a beautiful place. Hope some of these tips help you next time you travel. x

  6. Violeta says:

    Dear Kris, what a great video!!! I am away as we speak, and I was actually thinking of you! I am in Orcas Island, heaven on earth and today during my 4 hr hike i thought of you and how much you would love this place! I am now in my cabin checking my emails and here you are with this video! I love it! Thank you for this, I travel a lot as a makeup artist and it’s so bad sometimes :((((( Tired, constipated (yup) and lacking energy! THANK YOU for sharing your knowledge with us!
    Lots of love,

  7. Donna says:

    When traveling I bring Oasis eye drops to prevent dry eyes on a flight. Also bring whole foods peppermint spray hand sanitizer.

  8. Hi, Kris! I just got back from London and found it really helpful to keep a few LaraBars in my bag. I also bring plenty of raw almonds to snack on. Sleeping is always a bit of a challenge for me (especially when there is a time difference) so I love your idea to use lavender oil. As always, thanks for the good advice! Xoxo, Karen

  9. This is one of my favorite videos from you, Kris! Loved it, and I will definitely check out those white noise apps. What a great idea! Here are my tips for staying healthy while traveling:

    -Bring or purchase healthy beverages like coconut water or almond milk

    -Try to maintain your regular eating patterns even if you have to wake up really early or go to be late

    -Be flexible with your food choices – they won’t always be as good as the ones at home – but make the best choices possible

    -Have a bag or strap handy to easily carry your yoga mat wherever you go.

    -Purchase compacts and travel sizes of your favorite mineral makeup

    -Plan ahead, and pack all of the supplements you think you will need

  10. Sylvia says:

    KHE Korean Hand Energy has a FAB Jet Lag treatment that resets your meridians. Essential for travel in my book!!! Sylvia 😉

  11. jayne says:


    has anyone ever mentioned to you about mixing supplements together in a plastic container

    i have had drs tell me that mixing pills, supplements together might cause a reaction between them so i have always kept each separate……..unless its a capsule

    any more thoughts?


  12. Mary says:

    Great tips, thank you! I especially love the juice powders and oatmeal recommendations.

  13. Dear Kris, Thanks for these tips. I am always refining how I travel. I also carry a spritzer of rose water in distilled water in my kit, to freshen up at the end of a long plane ride. My kids have come to count on it. Now, I will go find some Thieves oil.
    xoox Suzi

  14. You crack me up. Great tips delivered with a laugh. Thanks, Kris!

  15. Mia says:

    Awesome tips and presentation! I also loved seeing in your comments to bring a water bottle and remember not to rush. Thanks!!!

  16. Rachel H. says:

    Love the travel tips; as I’m on the road for business so much! I always bring my dry brush as well (without the handle).

  17. Cheryl Osten says:

    Hi, thank you so much for providing us a CC (closed captioned for the deaf or hearing impaired). Now I can understand better of what you were “saying”.
    That’s made me happy. 🙂

  18. Emm says:

    My favorite sleep mask is made by Bucky. – I like to tell everyone about it, because it is molded from a neoprene-like fabric, and so when you pull it on, it doesn’t touch your eyelids! So you don’t have that feeling of pressure on your eyes. You can even open your eyes under the mask.

  19. Shirley says:

    Thanks Kris great timing since we are off to London and Italy in 16 days. I have never been on an airplane for so long. Love your tips.

  20. Rose says:

    Thanks Kris for such great information! I have a cereal that I make at home and it only requires hot water as well. The base is chia seeds, buckwheat, cacao powder, ground flaxseeds and then you can add any nuts or berries- I like walnuts and dried currants- and just add hot water! Let it sit for 10 minutes or so while the chia seeds swell and the berries reconstitute. It is very filling and a great breakfast or pick me up. Not to mention it helps to move everything along (yep, poop).

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