Kris Carr

Kris Carr

Blog Post

Simple Travel Tips for a Smoother Journey

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Hi Sweet Friends,

Over the years, I’ve developed a go-to travel routine that keeps me feeling vibrant and strong, even when I’m on the road (or in the air!) For me, the key to staying well while traveling is really quite simple—just a little forward thinking and some easy lightweight items that fit right in my bag. Jet-setting (or schlepping about) makes us more susceptible to stress, junk food, late nights and germs. So that’s why it’s super important to kick your self-care efforts up a notch and keep your immune system protected.

One of my biggest concerns while journeying about is inflammation. Traveling can make us more susceptible to its many triggers—but here’s the good news—it doesn’t always have to!

In this video, I share a few tips and products that help me (and hopefully you!) stay healthy on the road.


Here’s what you’ll learn

  • My nutrient-packed trail mix recipe, and why I chose these goodies: brazil nuts, walnuts, cashews, goji berries, mulberries and cacao nibs.
  • My quick and easy-to-make breakfast staple that helps me rise and shine through the whole day.
  • What I reach for when I can’t find fresh green juice.
  • How I stay on track with my supplements and the one I rely on to keep the trains (a.k.a. poop) moving!
  • Why these three essential oils help me with everything from boosting energy and focus before a speech to keeping me happy and relaxed while flying.
  • The travel-sized exercise tool I use to prevent body aches, reduce stress and center my mind —all in the comfort of my hotel room.
  • How I get a great night’s sleep in a hotel room.
  • The one item that isn’t really health-related, but sure does make me feel and look fabulous …

Here’s the list of brands I love:


  • Lightning Bug – Sleep Clock
  • Music Therapy for Sound Sleep
  • Chroma Doze
  • White Noise
  • Nature Sounds to Sleep


Bonus tip:

Air travel can sometimes create congestion. Consider bringing a travel-proof neti pot and a few scoops of neti salt (or sea salt). This handy tool will help clear you up in no time and may also prevent unwanted headaches or fatigue. Hotel remedies rock!

Your turn: How do you stay healthy and vibrant while traveling? Let me know in the comments below!

Peace & passports,

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  1. Jo says:

    cool! i’ve been wanting to try amazing grass but a bit pricey for me at the moment. i don’t know if it’s good or bad but i usually take a break from all the supplements (except occasional enzyme or probiotic) when i travel…kind of like a reset, so my body doesn’t get dependent on them.
    oh i want a time machine to go back to that 40s bus….

  2. Tasha Righetti says:

    Thanks Kirs for those great tips. For road trips, I pack a cooler with cut up fruit and veggies so they are ready to eat right away. I also pack my homemade granola bars. Thanks for the tips on the green powders. I always wonder what to have since we can’t have our juice.

  3. Keely Henry says:

    Fabulous! And just in time for our trip to NYC (my son’s first time and he is almost coming out of his skin with excitement!). Seems silly but I forget to pack things like essential oils on trips.

    The sex-toy in the ears had me rolling! Kris, your authenticity is so appreciated and inspiring! Power to you sister-friend!

  4. Cynthia says:

    Love the tips and love you!!! You are so funny!

  5. Melanie says:

    Love this! Traveling can really take a toll on the whole system.

    Can I make a request: would you talk about skin care, makeup and hair care one day? There is so much out there, and so hard to make informed choices!

    • Adreanna says:

      I would also love to hear about skin care and makeup made from organic products. I have been researching a bit, but it is difficult to find the right brands.

      I have found one skin care brand, Eminence, made in Hungary, and is organic and has great masks and moisturizers. But would love to hear other suggestions about makeup and hair care.


  6. Bronwyn says:

    Hi Kris – I really enjoyed this video and all of your tips, thank you! We are in the process of planning a trip to Italy this summer, and staying healthy is a big priority of mine. I was concerned about how I was going to travel with all of my supplements (we’re only bringing carry-on bags). I noticed that you separate your supplements into ‘portions’ for the day (amazing, btw), but do you bring product information with you in case you’re questioned at the airport? I usually travel with a big container of magnesium powder, but somehow transferring that to a smaller ziploc bag doesn’t seem airplane-kosher for obvious reasons…! Any suggestions?

