Crazy Sexy Cancer Survivor

Crazy Sexy Cancer Survivor, an uplifting guidebook, begins with my own story—the discovery of inoperable Stage IV cancer in my liver and lungs. We then cover four main topics together: diagnosis, mind, body and spirit. You’ll also hear powerful and inspiring stories from my personal posse who are determined (just like me) to be empowered patients and not let cancer overtake our lives.

Included in this cancer survival guide are helpful sections on choosing the right doctor, learning to live in a self-nurturing manner and fighting cancer with your fork. Crazy Sexy Cancer Survivor will help you approach cancer and other health challenges with a fresh perspective, and it’ll fuel your healing journey with fire and rebellion.

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If you have the inspiration, desire and intention to be a survivor, the abundant information in this book will coach you in a way that will make you an empowered star performer and winner in the face of adversity.

- Bernie Siegel, M.D.

[G]ets to the heart of what every cancer patient wants: the chance to live life just like she always did, and maybe better.

- Sheryl Crow

Maybe she’s crazy, maybe she’s sexy, but Kris Carr is most certainly a survivor.

- VegNews Magazine