    Also….thank you for the info re: green powder to replace green juice while on vacay. I was convinced that I would be a bag of mush for the two weeks without my regular action-packed morning smoothie!


    • marnie perri says:

      If you carry prescriptions then ask your pharmacist to print an extra label and put it on the zip baggie… Hope that helps. 🙂

      • Bronwyn says:

        Thank you Marnie – that’s great! I’m also going to look for travel packs of my regulars (I’m thinking single-serving packs of my magnesium powder, among others). Appreciate the tip, and safe travels to all 🙂

  7. Jill Benbow says:

    Wow I will never look at earplugs the same way ever ever again. Ever. Never ever. Great tips! I like to put a little lavender oil on my third eye area when I fly. It seems to help me not have a fear induced meltdown during take off. I’m a bad flyer 🙂

  8. Mary Roncarelli says:

    Just plain THANK YOU Kris. You are inspiring. xxoo

  9. Suzi says:

    I just wanted to let you know that you make me giggle
    I tend to be serious, so it was really awesome to see your silly spirited self!!! love it..

  10. Lisa Daniels says:

    Thanks Kris! These are all great recommendations. I travel a lot also and enjoy going to local farm markets or organic food stores wherever we are to stock up on fresh fruit for our hotel room. I have become a stickler for a dark room to get a good night’s sleep, so I bring masking tape to tape up all the little lights from the tv dot to the door peep-hole. (The bedside clock get unplugged) Sounds funny/obsessive, but it makes a huge difference. My other recommendation is to have a very light day the day you get home if possible, even if you feel fine. Just a little time to re-charge. Happy travels!

  11. Deana Ward says:

    Haha! Thanks so much Kris:) That was fun and I loved the advice. Something sort of funny for you…I have gotten into the habit of sleeping with earplugs every night because I love the quiet of my brain (didn’t think it ever got quiet, but apparently it does). Anyway, I had to laugh at your earplug / sex toy comment, because I joke around and say when I put my earplugs in each night, “oooh! just had an eargasm!”

  12. Ashley says:

    Wow! This was just the thing I was looking for. My boyfriend and I are heading out to Napa Valley two weeks from now, and even though the timeshare we’ll be staying in has a kitchenette, we’ll still need to buy food, and we want to make sure we stay healthy. These tips were great, especially the oatmeal, trail mix (I love making my own!) and the green powders:)

  13. Kacie says:

    Fan-freakin-tastic, as always 🙂

  14. HeatherLeigh says:

    what great simple and easy to do tips! thanks Kris!

  15. Christi says:

    Great tips Kris! And since I’m traveling for 2 weeks right now, I wish I’d seen it before I left :(…
    Also I found a recipe for homemade Thieves Oil on ehow…

    I also started carrying a bag that looks like a purse but has a little section where I can keep things cold. That’s helped me plan better for day trips or overnights.

    Thanks again.

    • Dianne McCown says:

      Hey Christi,
      Where did you get the cold bag that looks like a purse? Thanks for that tip, it will be perfect for me.
      Thanks Dianne

  16. Katia says:

    You’re GREAT! Thank you 🙂

  17. Jeralyn says:

    Thanks for the travel video post. I am the editorial director of a travel publication called Fathom and am wondering if you would be open to sharing a few more specific stay-healthy-while-traveling ideas with our readership. Please do take a look at the site and get in touch if your interest is piqued!

    Jeralyn Gerba

  18. MB says:

    Great tips. I love Young Living oils & bring along their travel diffuser with Purification scent. The hotel room smells better & the air is cleaner.

  19. Eileen speranza says:

    Great tips! Love your sense of humor!

  20. Melanie says:

    This was excellent, Kris! Thank you! I think I keep missing the Chat & Chew. I sure do miss the Vlogs! Watching you makes me feel happy! 🙂

    I have a REQUEST: would you consider doing one of these on makeup/skin & hair care? It is so confusing trying to find things that are good to use and not poisons. (I especially love how you do your makeup!) Pretty please?

    And that pink is beautiful on you!

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